Witch containment diary

Chapter 116 Responding to Supervision and Inspection

"In every sense, the life here is very suitable for me, and it is also very suitable for Miss Anyuan Lianwu. Although it is isolated from the world, it is also peaceful and quiet." Zhang Su said.

He always suspected that Edith was planning to move him to New Tokyo, while Zhang Su just wanted to stay in An'an Hospital for the rest of his life.

There is a packed suitcase behind Edith. Where is she going? Zhang Su guessed. Go to Junbao to report on your work? Visiting China? Edith's power was like an ever-growing tentacle with no end in sight.

"I see, that makes me feel relieved. I originally thought that living in the countryside would have a lot of inconveniences for Miss Lianwu." Edith looked at Zhang Su dignifiedly, as if she wanted to kiss him through the screen.

Her eyes met Zhang Su's.

Edith is very beautiful and treats Zhang Su very well. She is probably the best one. She does her best to take care of Zhang Su and promote Zhang Su...

Zhang Su tried hard to get these thoughts out of his mind. That happened in the past life, and now he and Edith are still strangers.

"So when will the supervision team visit?" Zhang Su asked.

Edith took a deep look at Zhang Su.

"Three days later, that is, on July 1, senior supervisor Yihuai Kazama and the supervision team will be stationed in Anxinyuan to start a three-day supervision and guidance work." Edith said.

Zhang Su's heart skipped a beat.

Kazama Yihuai!

There are four senior supervisors under Edith, and Kazama Yoshihuai is one of them.

He represents Edith's will when working outside, and is a whole rank higher than Zhang Su in the Witch Countermeasure Bureau.

Zhang Su hated him so much and had a very bad relationship with him in his previous life.

It's not because he colluded with the devil, but because Kazama Yoshihuai is too "upright".

Zhang Su himself is a serious person, but Kazama Yihuai is even more serious than Zhang Su. He has no shortcomings except being short. He is in his prime and has amazing talents. After the Dongzhou Wall's deficit was exposed, Kazama Yihuai led a team to arrest more than 100 people and recovered more than 3 billion yen.

The people who came to the Witch Supervision Team in the previous life were just supervisors at the same level from other places. Zhang Su just treated him to dinner and gave him a pack of cigarettes.

Now that Kazama Yihuai is actually leading the team, it becomes much more troublesome.

"I really didn't expect that Anxinyuan would attract Fengjian's feelings." Zhang Su admitted.

"Are you scared? Did you do anything nasty in An Yin?" Edith asked with interest.

"...No." Zhang Su shook his head, "It's just strange, why send him here."

He felt that the peaceful time in An'an Hospital was going to be disturbed by Kazama Yihuai.

"Kazama is qualified and capable. This is an opportunity for you to show off to him and see how well you run Anxinyuan." Edith said.

"Yes." Zhang Su nodded.

"Please wait patiently for the supervision team on July 1st. Please be sure to tidy up the hospital, and please tidy yourself up and look your most handsome." Edith brushed her hair away, and then remained silent. Stare at Zhang Su quietly, waiting for him to cut off.

Zhang Su thinks that Edith is neither a human nor a witch. Is she a demon? He wasn't sure.

In any case, Edith's gaze made him feel even more stressed, so Zhang Su ended the video signal.

Kazama Yihuai came to Anxin Hospital to conduct supervision and review work...

If Kazama comes, he will definitely use very strict rules to require An Yuan, making the smallest things into a fuss.

Anshin Institute now has a well-functioning basic system, but people like Kazama are very annoying, especially like to find flaws in places where there are no flaws.

Zhang Su leaned back in his chair and it creaked.

What does Edith want to do? Zhang Su guessed in his heart. Is this some kind of entertainment? Is it an ordinary inspection, or is it intentional surveillance of An Yin? Is this a warning or a threat?

He shook his head, no matter what, he still remained unchanged in response to all changes.

After going downstairs, Zhang Su planned a general cleaning. Lian Wu was hanging around, as if waiting for him.

"~" Lianwu looked at Zhang Su, her eyes were gentle, soothing the anxiety in Zhang Su's heart.

"Miss Lianwu." Zhang Su nodded to her.

"Hello~" Lianwu ran over, took Zhang Su's hand, and walked to Yuehua Garden to resume work.

"I can speak now!" Zhang Su felt that Lianwu had improved by leaps and bounds, and he was becoming more generous.

"Yeah!" Lian Wu nodded.

The touch of her little hand made Zhang Su feel particularly calm, and the tension caused by Edith's video call disappeared.

Whatever Edith had planned, it didn't matter at this moment.

The next day.

Zhang Su prepares general cleaning for Anxin Hospital.

Prison buildings, cells, restaurants, kitchens, farms, playgrounds, entrances and exits...all must be cleaned.

The prisoners are easier to arrange, and the children have to work hard.

"On July 1st, the supervision team will be stationed in Anxinyuan for inspection." Zhang Su looked at everyone, "Our Anxinyuan is too big, so it needs to be cleaned."

Hearing this, Lian Yang immediately thought of those prosecutors in uniforms and couldn't help but frown, feeling bored. Two years ago, someone like this broke into her house, searched for evidence, and found the corpses collected by Lian Yang's mother.

"There is still such a thing!" Haohui shouted, and after a night he returned to his true nature, "Fight with the people in the supervision team!"

"Are they all from the city?" Xia Xi asked.

"Yes." Zhang Su nodded, "We can't let them look down on us."

They were already wearing maid uniforms, but now they were holding brooms, mops and rags, looking cute and attentive.

Mayumi rarely left the classroom and joined in the cleaning work. Because she was so absorbed in studying, she almost didn't notice the changes in Ansin Home.

Now that everyone sees so many new facilities in Anxin Hospital, everyone is a little confused.

"Lianyang, you will be responsible for leading everyone." Zhang Su appointed Lianyang.

Zhang Su decided that she was the oldest and most responsible of the girls, but the biggest problem was that she was deep-minded and would not reveal anything to anyone.

"I will let everyone work hard." Lian Yang calmed down and looked at Zhang Su with gentle eyes, which made Zhang Su feel strange.

"Light ball, shine bright~" Natsuki's attention was completely on the sunlight, playing with the small sunshine ball in her hand. Shihua came to help with a rag.

Yuan Zhi returned to her human form, she was eager to try, her white ears were trembling, and so was her tail.

And Saho... Saho was trying to use his shadow to lift a vase at the top of the stairs. Zhang Su quickly went to catch her.

"Haosui!" Zhang Su called her name.

"Yeah!" Saho was startled, and the vase fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

They all held their breath and were relieved to find that it had no intention of breaking. Hayao smiled proudly, as if he had no regrets.

"...Starting from sweeping the floor, Hayao accompanies Shihua to clean the windows. Just concentrate." Zhang Su said.

"No problem!" Zaohui saluted Zhang Su, and then led Shihua to clean the windows.

"Teacher, that, that!" Yuanzhi pointed to the spider web high in the stairwell.

"I'll do it!" Zhang Su used a long broom to poke them away so that Yuan Zhi could sweep them into the dustpan.

Because of taking medicine, Xiao Yuanzhi is getting stronger day by day, and she is also working hard to manage the changes in her cat form and human form.

Zhang Su felt incredible when he thought that Yuanzhi had inherited his mother's "evil beast" bloodline and would probably become a super-large cat demon dozens of meters long in the future.

"Sunlight flames!" Natsuki fired powerful sunlight towards the tables and chairs, and even the blind spots in the shadows were illuminated as bright as day.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak...!" The little bugs living in the dark area were driven out, and Reiyo crushed them with a smile.

"Drink!" Hayao used both arms to hold Shihua's waist and lift her up.

"Be gentle..." Shi Hua identified the windows by touch and wiped them clean.

"Ah sneeze -" Xiao Yuanzhi's senses were too sharp, and the dust from the cleaning rushed into her nose.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Su hugged her aside.

Yuan Zhi coughed violently several times.

Then spit out a hair ball!

Zhang Su was shocked when he saw Yuan Zhi vomiting little fur balls! Yuori immediately blushed shyly.

"T-Teacher! It's not like this - it's usually not like this!" Yuanzhi's face turned red and he waved his hands at high speed.

"Ah! I told you to stop licking yourself! You are indeed an idiot!" Saho hugged Muroka and gloated to Enori, adding insult to injury.

"It's okay, this is all normal." Zhang Su quickly comforted him.

"Is it normal?" Yuanzhi stuck out his little tongue, licked the back of his hand, and his tail twitched uneasily.

"Well... you just need to take a shower every day. You don't have to lick it with your tongue." Zhang Su was not sure. After all, Yuan Zhi died early in his previous life, and he didn't discover many details about Yuan Zhi.

"Huhu..." Yuanzhi took a deep breath to calm down his nervousness.

Two hours later, everyone had cleaned the prison building.

The walls gleamed, the stairs were washed, and some of the unused empty rooms were cleared.

"Well done." Zhang Su praised everyone for their hard work.

"Haha, it's all my credit." Saho was very satisfied.

"It's everyone's credit." Lian Yang reminded.

"Yes - it's everyone's credit." Saho was the only one who didn't dare to contradict her senior sister. She felt that Reiyo was the smartest and most outstanding person in the world.

They looked at each other with expressions that were a mixture of purity, pride, shyness, or joy.

In any case, the stairs that should be wiped have been wiped, and the tables and chairs that should be washed have been washed.

In other places, prisoners also cleaned the canteen, cells, and playground.

"Everyone has worked hard. Let's have a good rest." Zhang Su let them go back. There will be no class today.

"Hey, we can pass the inspection smoothly." Zaohui raised his head and looked at Zhang Su, "The people who come to inspect are all idiots and can't find faults."

"Of course, the district supervision team..." Zhang Su nodded.

"Yeah!" Saho seemed to be more serious. She nodded thoughtfully, "...let them see our beautiful Anxin Home. They will be surprised."

Zhang Su felt very fulfilled. Everyone at Anxin Hospital is so united, no matter what happens in the future, we will face it together.

July 1 at 10 a.m.

Kazama Yoshihuai led the Witch Countermeasures Bureau supervision team to inspect the condition of Anxin Hospital on time.

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