Witch containment diary

Chapter 12: Guard all enemies out

In the 1960s, the Fujikawa group set out from Tokyo and went straight to the Namba area of ​​Sakajo. After an hour of fierce fighting, they destroyed their old enemy the Mihashi Club, dragged out all the members and the president of the Mihashi Club, and executed them in public view. To show revenge, to gain a great reputation, to establish a foothold.

To this day, the Fujikawa Group is still the leading faction in Kanto. The current leader, Fujikawa Chiyo, stands in front of Zhang Su, separated by a wall.

Are you familiar with the name 'Kuroda Keiji'? Zhang Su pondered.

What did you eat today? Fujikawa Chiyo did not answer, but changed the subject.

White rice, soy sauce, pickled radish, venison, and kombu rice balls. Zhang Su said.

Since I was taken into custody, only the yellow-eyed jailer has brought me a bowl of corn every day at noon. Please consider basic 'morality' and improve my living conditions a little bit. Otherwise, I will be so hungry that I will be dizzy. Now. Chiyo Fujikawa stood up and asked for food in a serious manner.

Although she was weak from hunger, she still stood upright when she spoke, her thin muscles were tense, and her eyes were serious and serious.

What is particularly eye-catching are her feet, which stand on the ground, with delicate appearance and soft texture. Thanks to years of traditional training, he has both full strength and beautiful flexibility. There are no calluses or scars. It is obvious that as a team leader, you don't have to be in the field often. Unfortunately, the deep red nail polish has not been maintained for a month and has already worn out and faded.

I'll be back soon. Zhang Su went to the kitchen and returned after 5 minutes.

He stuffed a thin iron food box into the delivery box and stuffed it into the cell so that Fujikawa Chiyo could open it from the inside.

Fujikawa Chiyo looked carefully at the contents: a small bowl of warm white rice, possibly leftovers from the evening meal. She sniffed the watery miso soup. It tasted rather salty. It was made with red miso, and a small piece of tofu and two pieces of oyster mushrooms were soaked in it. It was served so quickly. It must have been cooked casually and the taste was not yet absorbed. There is also a cup of barley tea brewed with pre-mixed powder and a plate of dried fish.

If you can't turn on the big fire at night, please use it. Zhang Su said.

The cooking skills are limited and the food is rudimentary.

He thought Fujikawa Chiyo would be picky, but he didn't expect that she would put her hands together and bow to Zhang Su politely.

I'm starting. She picked up the chopsticks and savored the smell of the food carefully.

Even if it is a 5-minute quick dinner, Chiyo Fujikawa eats it very seriously.

Zhang Su was particularly impressed by Fujikawa Chiyo.

Not only because she provoked the Fujikawa group to come and attack her in the middle of the night, but also because she was about to die.

The threads of memory that spread over her body contained both bright red blood and a dark, destined death.

[Memory of Chiyo Fujikawa: A mature witch in the lightning path, who had just taken over the family, was immediately arrested and imprisoned by the Metropolitan Police Department, and transferred to Ansinin Witch Asylum to spend a month. He was assassinated shortly after his release and his body was found on the street in a tragic manner. The Fujikawa group was also stolen]

In his previous life, he had just sent Fujikawa Chiyo out of the asylum. Within two days, he saw the tragic scene of her assassination on TV, which left a deep impression on him about this witch.

Seeing Chiyo Fujikawa eating her dinner seriously, Zhang Su felt as if she was watching her eat her head off.

In An'an Hospital, she was safe, but once she left An'an Hospital, she would die.

Thank you for the hospitality, the food is very good. Fujikawa Chiyo swept away the food, licking the bowls and plates clean, and then put the food box back into the square so that Zhang Su could take it out.

You can talk now. Zhang Su said.

This Kuroda Keiji is a 'Wakachu'. Because he comes from Shimabara City in Nagasaki Prefecture, he is in charge of some Nagasaki affairs. He always regards himself as the head of Wakataka and considers himself the leader of the hall. He is quite proud. People. Fujikawa Chiyo explained.

Zhang Su thought that the driver's license he got from Kuroda Keiji's pocket indeed registered that he lived in Shimabara City.

Wakazaka originally referred to young people, but now refers to low-status minor characters in the Fujikawa group. Ruotou is the leader of Ruozhong, and is considered a cadre. If he is actually in charge of a party, he can also be called the leader of the hall.

He brought more than 100 people here. It can't be just one person. Zhang Su said.

Maybe he was promoted. He is still loyal to me. Does he want to storm Ansuan and rescue me? I don't think things are that simple. Fujikawa Chiyo thought.

I'm afraid he didn't come to save you, but to kill you. Someone promised too high a reward, so he took the risk. Zhang Su said slowly.

For a person like him, if anyone promises him a promotion, he will not hesitate to give up his loyalty. Fujikawa Chiyo pondered.

It's very strange that you would appear here. You have enough funds to bribe the authorities, and you are the leader of the Fujikawa group. It is useless to put you in jail rashly. I don't dare to execute you anyway. I will only imprison you for 2 months at most. Next You will be out in a month. Zhang Su looked at Chiyo Fujikawa.

It shows that the authorities are not behind this. Someone else wants me to leave the family temporarily and stay with you for two months. While I'm away, they bribe family members to compete with me. So that's how it is... Chiyo Fujikawa analyzed silently. .

She immediately thought of many dangerous people, the resistance she encountered when succeeding to the throne, the attitudes of other senior cadres in the Fujikawa group, and other powerful people inside and outside the group.

More than just 'fighting against each other', once you leave Anxinyuan, you will be killed immediately. Zhang Su shook his head and spoke seriously.

Once you leave Ansuan, you will be killed...!

And even here, it's dangerous. Kuroda was bribed to attack and kill her.

No wonder she was specially sent to an old and dilapidated place like Anxinyuan so that they could rob her and do whatever they wanted when they caught her.

Chiyo Fujikawa opened her eyes wide and her body trembled slightly.

After being reminded by Zhang Su about Black Field, she now realized how dangerous it was.

Not long after she took office, she was raided by the Metropolitan Police and imprisoned in Anxinyuan for two months. By the time they left the shelter, the team had already been turned upside down by villains. Who would take her as the team leader seriously?

No matter who is plotting against her, the energy behind it is much greater than Chiyo Fujikawa.

Although she didn't know where Zhang Su knew so much inside information, he came here specifically to point out the dangers and made her start to re-examine everything. At this moment, she looked at Zhang Su and became serious.

I hope he can help him survive and avoid being killed!

She took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Zhang Su.

I am not smart enough, so I was thrown into this place in a daze. You are the leader of the Fujikawa group, but I am unable to restrain your subordinates, which has caused a lot of disasters to your institute. But please give me some advice. If I survive this in the future, I will come to thank you, and I am willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses to repay the kindness. She said in a deep voice.

Arms. Zhang Su remained motionless. Kuroda brought countless munitions, all of which are military weapons. Now that global military weapons are under the control of the 'Human Defense Plan', I want to know who dares to take the risk for the Fujikawa Group Smuggling arms?”

Fujikawa Chiyo frowned, this matter was confidential, but he was at a critical juncture, how could he look forward and backward.

Z! Fujikawa Chiyo revealed the answer, His code name is 'Z', a smuggling arms dealer.

How could he alone trade so many guns and ammunition?

Providen Company. Fujikawa Chiyo revealed all the secrets he knew. He actually serves Providen Company. Only such large companies have channels to deliver goods to Dongming Country. Z's true identity He is a company dog ​​who took advantage of his position to smuggle arms and sell them to the Fujikawa group.

It turns out that Z is a member of the Providence Company, a part-time underground arms dealer, and illegally smuggling arms. No wonder the enemy's firepower was so fierce, including a plasma gun, and Katy was covered in wounds. Only then did Zhang Su feel that everything made sense.

I will handle it. Thank you for your information, and I hope you can turn disaster into good fortune. Zhang Su nodded.

I should thank you. I underestimated how cruel such a struggle would be. I thought that I could go back to take charge of the family after being released from prison... I was too naive. From now on, I will not allow myself to Fall into such a situation. Once I survive, I will also punish those who do not obey the rules and apologize to you. Fujikawa Chiyo bowed.

Zhang Su said goodbye to Fujikawa Chiyo and then left the cell.

He has pointed out the crisis Fujikawa Chiyo is currently in. As for whether she can avoid disaster, it still depends on her own ability.

Before going back to sleep, Zhang Su thought over and over about today's new information.

Without Z secretly selling weapons, how could the Fujikawa group dare to attack An-in like this?

Regarding Z, he had never found out before. Today, he finally had a chance to take revenge.

Not only must they defeat the Fujikawa group who come to provoke them, but they must also uncover the criminals who are transporting arms behind the scenes. Otherwise, if we let him transport arms one after another, we don’t know how many vicious incidents will be triggered and how many people will be driven to take risks.

Early morning.

The mayor of Gozenmachi, Kobayashi Kuchun, led several elderly security team members and two or three young helpers to the mountain.

As soon as gunshots rang out on the mountain last night, Kobayashi Muchun panicked and called the Public Security Bureau to investigate the situation, but there were only a few security personnel in Gozen Town.

After being worried all night, I finally found a few retired team members from neighboring villages, and then I reluctantly put together a team and went up the mountain to investigate the situation.

At this moment they were all miserable and looked sad.

It's terrible when you see Anxin Hospital. Don't panic. It's time to make phone calls and collect the bodies. Xiao Lin Muchun said to the villagers behind him. He was in his fifties and had a sad face.


The historic An'an Hospital is about to be destroyed...

Hey...! They choked.

Poor Anxinyuan, the successive directors did not like to stay here and always wanted to be transferred back to a prosperous place as soon as possible, so they were not interested in the management of Anxinyuan.

It's obviously a good place, but it has been deteriorating over the past few decades. Only the staff from the Witch Countermeasures Bureau regularly inspects it and can barely keep it running.

Until now, it is said that there is only one guard, a few children, and occasionally one or two witches. God knows how to provoke so many people from the Fujikawa group to seek revenge!

Yesterday they all saw many vehicles rushing through the streets, and then heard gunshots coming up the hill.

The battle ended quickly. Everyone in the shelter must have died, and it was too late to help.

When they think about living in such a violent and lawless place, the villagers and security team members also feel a sense of sadness and sadness.

It's so miserable...


Poor children, poor Anyuan!

The high officials in New Tokyo live a fairy life every day, but they are not willing to allocate any money to Anxinyuan. It's so miserable... They sighed and walked up the road, crying all the way.

...! Xiao Lin Muchun suddenly stopped, causing half a dozen villagers behind him to almost bump into his back.

He looked at the scene in front of him with horror.

The winding mountain road leading to the prison was littered with burned vehicle wreckage!

The flames have been extinguished, and the bullet casings are gleaming in the early morning sun. The corpses are scattered haphazardly, most of them broken, some relatively intact, and the Fujikawa group's dragon tattoo can be seen on their bodies.

what happened……


what? What!

How come the people of the Fujikawa group were wiped out?

All destroyed?!

They looked at each other in complete astonishment.

Xiao Lin Muchun was shocked.

As soon as he saw this terrible sight, he felt severely nauseated, and at the same time countless emotions surged inside him.

First of all, shock! He heard the intensive gunfire last night, but he didn't expect the scale of the battle to be so large! It's like being on the front line of a battlefield!

What followed was fear. The members of such a violent Fujikawa team were all wiped out. How powerful were the people who wiped them out?

But underneath it all, there is a deep sense of relief.

The town is safe.

Whatever happened, the crisis did not spread to their town. Fortunately, the Fujikawa group was defeated. If the Fujikawa group captured Ansin-in, they might have burned Gozenmachi along the way!

Immediately afterwards, the villagers became noisy again.

So what happened?

What should I do?

It seems that there is really an evil dragon on the mountain... They whispered to each other, feeling unbelievable about all this.

Finally, everyone turned their attention to the mayor, Xiaolin Muchun.

No matter who did it, this is too scary. Kobayashi Muharu waved his hands and decided to take everyone down the mountain, Isn't it the new director who came to Gozenmachi yesterday to buy supplies? Anxinyuan may still be short of things. Let's make backups. As a gift, go up the mountain and deliver it to him.

If you want to survive in such a dangerous place, you still have to make friends with capable people.

The next morning, Zhang Su woke up, feeling comfortable, and went downstairs to take a walk.

At this time, Lianwu was changing clothes indoors.

She elegantly put on the miko costume, liking the soft feel of this expensive silk fabric. The costume consisted of a pure white haori on the upper body and a bright red scarlet hakama, with glittering silver thread embroidered on the edge, which was said to have the power to ward off evil spirits.

Lianwu checked herself in the mirror and tied her belt tightly with a thin white hemp rope. If it suddenly slipped, it would be too embarrassing.

Then she carefully put on the spotless white footbags and stepped on the painted wooden clogs and went out.

Zhang Su heard footsteps and turned around to see Lianwu in a witch costume.

Miss Renwu wears long black princess-cut hair and has delicate facial features. The shimmer of light shines on her shoulders. With this refreshing miko costume, she is fresh, cute and flawless.

However, what impressed Zhang Su most was not only her appearance, but also her unique temperament. He could only see her in his field of vision, and the rest of the background was eclipsed.

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