Witch containment diary

Chapter 14 Building a small animal farm

Stop! Li Yixin ran on foot, trying to catch up with the truck.

On the low platform of the semi-trailer at the back lay the charred and damaged remains of two vehicles, like two pieces of over-charred ore, which were obviously clues to the battle of the Fujikawa Group.

Seeing that the truck had no intention of stopping, Li Yixin took a deep breath. His breath flowed through his muscles, stimulating the deepest energy in his cells. He felt the flowing breath flow through his muscles.

This breath surged through her body, and then burst out. She paused slightly to better store her energy, and then jumped forward with all her strength. In an instant, she soared eight or nine meters into the air and jumped to the top of the truck!

What! The truck driver was startled when he heard a muffled sound on the roof of the truck.

Li Yixin turned back in a hurry, ignoring the pain in her feet and knees, and then jumped onto the metal flat plate pulled by the truck to inspect the wreckage.

There were no signs of claw strikes or tail swipes, nor the typical ablation caused by dragon's breath.

Li Yixin's eyes quickly recognized the subtle injuries, and his mind wandered.

Strangely, they were damaged by bombs, guns, grenades or landmines. There were dense dents on the car body and they were penetrated by metal fragments.

Didn't Katie turn into a dragon? Just ambush them with mines?

Sorry for disturbing you! She turned around and quickly jumped out of the car, fell into the grass beside the road, rolled neatly, and then ran back to Gozen Town.

The breath in her body disappeared, and her body felt like it was on fire.

Humans do not have natural magic power, so if they want to obtain the same extraordinary characteristics, they must pay an extra price.

It would be great if they could get more qi supplies, Li Yixin couldn't help but secretly thought.

She looked up and saw the mayor, Xiaolin Muchun, running towards her.

Oh, why bother! Girl, don't you feel pain? Xiaolin Muchun shouted. He saw that the other party jumped directly onto the truck, and then jumped off the moving vehicle.

I can only sigh that there are such desperate people in this world!

I'm fine, I just want to test some ideas. Li Yixin actually felt a lot of pain, but she was past the age of crying.

The other party has destroyed the evidence, so can we only go to Anxin Hospital to investigate the clues?

Katie slept until noon.

Zhang Su drove her to the wild to wash her. Although there are bathing facilities in the shelter, witches of the beast path should best live in the countryside.

Katie was lying on the side door, staring at the scenery outside the window.

When she came to the stream, she was too lazy to move, so Zhang Su hugged Katie down hard.

The stream meanders and flows very fast, like a fluid mirror, with broken images of the sky and trees reflected in its rippling water patterns.

Katie was used to Zhang Su's presence and seemed particularly calm now. But it's still a bit fierce.

She walked slowly into the water. The stream flows through Katie's unhealed wounds, which are the most serious and profound.

Katie sat in the water and told Zhang Su about the ghost in her dream.

...I had just buried them. Before I went back to sleep, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, I saw their headless bodies lining up outside the door... Katie muttered in a daze.

Zhang Su listened silently, these are all true things.

The erosion on Katie's body has been eliminated, but unless her memory is completely erased, the afterimages of the war will still continue to echo in her mind.

She was dirty and had probably not been washed in months. The stream was flowing, washing away the dirt and smell.

Let me help you. Zhang Su scooped up the water with his hands.

She closed her eyes and let Zhang Su finish all the work.

After making sure that all the injuries were clean, Zhang Su took Katie back to the shore to change her dressing.

She walked slowly, as if her thoughts were distracted.

... Katie's back was turned to Zhang Su. There were a series of wounds on her head, chest, and neck. She squatted down, as if waiting for Zhang Su to take care of these wounds. She couldn't touch them herself.

Take your time... Zhang Su used disinfectant, bandages and medical dressings to bandage Katy's damaged wound. It should be able to completely heal and return to full strength within a few days to half a month.

She remained silent and her eyes were indifferent, as if she could block the pain.

After the scars and stains were cleaned, she crawled away and curled up by the waterside.

The stream was flowing quietly, and Katie's strange, pupilless eyes were half-closed. It was unclear whether it was because of pain or exhaustion.

I like it here... She seemed to realize now that she had been released into the wild.

Compared with the walls of Anxinyuan, she loves the wild atmosphere of nature more.

Your chains have been released, and now you should be able to feel the breath of the wild again. Zhang Su said.

Katie looked up at the boundless blue sky, then closed her eyes to experience the breath of the wilderness.

She is still a complete witch and will soon enter the broken position. Once the first break is completed, Katie's power will be greatly enhanced.

The broken witch of the beast path can be promoted to a behemoth. She can crush a chariot with a single blow and annihilate a city with a single rampage.

For Katie, it will transform into a real dragon, with wings that can cover the sky and the sun, and dragon fire that can destroy the world, which is far better than the current broken-winged dragon.

[Memory of the Beast Path breaking ceremony:

Secret Book - For beasts, there is no need to use any book, because beasts are never familiar with writing.

Environment - absolute wilderness, that is to say, there is no civilization within a radius of 50 kilometers.

Offerings - the spines of centuries-old beasts, native blood, and souls of huge prey

Ritual - Use thin white branches to light the backbone of the beast, so that the breath of the beast fills the surroundings; complete a hunt for a huge prey, and then drink the native blood]

Kati's position is relatively simple to break because there is no need to study the secret book and there is less intellectual challenge.

Zhang Su completed a throne-breaking ceremony for Kati in his previous life.

Thin white branches and the backbone of a century-old beast were obtained by working for Edith.

The original blood required for the material is the blood corresponding to the Kati beast form, that is, dragon blood.

At that time, Zhang Su took Katie to an island in the Arctic Circle for a ceremony. The target of the hunt was a young sea dragon. He braved the cold and fought for a day and night before finally winning. The sea dragon had the dragon blood that Katie needed, which was also suitable for hunting. The huge beast's request was successfully completed.

But that was the secret that Zhang Su had worked hard for 4 years to obtain, and it could not keep up with the speed of the collapse of the world.

Can we improve our strength as soon as possible to avoid the worst outcome?

Even if you can't defeat all the demons, you can at least save Anyuan.

Katie seemed more at ease after taking in the breath of the wilderness.

It seems that he has regained some of his power. Katie stretched out her arms, But she still needs to continue hunting to regain her full strength. She may even be looking for the secret of her broken position.

I know how to help you lose your position. Zhang Su lowered his voice.

Can you?... Katie hesitated at first, then relaxed after a moment, I also hope to break the position.

Considering the complexity and difficulty of the ritual, there are very few broken witches, but the rewards are huge. Only by completing the destruction of the throne can we have the foundation to settle down and live in this world.

I will find a way to prepare. Zhang Su said.

It's difficult to break the position. It doesn't matter if the materials are not ready. Katie leaned her head on Zhang Su's knee and rolled over on the ground casually, seeming to be enjoying the peaceful time.

The wilderness was quiet and no one bothered them. Only Zhang Su and Katie were by a stream.

He felt that this was the most peaceful time in the world, and it was something he cherished very much.


You have already retreated from the battlefield, so you don't have to fight anymore, but in the future there will be many annoying and troublesome enemies that force us to fight. Zhang Su shook his head, feeling helpless.

Katie looked at Zhang Su carefully. Although she couldn't detect any subtleties, she could feel that Zhang Su was a little sad.

Are you afraid that I will die? Katie asked, thinking that Zhang Su seemed to know the future direction of things, Or are you afraid that I will die in the future?

Zhang Su didn't want to recall Katie's death, the deaths of others, and the horrific scene of the fall of Anxin Hospital. The feeling of seeing everything shattered before my own eyes is so powerless.

...I will work hard to solve everything, so I will find a way, everything is for us to live well in this world. Zhang Su took out Katie's chain, By the way, if there are outsiders coming in the future, it is better to put the chain on Tie it up and leave it to you.”

Yeah. Katie put on the chain. She was the dragon guarding the door.

Let's go home. Zhang Su carried Katie back.

She closed her eyes and refused to open them for a long time. Hope is carried away like this, all the time, all the time...

After returning to Anxinyuan, Zhang Su returned to planning.

He wants to add a small animal farm.

Zhang Su went to take inventory and found that there were some building materials in the warehouse of Anxin Hospital. They were left behind by people from the Witch Countermeasures Bureau. There were a total of 24 pine boards, 10 steel pipes, 15 bags of cement and hundreds of red bricks left.

According to his plan, the open space on the west wall of the shelter needs to be opened, because it is close to the kitchen, and the animals can be killed directly in the kitchen after they are raised.

Zhang Su quickly made a list. He also needed to buy a 150-meter-long wire fence, three galvanized steel livestock water troughs, four 500-liter steel tanks to store different feeds, and basic carpentry skills. Utensils, farm tools, shovels, wheelbarrows, gloves, feed and spawning boxes, etc.

He called Mayor Xiaolin Muchun and chatted for a while in his office.

Xiao Lin Muchun talked about the benefits of raising animals, because the mayor has a large animal breeding farm, and now there are many surplus animals that can be sold to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su mainly wants to buy chickens. In his previous life, he mainly raised chickens and has a lot of experience. From now on, he will boil free-range eggs to supplement their nutrition every day, and sometimes he will stew chicken soup directly.

After the negotiation was completed, Zhang Su bought 30 chickens from Xiaolin Muchun. Including other miscellaneous expenses, the total cost of setting up the chicken farm was 25,000 yen.

According to Zhang Su's experience, money can solve most problems, and the collection fragments are mainly used to build special cells, which are used to imprison various witches. They have different strengths, and only by consuming containment fragments can they achieve better containment effects.

For the small animal farm, Zhang Su asked idle children to participate in labor practice.

When Xiao Lin Muchun arrived in the car with Li Yixin, what he saw was a scene of people getting ready for work.

We have to ensure that animals have a wide enough range of activities under the west wall. This open space is large and has enough vegetables and wild grasses. There are sheds, fences, animal pens and resting places designed to suit various animal sizes. , Make sure they are in their proper place. Zhang Su planned.

In addition to raising chickens, you can also raise one or two cows in the future to increase the supply of fresh milk.

What are you doing? Li Yixin stepped forward. This was the first time she saw Zhang Su.

Um? Why is this guy here? Zhang Su glanced at her.

[Memory of Li Yixin: A new investigator directly affiliated with the Witch Countermeasures Bureau. He is upright and upright, like an iron fist that defends the interests of mankind, and severely pursues any suspicious persons who betray the interests of mankind. Two years later, he served as a senior staff officer and took charge of one party]

Her promotion speed was very fast, which was what impressed Zhang Su most about her.

As you can see, I'm working. My name is Zhang Su. We can talk after we're done. Zhang Su said.

Mayor Xiaolin Muchun delivered the cart with the chicken cages and looked at the birds.

Hello, Mr. Quequeer? Yuanzhi stretched out his hand through the railing.

Chichi! they chirped, waiting to be let out for a walk. Some chickens pecked fruitlessly at the metal plates of the carts, like desperate miners.

Zhang Su greeted Xiao Lin Muchun, followed by Li Yixin.

Hello, Zhang Su, I am Li Yixin from the Witch Countermeasures Bureau. This is my ID. Li Yixin showed his ID and looked around, They are all just kids.

Zhang Su glanced at Li Yixin. She was slender, about 1.65 meters tall, with fair skin. She wore camouflage pants, a tactical jacket and a black vest that facilitated quick movement. Her voice was clear and direct, and she was resolute. She looked like she was doing this. Good stuff.

They are all good children and are here to help. Without further delay, I hope it can be done before sunset. Zhang Su went to the warehouse to move construction materials.

He seemed unconcerned about being investigated. Li Yixin pondered. Katie at the door was no different. She was chained, idle and sleepy. The advantage was that she was quite clean and not as slovenly as the usual beast witches.

She heard heavy footsteps and turned around to see Zhang Su walking out of the warehouse with a large pile of boards and construction parts on each shoulder.

Ugh...! Li Yixin was startled.

Zhang Su was tall, with strong muscles and a righteous expression. Her divine power also amazed her. There were so many materials weighing at least 300 kilograms, but it didn't look like it was strenuous to carry them.

On the way here, Li Yixin investigated carefully and did see some traces of damage that exceeded human power. He originally thought it was Kadi, but now it seems that maybe it was Zhang Su who punched it?

Seeing that he was diligent in rebuilding An'an Hospital, Li Yixin's suspicion of Zhang Su was not as strong as when he first arrived.

Are you here to help too? Zhang Su unloaded the construction materials from his shoulders.

I did it in my hometown when I was a kid. Li Yixin picked up a hammer and said, Let's do it together.

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