Witch containment diary

Chapter 17 A successful transaction

Let's go, huh, you guy, I don't know how many evil things you have done. We are working hard on the human defense plan in the front, and you are buying and selling in the back. Li Yixin continued to curse along the way.

Z's face was stiff and he said nothing. He only twitched occasionally, like a wounded animal. Katie followed behind, silently.

Back at the villa, Zhang Su had cleaned up the place, and the bodies of 10 Fujikawa team members were piled together, waiting for professionals to deal with the aftermath.

I caught Z! Li Yixin and Zhang Su claimed credit.

Zhang Su just saw Z for the first time now.

This man is young and handsome, and his clothes are all high-end custom-made and expensive brands. Unfortunately, his face is ashen now, and he looks more like he is preparing for a funeral.

This time it worked. Zhang Su was very satisfied. Successfully found the guy behind the scenes selling arms to the Fujikawa group.

Z did indeed do a good job. In his previous life, he walked away unscathed, took the dividends, and lived a free life with millions of dollars. Now he looked like he was waiting to die, his expression extremely ugly.

Good job, we can take a breather. Zhang Su sat on the sofa.

Only now did Li Yixin have the opportunity to look around.

Bloodstains aside, the villa is quite beautiful. Teak panels are used from floor to ceiling, the kotatsu in the living room has an ivory surface, and seasonal flower arrangements line the alcoves. The automated smart home system integrates lighting and temperature systems, making everything warm and bright.

There is a wide staircase with glass railings that leads to the upstairs seating area, which is probably even more luxurious. Z rented this safe house purely for enjoyment.

Li Yixin felt that it was quite luxurious.

She believes that all human beings should be like her, living in a single room of 10 square meters, as long as there is a bed to lie down on, wash in the public area, eat in the cafeteria and go directly to work to contribute their own value to the world.

What is that? Li Yixin saw a large suitcase in Zhang Su's hand. It was square and wrapped in a first layer of cowhide.

Z's face turned pale after seeing it.

I found it upstairs. Z smuggled arms and got a lot of ill-gotten gains. Zhang Su opened the suitcase. It was full of gold bars and cash, worth at least several hundred million yen. What is Miss Li going to do with it?

Li Yixin didn't even look at the money.

According to the rules, everything should be confiscated and handed over to the human defense plan, so that we can produce more and more advanced weapons to fight against demons. As long as humans and witches unite together, we can even conquer other worlds! Li Yixin said very enthusiastically explain.

After half a second, she suddenly thought of something.

Wait a minute - you don't want to keep it for yourself, she added.

I don't think so. I'll leave this to you. If you solve a major case, Director Edith will definitely reward you when you go back, and the people in the company will also thank you. I want to go back to the shelter. Zhang Su nodded. He has no interest in ill-gotten gains, the trouble outweighs the benefits, and he just wants to get out.

Why is this guy walking so fast? Li Yixin was confused.

Okay, you take care of your shelter. I'll be doing the investigation outside. Li Yixin nodded.

Good night. Zhang Su said goodbye, closed the suitcase, handed it to Li Yixin, turned around and left with Katie.

Good night, but keep the door open. I may stay at your place later. Li Yixin was very satisfied with Zhang Su's attitude of not taking any money.

After this pursuit and attack on the arms dealers, her impression of Zhang Su also improved.

After Zhang Su left, Z sat dejectedly on the sofa, waiting for the fate of destruction.

Seeing Z's appearance, Li Yixin felt proud again.

You live in such a nice place, do you think you're safe? But the Providence Company can still find you, she said.

They have my location history, they have my audio logs. You can open my tie and you can see the bug. There is no way for me to hide. I'm just an errand, at the mercy of others. Z bows his head.

You mean there is someone in the company doing bigger business? There are more evil people above you doing similar things... Li Yixin frowned.

Did you see the money in my suitcase? It's nothing compared to the real 'profit' of Providence Company. They are about the same as me. Z murmured.

This is big news! Li Yixin was surprised.

So please protect me and ensure that I have a chance to live and expose the secret to the public. Whether it is with the authoritative media or with those high-ranking figures. Z stiffened, Even now they are monitoring us. If you really want to use Destroy evil in the name of justice, I beg you to protect my life, otherwise the human defense plan will definitely...collapse in as short as three or four years or as long as five or six years.

Zhang Su returned to Anxinyuan and talked with Fujikawa Chiyo. She meditated in the cell.

We have killed 'Z'. Zhang Su said.

Kill him? Fujikawa Chiyo asked.

There is a way to survive. I guess this person is not that simple. He may know some inside information about Providence Company. Zhang Su speculated. Four years later, the demonic outbreak broke out. Humanity's defense plan collapsed like paper. It was unclear who could be trusted.

He appears to be the company's international trader, but he actually uses Providen Company's cargo ships to trade arms across the ocean. Every time our family trades with him, the goods are very exquisite and advanced. There must be the tacit approval of the upper class. Chiyo Fujikawa speculated.

If he is smart enough, he should be able to remain useful. This matter involves too much, so let's not mention it for now. I want to tell you about the clues. I asked the survivors of the battle that day, and they mentioned the person 'Fujikawa Saburo'. It seems that I am also related to you. Zhang Su said.

That's my uncle. After my father died, he was also a competitor when the family succeeded. In order to avoid civil war, the 13 hall leaders voted to choose the next generation leader. The result was obvious. I got 11 votes. He got 2 votes. There was no need to vote at all, Chiyo Fujikawa mused.

From your tone, it seems like you don't take Sanlang seriously. Zhang Su frowned.

Because he is disabled, during the Battle of Dongming, because the human defense plan was advancing very quickly, and the Kanto region was about to be liberated, gangs from various places also assisted the regular army to fight against the demons. As a result, Saburo's troops encountered a large number of demons, and his legs were A sharp-edged demon was chopped off. After that, Saburo retreated behind the scenes and was responsible for the family's finances, logistics, clerical and other work. I'm so ashamed, I didn't know he was so thirsty for power. Fujikawa Chiyo shook his head.

Did he not get a majority of votes because of his disability? Zhang Su analyzed silently.

Who dares to pin the fate of the Fujikawa group on a person without legs? They must choose me to be the speaker. Fujikawa Chiyo said this, feeling a little proud, and took two steps in the cell as if to show off. , reminds Zhang Su of a leopard in a cage.

You didn't walk around in front of Sanlang like this before, did you? Uncle, he will definitely be angry. Zhang Su shook his head.

It's just occasionally. Fujikawa Chiyo didn't pay attention to the details, Do you want me to kneel over to see him?

I'm afraid he is very jealous of you. Although he has little strength, he is much richer and has richer social connections than you. And in this era, they are much more useful. Zhang Su said.

Having said that, Zhang Su had an inference in his mind.

Saburo may have first taken advantage of the connections in various provinces and departments of Dongming Kingdom to arrest Chiyo Fujikawa on the charge of fabrication. Even if it only took 2 months, it would be enough for him to open up connections.

He then purchased arms, bribed the greedy Kuroda, broke through Ansin in one fell swoop, and killed Chiyo Fujikawa. Then he would be able to take the coveted position of team leader.

Any advice? Fujikawa Chiyo asked.

I'll think of a way. Don't be idle and help out at the shelter. I'll leave the chicken feeding to you this month. Zhang Su arranged for her.

Barely... Chiyo Fujikawa wanted to eat chicken more than feed the chicken.

By the way, if you were asked to teach children, what do you think you could teach? Zhang Su asked.

Fujikawa Chiyo thought for a while.

Sports? she asked, how many people?

Mayumi is taking college entrance exams, Muroka is blind, and Yuori has poor health. Zhang Su can only count the remaining three, and Saho, Natsuki and Reio are all okay.

Three. He gestured.

Let's install a basketball hoop. Chiyo Fujikawa said, It's more than enough for me to beat three children.

Thank you. Zhang Su nodded and left the cell.

Zhang Su had a rough plan in mind and started renovating basic facilities such as classrooms, libraries, and dormitories. After the high-risk witch arrives, use the fragments to build a unique cell for targeted detention.

Today's regular cells, such as those occupied by Fujikawa Chiyo or Ruizi, are ordinary rooms. It's okay to control them because they don't cause trouble.

However, some witches need to be contained, and the equipment will need to be refined at that time, such as regular filling of anesthetic gas, special crash pads, and high-precision life monitoring systems. The advantage of the fragment is that it allows Zhang Su to use the most suitable method to contain the witch.

Outside, he noticed a car coming to Anxinyuan. It was Li Yixin who was back.

Zhang Su was waiting at the door. Watching the red car turn the corner and come up at a constant speed, he waved his hand and signaled to stop at the door.

Li Yixin was driving Z's car, and Z was handcuffed and thrown into the back seat.

While driving, she communicated with Director Edith.

Director! I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I successfully completed the task. I caught a Providence Company trader, whose real name is Wesley Hayes, codenamed 'Z', who was secretly selling arms and stealing stolen goods. Everyone wins! Li Yixin said happily.

That's really gratifying.

It seems that he has some important secrets, which may be related to the crime of Providence Company. I plan to temporarily keep him as a tainted witness, and then send him back to New Tokyo for you to deal with.

Providen Company is not easy to deal with. I think it would be better for you to hand Z back to the company. Edith's voice was soft and sweet.

Z struggled wildly in the back seat.

Then we can't live up to Z's heart of redemption. I have to follow the clues and investigate. Isn't Providen Company the designated supplier of the human defense plan? If the company is broken, wouldn't it mean that our defense line is riddled with holes? Are they all products of questionable quality? If the devil invades in a big way, it will collapse thousands of miles away! Li Yixin said.

Some evil is necessary, otherwise the world would be in chaos, Edith said.

I don't understand. I still have to check Providen Company. Z is in my hands now...

Have you noticed that your original intention was to investigate Zhang Su?

It's true. Li Yixin came back to his senses.

And I remember the intelligence. Z was staying with a group of survivors from the Fujikawa Group. Didn't you hear something from those survivors? Edith said softly.

Li Yixin stopped the car at the entrance of Anxinyuan.

She turned on the high beam and stared blankly at Zhang Su walking at the door.

Hey, I... I remember that there were two members of the Fujikawa group alive, but when we went back, they were no longer there. Zhang Su was responsible for watching them. I, why didn't I pay attention?

Because Zhang Su threw 'Z' to you, you were completely focused on Z.

No wonder he walked so fast. Li Yixin's heart was pounding, I was afraid that I would question those two survivors! But I was so stupid that I didn't pay attention at all!

She was extremely upset.

Now, the last person who knew whether Katie broke free from the chains has also disappeared. Except Zhang Su and Katie, no one knows the truth of that night. Probably only 'landmines' were used. Everything is irrelevant. This matter You became a Rashomon. This person is quite smart and made full use of your innocence. Edith's voice came from the communicator.

No wonder he invited himself to participate in the case of chasing Z! Li Yixin thought to himself. She found that she was a single-threaded person, and she didn't bother to check Zhang Su when she was trying to catch Z.

Wait! Then I can bring him down too. I have evidence. Those two Fujikawa team members were fine when I left... Li Yixin gritted his teeth.

It doesn't matter, I have other arrangements. Edith said leisurely, Why don't you come to the Countermeasures Bureau to make a name for yourself, and stay in Anxinyuan as a small director? Transfer Zhang Su to the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo. I'll do it. Date him.

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