Witch containment diary

Chapter 19 How to make money

Zhang Su sent Li Yixin back to New Tokyo.

Are you sure you don't want to go to New Tokyo? We need people like you. Li Yixin asked.

You are enough.

I sent Z to New Tokyo and may come back soon. Li Yixin said.

Because of the Gate of Hell in Kagura Mountain, it is currently one of the major scourges in Dongming. Zhang Su said.

You have to beware of demons. I hope the 'Eastern Wall' will work. Li Yixin opened the car door and found Z looking like he was about to die in the back seat. He quickly opened the handcuffs for him. Zhang Su couldn't imagine how he survived last night. past.

Bon voyage. Zhang Su waved his hand. Although Li Yixin was a little stupid, his intentions were good.

By the way, according to the provisions of the Human Defense Plan, you also have merit, and I can apply for a subsidy for you. Li Yixin turned around. Z whispered for food, but she didn't seem to hear him.

Is there any choice? Zhang Su asked.

Your record is spotless. I can convince the logistics director to approve reasonable requests. For example...combat robots, powered armor, or other advanced gadgets? You can keep the plasma gun and use it to fight demons in the future. Li Yi thought to himself.

Zhang Su thought carefully.

The shelter needs someone to share Katie's stress.

Combat robots, the best ones, the ones with actual combat experience. Zhang Su nodded.

I heard that a batch of robots have retired from the frontline hunting competition and can be transferred to you. Li Yixin sat down in the car and waved to Zhang Su, I promise to send the robots to Anxin Hospital. Let's go first!

Goodbye. Zhang Su said goodbye to Li Yixin. She turned Z's car around, turned on high power, and roared away from Anxinyuan.

In this way, the affairs of the Fujikawa group, the arms dealers, and even Edith came to an end. Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is Saturday, let the children roam around in the courtyard.

Zhang Su continues to plan the construction of Anxin Hospital.

Anxinyuan Center is a particularly large open space. He plans to purchase a standard plastic track with a total length of 400 meters, consisting of two parallel straights and two curves with equal radii.

Then build a stadium, the scale is more than enough. The floor is made of leveled concrete, with a rubber cast liner layered over it to prevent slipping and falling. Then buy a heavy-duty steel basketball stand with a backboard from the sports facilities wholesale market in Echigo City, and choose a fixed-rod basketball stand with a stable structure.

According to the specifications, draw the sidelines, midfield circle, restricted area, etc. on the ground, and you're done.

There are also costumes. Zhang Su thought of special student gymnastics uniforms, which are popular in middle and high schools.

A pure white T-shirt with blue cuffs and collar, blue boxer briefs, white long cotton socks and sneakers...

The best choice is just right for them.

There are also manufacturers in the city that specialize in supplying primary and secondary schools, and Zhang Su also started ordering.

Now they have nothing to do in their free time, so they basically just walk around in Anxin courtyard. It's very boring to wander around abandoned gardens and farmlands, picking up rubbish.

When the TV set that Miss Lianwu bought earlier arrived and the books that Zhang Su bought arrived, their entertainment methods became more diverse.

Zhang Su did the math and found merchants he was familiar with and reliable in his previous life. He spent a total of 300,000 yen, which left 12.5 million yen.

With the remaining money, he plans to remodel the kitchen.

Renovate all the old and worn-out stoves and warehouses, replace them with stainless steel worktops, install new sinks, walk-in cold storage, and kitchen utensils... to ensure that they can eat with confidence.

In the future, as more and more witches are taken in, the quality of the kitchen must be raised to the highest level so that it can serve a large number of meals at a time.

This part of the plan takes up as much as 4 million yen in the budget, especially the cold storage, which needs to be built separately to facilitate long-term food storage.

If An'an Hospital is besieged in the future, Zhang Su will have to guarantee his needs for two or three years.

A reasonable approach would be to hire someone to repair the frames of these new facilities first, and then use the containment fragments to upgrade the interiors, which would greatly increase efficiency. After all, shards can't upgrade something that didn't originally exist.

As for the income from fragments, there are currently 2 points for teaching and production every day. As of now, it has accumulated to 62 points, and there is still room to spare.

The reason for limiting the income is that there are too few witches. When the number of witches in the asylum increases, the income will double.

At this time, Lianwu was sitting in the reception area on the other side of the office, sitting on the old sofa, looking down at her phone.

What are you looking at? Zhang Su asked.

Lianwu showed Zhang Su the page on her phone, as if she was also settling accounts.

Do you have 78 million yen in pocket money? Zhang Su saw Lian Wu's money, After I spent all the money here, I have 8.5 million yen left.

Lianwu nodded.

I'm afraid my family won't give Miss Lianwu any more support. In this case, we have to find a way to make money. Zhang Su said.

Lian Wu nodded vigorously.

Let's look for ways to make money, so that if Miss Lianwu's family asks, it can be said that she is making money. Zhang Su suggested.

! Lianwu pointed to the broom in the corner of the office so she could sweep the floor.

In that case, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to save money. By the way, I remember there was a game at the city stadium a few days ago. New Tokyo Football Team played against Echigo Swans Club. Who won? Zhang Su thought about the world line. change.

According to the memory of the previous life, it was the New Tokyo team that won, and it was 6:0, which made the people in the Echigo area very upset.

Lian Wu found out the relevant information and showed it to Zhang Su.

He took a closer look, New Tokyo Football Team 3:0 Echigo Swans Club.

Although they won, the score was different, Zhang Su said secretly.

It seems that after rebirth, the random numbers in the entire world have been reset, and they are not deduced exactly the same.

Football, horse racing... a slight difference can cause drastic changes, and the results may be very different, which is quite risky.

There was also a lottery ticket. Zhang Su had never bothered to memorize the numbers and it didn't work.

Only the stock market is relatively controllable.

The general trend of the world may not change so early, and the overall trend of the stock market will be relatively similar. At least until the end of the year, the direction of the stock market will be similar to Zhang Su's impression.

Can Miss Lianwu trust me? Zhang Su asked.

Yeah~ she said softly.

Thank you. According to my experience, in the past six months, due to the activities of a group of assassins called the Concerning Society, many important officials were murdered, so it was quite turbulent and the economic index also fell to the bottom. However, in the future, there will be several consecutive The three-month bull market is a good time for us to enter the market, Zhang Su explained.

Lianwu searched for the entry of Youguoshe.

They are a group of assassins who started their activities two years ago. They aim to clean up the scum in Dongming Kingdom and have great influence.

However, in the past two months, the activities of the Worrying Society have disappeared without a trace.

She pointed to the blank part and looked at Zhang Su.

Because the leader of the Worrying Society was arrested, she is a witch, and she may be transported to our shelter in the future. Zhang Su said, In short, the economy has recovered from the bottom in the past six months, and the trend is excellent, which can double our money.

Lianwu opened her stock account and quickly found the company in which she held shares.

Dongzhou Industrial Group!

~!~! Lian Wu was happy and prepared to buy the entire warehouse of Dongzhou Industrial.

This is the company she is most familiar with. Her family members collectively hold more than 40% of the shares and have distributed huge profits over the years.

You can buy it, but buy less. Isn't Dongzhou Industry responsible for the 'Douzhou Wall' that is the gate of hell in Mount Kaguraku near us? It has cracks at present, and sporadic demons will appear around it in the future. It means that the project cannot It is safe, and once Hell Gate breaks out, the reputation of Dongzhou Industry will fall to the bottom. Zhang Su said.

If what he expected is true, in October of this year, the Eastern Continent Wall of Mount Kaguraku will collapse, and the demons will come out. The human defense plan will pay a heavy price to expel the demons.

Dongzhou Industrial has been in decline ever since. And this is just a small-scale preview of the real disaster four years later.

Hearing Zhang Su's words, Lian Wu tilted his head slightly.

Doesn't this mean that her family is also at risk?

However, she didn't know about the family affairs, and she didn't want to know.

Because Lianwu didn't want to talk, her family always scolded her and asked her to speak. That was her most fearful memory.

She is now living in Anxinyuan and feels very good.

Since Zhang Su said there was a problem with Dongzhou Industry, he ignored it.

After being prompted by Zhang Su, Lian Wu's fingers moved quickly on the screen and quickly selected a series of stocks, so fast that Zhang Su couldn't even see it.

She is very smart and buys from Mitsubishi, Toyota and Mitsui.

These well-known stocks of Dongming Kingdom are at a historical low due to the sluggish economy. They have encountered the darkest moment and have continued to decline for two or three years. Most people have no hope in the stock market.

Even though it has started to rise in the past two days, people are still waiting and watching.

Dongming's stock market has a T+0 system, which means transactions are completed on the same day.

After making large purchases, Zhang Su and Lian Wu carefully watched the stock trend on their mobile phones to see if it maintained the rising trend of the previous few days.

He was serious, Lian Wu was just curious.

The point of view is focused on one point.

Unknowingly, they were getting closer and closer, and the stock trend was changing every minute.

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