Witch containment diary

Chapter 200 Factory chants in unison

The next day, everyone was busy making preparations, planning to light the furnace of creation.

After spending so much manpower and transportation, the furnace of creation was finally transported here. Soon it will burst into flames and burst out with endless great heat.

Zhang Su looked up at such industrial wonders and couldn't help but feel a little respect.

Modern industry creates countless products every minute and every second, and the creation furnace combined with the magic of casting can elevate the "manufacturing" industry to a new level.

Now, obsidian weapons can only be crafted by the forging witch's hands, or transported long distances to New Tokyo. Zhang Su thought. Through the creation furnace in front of us, tens of thousands of kilograms of obsidian fragments transported from the front line can be recast into demon-repelling alloy.

Just relying on this kind of military orders, Anshin Industries can feed the war with war, create tens of billions of yen in output value for Niigata City, completely become the industrial overlord of Echigo, and ruthlessly retain a large amount of profits. !

Thinking of this, Zhang Su felt that his future was bright.

However, the only problem is that the creation furnace was disassembled and transported from New Tokyo. It is completely cold and needs to be re-injected with casting magic to ignite it.

Priscilla had already penetrated into the furnace of creation, inspecting the magic melt from the cold inside.

"...Dongmei, I really hope you can come down and take a look. There are countless symbols engraved inside this place, which are all mottos in the Rotating Chant." Priscilla sighed.

"I can't memorize it. Even if I look at it, I wouldn't recognize it." Dongmei smiled bitterly.

"The Forger's Rotary" is the secret code of the forging witches. Zhang Su heard their conversation and understood in his heart. It is written by a group of forging witches in the spiritual world. Singing specific poems can meet the needs of the equipment, activate the soul of the material, and expand the machine's production capacity.

Priscilla couldn't help but recite emotionally in the furnace:

"...Casting! Casting!

No doubt the flames of the furnace will rise soon,

Undoubtedly, the great power cast is about to bloom.

‘Casting’! The cry has not yet been uttered,

Dazzlingly, doubts and hatred towards myself appeared:

"How can the humble soul of a witch imagine the weapons of the gods!"

Rarely had she looked so passionate. Zhang Su secretly said. Obviously, with a great sacred weapon like the Great Furnace of Creation right in front of you, any casting witch will feel excited.

He saw Dongmei glance at him, with a hint of timidity in her eyes.

Zhang Su also looked back at Dongmei. Although Zhang Su was thinking about kind things, he looked very scary. Dongmei didn't dare to make eye contact with him, so she turned around and continued to work honestly.

"I feel like my magic power is not enough..." Dongmei gathered her casting magic power, and their external form looked like fire.

"Don't worry, the internal structure of the Creation Furnace is intact and the magic path is clear. We can make it." Priscilla's voice moved up from the furnace little by little. She climbed up and climbed out from the top material opening of the Creation Furnace, " Huh... this is the first time in my life to get in and take a look. The furnaces of creation I have seen before are all burning, but I dare not jump into the furnace to feed the treasure with my body."

"Feeding treasure with one's body", Zhang Su thought of this concept. Sometimes the Forging Witch who is particularly excited and desperate will take the initiative or be forced to jump into the furnace of creation to create a real magical weapon.

A cry of "Wow" came from the door, and the children from Anxin Hospital were also invited to the industrial area to watch the opening ceremony.

"Hoho, is this the place where weapons are made for me?" Hayho was satisfied.

"Don't move things around. The adults have worked very hard to clean them up." Zhang Su reminded.

"I won't touch dirty places..." Reiyo didn't like this kind of factory area.

She treasured her new dress, and not even the magnificent furnace of creation could arouse her favor.

"Big steel watermelon?" Xia Xi scratched his head at the creation furnace.

Priscilla asked Dongmei to give it a try. Dongmei took a deep breath and tried to release the casting magic power towards the furnace core.

There was a buzzing sound from inside the huge furnace. Priscilla pressed one hand on the edge of the furnace, closed her eyes, and tried to check the energy flowing in the furnace.

"...It's a pity that I'm not a broken witch yet, and there is only one broken caster in the entire Dongming Kingdom, and he's also employed by the Shengyang Group." Priscilla retracted her hand, "With my current strength, I can't feel the Honglu Awakening."

Dongmei gritted her teeth as she continued to release her casting magic, and the air seemed to be filled with invisible power.

The furnace itself was like an awakening giant, its brass base began to tremble and its core began to heat up.

"Woo..." Natsuki and Yuanzhi hugged each other tightly, scared and fascinated.

Gradually, the stove returned to calm.

"I...I don't dare to try it to the end. It seems that there is a special power that is expanding." Dongmei said frustratedly.

"Because I haven't started chanting the holy scriptures yet, it doesn't matter." Priscilla comforted.

Dongmei is in the mature stage, Priscilla is in the complete body, obviously has stronger magic power, and should be responsible for lighting the furnace core. Zhang Su thought silently.

But only Priscilla could recite the sacred scripture completely without making any mistakes from beginning to end. So Priscilla could only focus on singing, while Dongmei was responsible for consuming magic power to light the fire.

"It's good enough. Let's try again in a few hours and officially start the furnace tomorrow." Zhang Su walked towards Dongmei with a comforting tone.

"Yes." Dongmei hesitated. She turned around and avoided Zhang Su's eyes.

"Don't feel any psychological pressure." Zhang Su said.

"It doesn't matter, I can do it, I definitely can." Dongmei said to herself.

She was half nervous and half blaming herself. Zhang Su thought.

"~" Lianwu watched these preparations. She exchanged glances with Zhang Su and had already begun to plan to contact other casting witches.

"I'm afraid Shengyang Group won't let him go," Zhang Su said.

The Foundry Witches all work in the company's factories and are affiliated with the Shengyang family.

As for people like Dongmei who were caught committing crimes, or military witches like Priscilla, they were rare.

Lianwu nodded. If the furnace cannot be opened, we can only postpone the opening of Anxin Industrial. After all, the creation furnace involves too many things.

Zhang Su received a call from Mayor Gao Ze.

"Mr. Zhang? Excuse me. This time I want to convey to you that Councilman Sanqiao would like to visit the opening ceremony of Anxin Industry." Gao Ze said.

"Yes, Senator Mihashi will be surprised tomorrow." Zhang Su responded.

Mihashi Yu is probably here to win over Anxin Industrial. He quickly thought of the key.

Then, Anxin Industrial Company must also show its corresponding strength, or at least ignite the furnace of creation.

The shadow of the sun had set, and after the last ray of light faded, Hayao jumped up and turned on the light.

She took the children to a place with a nice view at the railing on the second floor to watch.

"Hush, sir, something big is about to happen." Hayho squatted down and put his face through the gap between the railings.

"Is it possible?" Xia Xi waited and said, "It would be great if I were more powerful. I feel like I can light up the stove!"

"Put you in and shine." Saho threatened her.

"That's fine, I like to light up others!" Natsuki didn't care.

"It feels so serious..." Yuanzhi observed silently.

They were silent and concentrated, watching their good friends Dongmei and Priscilla trying to ignite the furnace of creation.

Priscilla walked back and forth on the metal scaffolding surrounding the Forge of Creation, checking the condition of the Forge one last time.

"Ready and ready to ignite at any time." Priscilla said loudly.

Dongmei took a deep breath and aimed one hand at the furnace core on the brass base.

Zhang Su felt that the flow of time seemed to have slowed down, and everyone was watching intently.

Immediately afterwards, Priscilla began to sing "The Forger's Rotary."

"...Look up and witness: the sledgehammer is about to fall...!" Priscilla's voice was high.

When she actually used her casting magic to sing, the sound penetrated the entire industrial area!

All the decaying machines began to hum, the working efficiency of each motor was increasing abnormally, the hammers and wrenches in the tool cabinets were restless, and the coal and metal in the warehouse were moving spontaneously.

Even the lights in the workshop became brighter, and the entire industrial area began to sing in unison.

"Burn it!

Burn it!

Burn it!

I beg you, burn us to death! "Priscilla intoned, and the gold and iron machine echoed.




So loud! But there was no way to trace the source of the sound, and I was extremely excited. That sound... Zhang Su couldn't help but envision a distant spectacle: In the endless brass workshop, tens of thousands of arms lifted up the hammers in unison and struck! tap!

Hearing Priscilla's sonorous singing, Dongmei gritted her teeth and began to release her magic power.

The magic power of the golden orange radiates towards the core of the furnace, causing it to begin to heat up.

Soon Dongmei was trembling all over, her brows were furrowed, and she was sweating profusely, but the furnace of creation itself remained silent and cold.

"It's so hot..." Dongmei struggled to stand.

No one dared to look at her hand at this time. The hand was already dry and burnt, but now the surface skin had begun to peel off.

Priscilla sang even louder.

Zhang Su shielded the children and leaned back. They all felt an abnormal heat surrounding the furnace, making their mouths dry, their eyes dizzy, and even the air itself began to shake.

Priscilla sang passionately, and the Forge Witch's resounding chant continued, her hands held high.

Dongmei's eyes widened, and she saw a dazzling flash of light coming from the furnace core, and then——

The magic is gone.

Dongmei trembled all over, took several steps back, and let out a choked cry.

Sensing something strange about Dong Mei, Priscilla quickly ended her singing, and Zhang Su rushed down the stairs.

"Dongmei! Are you okay?" He helped Dongmei up.

At this time, the restlessness of the entire industrial area gradually returned to calm.

The air changed from overwhelmingly hot to cold again, just like people's emotions.

"My magic power... is not enough. If it were Master Priscilla..." Dongmei murmured.

"It's okay, it's okay, Dongmei." Zhang Su took her to the lounge.

"...I'm afraid I can't do it either." Priscilla judged. "It can be seen from the situation just now that igniting the furnace of creation requires nearly broken magic power. I only recited one-tenth of the poem and ended it."

"It's lit." Zhang Su looked at Dongmei's devastated look, "The stove is burning now, you did it, Dongmei!"

"Really? In that case, that's fine..." Dongmei sighed.

She knew that she had just seen a flash of light, and she was afraid that the furnace was burning silently now, but it was only a small residual flame. When it was really working, it would be filled with hot flames, enough to melt all creation in the world.

She and Priscilla returned to the nearby preparation dormitory to take a break.

The children felt sorry for her and prepared some snacks and drinks for Dongmei.

Colorful potato chips and Sprite were placed on the table, which was a great treat for children, so Saho and the others were very happy, thinking that Tomi would be happy about it.

However, Dongmei frowned. She couldn't be happy anyway, let alone take a rest. The sweat gradually dried on her clothes.

"I will continue to find ways to activate the furnace of creation. Don't be nervous and don't be too harsh on yourself." Priscilla comforted.

"I'm sorry for everyone. It would be nice if I could make up for it." Dongmei mumbled.

Priscilla felt a hint of admiration. Dongmei still possessed some simple will rarely seen in this era. She just wanted to do the things at hand well, that's all.

Although they are both casting witches, Priscilla can clearly feel the difference between herself and Dongmei.

Priscilla can arm herself with knowledge and formulas, and observe the results of experiments in the laboratory from a long distance. But Dongmei dared to stand closest to the flames without fear.

"I'll check the information again, and there will always be a way." Priscilla said.

"I heard..." Dongmei swallowed, "If we cast the witch herself and jump in to use it as firewood, maybe the furnace will light up. Our magic power is as hot as the core of the planet."

"You are not allowed to do this." Priscilla stood up and frowned.

"But it works, doesn't it? I've heard a lot of Forge Witches have jumped into the furnace over the years just to create something greater, couldn't I be a part of something greater... I want that too Such an honor!" Dongmei said stubbornly.

"It's unreasonable!" Priscilla said angrily. She couldn't stand Dongmei's temperament. She spent a lot of time teaching Dongmei, but Dongmei still longed to join the fire. "If the casting witch must jump into the fire to achieve greatness, So who is qualified to use our remains?"

"I want to accomplish something..." Dongmei pressed her face with both hands and lowered her head deeply.

"Our mission in casting witches is to create, not destroy, let alone self-destruct." Priscilla turned and left quickly.

She was afraid. Dongmei thought.

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