Witch containment diary

Chapter 21 Three-person basketball training

In books, both Shihua and Lianwu can get spiritual healing.

With Miss Lianwu accompanying her, Shihua is no longer lonely. Lian Wu said nothing and Shi Hua couldn't see anything. They spend most of their time reading quietly in the reading room.

Other children also occasionally go to study. Mayumi, in particular, often asked Zhang Su how to solve questions.

Please give me some advice. I didn't take the previous courses with you because the knowledge was too simple for me. My name is Mayumi. I am 15 years old. If I was studying outside, I would be in the first year of high school. Now I want to prepare hard for the exam and try to get into New Tokyo University. Mayumi said seriously.

I understand, Mayumi, the teacher will try his best to help you! Zhang Su was more serious this time.

He set aside time every day to give Mayumi extra tutoring lessons.

Mayumi is better at developing in the liberal arts, which means learning Chinese, history, civics, mathematics, geography, English and other subjects.

The college entrance examination in Dongming Country is very complicated. After completing the college entrance examination, you have to take the school exam and complete the written test and interview arranged by the school. It was a very complicated path to study for Mayumi, and Zhang Su also found it very difficult.

In his previous life, Mayumi failed, and he was still more than ten points short of having the chance to take the internal examination of New Tokyo University. According to the rules of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau, Mayumi can only leave Ansin with special permission if she is admitted to New Tokyo University.

I want to learn this! Mayumi took out a math textbook without a cover. No one knew where she got it.

This is too old and can no longer keep up with this year's textbooks. When I bought the book, I specially bought you new textbooks and teaching aids. Miss Lianwu also ordered summer homework for you, so you can practice by yourself. Zhang Su showed Mayumi the special teaching assistant area in the reading room.

Wow...! Mayumi opened her eyes slightly, almost feeling the blood rushing to her head.

So many books! Countless knowledge and questions!

She couldn't help but feel extremely grateful to the teacher. This way, Mayumi's learning conditions were much better than before, and she no longer had to rely on picked up textbooks and tattered magazines. In order to become literate, she read newspapers from twenty years ago over and over again.

Let's learn functions. Zhang Su opened the high school mathematics textbook, Functions describe the correspondence between variables...

Unfortunately, Zhang Su was a liberal arts student before time travel, and he still dare not say that he has a strong grasp of mathematics. He can only make do with lectures and reading from the textbook.

It would be better to hire a teacher who is proficient in mathematics, physics and chemistry to help Mayumi with science courses. Zhang Su secretly said.

Mayumi was very grateful. It was precious to have such a systematic textbook. She first learned the basic knowledge, and then started to write exercises, working tirelessly.

She is an excellent student. Not only can she discuss some insightful topics with Zhang Su, she also absorbs book knowledge very quickly.

Mayumi possesses the magic power of the Happiness path, which supports her high-speed learning.

About every hour or two, when she was feeling sleepy and weak in will, she would raise her hand, transform a ray of pastel light from it, and slap it hard into her forehead.

In just a few seconds, she couldn't help being happy and excited, and returned to her studies with full energy.

The more you learn, the happier you become.

Seeing her studying hard, Zhang Su felt like he was back in his old classroom. At that time, many children studied hard and wanted to change their destiny.

Later, Zhang Su will also teach her history courses, and knowledge of literature and history is Zhang Su's strength.

The distribution of witches in the world is gradually increasing. Before the 10th century, there was only a superficial understanding of witches, and witches existed sporadically.

The Gorgon sisters in the Beast Path can use the Eye of Stone and are said to be famous monsters far and wide;

Medea, who was on a crazy path, suppressed her magic power for a long time. It was not until her husband changed his mind that she detonated the magic power and killed her children with her own hands.

Jeanne Darc, the broken witch on the path of war, has made outstanding achievements in defeating the British invaders many times in a series of battles.

There were very large-scale witch trials in the Middle Ages, and humans believed that witches were the most terrifying existences.

Until modern times, for some unknown reason, the number of witches has suddenly increased, and the conflict between humans and witches has become stronger and stronger, so much so that the witches have gathered together to seek to enslave humans. There have been many wars between the two sides, which usually ended with the witches winning. Europeans also worship the broken witches on the path to ascension and call them gods.

The first demonic panic occurred in 1836. In 1862, the North American Civil War flowed with blood, causing the gates of hell to erupt. The entire continent became a occupied area, and countless demons entered the world. They feed on the souls of intelligent creatures, whether they are harmful to humans or humans. Witches are a great threat; therefore, humans put aside their prejudices and established the Human Defense Plan. Witches also suffered serious damage and were willing to cooperate with humans. After the Rome Conference, they agreed to fight side by side against the demon clan. It has a history of 148 years. Zhang Su told Mayumi the history.

...So that's what it is... Mayumi concentrated on taking notes while referring to the textbook, working tirelessly and with a persistent look in her eyes, as if she would not give up until she was admitted to Shinto University.

Seeing Mayumi's serious look, Zhang Su also felt that she was working hard.

From the first day he arrived here, Mayumi kept learning, far exceeding the progress of others.

While Eori and Hayho were still learning elementary and junior high school knowledge, Mayumi started learning high school knowledge.

Both Mayumi and her mother are witches of the joy path, using magic to make themselves and others feel the ultimate joy that penetrates deep into the soul.

Mayumi's mother works as a witch in New Tokyo. In order to prevent her daughter from falling into prostitution like herself, she often talks to Mayumi about studying hard.

In their opinion, New Tokyo University is the best school.

But when Mayumi was 6 years old, her mother once had a conflict with guests and accidentally killed three guests, so she was sentenced to death.

Society is very afraid of witches, and Mayumi was thrown into an asylum as a murderer's daughter.

Mayumi cherishes the promise she made with her mother very much, and she must enter Shinto University.

She studied hard and seized every opportunity. Now she is 15 years old and has three years to prepare for the exam.

In order for Mayumi to pass the exam smoothly, Zhang Su had to work hard and give her careful tutoring.

When Zhang Su was a middle school teacher before time travel, there were three or four students in the class who went to Qingbei every year. He basically knew how well the students could study and how many points they would score in the college entrance examination. In his opinion, Mayumi's talent was completely sufficient.

Study hard!

Outside, after the basketball hoop was delivered, the concrete solidified for a day and the ground was paved.

Chiyo Fujikawa personally took Hayho, Natsuki and Reio to physical education classes and played basketball.

Although I only played basketball for a few months under the guidance of a tutor, and then went to learn marksmanship and swordsmanship, I can still teach you. Fujikawa Chiyo nodded to the three children in brand new gymnastics uniforms in front of them.

Wearing brand new white gymnastics uniforms, they attended their first physical education class in their lives and were very curious.

Oh! Ball! Natsuki said stupidly.

Isn't it a bit bullying the two of them when playing basketball? Reio is already 16 years old, more than half taller than Natsuki.

I will protect Natsuki... Hayho pretended to be serious.

Come on, one ball per person. Fujikawa Chiyo taught them how to dribble and shoot.

The first step is to establish a feel for the ball.

Natsuki patted the basketball. Every time the ball slipped from her hand, she couldn't help laughing, and then ran after the ball, as if she had endless energy, especially under the sunlight, her magic power was even stronger.

Reio is much calmer. She performs pitching drills with precision, extending her arms every time she shoots, deliberately showing off the graceful curves of her arms. The basketball seems to be an extension of her body.

She was happy that there was a more meaningful movement in the shelter than catching bugs.

Haaho! Raise your hands high and open your body when dribbling! Fujikawa Chiyo said sternly.

You are not my boss, you can't be my boss. Saho hated being told what to do. She only listened to Zhang Su's words a little bit, Look at me!

She threw a hard shot and the basketball hit the basket and bounced away. Saho rushed all over the floor to find the ball.

Come on, I'll guard you with one hand. Fujikawa Chiyo enjoyed it. She also felt that playing ball was more interesting than feeding chickens.

Look at me! Saho squatted down, preparing to attack the basket.

You can attack as you wish. I won't lose to a child. Chiyo Fujikawa bent down slightly and stared at the direction where Saho came from.

Hayao jumped forward.

Fujikawa Chiyo instantly realized something was wrong.

She felt a hint of danger keenly.

How dangerous can a child be?

In an instant, Hayao activated her magical power without any knowledge and disappeared with the ball.

Fujikawa Chiyo was shocked, that was——

Shadow step!

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