Witch containment diary

Chapter 211 Changing school uniforms in the heat

By mid-August, the weather was already very hot.

The children put on their summer school uniforms. Summer clothes are sailor clothes, with a long-sleeved white shirt on the upper body, a navy blue collar, and a big red bow tie in the middle.

The hem of the shirt is usually tucked under the blue skirt. The skirt fell to the knees and stockings were worn underneath.

Natsuki stuffed it casually, so a small fold appeared at the hem of her clothes, like an extra swimming ring.

Shihua was completely stuffed by her mother and stretched flat, revealing her equally flat belly. She felt that the fabric of the clothes was as thin as silk, and it was light and cool to wear, much cooler than the previous maid-style clothes.

Hayao is the only one who doesn't tuck her clothes into her skirt. She likes the feeling of clothes being loose and floppy on her body, and when she runs, her clothes will snap and hit her body.

As for shoes, new shoes were issued, which are white canvas shoes with rubber soles and look very energetic.

This finally replaced Natsuki's squeaking children's toddler shoes. Everyone was happy except for her.

"The Zen Zhi Neigong has a big nose five or six inches long, like a long and thin sausage hanging on the face..." Zhang Su took everyone to class and talked about the novel "The Nose" by Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

"The nose is too long, which is extremely inconvenient. One time when he sneezed, his nose stuck into the porridge. This nose hurt his self-esteem. People said that it was lucky that he was a monk, otherwise with this ugly nose, which company Will my daughter marry him?" Lian Yang read carefully.

She thought this was very interesting. When it comes to marriage, Lian Yang always feels excited.

"In order to make his nose shorter, he tried many good methods and asked Bodhisattva for advice. The Bodhisattva in the spiritual world gave him a recipe. He soaked his nose in hot water and then asked his disciples to step on it. It was really strange that he stepped on it. After that, my nose really got shorter." Hayho shook her head as she read this paragraph.

Step on it with your feet and your nose will become shorter! She felt that there was nothing weirder than this in the world. As expected, reading novels was more interesting. Things in novels were more bizarre than real life. Perhaps readers also read to see something completely new.

And she also realized the power of reading. Originally, she didn't know so many words at all, but after studying hard, she found that she could read more and more things, and her head became itchy. It seemed that her brain had finally started to grow.

"After Nai Gong's nose became shorter, he felt that he became more handsome. However, instead of admiring him for this, others laughed at him even more. Nai Gong's temper became worse and worse, and his relationship with other people became even worse. He is upset." Natsuki was confused as she read.

She didn't know why this happened. Logically speaking, it should be a good thing that the big-nosed monk's nose has become shorter.

"Now that things have come to this, the internal priest hopes that his nose will grow back. He thought so and prayed devoutly to the Bodhisattvas in the spiritual world. The next morning, he suddenly felt a strange feeling and hurriedly touched his nose with his hands. It was no longer a short thing, but it became so long that it hung down from his face. He couldn't help but feel better - now, "Who is still laughing at me?" the naiguo murmured to himself. The long nose trembled in the wind..." Mrs. Miyu of Shinjou said for Komuro.

The story of "The Nose" has been familiar to Xincheng Meiyu since childhood, but it still felt unique when reading it again.

There are many stories that I didn’t feel when I first read them, but it’s not until I experience them again in reality that I feel that the truths in the stories are really relevant. Xincheng Meiyu sighed inwardly.

Zhang Su arranged tasks according to their different learning stages.

Saho, Enori and Natsuki are learning words and have to write some questions about word formation and sentence making.

Muroka and Reio are doing reading comprehension, explaining the works and then giving their own answers.

"Outline the psychological change process of the internal monk in the story." Zhang Su guided them.

Lian Yang wrote on the paper, while Shi Hua dictated and asked her mother to write.

Xincheng Meiyu was writing on the paper. Now Xincheng Meiyu really felt like a student, just missing a school uniform. But she couldn't hold her tight in clothes like that. She had developed a huge bust since she was raising Komurohua ten years ago.

Zhang Su watched everyone studying, and also thought about the situation when he was a teacher before time travel. This is probably the duty assigned by heaven.

In any case, it is very important to raise them from childhood to sensible and elegant witches.

Murohua has a quick mind, and there are many sparks jumping in her dark thoughts, which can be seen more clearly than many people with clear eyes.

"People only care about their own ideas. In this story, the long-nosed monk was initially laughed at by others, so he made his nose shorter in the hope that others would stop laughing at him... but he was still laughed at. Because we can't change others. The idea is that it is not possible to try to please others and cater to others by changing ourselves. We can only be ourselves and be the most determined to be our unique selves. Only in this way can we truly be liked by others. In the vast sea of ​​​​people, there are always people who appreciate this. Quality, appreciating the uniqueness of us..." Shihua said, and Xincheng Meiyu wrote it down.

Zhang Su's interpretation of Shi Hua is impeccable and can only be given full marks.

"This exaggerated situation illustrates the impermanence of life, and that we may be born with some kind of defect, whether it is a physical defect or a family dilemma..." Reio wrote a report on the absurdity.

"These are all very good ideas." Zhang Su checked it, "What else do you think this nose symbolizes?"

"Hmm... Vanity? And anxiety? He cares very much about his appearance," Lian Yang thought of this and felt that she was also a vain person, so she changed the topic and decided to maintain the dignity of the character in the story, "This is also a good thing. At least he cares about his appearance and is committed to shortening his nose, and he at least desires change."

"I think you are right," Zhang Su never denied them. "Think about it, what else can we learn from the story? What is the most important thing about the protagonist's character?"

"He cares very much about his status and is always worried about what others think of him. His nose may just amplify this idea." Reio thought for a moment and then said.

"Yes! Now that you have talked about the core, what do you think the author specifically designed?" Zhang Su asked.

Lian Yang felt a little happy at Zhang Su's encouragement.

""No matter whether his nose is big or small, he hates himself." She summed it up brilliantly.

"That's right!" Zhang Su couldn't help but praise, "You have captured the essence of this story. It is very exciting! Lian Yang. You have made a thoughtful analysis."

Lian Yang pouted her lips pretending to be reserved. She was dignified and quiet, as if such a thing was just a piece of cake for her.

What she cares more about is Zhang Su's teachings, which are like peeling off a cocoon, leading her to the core of knowledge and giving her a sense of fun in learning.

Hayao, Natsuki and Enori were copying and writing at the table, learning new words.

"It's finished!" Natsuki held up the literacy script in her hand. She had filled in all the red boxes and wrote quickly and correctly.

"Yeah! Not bad, let's go out and play." Zhang Su checked and found that Xia Xi's writing was decent.

"La la la~" Natsuki jumped away and burst into the huge, boundless and beautiful world full of sunshine outside.

"Yuanzhi? Haven't you finished writing?" Zhang Su saw Yuanzhi tutoring Zaohui.

"Yes! Teacher, but I have to teach Saho." Yuori cares about Saho tenderly, her little ears twitching.

"Ah, studying is so difficult and painful!" The pencil in Hayho's hand moved with difficulty on the paper.

Especially when she had to write her name on every piece of paper, Saho had to write the word "Saho" repeatedly. She got angry when she thought about her name. Why did she have to write such a complicated name? If she had the chance, she would change her name to Yiyi, or 丨丨.

No, more simply, call it one or 丨.

Saho finished writing the red book in distress. It was already 10:30 in the morning. She turned around and saw that everyone except Yuori had gone outside to play.

"There is still the last page," Yuori stared at Saho seriously, "Come on! Come on! I will always watch you! You must work hard, Saho is a good baby."

"Aww, don't look at me like that!" Saho felt ashamed, her face and neck were so hot. She worked hard to finish the last page, and then lay down on the table without any strength.

"Resurrection, the child must have strength." Yuori rubbed Saho's shoulders and hair.

The sound of basketballs being slapped outside caught Saho's attention. Basketball? She turned her head.

Sure enough, a 5V5 basketball game is going on outside. Since the number of prisoners is increasing, a real basketball competition can now be held.

"Dasu, let's go play basketball!" Zaho stood up.

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