Witch containment diary

Chapter 230 In the role of family

The canteen of An'an Hospital is filled with the aroma of food.

Zhang Su has already eaten and just needs to break some more bread. Lian Yang sat next to him.

"I want this." Lian Yang pointed at the white bread on Zhang Su's plate.

"Please." Although Zhang Su didn't know what she wanted to do, he still handed over the plate.

Lian Yang looked at Zhang Su's movements and felt very cordial.

The others ate their meals, today's dinner was a country-style meal prepared by the fat chef Kawabe Yoniko. Everyone had a bowl of rice, followed by a stew of carrots, onions, potatoes and tender beef.

Their color whets people's appetite, and everyone scoops them into their mouths desperately. The fragrant soup mixed with soft rice makes people enjoy them with great enthusiasm.

The prisoners are all used to the life in the asylum. They chatted while having dinner. Many of them were also watching the TV mounted on the wall. They laughed and chatted constantly, adding to the lively atmosphere in the room.

"I'm sorry." A female voice came from behind Zhang Su, and then he saw Delia sitting opposite him with a dinner plate.

Delia is a witch who holds elemental magic. It is said that her mother is a smuggler with bad behavior. She often holds private rituals and trades materials with hell.

Is her silver hair hereditary? Zhang Su couldn't help but guess. So young, so beautiful in appearance, and so noble in temperament, it seems that neither the collar nor the prison uniform can trap her.

"Hello." Zhang Su nodded to her.

"Delia just taught Saho a new trick, and Saho is better at pranks." Reiyang picked up the bread next to Zhang Su and gently cut it with her teeth.

"Just some training suggestions." Delia's heart skipped a beat.

Lian Yang spontaneously provided support and advice to Zhang Su, completely ignoring Delia!

Delia didn't expect that Lian Yang would become the first obstacle between her and Zhang Su.

This girl is really cunning and clever, and she thinks very highly of herself.

"How long has this kind of teaching been going on?" Zhang Su looked at Delia, whose gaze made Delia dare not meet her.

"More than a week," Delia said honestly.

It had actually been thirteen days, but she worded it carefully to make it sound much shorter than two weeks.

She hoped that Zhang Su would not take this matter online. Since the little witch can learn culture, she should also learn the skills to use magic.

"Well, I remember that this is a subject called 'Witchology'. In many academies run by witches, teachers will be specially hired to teach the methods of exerting magic and defending against magic." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, I studied at the Witch Academy in Chiba City, but I didn't get a diploma. My major is not witch education, but I'm basically familiar with it." Delia explained.

Chiba City is located in the northeastern region of China and is easily connected to Dongming. Delia has lived there for 4 years.

"Where do you usually teach early ears?" Zhang Su asked.

"Near the school building," Delia said.

It was actually at the base of the west wall, behind the iron plate of the small animal farm, where the cows learned faster than Zaosui.

"This kind of private teaching is really inconvenient." Zhang Su said.

Delia's heart tightened. She had originally planned to tell Zhang Su about staying in An'an Hospital. It would be terrible if she was treated coldly because of this.

If he dislikes her privately teaching the little witch here and lets her go, she will have to face the wind and frost swords of the outside world...

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Supervisor, private teaching was not my intention. If it causes any trouble, I would like to ask for your forgiveness first." Delia's attitude was sincere.

Lian Yang studied silently.

Delia's honest and serious tone easily arouses respect in people's hearts, and everyone must carefully consider the weight of her words.

"No, no, I'm not saying this is bad. I just plan to officially appoint you as the witch instructor of Anxin Institute. Please teach the children how to measure and cast magic correctly, so that you don't have to work in the workshop and can teach in the school building three times a week. ." Zhang Su's attitude was equally serious.

Delia's expression changed slightly, feeling pleasantly surprised.

"Yes...! Thank you for your love." Delia stood up and bowed to Zhang Su.

"Please take good care of me from now on. I'd like to thank you for educating the children." Zhang Su also stood up to pay his respects.

Delia thanked her again. It was undoubtedly a good thing to be freed from the hard work in the sewing workshop. Zhang Su's open-mindedness made her very satisfied.

The supervisor is a good man...Delia judged.

She was even more embarrassed to bother him, so she picked up the dinner plate and left.

Lian Yang noticed that she walked strangely straight, and the beef soup on the dinner plate did not sway at all.

"Sister Delia is really a beautiful woman." Lian Yang thought thoughtfully.

"Ask more advice from Les Corinne, and you can become a dignified woman. But etiquette is just a decoration. Ancient books say that quality will win over literature, and literature will win over quality, and history will follow. That is to say, if you are too simple and lack civility, , you will become a savage. If you pay too much attention to the flashy form and lack of simple temperament, it will become hollow." Zhang Su said.

"So you want to match the two?" Lian Yang raised his hand and stretched. The blue-rimmed sleeves clung to his thin arms, catching his attention.

"Eat more." Zhang Su felt that Lian Yang was too thin and must have been secretly dieting, so he put more bread into Lian Yang's plate.

Lian Yang looked at Zhang Su thoughtfully, as if Zhang Su's tone and movements reminded her of someone.

"Take me to the city. I want to see a concert. Now that I have practiced piano, I also want to experience what a live classical orchestra is like." Reio said.

"Let me see." Zhang Su picked up his phone and checked it. "At the Niigata Civic Art and Culture Center, there will be a classical music performance starting tomorrow evening. It's just right."

"What a coincidence. Can you take me there?" Lian Yang tilted her head.

"Yes, yes, but because you are a 'prisoner', you have to travel under restricted circumstances..." Zhang Su hesitated.

"The collar and handcuffs don't matter, just don't plug my ears." Reiyo smiled softly.

"Then, after buying the tickets, let's go there tomorrow to watch the real concert." Zhang Su nodded to Lian Yang.

"Thank you. Can you invite Miss Lianwu to come with you?" Lian Yang asked.

"Oh? No problem. After all, Lianwu is responsible for teaching you how to play the piano, so it would be nice to come together." Zhang Su said.

"Thank you. This is very important to me." Lianyang said softly.

She ate the last piece of bread, then stood up and bowed politely to Zhang Su, and then returned to the school building.

What is Lian Yang thinking in her heart? Zhang Su guessed.

However, she trusts herself. This made Zhang Su feel good.

Lian Wu also liked concerts. At five o'clock the next evening, she drove Zhang Su and Lian Yang to the city.

Because it is a public place, the management is particularly strict.

Reio went to the concert wearing a collar that restricted all magic power. She rarely wore a collar. At this time, she also experienced the discomfort of blocked magic power, and could better understand the feelings of the prisoners.

She is close to the venue. Niigata City Art Center was established in 1998. It looks like most art museums. It has a streamlined appearance, like a silver dome, standing next to the river.

Its mission is to enrich the spiritual and cultural needs of local citizens. Today, it also undertook the tour performance of the Sakai Philharmonic Orchestra and performed classical music performances.

"~" Lian Wu followed Zhang Su.

She was afraid of such a crowded situation, so it was better to stay close to Zhang Su. Zhang Su was clearing the way like a truck, separating the crowd, and Lian Wu did not dare to go far.

Reio keenly observed the other concertgoers.

"Ah, I can finally bring my children to listen to music."

"Western classical music is really amazing. In comparison, those who listen to modern pop music have really bad taste!"

"I have always felt inferior because I have never been to a concert. Now I finally have money and can fulfill my long-cherished wish!"

"They are all citizens who have money and leisure..." Lian Yang said softly.

She could guess their living conditions. They were all citizens who had an easy life, a considerable income, and the ability to withstand the changes in life.

Those who take care of their children hope to give their children a better artistic atmosphere, and there are also many college students who come to experience life.

These people are all well-dressed, as if they are sending signals to each other through their appearance, implying that everyone is of a similar class and has a harmonious and polite attitude towards each other.

What a pretense... Lian Yang thought to herself.

Does attending a concert really change anything? It's no more special than reading a book or playing a game for a few hours.

However, these people seem to regard this as an essential ritual.

Reio was wearing her school uniform, and she had just started to raise her collar to cover the collar around her neck. But as soon as she saw these hypocritical citizens, she felt that she should show her true side.

So Lian Yang lowered her collar again and raised her head high. When someone stared at the beautiful black collar around her neck, she also slightly raised the silver handcuffs on her hands, earning a startled look from them.

She is a prisoner, but she is not ashamed of it.

Lian Yang walked calmly and calmly beside Zhang Su, and entered the venue together with Lian Wu who was walking quickly.

After sitting down, Lian Yang saw the crystal chandelier hanging above her head, and in front of her were rows of plush bright red seats, which were quite comfortable to sit on.

There is a beautiful piano on the stage, and in the distance are the orchestra seats. At this time, the orchestra members have entered the stage, and the staff and the conductor are talking hurriedly.

"That piano is so beautiful." Lian Yang looked at the piano in the distance.

"Bosendorfer." Lianwu whispered.

Lian Yang didn't understand whether it was a piano brand or a music name. She instinctively felt that Lianwu was really a master of music.

The audience was admitted within 10 minutes.

The conductor picks up his baton and the musicians check their instruments.

Lian Yang closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Lian Wu, who was next to him, felt that sitting alone in a chair was boring, so he sat on Zhang Su's lap to feel more at ease.

The lights went out and the whole place was silent.

The conductor began to wave his baton and the pianist began to perform.

Renwu whispered "Blue Danube", and now Reiyang knew that this was the name of the music.

The crisp and melodious piano sound comes from the stage and reverberates in the vast indoor space, forming a solemn and thick echo, as if the music is integrated into the soul of the audience.

So... so good. Lian Yang had goosebumps all over her body.

The rise and fall of the music was particularly beautiful in this solemn and formal environment, enough to evoke emotions of joy, longing or awe in her heart.

After the piano music started, the next piece was a large suite that mobilized the entire band. The band conductor continued to wave his arms and draw rhythmic beat signals in the air.

Lian Yang closed her eyes.

She heard the violin swirling in extraordinary harmonies, the cello's low and solemn singing, the flute's voice as crisp as a songbird at dawn, the solemn horn emitting a penetrating vibration, and the piano dominating the entire song. The tune, its melody is delicate and brisk, like the gurgling of a small river, like the wind blowing in the forest.

Lian Yang's young soul was mesmerized by the concert. Zhang Su also listened silently and could feel the profound influence of music on the soul. Tonight's concert will become a precious part of his memory.

Lian Wu leaned back angrily.

She had listened to it hundreds of times, and several times she wanted to raise her hand to point out the amateurishness of the band, but seeing everyone listening so carefully, she had no choice but to hold her arm down timidly.

By 9 p.m., the show is completely over.

Lian Yang walked outside and walked along the river bank, with a smile on her face and an even stronger sense of self-respect and pride.

"When I first came here, I felt that everyone took concerts too seriously, but now, I feel that not listening to a concert in this life is like never really living." Reio announced.

"Let's talk to everyone when we get back, so that they don't know what the concert is like." Zhang Su smiled.

"~" Lianwu held Zhang Su's hand to avoid being rushed by the crowd after the concert.

Lian Yang looked at Zhang Su and Lian Wu carefully and blinked.

Zhang Su saw Lian Yang's thoughtful expression again.

"...Lianyang, what are you thinking about?" Zhang Su asked this time.

Lian Yang paused and then said:

"...I don't have a father or a mother anymore. But you are just like my parents." She looked at Zhang Su and then at Lian Wu.

How I long to have my loved ones again.

"Being a cheap father will shorten your life." Zhang Su smiled bitterly, "But I promise, as long as you are willing, I will treat you as my own. I treat every child the same, so don't worry."

"~Me too...no problem~" Lian Wu was very happy.

She likes a warm family. Her father is in prison and her mother's bones are buried underground. She has long forgotten what it feels like to have a family.

"Then let's take a walk by the river." Lian Yang walked in front of Zhang Su and Lian Wu to prevent them from seeing the unstoppable smile on her face, "It's like you just bring your children to the concert Come up."

"Okay." Zhang Su nodded lightly.

They walked slowly along the river bank. The river flowed slowly and the sky was filled with stars.

Anyone who looks at it will think it is a harmonious and happy family.

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