Witch containment diary

Chapter 238 Natsuki walking around

Natsuki painted on the white paper. She applied all the colors and made each color jump on the paper. Finally, she named this colorful painting "My Happiness".

"Hey, that's it." Xia Xi handed the beautiful painting to Zhao Zhi, hoping that she could feel Xia Xi's happiness.

"Gululu?" Zhazhuo pinched both ends of the painting with his two small hands. Her eyes were so serious, like an adult.

"That's it, it's decided, because the dormitory needs to be upgraded, so let's sleep somewhere else tonight." Hayho announced, and she handed the plan to the stage.

"You are free to leave." Zhang Su on the stage checked the children's dreams. Regardless of whether he saw it or not, Natsuki stood up and bowed to him as usual, and then went out to play.

Natsuki's day has begun.

The school building is going to be renovated. After Natsuki walked out of the door, she walked up the stairs to the dormitory on the second floor, crossed the bare concrete floor, and opened the big iron door.

Natsuki and everyone's house. She looked at the undecorated walls around her. The wallpaper was peeling off, and the bulging cement was like a wound on the wall. A window without curtains reflected the outside. She could see the stars on summer nights and the heavy snow on winter nights.

"Quilt." She touched the big floor and the big quilt in the middle. The quilt had been used for five years, and the cotton wool inside had long since disappeared. She knew very well that everyone had to gather around her in the winter, otherwise they would all freeze to death.

They shared a large iron box to store their things. It might have been a safe or something like that, but it was no longer locked. There were a lot of candies from Yuori, Mayumi's homework, Natsuki's heating bills, and glass bottles.

Natsuki held these glass bottles, and the little animals inside were jumping up and down. She held them all in her arms, and then staggered across the playground and walked to the garden.

It seems that they would be happier in the outside world, but if you keep small animals in a poke ball, they will be bored. Natsuki knelt on the ground, opened the lids of the glass bottles, and released her Bulbasaur, Green Caterpillar, Arbor Snake, Giant Needle Bee, and Flying Mantis. They all rushed into the wild in a panic and returned to nature. .

The garden was too big for her. As Natsuki walked inside, the plants kept growing luxuriantly. Almost all of them were unnaturally tall. Each plant was two or three times as tall as hers.

"Natsuki?" Xiaofeng's voice came from above.

Natsuki tried to raise her head, but fell back because of her big head and small body. The little bee was solving the problem of the hornet's nest at the intersection of the branches.

"Bee?" Natsuki blinked.

"It's not a bee, it's a vicious wasp." The little bee subdued these wasps, and they buzzed out of the hive and surrounded the little bee.

"Afraid..." Natsuki clenched her hands.

"It's so hot here, my clothes are wet with sweat." Xiaofeng looked down, "Can you absorb all the excess sunlight?"

"Oh?" Xia Xi tilted his head.

"If it's the magic power of the sun, it should be possible. Give it a try." Xiaofeng didn't know, but strange things always happened to Natsuki.

"Oh yeah..." Natsuki raised her hands high, and the sunlight from all directions gathered on her.

She felt that unparalleled energy was gathering above her head, like thousands of elves converging on her body, mind and soul. They were all chirping, singing and praising all the beautiful things. They are sharing, love, hope, solidarity and selflessness.

The light gathered on her body, making Natsuki feel bright and hot under her skin. These lights shone around Natsuki, so that she turned into a glowing golden figure.

"It's so shining -" Xiao Bee was surprised, "but I don't feel that the sunlight has become weaker at all, probably because the light energy transmitted by the sun is endless..."

"Can I eat watermelon?" Natsuki put her hands to her mouth and shouted towards the tree. She couldn't feel the specific existence of her limbs, as if her whole body was melted into the molten water.

"You go pick one, you are not considered a thief." The little bee climbed into the shade of the tree.

Natsuki teleported to the garden at the speed of light. She felt like she was covered in bright light, and now she was moving in a projected manner when she walked.

She picked up the big watermelon with all her strength, then opened her mouth and ate it whole. The big watermelon instantly disappeared in Natsuki's ball of light. She felt as if the whole melon had been evaporated.

"Grow up and grow taller, like me..." Natsuki walked around in the garden. The surrounding flowers and plants absorbed a lot of light energy, and after being nourished, they became particularly strong and brilliant.

"Work hard..." Youfalin was tending the flowers and plants. Due to Xiaofeng's strong position, she had to work for Xiaofeng while Xiaofeng slept.

She suddenly saw a shining golden figure in the garden, and just walking in the garden made the flowers and plants grow vigorously, and the fruits even swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye. Youfa Lin quickly followed behind the light. , collecting those abundant chia fruits, strawberries and mulberries.

"Who are you?" You Falin couldn't help but ask the golden flash in front of her as she stuffed the fresh fruit into her mouth and ate it.

She looked down at the golden light in her hands and felt that her whole body was full of strength.

"I am the sun!" Natsuki jumped away and ran away.

Natsuki came to the side of the school building and sat on the grass looking at the blank paper, holding a pen in his hand, but still had no idea what to draw.

"Draw me, draw me!" Xia Xi said to Zhizhang.

"..." Zhazhao was so dazzled by Natsuki's light that he raised his hands to cover his eyes. It took him a long time to get used to the warm golden light.

She observed Natsuki thoughtfully, then smeared golden colors on the paper.

"Here." Zhafang turned the paper to Natsuki, showing the bright sunshine on the screen.

"The painting is really good." Natsuki was very happy.

Under Natsuki's strangely strong light, all kinds of wonderful feelings rippled through Fangbo's heart, and she thought of many shining things. I thought of one or two beautiful and magical scenes in my past life. When Zhejiang's mother was in a normal state of mind, she gave Zhejiang a new dress. A tiger once walked outside Zhejiang's iron cage.

"Natsuki..." Zhibo stood up and followed Natsuki, but Natsuki had already flown away in the form of light.

Natsuki came to the room where she was playing video games.

"What is shining brightly behind Bodhisattva?" Hongyan turned his head and saw the shining Natsuki, "Haha, why is it so bright today? I can't see anything clearly on Bodhisattva's screen."

"Bright." Natsuki looked at her glowing hands.

"You are the sun!" Hongyan encouraged loudly, "There is a superman among humans, and you are the 'super witch' among witches. It should be noted that compared to the size and energy level of the sun, this planet is just a small one. Feel this sunshine in you The power within the body, and then find ways to transmit and illuminate others!”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah -" Natsuki tried to shine the sunlight on Hong Yan.

Under the strong light, Hongyan felt a hundred times more energetic, as if he had drank a whole pot of coffee in one go and poured a basin of hot water down from the beginning. It felt as refreshing as he wanted.

"Gah - Bodhisattva, I can fight for 40 hours in a row again. Even my physical limits can't limit me!" Hong Yan turned into super Hong Yan and started playing video games crazily.

Natsuki learned how to do it. She jumped out and gave sunshine to everyone she saw.

"~" Lianwu was leisurely making milk tea behind the counter.

"Big sister~" Natsuki fired sunshine at Lianwu.

"!!!" Lianwu suddenly became energetic and prepared the drinks with super fast hand speed. She usually half-closed her eyes and had a leisurely expression, but now she opened her eyes wide and started working with rapid breathing, as if all the energy in her body suddenly turned upside down. Times, overflowing.

"Please enjoy Hayao's modern poem: On a scorching afternoon, drink iced Coke and then take a nap. Hard work or other things have nothing to do with me." Hayao walked across the playground with his head in his hands.

Idiot Hayao lacks some motivation. Natsuki shoots sunlight at Saho.

"What should I do if I have a weak IQ? Stable! Everything is stable! I will work hard for a hundred days to become the world's best witch!" Saho ran back to study in an effort to become stronger.

"Light!" Natsuki was very happy, radiating all the magic power of sunlight in all directions.

In an instant, people in every corner of An'an Hospital felt a fiery motivation to work burst out from deep within their hearts. Everyone felt a blazing heat burning deep in their hearts, making them want to work hard and not waste time.

Today, the time for ringing the evening bell in Anxinyuan has been postponed to 0:00, because after the sun goes down, there is still a small sun hanging here, making everything as bright as day.

The children gathered together, made a bed on the floor in the cafeteria, and slept on a huge new quilt. All the children gathered together.

"Turn off the lights, it's time to go to bed." Yuan Zhi persuaded.

"Tired..." Zaho fainted.

"It's time to tuck Natsuki into the quilt, otherwise today will not stop or end, and there will be no difference between day and night!" Mayumi said.

"Hmm~" Natsuki still wanted to play.

"It's so bright! If it's so bright that even I can see it, then everyone else must not be able to see it. Please rest." Shihua persuaded.

"Oh!" Xia Xi listened to Shihua and did whatever Shihua said.

Everyone scrambled to drag Shining Natsuki into the bed, so that the light was blocked under the thick quilt, and they felt extremely warm in the bed.

Their little hands and feet were resting on each other's bodies, close to their skin and faces, and each of them had the other's arms in their arms. In front of the nose is the other child's hair.

The brightness in the bed gradually disappeared, and Natsuki gradually mastered the method of restraining the light.

"Whose hair is this golden, like gold?" Mayumi groped, "I've never seen anyone with hair like this, and it's still slightly shiny."

Natsuki turned around and moved her shining blond hair slightly. Only then did they realize that Natsuki had suddenly grown a lot overnight. Her original hair color had completely turned into a sacred golden color, her skin was as white as amber, her eyes were amber like a god, and her body was still slim and cute.

"That's why we are lucky today. At least after being tortured by you all day, we can still hold you to sleep." Reio pinched Natsuki's cheek.

"Hey..." Natsuki closed her eyes and ran happily in her dream, spreading light along the way, like a golden river.

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