Witch containment diary

Chapter 250 Conquering the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Trees

The sounds of fierce fighting could be heard in the distance.

Akazawa Yoshie looked up and found that the entire prison forest seemed to be squirming.

The dark and twisted vegetation all around is eager to rise from the ground to protect something important.

The vines as thick as anacondas curled up on their own and stretched out straight, all neatly aligned and facing the same direction.

"There! In the direction of the fighting, it seems that the entire prison forest has been disturbed!" A soldier stepped up his report.

Has anyone reached the "Heart of the Tree" area? This idea surprised Akazawa Yoshiyo.

With so many trees shaking together and their branches connecting with each other, their core must have been threatened and they were eager to come to protect and reinforce them.

"Which army is so brave?" Akazawa Yoshie turned around.

"No combat unit claimed responsibility for the earthquake, which means it was an unplanned variable! How should we respond?" asked Major Luye, a frontline staff officer.

Was it...the armored man? Akazawa Yoshiyo's eyes lit up.

"I probably know who it is, a terrifying figure!" Akazawa Yoshie had to admit, "That guy is so brave, he actually broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Hell Forest in one go. This is the greatest progress we have made since our full-scale attack. !”

"Shall we go for reinforcements?" Staff Officer Luye asked.

Akazawa Yoshiyo looked at the forest land in front of him. Except for the private areas that humans had reluctantly opened up, the Yuyan forest was still deep-rooted and dense and difficult to walk through.

The air is dry, the smell is unpleasant, the soil is hard, and the tree trunks are too hard to handle and will bleed black when cut.

The leaves of the plants are purple, black or dark green in color, and are covered with smooth oily secretions, which are potent plant neurotoxins.

Many of the leaves are large, some over a meter long, with serrated edges that are almost teeth, with large and small luminous spots flashing across the leaves.

Facing such a strange forest, Akazawa Yoshio still shook his head. They don't look like normal plants at all, and they don't know what they live on. Soldiers are often captured and disappeared, and when they are found again, they are no longer in full shape.

"Look at the phosphorescence and mushrooms in the forest! If we go there to help, not only will we not be able to help, but half of the non-combat casualties will appear on the way." Akazawa Yoshiyo deflected his gaze, "Let's trust that guy. He can defeat powerful enemies on his own, and we must not waste the opportunity he fought for and march on!"

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in unison and started the war machine.

The engine roared, and Akasawa Yoshiyo looked at the large number of convoys behind him. The "Sky Spear" giant energy main gun that played an outstanding role in the defense of Hongye Mountain was being transported in modules.

The truck tows its various components, including the composite fused shell, radioactive nuclear fuel, "Destroyer" core accelerator, thermal redundancy device, dense energy block, phased array radar...

These heavy equipment will be transported to Highland 109 where the fateful battle takes place, and then fully deployed, where the Sky Spear can directly threaten the Gate of Hell itself!

This time there is not just one door, but seven!

The previous months of waiting were also for the purpose of gathering these sky spear weapons.

As long as you get enough charging and firing time, they are enough to blow the devil to pieces! A thorough demonstration of mankind’s determination to defend its own civilization.

"Hurry up and go through the forest of hell!" Akasawa Yoshiyo jumped on top of one of the cars, pointing his knife forward.

Thanks to the other party attracting the attention of the entire forest, this temporarily opened road became unobstructed!

"Damn it, it feels like us pawns can only play a stepping role, which is very useless!" the soldier following the car complained.

"What are you talking about that is depressing? Your men's nipples are useless at all. Aren't they not cut off? Cheer up! Every drop of blood can tilt the balance of victory a little bit towards us. In war, waste must also play the role of waste. ! Sooner or later, you will have a chance to show off your skills." Akazawa Yoshio pointed the knife forward with high spirits.

The core area of ​​the tree is covered by huge fungi.

Zhang Su walked through the bizarrely huge stipes and crushed the tangled vines and giant ferns. The air was extremely dry.

Lydia drives the armor's sensor arrays and bioenergetic monitoring devices, transmitting data to the heads-up display on the helmet's faceplate.

Zhang Su clearly saw sensor readings, environmental data, communication signals and tactical prompts.

It is very dry, there is no water, after all, it is a devil plant growing in the erosion zone.

Zhang Su studied the surrounding environment and found that it did not meet the requirements of living organisms. The vegetation is also hard. What does this prison forest do for a living?

He took a step forward.

The moment his feet touched the grass, the giant mushroom umbrella as high as the canopy trembled slightly, and a few spores floated down from it, as if it was raining apricot blossoms.

"That's..." Zhang Su observed carefully, using his helmet to enlarge the field of view and scan the falling spores.

"Potential exploding spores under the chitin shell were detected. If detonated, it should trigger a large-scale chain destruction. It should be a special plant cultivated by Ivy." Lydia analyzed.

"There are four giant mushrooms above our heads. How many explosive spores are there?" Zhang Su looked up.

"It is estimated that there are 40 million explosive spores. If they explode at the same time, a chain reaction will occur. This area will be blown to pieces. Our armor will not be damaged, but its function will be reduced by 45% and it will take some time to repair." Liddy Sub estimate.

Zhang Su realized that Ivy had set a huge explosion trap.

Forty million explosive spores are located inside the strange mushroom umbrella that is more than 100 meters high. Those mushrooms are like bright red umbrellas that tower over the sky, even blocking the transmission of external signals.

"Is this a conspiracy to destroy both the stone and the stone? Anyone who wants to defeat Ivy must bear the pressure of these four giant destructive plants. At most, they can do one for one." Zhang Su stood at the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

From here to Ivy's tree house, there are lush flowers and dark colors.

It is rare to see such large-scale black and purple flowers in nature. Bright flowers are difficult to attract insects, while black and gray flowers symbolize death and disaster, just like potential explosion traps overhead.

"We are now located in the core area of ​​the Prison Sea of ​​Trees, and the nearest friendly units are more than 20 miles away. Even if communication is achieved, they may not be able to draw out the air force to support, and the army is even less likely to risk losses through the woods. Akazawa Yoshiyo, Jiang Qudu is performing his own combat mission in the forest, and may even cause trouble to you." Lydia warned.

"Then I can't return without success. How can people be stopped by mushrooms." Zhang Su moved forward.

Step into a sea of ​​lush flowers.

The four giant mushrooms once again sprinkled some spores, which fell lightly in the air. There was a molecular structure similar to biological explosives in the spores.

Zhang Su walked forward, head held high, among the sea of ​​flowers. The surrounding woodland was especially quiet, and it seemed that it was also intimidated by this audacity.

The flowers all turned in Zhang Su's direction, and Ivy's ethereal voice came from them.

"You defeated my guardian, my knight Heras." Ivy said.

"It's not a pity that he died in the cause he dedicated his life to. It's even more lucky that he didn't see your defeat." Zhang Su walked forward.

"You seem to be so domineering that nothing can stop you." Ivy observed.

"Because the thing that can stop me has indeed not appeared yet." Zhang Su was only a hundred steps away from the tree house.

Ivy was silent for a moment.

"Stop irritating her." Lydia said, "Have you really figured out how to deal with these tens of millions of mushroom explosions?"

"Activating the armor should be able to offset the power of the explosion." Zhang Su whispered.

"That will consume a lot of energy. You can't replenish the energy flow while maintaining the armor, so if it is penetrated, it will be over! ... But if you are confident, then I am also prepared, and I trust your judgment." Lydia said.

"Thank you." Zhang Su took another step forward, and a sudden change occurred.

Boom - the surrounding earth shook slightly, the ground cracked, and countless giant roots burst out of the ground, instantly shattering the sea of ​​flowers on the ground.

The dark petals are flying all over the sky, like thousands of black stars.

The treehouse itself collapsed, and a tall black plant life emerged from it.

Zhang Su has not yet seen Ivy herself, so the first thing he saw was this giant monster!

At this moment, she seemed to have turned into a nearly thirty-meter-tall plant monster. Her consciousness was deeply integrated with the surrounding plant ecology. Her skin was fibrous and lignified, and thick phloem covered her whole body.

The place that should have been her "head" has now expanded into a huge and wide oval canopy, with plants growing wildly above her head, and thousands of black orchids blooming.

"Deformed! We have to find a way to blast the power into her heart." Zhang Su maneuvered at high speed and moved around Ivy.

She is now beyond recognition, and it is difficult to understand whether she is still vulnerable in this state.

"I'm scanning! It should be inside the tree." Lydia tried hard to detect Ivy's power core through the armor's sensor.

At this time, the vines and tree veins were deeply entangled with Ivy's body, seamlessly integrating with her existence.

The leaves are woven into curtains and giant carpets, shining with an otherworldly energy. Every vibration of the leaf veins exudes endless vitality.

And somewhere in the center of this giant tree of hell, I'm afraid there is Ivy's true body hidden, and she has become the core of this giant tree!

"Before Ivy joined the demons, she was just a complete witch. I'm afraid she didn't even complete the ritual of breaking the throne, but now she has shown the power of breaking the throne..." Zhang Su jumped between the roots growing on the ground.

Each root was whipping and tracking him at such high speed that he couldn't find a place to stop.

A giant tree beard turned into a sharp thorn and pierced Zhang Su fiercely at a very fast speed. He immediately bounced it away with a swing of his stick. Just as he knocked this one away, in the blink of an eye, dozens more giant thorns were pierced from all directions!

The entire surrounding forest was surrounding Zhang Su.

The giant tree of Hell is madly driving the surrounding forest trees, causing them to burrow into the ground, forming a root thorn trap specifically designed to ambush and hunt down Zhang Su!

"Too many!" Lydia was trying to detect Ivy's core position while trying to figure out how to dodge so many iron-thorned tree roots in the air!

These roots attack hard! Unlike those feeble roots controlled by Heras.

The whipping quality of this giant prison tree is extremely high. If it hits Zhang Su, it will knock him out of the air in an instant. When the time comes, other roots will slap him one after another, blocking his path in an instant, completely entangling him and suffocating him to death.


In order to avoid being surrounded, Zhang Su once again interrupted an incoming giant thorn.

The roots of this tree are at least one meter wide in diameter and are unimaginably thick. It requires a hard blow with both hands to break them.

His body also jumped in the air like a bird, trying to get closer to the body of the giant tree of hell. But it’s so difficult!

During the jump, Zhang Su observed the tree beard that he had just smashed, and suddenly saw some black liquid similar to blood flowing out of the broken tree beard, and some weak souls escaped.

An idea flashed through his mind, and he suddenly felt that he had a chance to win.

It turns out to be... like this!

Zhang Su has the confidence to break through this lush sea of ​​trees and the torrential invasion of thousands of tree beards!

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