Witch containment diary

Chapter 261 Eternal Express

It's actually... like this? Suddenly disappeared.

Katie looked down from a high altitude, trying to find where Zhang Suzhi was. But the situation in front of her made her feel confused. She was there just a moment ago, and then disappeared from the edge in an instant.

Miss him so much.

It had a glorious past, but was exterminated. He went to war and retired due to a nervous breakdown. Reunited with his sister and was forced to kill her again...

So, after finally finding the person you want to stay with forever, are you going to disappear from the tip of your claws again? Katie let out a roar in the air, her throat cord vibrating violently, doubling the sound.

There is always a way, there is always someone smarter who can help, to resolve this battle.

Katie flapped her wings and returned to the front of the line.

She flew through the roaring torrent of armor and arrived at the makeshift frontline position next to the lava lake.

The base camp has been moved here. The huge lava demon next to it has been killed by Akazawa Yoshio. The flames on its body gradually extinguished and turned into cold obsidian rocks. After mining, you can get huge rewards.

"You have performed very well. Prisoners, you will definitely be able to go back and be a good person in the future." Akasawa Yoshiyo waved to the inmates and witches who came from Anxinyuan.

Sinners such as Kurachi Koiko also assisted the human soldiers on the battlefield, trying their best to use their magic power and each achieved some kills.

"Uh oh oh!"

"go home!"

"Great!" Cangchi Lianzi felt excited.

Sure enough, many sins can be washed away here and many demons can be killed for humans. Now at least my conscience will not be uneasy.

Katie fluttered across the sky, and then landed heavily on the ground. The earthquake attracted attention.

They turned to look at the white dragon. Katie knew that they definitely didn't believe that this was her. The once thin and cruel black flying dragon had now transformed into a huge white dragon with a wingspan of 40 meters. It was so sacred and bright that even she herself did not dare to admit it. It was like a dream coming into reality.

"Roar——" Katie roared to rally her allies. The soldiers moved forward relentlessly, even though their numbers had been greatly reduced in the bloody encounter, but they had only one goal, and that was to win.

"Katy Mancias!" Jiangqu flapped her wings and came to Kati, clamping Lewontin with her wings.

Chloe followed closely behind, still holding the sanctuary flag in her hand, like a moving halo in the form of a witch. Wherever she went, people felt inspired, and their mental and physical wounds healed faster.

"It's really Katie! You've become so big now!" Akazawa Yoshio looked up in surprise.

"I tell you, that mountain! We have to attack it!" Katie stubbornly looked at the Gate of Hell on the top of Kagura Mountain.

"The soldiers have been fighting continuously for more than 10 hours and need to wait for the rotation of the troops." Chloe said cautiously, "And everything ahead is unknown."

"...The current results are all because someone worked hard to clear the way in front. All you have to do is follow! Don't hesitate here, the opportunity will be fleeting!" Katie was restless, worried that Zhang Su was in danger.

"Oh? Then I will order the entire army to pause the offensive. It just so happens that the 'Sky Spear' fired round after round and needs to recalibrate its trajectory." Jiangqu said loudly.

"You - bastard, you have to charge forward!" Katie roared sharply.

"Be rational, human and mechanical energy is not unlimited." Akazawa Yoshie tried to comfort Katie, "If Zhang Su were here, he would also advise you to restrain your anger a little. Speaking of which, where has he gone?"

"You - cowards!" Katie slammed her claws on the ground, causing the surrounding soldiers to stagger, forcing them to retreat quickly. She turned around, preferring to dismantle Kagura Mountain herself and take Zhang Su out of it. "We are only a little bit short. If we don't attack the main peak of Kagura Mountain now, delaying the battle will kill everyone..."

She crawled out, knowing that it would be useless and would not convince them to fight for their lives. But this was the only way she could think of to get help.

Katie stubbornly climbed all the way to Kagura Mountain without looking back. Let those guys sit back and talk nonsense and be fools! She was going to rescue Zhang Su and fight with him deep into the demon army to fight a bloody battle together.

"Are you looking for Zhang Su?" Edith appeared in front of Katie.

"Ouch." Katie remained tight-lipped and did not tell her that the black armor was a weapon used to counter Edith.

"You love Zhang Su, you will die for him, and he will die because of you. You are also pregnant with his child." Edith said.

"Yeah." Katie has always been proud of this, "Do you have any objections?"

Edith glanced at Cady, then turned around.

"Six thousand six hundred people," she said in an emotionless voice.

Katie turned her head.

Their eyes also turned to the center of the camp. Edith leaned against the stacks of ammunition boxes and whispered a number.

"Six thousand six hundred people? What do you mean?" Jiangqu asked. Before being sent from the spirit world to the human world, Gotith's mother warned her to be careful of three beings in the human world, and Edith was one of them. Therefore, Jiangqu did not dare to make mistakes.

"Choose 6,600 fresh troops. After 3 hours, we will go to the gate of hell together. The timing is just right. At this time, we can kill Nazmi. I will wait for you in the open ground, bring all the weapons, and fight resolutely , Nazmi is not someone who can be defeated quickly." Edith said, and then turned around and headed to Kagura Mountain.

Katie was overjoyed when she heard this. She exhaled loudly, blowing out streams of smoke from her nose.

"Let's go!" she growled, following Edith's pace.

"It's three hours later! Don't be too anxious!" Akazawa Yoshie shouted, but unable to stop Katie, she turned her head, "We need 6,600 people, what should we do?"

"Choose the energetic ones from the fresh troops, the most experienced ones from the battlefield elites, how else can you choose." Jiangqu said angrily, "Following the rules really ruins my temper, but it's that guy Edith. …”

"Let's go." Chloe spread her white wings and looked at the door of hell solemnly, "If our battle plan succeeds this time, it will be the 35th door of hell that is closed!"

"Are you willing to follow? If we face the challenge of the Gate of Hell, this battle will be very dangerous, and you may die. The battle to reduce the sentence is enough, but there is hell ahead." Akazawa Yoshio looked at Kurama Chi Lianzi and the others had serious expressions.

"If I have children in the future, I can tell them about my achievements over and over again. I'm willing to go." Kurachi Koiko nodded vigorously.

"Ah...I'm so scared."

"But the atmosphere is here..."

"I hope the powerful witch can resist and let us finish the mission safely."

"I have to go back to the human world to eat delicious food..."

The other witches nodded nervously.

3 hours later.

Carefully selected soldiers, approximately equivalent to 12 battalions, were assembled.

"Wait a minute——"

"This is……"

"It's so scary..." They all saw the strangeness of the earth.

Edith turned her back to them, and the corpses of demons' hands and feet were piled on the ground!

After a fierce battle, they were able to identify the broken limbs of the Balrog Demon, the Wing Demon, the Blade Demon, and the Moth Demon Core Flame Demon. The originally arrogant demons were now completely used by Edith to perform spells. s material.

The air is filled with sworn demon main souls and unconscious wandering souls, and the air is full of green. People need to be extremely cautious when walking through them. Once they touch any of them by mistake, they will be invaded, contaminated or even occupied by the memories and emotions contained in their souls.

"This is so scary..." Akazawa Yoshiyo had to admit, but she had to stay calm in front of the soldiers.

Edith's thumbs, index fingers, and middle fingers on both sides were touching each other, forming a three-dimensional triangle.

It's a teleportation technique, how could she do it? And on such a large scale? Chloe stared at Edith, feeling incredible. Is this going to send everyone up? Chloe had seen her mother, Edith, do something similar, but Edith was in another realm.

"We are ready!"

"Can I be teleported away in a tank?"

"Frightened..." The soldiers on the front line were extremely frightened.

"No one knows what will happen when you get up there, so hold on to your weapons." Chloe turned to Jiangqu and said seriously, it would be a bloody battle, and there might be something wrong with Edith. Chloe tensed her nerves.

"Then I won't hold it anymore." Jiangqu threw Levantine away, and it hovered beside him in confusion.

"Time's up!" Katie said impatiently.

Edith's fingers suddenly crossed, and the entire land lit up with a scarlet blood light.

Everyone can only see a corner, but if you look down from a high altitude, you will see a hexagram blood ring appearing on the earth. People are standing in the seven blocks divided by the hexagram. Each block is divided by Made up of hundreds of people.

Cady saw her vision blur.

She growled, but heard her voice twisted and low, and her scales tingled as she tried hard to stay calm under the dizziness.


A burst of bright light pierced Katie's eyes, and she screamed in pain. With a loud tearing sound, the feeling of nausea and loss suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes and was instantly shocked.

A completely different place——

A magnificent gate rose from the ground in front of her, at least a hundred meters high. The arched frame was forged from obsidian, connecting a world of scorching and dazzling flames.

The surface of the gate is like a fluid prism, with countless screaming and scratching heads protruding from it. All kinds of demons are vying to climb through the gate and invade the human world.

Kagura Mountain Top, Gate of Hell!

Nazmi, a demon with an elegant appearance like a multi-armed giant insect, sat on the obsidian throne and looked at the chessboard below with interest.

The white marble carves the force of the lieutenant, while the matte obsidian shapes its own military force.

In an instant, thousands of people appeared from mid-air and fell towards the chessboard, drowning Nazmi's chess game in an instant!

"Roar!" Kati roared. She noticed Nazmi on the throne and the huge adjutant of the Flame Demon Legion opposite.

Nazmi's pressure... was so terrifying. The feeling of a real high-level demon was completely different to Kati. The aura of any previous demon was not as powerful as Nazmi's. Katie felt tremendous pressure and realized that if she could compete with Nazmi, she would be defeated unless Edith could continue to help.

More noises were heard from the distance. Probably to avoid being caught in one fell swoop, at least three-quarters of the people were teleported to other parts of the mountain. Only she and some of the most powerful people came here to face Nazmi.

Upon discovering the intruder, a violent roar erupted inside and outside the Hell Gate.

Hordes of demons swarmed through the mirror-like door to kill humans.

Nazmi immediately bowed to control the field. It worked hard to get them to line up and be knowledgeable. On average, each demon needs 6 months of professional education before being allowed to enter this world. However, now they are all destroyed.

When they saw that there were fresh souls right in front of the gate of hell, they rushed towards each other and pushed each other, completely breaking the organizational discipline set by Nazmi.

"Study is more beneficial than a full meal - demons! Use knowledge to nourish the body and mind, rather than killing!" Nazmi called loudly.

It shook its head, turned to look at Edith on the ground, and sat back down.

"...Thank you, this time it will be the same as before." Nazmi glanced at it, and Edith disappeared without a trace, "Six thousand six hundred, take it."

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