Witch containment diary

Chapter 278 The Flying Swing

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Reio called from New Tokyo.

Zhang Su quickly asked her to wait for a moment, then took the phone to the school building, put it on the table, and asked everyone to gather around and turn on the speakerphone so that everyone could listen to Lian Yang.

They all really wanted to hear what Reiyao had to say, and Saho was so excited that she almost cried.

"Sorry, is everyone doing well?" Lian Yang asked.

"Okay, great!" Zaho answered quickly. She climbed up on the table and put her face against the screen of her phone, "Senior...hehe, senior..."

"Natsuki, enter." Mayumi winked.

"Don't be naughty!" Natsuki grabbed Saho's pants with both hands and yanked her back. Watching the sunrise was like recharging her batteries. Natsuki was so strong now that she dragged Saho out in one go.

"I'm being coerced! Senior!" Saho shouted, "Help me!"

"Haha... still so energetic." Lian Yang's chuckle came from the phone. Looking at Zao Suo's expression, Zhang Su felt that Zao Sui's bones were going numb.

"How is it? How are you living in New Tokyo?" Zhang Su stood at the table, wearing a long-sleeved singlet even though it was cold, and relied on his righteousness to drive away the chill.

"Thanks to you, there are no big problems at the moment. I am eating flame parfait in the dessert shop." Lianyang said reservedly. Zhang Su could imagine that she would maintain a decent lifestyle in New Tokyo, but she would not I know if that little money is enough.

"Is Sayuri okay?" Zhang Su asked.

"As a vampire witch, dependence on human plasma has always been a problem. After all, blood products are strategically restricted commodities. Currently, she can only be allowed to work in a hospital in exchange for plasma." Reio said calmly.

"Need help?" Zhang Su asked.

"You have provided me with immeasurable help. Don't worry, I can do it. I also stored the tens of millions of yen from selling the old house and planned to make some investments of my own." ." Lian Yang said.

"You're so skilled... In this case, I have nothing to worry about. Remember, if anyone dares to bully you, don't swallow your anger and call back immediately. We will fully support you!" Zhang Su said.

"Full support!" Saho was extremely excited, "I know the people in Shadow Street, and I will ask them to help you, senior!"

"Well, Saho, I have always believed in you." Reio said.

Hayao was so happy that she went to heaven.

After chatting for almost half an hour and agreeing to communicate regularly, Lian Yang hung up the phone and everyone dispersed.

"Senior Reiyo is really awesome... lovely." Komurohua walked out, with the puppy Pepper leading the way.

"Are there any activities today?" Zhang Su was worried about Shi Hua.

"Ah, teacher, I want to help you wash clothes..." Shihua said.

"Let me help you, let's go together." Zhang Su and Shi Hua went to the school building.

"Yeah!" Shi Hua could vaguely see Zhang Su's condition, and he could see it most clearly, because the aura around him vaguely outlined a strong figure, and the surging core strength in his heart burned like a blazing fire in the daytime.

"It's amazing. I'm willing to help everyone." Zhang Su praised.

"Thank you, teacher..." Murohua lowered his head in embarrassment, "Because it was originally done by Yuanzhi, but now Yuanzhi has turned into a kitten, so let me do it."

"Miwu." Yuanzhi followed them, his tail raised high.

"Komurohua is the best child." Zhang Su said.

"Ah...ah...teacher..." Shi Hua paid attention to Zhang Su's condition and was concerned about him, "Maybe it's my strange eyesight. I see that there seems to be a gap in the strength of the teacher..."

"You see very keenly. After last year's decisive battle at Mount Kaguraku, the monster's explosion before its death left the teacher with some trouble. He will probably recover when it gets warmer, so don't worry." Zhang Su went up. Go downstairs and help Shihua get the huge dirty clothes basket, which contains all kinds of seasonal school uniforms, and they all need to be washed before spring starts.

"I believe the teacher will be fine." Shi Hua clenched his fists, "The teacher has been helping everyone. In this case, blessings will also converge on the teacher."

Is that true? Zhang Su thought. The terrible disaster is following like a shadow, and it is coming soon. Now there is no room to even hope that fate will be kind, and we must work hard to find a way out.

Even so, the blessings from Komurohua were precious and made Zhang Su feel heart-warming.

"I'll lend you my blessing." Zhang Su carried the large clothes basket to the newly purchased washing machine, which was located in the laundry room next to the workshop.

He opened the huge stainless steel industrial-grade washing machine, opened the top cover, put all the clothes in, and then added a tablespoon of laundry detergent and disinfectant. Before there were such electrical appliances, everyone used a small faucet and used a mallet to beat the clothes to clean them. To this day, their hands still have micro marks left by cracked skin in the winter.

"Thank you, teacher." Shi Hua bowed to Zhang Su.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have to be so sensible. Just let the adults help with these chores. Everyone is happy. And for the prisoners responsible for cleaning, this is also part of their job." Zhang Su said.

"There will be a new group of people coming next spring." Shihua thought.

"Yes, there will be an opportunity to replenish prisoners three times a year soon. In a few weeks, a new batch of witch prisoners will join Anxinyuan to meet everyone." Zhang Su said.

"I'm really looking forward to it. Although I can't see clearly what they look like, I can barely distinguish different people now. I'm really looking forward to seeing different people." Shihua murmured happily.

"Let me take care of the laundry. Go play with Natsuki and Zhazhao and the others, Shihua." Zhang Su felt distressed.

"I...I want to dry all my clothes before going out." Shihua said.

"The clothes will be washed in half an hour, let's go play." Zhang Su encouraged.

"Can...can you play on the swing with me?" Shihua asked cautiously.

"Of course, no problem!" Zhang Su agreed readily and immediately took Shihua to the newly installed swing next to the playground.

Sitting on the saddle, Komurohua grabbed the iron chains on both sides with both hands. Zhang Su pushed from behind. With a little force, the swing flew up to a high place.

Murohua was extremely happy. She felt the gravity change rapidly, her body moved at high speed, and she swung to a high place without any worries. Because she trusted Zhang Su so much, she felt very at ease and enjoyed the high-speed flying swing.

Every time she moved to a high position, Shihua couldn't help but laugh. Zhang Su asked her to be careful, and then pushed again. The swing slid to a high point at high speed, and was raised violently in the air, almost to the top, as if it were perpendicular to the ground. Then it whizzed down and moved back to a high point. This place made Shihua feel excited and happy.

"Damn it!" Hayho looked into the distance, "I only dare to sit and don't dare to fly!"

"I want to fly high too..." Zhizhang sucked his fingers.

"Haaho, you have never pushed me to such a high place!" Natsuki was angry.

"I, Xiaoli, what did you say?" Zaho said righteously, "What's more, you have failed to stand by me unconditionally many times, and we are no longer friends!"

"I don't need you." Natsuki turned around and went to swing with Zhizhi.

"No, I have become lonely, no one is by my side!" Hayho was shocked.

"Meow meow~" Yuori pricked Hayao's trouser legs with her claws sympathetically.

"Hey, there is only one cat. Am I, Saho, finally down like this?" Saho lamented, "But the strong are always lonely. Let's look at Saho's modern poems: Loneliness gave me a lonely voice/But I But I use it to find friends! Now I understand who is the true friend who will never leave me. You are the only one who will never leave me!"

"Meow!" Yuanzhi was very happy.

"We will be life-or-death friends from now on." Hao Sui squatted on the ground and shook hands with Sui Ying.

Yuanzhi arched her back angrily and meowed a few times, then jumped away.

Zhang Su pushed Shi Hua's swing further and flew so high! He suddenly saw Mrs. Miyu Shinjo approaching from a distance, staring at him with a look of obvious disapproval. Zhang Su suddenly acted as if he had done something wrong. After Komurohua's swing lowered and swung back, he caught the swing with his hand. , and then push gently.

"I will never involve Hana Komuro in any dangerous projects." Zhang Su announced.

"Woooo..." Natsuki and the others were all afraid of Murohua's mother, because Mrs. Miyu Shinjo was a woman with a strong aura, and they were embarrassed to hang around Murohua's mother.

"The children have all left..." Shihua turned her head and looked up at Xincheng Meiyu, "Mom, good morning!"

"Be careful and don't swing so high in the future." Xincheng Meiyu comforted her.

Shihua's expression was a little embarrassed. She felt that her mother's presence seemed to create unnecessary barriers between herself and others. It seems that she is unique because of this, and her mother always protects her.

"I... those clothes should be washed... I'm going to collect the clothes..." Murohua turned towards the laundry room.

Zhang Su thought that Mrs. Shinjo Meiyu was going to say something more to Komuro Hana, but no, she just turned to Zhang Su and frowned.

"About that child... we have to talk. Is there really nothing we can do about her eyes? It would be great if you have some ideas." Xincheng Meiyu said sadly.

"...There is a way." Zhang Su took a deep breath.

"Then, as long as you can help, I'm willing to do anything." Xincheng Meiyu said.

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