Witch containment diary

Chapter 31 Purchasing a Cow

Zhang Su walked to the platform, bypassed the fleeing crowd, and delivered the letter into the bright red mailbox with the words Dongming Post written on it.

He remembered that the train ran every two days, and so did the postman. At that time, the postman would carefully sort the letters and deliver them on a dedicated line, and they would be delivered to Murohua's mother as soon as tomorrow night.

She must be very happy to receive such a letter.

After delivering the letter, Zhang Su passed by the home of the mayor Xiaolin Muchun. Several young people were loading and unloading goods, packing furniture and things into a white van, which was very difficult.

Zhang Su remembered that when he went to hunt bears before, he saw a notice left by Xiaolin Muchun's grandfather at the door. It seemed that the Xiaolin family had been prominent figures in the town for generations.

He stopped by to take a look.

Xiao Lin Muchun was watching at the door when he felt someone behind him. He subconsciously turned his head and saw Zhang Su's neck. He was startled and raised his head to see the other person.

Ah! Director Zhang! Hello, hello! Xiao Lin Muchun met Zhang Su when he went up the mountain to sell chickens, and he greeted him warmly.

Moving? Zhang Su was curious.

There were several townspeople on the side, pulling out a few cattle and sheep from the corral, preparing to take them away.

I don't want to leave, but looking at the situation, the gate to hell on the mountain is said to be 'opened'. The children want to sell the ranch and move to New Tokyo. I can't stop them at all. Kobayashi Muchun said helplessly .

What about selling cows? Zhang Su also wanted to buy animals.

Yes, yes, I'll bring him out. Mayor Xiao Lin Muchun nodded, turned around and entered Xiao Lin's house.

Not long after, Zhang Su saw a beautiful woman walking out of the door, holding a basket of clothes in her hand.

Her hair was combed into a high bun, her eyes were downcast and dignified, and she was wearing a black gauze, but it could not hide her wavy figure, with slender branches bearing fruit, making her extremely elegant and steady.

Is this the mayor’s cow? Zhang Su was shocked.

The beautiful woman was startled when she saw Zhang Su, her cheeks were slightly flushed, she lowered her head consciously, and turned around to enter the house.

It wasn't until she went back that Zhang Su saw Xiaolin Muchun leading the cow out from behind the house.

What do you think of this one? It's 3 years old. The first baby was born a few months ago. It's very prosperous. Xiao Lin Muchun said.

Zhang Su walked to the yard of the mayor's house and observed carefully.

It made a moo sound. It was a strong, black-and-white Holstein cow. It was well-developed and very clean, except for some mud on its four hooves.

The cow has a wide forehead, and its slit-like nostrils open and close rhythmically when breathing. Its ears swing to repel mosquitoes. It chews food as it walks, and its huge mandibles constantly move left and right to grind the fodder.

Indeed, she has delicate features and beautiful eyes... Zhang Su couldn't help but think of the beautiful woman he had just glimpsed.

That's right. Mayor Xiaolin, can you let me come in and sit down? I'm a little tired after driving down. Zhang Su said.

That's it, please come in, please come in. Xiao Lin Muchun nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Lin Muchun was very polite to Zhang Su and always felt that Zhang Su could take care of things on the mountain and help the townspeople resist the devil.

In this way, Gozenmachi will always have hope for stability, and there will be no need to be as panicked as it is now.

Zhang Su left the robot Roy outside to help move the goods.

After entering the house, Zhang Su saw the beautiful woman in black mourning clothes again. She was a little surprised by Zhang Su's appearance.

Reina, don't forget how to treat guests! Also, why haven't your clothes been dried yet? Kobayashi Muchun said sternly.

Yes! I'm sorry. Reina turned her back, quickly walked into the kitchen, and made tea for Zhang Su.

Please take a seat. Xiao Lin Muchun and Zhang Su sat across from each other at a table.

Reina seems to have no status at all. She can only do housework in another room and cannot see guests. Zhang Su felt that she left behind a slight fragrance of jasmine and sandalwood when she walked.

She is... Zhang Su asked.

My poor child's wife, Rena Kobayashi. Kobayashi Muchu sighed, the wrinkles on his face becoming more obvious.

Only now did Zhang Su see the photo on the wall. The man in the photo was a very young man. He was the mayor's third son, Xiao Lin Mao. He died of an attack by a demon in the wild. It was really tragic.

I'm very sorry for bringing up such a sad topic... Zhang Su regretted.

Please don't worry, my tears are getting less and less day by day. Xiao Lin Muchun shook his head, By the way, are the shelters still recruiting people?

Recruited, Zhang Su said, But does anyone in the family want to work in the mountains?

Actually, it's Rena, Kobayashi Muchun's attitude was a little unhappy, You have been living in my house for half a year, and it's time to go out and find a job.

Mrs. Linai doesn't insist on lingering here. Zhang Su said.

A weak woman can't lift her hands or carry her shoulders. She can't find a job. She really has nothing else to do except eat rice. I want to send her back to her parents' home, but even her parents don't want her. Xiao Lin Muchun said in an evil voice. .

Reina's existence always reminded Kobayashi Muchu of his dead son. Under depression, he became more and more disgusted with Rena and did not want her to appear in his sight.

Zhang Su vaguely heard Reina crying next door.

Why is she unwilling to leave Gozenmachi? Zhang Su asked, Even if she can't find a job in the country, there should be some jobs in the city.

I don't know about that. Xiao Lin Muchun shook his head.

Having said that, there is indeed a shortage of people in my place. After all, I am new here and I lack people for many things. Zhang Su said.

I'm afraid she will cause trouble to your place. Xiao Lin Muchun said.

He was worried that his family would become enemies with Zhang Su because of something they had done, and would rather have a good relationship with Zhang Su so that he could defend the town where he had lived for generations.

Why don't I go talk to her and we'll know then. Zhang Su said.

She is clumsy and tongue-tied. I hope Mr. Zhang won't mind. Kobayashi Muchun stood up, Reina! Mr. Zhang wants to see you!

Thank you. Zhang Su said politely.

You're welcome, please sit here for a moment while I go outside to take a look. There are too many things to move today. Xiao Lin Muchun was even thinking about moving.

He went out to assist his children and grandchildren. The young man's luggage was heavy and heavy, and it was difficult for workers to help him. He had to rest after one or two trips.

Not long after, Reina walked over with a low eyebrow.

She was kneeling opposite Zhang Su. She was obviously a well-educated, gentle and virtuous woman, as delicate as running water. She had removed her stockings, which showed that her feet were both delicate and round.

I'm sorry for calling you here specifically. Zhang Su said kindly.

He wanted to pour tea for Reina, but she hurriedly stretched out her hand and poured herself tea first.

That's so polite. Thank you very much for the interview. I saw your badge. Is it the director of the shelter? I feel very honored... Rena replied quickly.

She lowered her head, obediently, and placed her hands neatly in her lap. It was so big that Zhang Su suspected that she couldn't see her knees when she lowered her head.

Does Madam Linai have any talents? Zhang Su asked.

In the past, when the town was crowded, I tried to be a teacher, but due to the trend of declining birthrate, many elementary schools and kindergartens in nearby Echigo City have closed down, and I have become useless. Reina said softly.

The shelter is in need of a teacher. Besides, is Mrs. Reina good at housework? Zhang Su asked.

My cooking skills are impressive. If there is any housework, I will definitely do my best to complete it. Reina said hurriedly.

Then she is very suitable to come to An Yin Hospital to help. Zhang Su secretly said. Laundry, cooking, teaching, etc. are very suitable for current needs.

If possible, I hope Mrs. Reina will take the time to come up to the mountain and take a look. The work in the shelter is quite special, so I'm afraid it won't sound good if word spreads about it. Zhang Su said.

Do I still have a reputation? she sighed.

Zhang Su looked at Li Nai, and she lowered her head, not daring to meet Zhang Su's gaze.

[Memory of Reina Kobayashi: The widow of the Kobayashi family tried to create a happy family with all her heart, but she lost her foothold after the death of her newlywed husband. She stayed in Gozenmachi and died in the Kagurakuyama Rebellion 7 months later]

The memory line on her body was bright red, which represented a sign of death, and it was clearer than those who went hunting demons just now.

Mrs. Rena, it seems that she really wants to stay in Gozen Town? I would like to ask, why? Zhang Su asked.

I want to stay here because I want to see the day when the gate to hell on the mountain is closed. I want to see the demons who killed my husband...all driven out, leaving no one behind. Reina said bitterly. explain.

This is a distant goal and will be difficult to achieve in the short term. Zhang Su shook his head.

... Rena closed her eyes in pain.

Then, move to the mountains and start your life again. The shelter welcomes you. Zhang Su got up and walked out.

New life... Rena's heart was shaken and she couldn't help but follow.

Zhang Su saw a few old-fashioned heavy boxes stacked in the corridor, so he took them outside and loaded them into the truck.

Each box weighs more than 50 kilograms and is difficult to carry, but Zhang Su lifts it like a flower basket.

Xiao Lin Muchun and others were still worried outside, not knowing how to move so much goods. When they saw Zhang Su casually carrying two boxes out, they were surprised and thanked them repeatedly. Reina was a little dazed when she saw it. This was much more powerful than the frail late husband Kobayashi Shigeru.

What's the approximate price of that cow, Mr. Mayor? Zhang Su pointed to the cow that Xiao Lin Muchun had led before without even taking a breath.

Thanks for your consideration, it's only 200,000 yen. Kobayashi Muchun offered a discount.

I bought it. Can Mrs. Linai bring it up to the mountain tomorrow? Zhang Su asked.

Of course. Xiao Lin Muchun was in a good mood.

In one fell swoop, I moved, sent Rena away, and sold the cows. Good things sometimes happen so suddenly! He hasn't been so happy for a long time.

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