Witch containment diary

Chapter 336 Tasting Party of Immortal Food

"Well!" Xia Xi became happy at this time, "So you are a big watermelon!" In her eyes, Qingxiao has turned into a walking melon and fruit tree.

"Mr. Zhang Su——" Delia looked outside.

"It's okay, the equipment will be replaced tomorrow. As for Natsuki's matter... we'll deal with it next time." Zhang Su came on stage and took away the burnt projector, and was equally impressed by Natsuki's performance.

"But there's still half the class." Delia said, and then she came up with an idea, "——By the way, let Ms. Soraya teach the potions class. Children, come back quickly."

Zhang Su went to report about the projector, Delia went to find Soraya, and the others were rescuing Hayho.

"Cross your hands and press your chest ten times." Mayumi instructed in a serious manner from the side.

"I won't let you die, I will never let you die!" Yuanori frantically performed CPR on Haohui, using his own experience of learning from a young nurse.

Saho's soul is looking at his remains in the sky.

"How did you die?" the spirit world registrar studied.

"Scared to death." Hayho said helplessly.

"Where do you plan to go in your next life?"

"I have to go to a warmer place." Saho thought, "Forget it, let me go back to my mother's belly, one step at a time."

She suddenly felt a strong gravity pulling her back into her body. With Yuori's efforts, Saho's heart started beating again and her blood flowed.

After a while, Hayho suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Uh-huh..." Hayho breathed heavily, "You made me miss a good opportunity!"

"Live! I knew it, I knew you could do it!" Yuori lay on top of Saho and cried loudly.

"Calm down, the class is not over yet. It was originally the content of the next class, but because the equipment is broken, I asked Mrs. Soraya to teach you about potions this time." Delia brought Soraya into the school building. .

They returned to their respective seats. Qingxiao's eyes fell on Natsuki for a long time. Natsuki always sat in the middle of the first row.

Hayao calmed down her thoughts, readjusted to this body, and then resumed her leisurely habits, rocking back and leaning on the chair, balancing on the chair's two back legs.

Saho was also very happy to see Teacher Soraya. She wanted to learn something more powerful.

"Listen, potion brewing. Big events. Stars. I want to know your zodiac signs. I'll call you by name and you tell me your date of birth." Soraya leaned forward, various bracelets on her arms, listening to their reports , "Okay, Murohana Virgo, Hayao Libra, Natsuki Scorpio, Mayumi Sagittarius, Enori Capricorn. We also have a tree that is not sure from which day it was born, and a fish that has never seen the sun. And Starry Sky. Hmm! Hmm... it really made me cry. Forget it, who has experience in formulating potions?"

Saho was drawing a picture of her and the Shadow Witch fighting the Storyteller on the desk when she suddenly felt everyone's eyes focused on her.

"Haasui!" they pointed at her.

"Oh my God!" Soraya was surprised, "It's actually the stupidest kid here who has mastered the skills of potions."

"I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid!!" Saho was angry.

"Then you come on stage and demonstrate to us. Teach everyone how to configure the potion and how you make the potion. Are you smart? Can you understand?" Soraya said.

"No!" Saho wanted to defend her reputation first. The two people she most admired had high self-esteem. She said to Soraya fiercely, "How do you know I'm the stupidest?"

"That's a no-brainer," Soraya said in an obvious tone.

"I thought we were friends!" Hayho felt very sad, "But you always treat me as a fool!"

"Because I am responsible for the facts." Soraya said scornfully, "Can a child like you really know how to make potions? Potions are difficult."

In the audience, the children all nodded to Saho and secretly cheered him on.

Because Hayho really made a magic potion, a fairy delicacy!

They still remember that after Zao Sui made the immortal delicacy, everyone including Hong Yan felt extremely refreshed after drinking it and felt full of energy all night long.

Saho was also angry. She suppressed her anger and questioned Soraya.

"If I really know how to make potions, Soraya, what will you do?" Hayho asked.

"Potions are a superb art that can only be mastered by a specific soul and craftsmanship." Soraya stared at Saho, "Do you think you are that kind of person? Simple human potions do not belong to what we call potions."

"I can make potions." Princess Otohime was worried about Hayao, "It's been taught in the stone book, I can help."

"No need." Hayho crossed his arms, "The formula of every potion is a secret, so I won't tell you my exclusive secret. But tonight I will hold a potion tasting party, and I hope you will come. Participate and realize your mistakes. If it turns out that I can make potions, you have to give me the potion formula you know."

"If you fool me with inferior things, I will let Zaizai eat you. From now on, it will meet everyone in your place." Soraya said.

Zaizai jumped up to the table and greeted everyone.

"Hmph. It's a deal!" Hayho nodded fiercely, she wanted to prove her strength.

"It's a deal." Soraya said contemptuously, and then turned to the other children, "...Now we can learn the basics of the preparation of witch reagents and tinctures, and figure out how to make these things. Everything I taught It is a truly primitive and ancient craft, and a secret wine popular in ancient society..."

Hayao sat back down in her original position, unable to listen anymore, all she wanted to do was give everyone a big fuck.

After class, Saho ran back to open his notepad and studied the recipe for the fairy drink: three drops of local dew at 1 a.m., cold-pressed olive oil, saffron stigma, fresh thyme samples, sage powder and passion fruit. Lotus juice, all added to apple juice.

In the past few months, I have been preparing some and drinking them, so the materials and raw materials are very abundant. Hayao studies these things.

She looked out the window and thought that after the eldest lady left, the atmosphere in Anxin Hospital was a bit strange, especially the little Hongyan Bodhisattva who hadn't come out for a long time and was holed up in the tunnel. Maybe the delicious food of immortality can lure her out again.

As she said, Zaosui asked Zhang Su to drive her to supermarkets, pharmacies, and import warehouses in the city to pick up goods.

"It feels like something big." Hayho looked out the window, "The secret of the potion will arouse people's competition, and the finished product of the potion is also of great value."

"The important thing is that this is your craft, unique." Zhang Su heard about the argument between Saho and Soraya.

"Soraya doesn't like me at all. She and I have been chatting every day for the past few months, and she doesn't seem to care about my feelings at all." Saho protested.

"Have you ever thought about duplicity? That is to say, most things are not as simple as they appear on the surface." Zhang Su reminded.

"It's so annoying, are you trying to use your brain?" Saho rubbed his head with both hands.

"At least act smart and let everyone respect you. We all like people who are wise and can figure things out one step ahead of others." Zhang Su got out of the car.

"Then do you think the eldest lady will leave Anxinyuan?" Hayho kept thinking about it.

"This is inevitable." Zhang Su said, "I also know that she will come back sooner or later."

Hayao looked at the vast scenery of Niigata City outside and thought of the many times the eldest lady drove him to the city before. Life was simple and pleasant at that time. Although there was a devil on the doorstep, everyone was full of hope.

"Time is gone forever." Hayho patted the leather seat, "The trip to New Tokyo, the big hotel, and the young lady. All good things seem to be left in the past."

"Yes." Zhang Su parked in front of the supermarket, "But we can think of it every time and never forget it. We keep time in our own hands. Relive those heart-warming memory fragments again and again. , isn’t this also our privilege?”

"You're right, but my brain is too small." Hayho felt troubled, "How can I make my head bigger!"

Hayho prepared the magic potion in the dormitory and held a fairy delicacy tasting meeting at midnight, and everyone from Ansin Hospital came to participate.

"First of all, this is an invincible magic potion." In the garden, Zaoho gathered several months' worth of it into a large bottle of transparent liquid in a plastic Coke bottle. "It took me a long time to save all this." The amount that came down, three months’ worth of inventory, exploded all at once.”

"It sounds like I have no appetite..." Mayumi said.

"Is this pure water? I cherish my roots." Qing Xiao felt that this thing was suspicious.

"I don't believe this is a magic potion." Soraya questioned.

"You'll know after you drink it!" Hayho poured a few glasses for everyone.

The aroma of fairy delicacies fills the air, reminding people of infinite beauty and happiness. Soraya's expression changed obviously.

"This...could it mean..." Soraya asked tentatively.

"That's right, it's 'Senior Food'!" said Hayho.

Soraya eagerly picked up the cup and drank it in one gulp.

Soon her expression became ecstatic, and she lay back, the accessories on her body jingling.

"It is indeed delicious..." Soraya looked at the sky. "The stars are waving to me. The taste is so intoxicating... I want it! I want it more!"

"The stone book says this is the food for the gods of the spiritual world to live forever." Princess Otohime couldn't wait to drink it.

She instantly felt an endless joy welling up in her heart, as if all her feelings were full and mature and would never wither.

Now she understood why her longing for the spiritual world was so strong, because there the witches sang and drank fairy delicacies day and night.

"Sing, let's dance~" Princess Otohime couldn't help but jump on the dragon's tail on the grass and dance to her heart's content, "This is real food!" As more and more people drank the fairy delicacy, the atmosphere in the garden changed. It also became warm and enthusiastic.

"Drink a small cup." Zhang Su replaced the fried cup with a smaller cup and let her drink a little.

"Oh?" Zhazhuo drank a small sip of the fairy delicacy and immediately jumped up, jumping on the ground, waving his arms, and had inexhaustible strength.

Hayho walked to the crack with a cup of fairy delicacy: "Bodhisattva! Please drink something good!"

"No!" Hongyan was still losing his temper.

"What an immortal delicacy!" Zaho put it on the big bluestone. "If you don't drink it, it's useless! There's only one cup left. Forget it, I'm going to sacrifice it to Senior Sister Lian Yang from a distance."

Hayao jumped onto the stone with the cup in hand and raised it high to New Tokyo in the distance: "The soul is back, senior sister, the soul is back...!"

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