Witch containment diary

Chapter 35 Life in the Shadows

New Tokyo's No. 1 Witch Prison.

More than 1,000 witches with varying degrees of corruption are housed here. They come from all over the world and are housed because of their crimes and the risk of going wild. One-tenth of them are executed every year.

Xincheng Meiyu, there is your letter! The guard put the letter from Anxinyuan into the iron box and pushed it into Xincheng Meiyu's cell.

She sat on the ground, erosion scars spreading on her neck. The guardian witch of Hokkaido is now just a deserter and a prisoner, deeply despised and a walking corpse.

Who? Xincheng Meiyu didn't turn her head, her voice was hoarse. There's something wrong with the prison's medicine.

The letter is from An'an Hospital, the guard said.

I don't know you. Xincheng Meiyu remained motionless.

The guard walked away casually, showing no concern for the contained witches, who were in a daze.

When dinner was delivered, Xincheng Meiyu slowly crawled over and saw the suppressed letter from under the lunch box.

Zhang Su, Enori, Reio, Saho, Natsuki, Mayumi, Muroka... Muroka... Muroka... Shinjo Meiyu stared at the names on the mailing column.


A small figure emerged from the depths of the broken memories.

Komuro Hana in the cradle, Komuro Hana who loves to laugh, Komuro Hana who is learning to walk, and sensible Komuro Hana...

She threw away the lunch box, grabbed the letter, and opened it with trembling hands.

The words on the letter were familiar yet unfamiliar. Xincheng Meiyu gritted her teeth, picked up the understanding of each word from the broken memory, and reunited them.

Shihua's letter was written by Xiao Shihua. She wants to understand, she wants to understand the letter written by Shi Hua!

Dear Ms. Meiyu from Xincheng. The weather is getting warmer and spring has come back. How are you? I am writing this letter to inform you about the current situation of your beloved Shihua. Shihua has been studying in Anxin Hospital for 7 years and has recovered from eye injuries. Other than that, you are in good health and please take good care of yourself until we can meet again.

Shihua's eyes, what happened to Shihua's eyes? Who did it? Is it because her sins have implicated her? I'm sorry, Komuro Hana, I'm sorry... Shinjo Miyu kept crying.

She could not imagine how Murika would live after becoming blind. It was a completely strange world.

This letter was written by everyone together. We read it to Shihua, and Shihua also read out what she wanted to say to you:

Mom, I miss you so much. I really want to go back to a long time ago and touch your face again. I'm sorry, I forgot what you looked like. I miss you so much. I want to go with you, even if we are locked together. It’s okay, my father no longer wants me, I only have my mother. It will take many years before we can see each other again. I miss you, and I will always wait for you. When my mother leaves the prison, please come and take me home.

Xincheng Meiyu felt that her heart was broken, and she found some bumps at the end of the letter, which seemed to have been poked out by Komurohua himself.

What's this? Xincheng Meiyu was extremely anxious. Besides the dictated words, what else did Komurohua write?

Miyu Shinjo ran her hand over the blind spot, focusing on the sense of touch, which to the untrained eye was as difficult to decipher as a bible.

She tried to make sense of them.

Slowly and laboriously, Xincheng Meiyu assembled a hazy puzzle in her damaged mind. These puzzle pieces seemed to bring Xincheng Meiyu into Komurohua's heart, allowing her to hear Shihua's voice.

They were faint at first, but then became clear, and the braille turned into rhythmic words. She imagined what Shihua said to herself, many, hundreds of them.

Prisoner Xincheng Meiyu, after reading the letter, the letter will be recycled! The guard came over and his voice broke the illusion.

Xincheng Meiyu opened her eyes, but her tears were still wet.

She chewed her fingers, opened the pillow, and wrote a book with blood, recording the blind spots left by Shi Hua before the guards arrived.

After returning the letter, Xincheng Meiyu waited until the lights were turned off.

She lay in the darkness, closed her eyes, touched the blood spots on the bottom of her pillow, and recalled their arrangement and shape.

She wanted to understand Komuro Hana's blind vision, over and over again.

Late at night, in the office of the director of Anxinyuan.

Lianwu relaxed a little, lying on the sofa without the rules of a young lady, with her feet on the armrests of the sofa, holding her mobile phone in both hands, concentrating on the wonderful online world.

The children are not in good health. I am thinking about how to improve it. It would be best to arrange a physical examination for them all. Zhang Su said.

Lian Wu stared at her phone without raising her head, pointing to her bag on Zhang Su's table.

Zhang Su opened Lianwu's handbag, which was filled with her personal belongings. He searched through it for a while and found the platinum package card from Mulu Medical Company.

This? Zhang Su took out the card.

~ Lian Wu nodded.

Zhang Su went online to register. Mulu Medical Company's platinum service covers a wide range of services, including whole genome sequencing, epigenetic mapping, annual tracking of customer status, etc. Support services include 10-minute global access to trauma teams, private doctors and on-call cutting-edge medical teams, as well as witches on the redemption pathway.

It seems that the platinum package can make an appointment for the medical team to come to the door for service. Then I can use it once and let them come to Anxin Hospital for a look? Zhang Su asked.

~ Lianwu twirled her fingers, no matter what she did, she didn't care~

Miss Lianwu is so relaxed. Zhang Su secretly said. I'm afraid there is no more comfortable time for her than in An'an Hospital.

At this time, a strange scream came from the deep mountains, breaking Lianwu's peaceful and happy mood.

! Lian Wu sat up from the sofa.

Zhang Su walked to the bedside and looked at the deep and dark Kagura Mountain. He didn't know how many creatures had escaped the border guards, passed through the wall of Dongzhou, and broke into the human world to do evil.

There seems to be an ominous sign outside tonight. Go to bed early, Miss Lianwu. Zhang Su turned to Lianwu.

? Lian Wu pointed at Zhang Su, not knowing what he wanted to do.

I will let you have a good dream tonight, good night, Miss Lianwu. Zhang Su said.

He would not allow An Home to be threatened.

~ Lianwu nodded, left the office, and went to sleep downstairs.

Lianwu knows that Zhang Su will keep his word, so she will always have a place for him in her heart.

She covered herself with the quilt and felt at ease...

The moon slowly climbed across the black sky.

Kagura Mountain, following the strange screams in the mountain, Li Yixin and others also tracked the devil's slaughterhouse.

Li Yixin crouched behind the towering trunk of an ancient spruce, peering through the bushes at the logging camp in the mountains. The cool night breeze caused goosebumps to appear on her arms under her coat.

Under the silver moonlight, the empty logging camp looked like the bones of a prehistoric beast, half-trapped deep in the forest. Huge logs were piled up, but no one dared to recover them.

A phase demon had just killed everyone here. Li Yixin was a step late and felt even more resentful. Everyone is in danger under the gate of hell in Mount Kagura because they failed to fulfill their responsibilities.

She glanced at her senior brother Wei Zhi. His face was covered by shadows, and his eyes reflected the moonlight, like a wandering wolf staring at its prey. On the other side of her, soldier Yasuoka melted into the darkness. His camouflage uniform made him almost invisible, and he was holding a rifle that he didn't know if it could be used.

At the entrance of the camp, the corpses of the victims were arranged in the shape of a six-pointed star. They were all torn and ravaged, and their skulls were peeled off, silently proving the phase demon's malice.

Wei Zhi took out his two guns, and the bullets made of demon-repelling alloy could severely damage the demon.

He made a gesture, and Li Yixin went to reconnoiter, and An Gang came to the rear.

Li Yixin took the flame ray and walked towards the dilapidated wooden shed at the edge of the camp, her soft-soled shoes making no sound.

She stopped outside the shed, leaning against the weathered wooden slats. The flames under the moon looked even sharper, but her opponent was a phase demon after all. He could become invisible and flicker at any time, living in the cracks in the space...

She opened the door of the wooden shed, and a bloody smell surged out, and the cruel scene in front of her seemed to burn her mind.

The mutilated bodies of two young lumberjacks were crumpled and stacked on top of each other. The skin, flesh and bones were rearranged and reunited into a skeleton. The face was divided into two parts, one old and one young, one smiling and the other sad. The phase demon was possessed by them. Before coming, I intentionally left such art as a mockery.

Just as An Gang and Wei Zhi were walking towards Li Yixin for support, the phase demon suddenly appeared, as dark as night, invisible and without form, and a flaming blade streaked through the air.

Danger! Li Yixin rushed over, Wei Zhi stepped aside and backed down, and An Gang jumped away in a hurry.

An Gang fired two shots into the air. The bullets whizzed through the air, and the phase demon disappeared into nothingness.

Such a rapid phase walking... it ate too many souls and became too strong. It is no longer the inferior bastard in the previous intelligence, but a mutant among the phase demons. Wei Zhi frowned.

We have to find cover! An Gang pointed to a big house in the middle of the logging camp.

There is still support... Li Yixin held the flame ray and took turns covering with the other two.

She activated the distress communicator and transferred it to the nearest designated cooperating unit of the human defense plan.

Peace of mind.

——I am Li Yixin...we are in trouble.

Where is it? Don't move rashly, wait until I arrive. Zhang Su said.

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