Witch containment diary

Chapter 372 Aggregation of rising heat flow

"Have you been to many dimensions?" Zhang Su asked.

"Many, such as my hometown of Deo-Zeta, we used to live a peaceful life, until a door to hell opened, and everything fell into chaos. Until the constellation fleet of the Unbounded Alliance fell from the sky and wiped out all our population and resources. Bring a ship that symbolizes salvation and join the Alliance family.”

"Since then, we have been traveling in different dimensions, collecting civilizations from dimension to dimension, integrating the technology of different races, giving full play to the strengths of each civilization, and protecting each other from being devoured by demons." Elder Crohn said.

"...A gate to hell?" Zhang Su asked.

"Yes, once a dimension is targeted by demons, they will open a door to hell and swarm in. Around this door to hell, members of different races will launch an arduous struggle. Even if hell is successfully sealed, Gate, and new portals will appear in the future, and the war will never end. So retreating from the targeted dimension is the best plan." Elder Crohn said.

"Most of the dimensions you have encountered have only one door to hell?" Zhang Su confirmed.

"Of course there is only one portal that communicates between the normal world and hell. Sometimes our fleets will gather together and bombard a hell gate to prevent reinforcements. In this way, we will destroy groups of demon legions and temporarily relieve them. offensive, and then lead people to retreat," Elder Krohn said.

"The world I came to has a hundred gates to hell." Zhang Su said.

A hundred gates to hell?

An abnormal ripple suddenly arose in Elder Crohn's thoughts.

"What a vast world that is, a super giant planet beyond the measurement range of our database, or you have occupied more than a hundred planets..." Elder Krohn felt incredible.

"There is only one planet, and there are a hundred of them. And we have sealed thirty-five of them." Zhang Su said.

"Rely on what?" Elder Crohn had never seen such a feat.

"Fight." Zhang Su said, "Advance to the gate of hell and seal it."

"Most people in civilization will die in a war of this intensity, a hundred!"

"Indeed, at the cost of hundreds of millions of deaths and countless sacrifices." Zhang Su said slowly.

Elder Crohn found it increasingly difficult to accept.

"How can you - fight, fight against endless demons? Any mature Unbounded Alliance soldier knows how to retreat in self-defense, drive the ship to collect as many resources as possible and return to the interstitial space... Look at what we have now Technology, advanced technology, amazing civilizations and ships! We have established an interdimensional super-giant civilization relying on this strategy, and this is an effective method." Elder Krohn said.

They rely on long-range firepower to fight demons, and most of the time they are running away. Very few warriors have faced the demons themselves, and doing so is discouraged.

"If you don't fight demons, you can't become as fast, as ferocious, and as powerful as them. If you don't fight demons, you can't understand how far human beings can push their limits," Zhang Su said.

"You are not a demon, you are a human being!" Elder Crohn suddenly realized.

"Indeed, a mortal. Working hard to defeat the devil." Zhang Su said.

"Humans! We are no strangers to you. Within your time scale of 'hundreds of years', our envoys have visited secretly and can even speak your language using a translator. Let us cooperate." Elder Krohn quickly proposed Invitation, "Your strength is strong enough. Our alliance also needs to recruit strong people from the local civilization. You will get endless training resources to help guard our largest mothership in the gap. The one called 'Home Ark' The mothership has all the resources you need, and all happiness can be found there!”

"Home Ark?" Zhang Su frowned.

"Yes, let us reconcile and end this meaningless confrontation and hatred. I will give you a ticket to the Home Ark. It is a teleportation spell left by an advanced magical civilization. It can open a teleportation portal. , linking your world with the Ark Mothership. This is a gift to the truly strong, and your joining is crucial to us!" Elder Crohn asked the robot to take out the gift.

The moment the robot took out the box, Zhang Su slashed towards the sky with his sword.

A thin white line sprinkled into the sky and crashed straight into the anchorage mothership in the Constellation Fleet!

At this time, the jump had initially started, but a sudden attack interrupted the process. The anchorage itself cracked from the center, and the carriers, frigates, and battle cruisers at the front and rear ends of the thin line were also instantly cut open.

Great power once again penetrated the fleet. Due to the attack on the mothership, half of the ships exploded instantly as soon as they were covered with the colorful fluctuations of the strong magnetic field, and were crushed into pieces by their own collapsed position. Tens of thousands of crew members died on the spot.

Elder Crohn raised his head and looked at the sky, wailing uncontrollably.


"The jump technology requires powerful power energy. The only thing that can activate this energy is the mothership itself. As long as it is destroyed, you will not be able to escape." Zhang Su looked up at the mothership that was splitting on both sides.

A fire broke out in the torn place, and a large amount of materials, cargo, small spacecraft, and people fell from it. It was like cutting open the belly of an animal, and countless contents flowed out.

"How-why!" Elder Crohn yelled.

"Where are you going to escape?" Zhang Su looked at the completely unbalanced Constellation Fleet, "If you have received the order from Home Ark to return to the gap, you must tell me such an important thing. But you are just with me The ramblings show that you just want to escape from here and escape from this commanding blade."

"The Commander's Blade—yes! Damn it, how did you get such an artifact?" Elder Crohn roared.

"At the risk of fighting, both me and it will suffer! This is what I pulled out of it alive." Zhang Su turned the blade in his hand.

He casually slashed the guard robots around Elder Crohn, leaving the old man standing on the sand.

Elder Crohn felt the robots behind him explode one after another, the wasteland shook, and his expression was extremely ugly.

"Then how did you know that we were going to launch a jump?" Elder Crohn said.

"Because I don't need to know, I just need to take action at the moment before such a sign occurs. You have never dared to fight the devil, and you are naturally timid about gambling, so you cannot grasp my decision." Zhang Su prepared to pursue the spacecraft.

It looked up and saw that the fleets were evacuated and no longer formed a constellation. Instead, they were flying wildly into the sky, intending to go to the outer wall of Flame Bottle Seven, intending to forcibly break through the edge of the world and break into the turbulence of the gap.

This approach only has a 1% chance of survival, but there is always a spaceship that can return to the Home Ark alive, return to the Unbounded Alliance, report everything that happened here to the mothership, and tell the mothership the outcome of the Silver Crown.

"They are all running away at disorderly angles. Although your attack is powerful, it can only attack in a single line! Unless you can catch up with all seventy spaceships!" Elder Crohn roared.

"You are behind the scenes, and you are just a copy sent down to negotiate, but you and the original body should share the same mind." Zhang Su analyzed it in an instant.

"You have been defeated, human being." Elder Crohn was killed by Zhang Su with a single blow.

In the anchorage hub, the real Elder Krohn suddenly felt trembling and fearful.

The death of the clone also makes the main body cringe.

At this time, the anchorage mothership was torn apart by Zhang Su in the first wave of attacks, causing heavy losses. The crew members fled and took the rescue capsule to leave, hoping to break through the outer wall and penetrate the gap to take a chance.

"Give him the pickaxe! Just give him the pickaxe!" Sentry Juke jumped up from the hospital bed crazily and ran down the corridor. His only rational voice was drowned in countless panicked wails. It rushed to the anchorage hub and yelled sadly, "Why don't you give him the pickaxe back!"

"The matter has come to this, there is no, no way!" Sentinel Anta looked at the fleets around him that had suffered greater losses. Even the mothership itself issued an order to abandon ship. At this time, he was hiding in the corner and shivering.

"It's all you! It was you who asked us to shoot and wound the girl, and also took away her pickaxe!" Qiu Ke whined desperately.

Elder Crohn suddenly became excited.

No wonder you can feel the slight hostility from Zhang Su when negotiating with him!

All the choices made from the beginning to now have failed to meet the other party's most fundamental expectations.

Pickaxe! For a pickaxe, the entire constellation fleet will be buried with him!

If he had honestly returned the pickaxe to him from the beginning, why would the Constellation Fleet be like this!

"Abandon ship, if life and luck are still kind, you will have enough time to regret." Elder Crohn sat in the hub and sighed.

"Elder, what about you?!" Jiuke sentry lamented.

"I must take all the survivors out of this space." Elder Crohn concentrated his mind and controlled all the spaceships to escape to the outer layer of Flame Bottle Seven at a constant speed. "We must bring the news back to the Home Ark. The Alliance will avenge us."

"If these people weren't trying to make the jump, would you join them?" Lydia asked.

"They will definitely retreat. And I will never be able to contribute to other people's causes." Zhang Su raised his head and waved his sword.

The trajectory of the blade was like a comet piercing the sky, tearing apart the fleet in an instant and disrupting the flight path of the surviving aircraft. They fled in terror, like a flock of frightened birds.

The hit machine exploded instantly, and the once indestructible advanced metal frame split into two in an instant. It disintegrated under the fierce attack and turned into a blazing fireball as the plane crashed.

The Silver Corona fleet, which was built with endless manpower and resources, was anchored by an anchorage mothership and had more than a hundred acupuncture ships under its command. Now it was easily chopped into pieces by Zhang Su!

Such a result was violent enough, but Zhang Su knew that Elder Crohn was right. If he couldn't fly into the sky to pursue him, sooner or later a dozen ships would be able to escape.

He wanted to clear the battlefield and annihilate the entire fleet.

But those needle-type warships were extremely fast and quickly disappeared from sight.

Flame Bottle Seven is not a complete cosmic world, but a small dimension. They may be able to launch a smaller jump from the side wall of the dimension to leave alone and escape separately.

"Our shooting angle is too bad now, and they have entered the sulfur cloud. If you don't fly high enough, you won't be able to see them." Lydia warned.

"Our armor is not designed for flying." Zhang Su used the engine to accelerate and tried to float up, but it was impossible to compete with the high-tech warships of the Unbounded Alliance.

"My friend is gone..." The fireballs were very sorry to see the spaceship flee in all directions.

"Can't just watch them escape, help me fly up!" Zhang Su encouraged.



"Friend, fly away...!"

"Fly, fly!" The fireballs came over,

The giant fire that was the largest and as strong as a building ran over, wrapped around Zhang Su underneath, and began to burn itself powerfully.

This kind of combustion is like installing a rocket engine for Zhang Su. The gas expands rapidly and pushes him off the ground.

"Balls of fire?!" Zhang Su suddenly felt his body suddenly lightened, because there were balls of fire supporting him below, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

"Fly!" The fireballs on the ground shouted to their friends.

"Fly up!"

"Fly to the sky!"

Zhang Su looked down at the ground and was shocked by the magnificent scene in front of him.

"Stop hiding!"

"Come out and help!"

The fireballs are calling the friends within the range of Flame Bottle Seven!

A large number of fireballs crawled out from the burning tunnel mouths, volcanoes, lava lakes and mines. They were urged to rush over and form a huge thermal shaft on the ground.

Several other fireballs volunteered to jump into the fuel tank of Zhang Su's armor and stuffed themselves in to serve as engine thrusters.



"The burning of the little guy brings huge energy!" Lydia reported, "Our speed is getting faster and faster! The burning of a ball of fire is enough to push us up to an altitude of three thousand meters, and now they are all gathered together - —We’re going to catch up with the fleet!”

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