Witch containment diary

Chapter 376 Great Exploration Flame Bottle Seven

In the infirmary, Hongyan is on the bed. The robot Bai Jue did most of the wound treatment for Hong Yan, and the rest took time to heal.

Lianwu held Hongyan's hand heartbrokenly and pressed the back of Hongyan's hand against her forehead. Zhang Su watched silently.

"How could it be like this..." Lian Wu sighed.

"Hong Yan opened a tunnel to the new world for us. She did the greatest work for us, linking two worlds that would have been completely impossible to intersect. This is the most amazing achievement I have ever seen in my life. We were originally Like the civilization on Easter Island, sooner or later it will die in the plight of resource exhaustion, but with the Red Flame Bodhisattva, we have hope after all." Zhang Su said.

"I'm embarrassed by what you said!" Hongyan thought Zhang Su's words were really amazing. She had never heard such a good award in her life.

"...However, just after Hongyan Bodhisattva opened the tunnel, she was discovered by the civilization from another world on the other side of the tunnel, and they brutally attacked Hongyan." Zhang Su continued.

"How could that happen!" Lian Wu got angry, "Hit them."

"We have already won." Hongyan gestured happily, "Zhang Su defeated everyone who stood in our way."

Um! Zhang Su...! Lianwu thought to herself.

It feels like swinging a bat and hitting a home run, blowing away a difficult problem with ease.

She turned to look at Zhang Su and blinked, as if thanking or praising him.

Zhang Su was particularly helpful. In this case, the relationship with Lian Wu could be considered restored. he thinks.

"Bodhisattva will pay attention next time. He will become weaker after leaving the confines of Anxinyuan." Hongyan leaned back and put his hands behind his head, "Lianwu, you must perform your duties as a witch well. You must watch over Bodhisattva until I It’s going to take a long time to get back to its full glory.”

"Yes!" Lianwu whispered.

"But before that, I want to take Lianwu to take a look at that new world." Zhang Su invited, "Fighting is my specialty, but planning, calculation, processing numbers and paperwork are all Miss Lianwu's specialties. We If we cooperate, we can definitely put everything in Flame Bottle Seven to use."

"Come back soon." Hong Yan retreated into the quilt and read comics.

Lianwu's visit made Hongyan feel warm from the bottom of his heart. Hongyan always felt like something was missing without the witch. Lianwu was the best puzzle piece that could solve everything.

Managing the Hongyan Sect also overloaded Bodhisattva's brain. If there had been Lotus Mist at that time, the followers of Hongyan would definitely be more organized now.

"We'll be back soon." Zhang Su set off.

"Let's go~" Lianwu followed.

Lian Wu put on equipment similar to a space suit and returned to Flame Bottle Seven with the armored Zhang Su.

After passing through the portal, Zhang Su and Hong Yan came to the land of Yongye.

Lianwu was shocked by the scenery of Yan Ping Qi. The terrain here was completely unfamiliar, consisting of vast canyons, scarred volcanoes and dark wilderness. The complex landforms became blurred due to low visibility, as if wrapped in a blanket. Layers of shrouds. The ground was still hot, but there was a chill in the air, and the endless darkness made all these wonders even more profound.

"It's so dark. Those, spaceships?" Lian Wu looked into the distance. She saw many abandoned remains scattered everywhere.

"Enemies, I shot down all the enemies who hurt Hong Yan before. Huo Tuan Tuan also defeated many of them." Zhang Su said.

The fireballs need no introduction because they come uninvited.

After Zhang Su left, they had been waiting nearby. After Zhang Su returned, the fireballs immediately came over as if they were coming back to life. In a flash, the large and small dumplings jumped in front of Zhang Su, squeezing and shouting. Weird sounds.

"Ah woo!" said a fire ball.

"Okay, then your name will be 'Ah Wu'." Zhang Su continued to name the fire ball.

They love this activity, which means they can better tell each other apart after long periods of confusion.

Lian Wu watched Zhang Su naming the dumplings one by one, and then glanced at the large number of dumplings following behind.

They were indeed cute and well-behaved. They lined up in a long line, and Zhang Su patiently named them.

Name after name, name after name...

"No." Lian Wu intervened.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Su was confused.

"Let them listen to me." Lianwu walked forward and stood in an open sandy land.

The earth was originally khaki, but with the advent of eternal night, everything was dyed blue and purple-black.

"This is Lian Wu, my most important partner. Please listen to her." Zhang Su said, and then handed the translator to Lian Wu.



"Cold and sparkling..." The fireballs felt a powerful and interesting magic power from Lianwu.

"~" Lian Wu bowed to the fire balls.

Among them, Lianwu felt a kind of affinity, and they were like unconscious floating objects, which made Lianwu not feel nervous.

After the ceremony, Lian Wu immediately taught Huo Tuan Tuan the numbers.

"One, two, three, four, five..." Lian Wu introduced the numbers from 1 to 10, and then drew lines and squares on the ground, asking the fire balls to etch traces on them and mark themselves with numbers, "伱是, one-one, you are, one-two, you are, three-five..."

The Huotantuan people didn't think that such a name was any different from "卟卟" or "Ahwu", so they believed it.

They no longer queue up in front of Zhang Su, but learn immediately and make up a few numbers for themselves to name.

"I am zero..."

"I am one……"

"I am Zero Two..."

"I am Ling Yao Ling..."

"I am Erqi..." The fireballs named themselves.

In an instant, most of the fire balls had a name for themselves! That's it, the fire is happy and it saves time.

"Speed~" Lian Wu was very satisfied.

"Okay, but I think naming them one by one gives a sense of...connection and harmony." Zhang Su said, "It seems like they are more unique."

"Name, code name, it's not important." Lian Wu said.

"It's very important. I am sometimes regarded as a man in armor, a devil, a supervisor, a man with a stick, a man with a knife, and even worse, a hero, a commander. These abstract concepts are like the numerical names of fire balls, too broad. Only when I was called Zhang Su did I feel that the name reflected a part of me." Zhang Su said.

Lian Wu knelt down and patted her face, closed her eyes, and stood up after a while to respond.

"When you are treated as a man in armor, you do what you would do. When you are treated as a devil, you do what you would do. When your name is Zhang Su, you still do what you would do. . The things you do leave traces in the world! People remember you because the unique things you did distinguish you from others." Lian Wu looked into the distance and was destroyed ship, she had no idea what had happened here before, so it was strange that the wreckage was scattered so unevenly.

"You are right." Zhang Su sighed, "Now let's get back to these things. Flame Ping Seven has some resources, Flame Marrow, the most powerful energy source we know, which can be used to build a Flame Marrow power station. A 'big ark', a fully functional ship, may belong to another civilization. There are also these ship wreckage, they all come from the 'Unbounded Alliance', a powerful multi-racial alliance, we can transform it as long as we salvage these technologies It is the first echelon of forces on earth."

Zhang Su mentioned a lot of novel words, but Lian Wu understood them quickly.

"Go, find a huge, complete spaceship." Lian Wu commanded, "Go, pick up all the things from the ruins, and pile them here. Go, find the Flame Marrow."



"Pick up things..."

"My name is One Zero One..."

The fireballs feel like they have to work again.

They floated up and flew to various places to work according to Lian Wu's instructions.

Lianwu used stones and branches to divide the open space, and roughly divided the garbage picked up by Huo Tuan into different blocks.

There are four categories in total: metallic scrap and debris, non-metallic scrap, biomass including dead bodies, and complete high-quality objects.

The fireballs flew around the surrounding wasteland and mountains picking up garbage, like a swarm of fireflies, picking up a lot of things in half an hour.

"As expected, Miss Lianwu can solve it quickly. If it were me, I would still be playing with the fireballs now." Zhang Su said.

"Puff." Balls of fire called Puff floated over and high-fived Zhang Su.

"You don't like being tough on people..." Lianwu drove Pupu away and let him go to work.

"The fireballs were enslaved by demons before, and there is also a demon outside this bottle." Zhang Su raised his head and pointed outside, "It is very dangerous and cruel. The fireballs deserve a good rest and find some interesting activities. I also I want to take them to visit An’an Hospital.”

Lianwu shook her head.

"These tasks are not complicated. The fireballs can handle it. Their lifespan is long... just think of it as a group outing..." Lianwu told Zhang Su.

"Aren't you afraid of the devil outside? It's so big that you can hold the bottle with one hand." Zhang Su said.

Lian Wu looked at Zhang Su and said nothing.

A few seconds later, Zhang Su felt that the feeling of understanding Lianwu came back, as if it was connected to the Bluetooth signal.

"Because we can't control that much, there's no point in being afraid of things that haven't happened yet." Zhang Su understood.

"~" Lian Wu smiled slightly. Now that she didn't have to speak, Zhang Su understood.

"However, I can't stand here and watch the fireballs flying around and working here. I must at least set an example and teach them how to collect waste better." Zhang Su started, "Lianwu, you can also click here Shine a small moon, the fireballs like the light, but it can’t be too bright, so as not to be noticed by the big demon outside. It’s really troublesome to have that kind of watcher around.”

"~" Lianwu said that in the future, activities can be carried out underground in Yan Ping Qi.

"...Yes, we can blast out a huge cavity, or find a natural underground cave. The Flame Ping Seven is so big, there must be a similar underground structure, enough for us to build a secret underground base." Zhang Su understood. .

The surface of Flame Bottle Seven is also bare, and it has few resources of its own. If you dig deep into the bedrock of Flame Bottle Seven, you might be able to find mineral deposits or new resources.

Zhang Su went out for two hours and came back with a lot of technical materials and advanced technology from the Unbounded Alliance.

Including the "gravity ray emission device" used by their sentries, this thing is simply a big killer. It is a powerful weapon they use to bully ordinary civilizations. If successfully imitated, it can increase the combat effectiveness of individual human soldiers by a hundred or ten times. more than.

He also saw a small moon rising in the middle of the wasteland, illuminating the sky. Lian Wu sat on the ground and silently looked at the shining moon.

"In vain..."


"Bright..." After the fireballs brought the things back, they danced around the magic full moon created by the lotus mist, as if a prehistoric civilization was as happy and excited as when they discovered fire for the first time.

"Look, the fire balls are so easy to be satisfied with a little kindness. Miss Lianwu should be kind to them." Zhang Su said.

Lianwu blinked, and finally bravely stretched out her hand.

A ball of fire jumped on Lian Wu's finger. She didn't know what effect the rotation of the female field had on the ball of fire, so she simply released some magic power on it. In the blink of an eye, the ball of fire turned into a gaseous little girl, looking at her new form in confusion.

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