Witch containment diary

Chapter 378 The Tenth Seat of Parliament

Peace of mind.

Kyouji takes Hayao, Enori and Natsuki to explore the underground palace.

"This tunnel can still be used." Kyoji walked down.

"I didn't expect you to come in." Hayho was surprised.

"The person who accepted it back then said that people from the An'in family can enter, just to give them a thought." Kyoji took them down. The location was under the old shrine, with the bronze underground palace in front of it.

"It's so big." Yuanzhi sighed.

"It was built by monks in ancient times. Once they were robbed or besieged, they would leave through the secret passage of the shrine and hide. This is the path we took." Kyoji looked at the little one following behind and felt like a child king.

"There's something we don't know about Ansin!" Hayho was very shocked by this.

"It's all dark ahead, are you scared?" Kyoji led them into the stone room. There was a bronze door to isolate the inside and outside. He put his shoulder on the door and pushed the door open. There was a long and dark corridor in front of him, as if he was walking into a monster. Deep in the belly that is never satisfied.

"Let me see what's going on." Hayho walked forward into the dark corridor, and the shadows felt like home to her.

"Well..." Natsuki walked forward, letting out sunlight to illuminate, and Hayho felt like she was melting into the shadows.

"I would play here when I was little." Kyoji stood still, "It's very cool in the summer. This end is where the guardian of Tsukihana is. Do you want to see the magical Tsukihana?"

"I want to see it! I want to see it!" Hayho shouted from the corner.

"I don't dare to look." Yuanzhi shook his head.

"Oh?" Natsuki walked in the direction of taking in Yuehua Ji, "Moon."

"Don't go too deep, or you will get lost." Yuanzhi was worried.

"Anyway, this is Anxinyuan, what could happen?" Hayho followed, "There is such a big secret underground in Anxinyuan."

"You have to stand and watch from a distance, be careful and slow down." Kyoji walked forward, remembering Renwu driving a baby stroller at high speed in the tunnel when he was worshiping his ancestors twenty years ago.

Twenty years.

Kyoji is not like Renwu who visits Ansin Yin many times. Today is his first time back, seeing things and thinking about them.

"It's novel, there is such a thing, it's underground where you live." Kyoji used all his strength to push open the gap in the stone door.

Natsuki walked in, followed by Hayao, but Enori still didn't dare to enter.

They saw Yuehuaji.

"Ah." Natsuki raised her head.

"Uh--" As soon as Saho saw Yuehuaji, he lost half of his life and collapsed on the ground.

Yuehuaji's body is as tall as several stories, and she has been imprisoned here for an unknown number of years.

She knelt on the ground, her eyes closed, her huge silver horn bent upwards, she was wearing ancient costumes, and her broad chest rose and fell slowly with her breathing. Countless seal strips were printed on the dome, and thousands of gold and silver runes hung down to prevent the moonlight from penetrating. Huge metal spikes directly penetrated the skull and penetrated Yuehuaji's brain as a seal and surveillance for her.

The bones of Anyuan witches from past dynasties are scattered at the feet of Yuehuaji. As witnesses of ancient vows and inheritance, the bones are now piled up like mountains.

"How is it?" Kyoji stood in the crack of the door, looking at Yuehuaji in the distance, "Our ancestors, the ancestors of the Anshin family. The same blood flows in my body. When the moonlight shines late at night, I also feel strange Weird. This blood is flowing between us."

"Wow." Natsuki said, fascinated.

Kyouji looked at the pile of bones and knew that most of the witches of the Anin family from ancient times to the present were buried here. Only Renwu can distinguish the bones of his mother Mizue, Kyouji's discrimination is not that strong. He just lamented that the power and purity of the ancient bloodline allowed humans like him to feel the call of the Moon Path.

If the father had not made up his mind to move away from the countryside, the Anxinyuan family would still be a witch family, running real estate in the countryside, recruiting young talents to marry witches, developing true love over time, and giving birth to the next witch of Anxinyuan, the caretaker of Yuehuaji. By. Kyoji was thinking about various things. By the way, true love finally created the little sister Lianwu. So, he and Brother Long were accidentally born when their parents didn't love each other? How tragic.

"Terrible." Xia Xi took two steps forward, trying to see the details on Yuehuaji's face.

"Don't get so close." Kyoji warned.

Natsuki continued walking forward.

Kyoji looked back at the dark tunnel, and then at the huge ancestor Yuehua Ji, and his heart skipped a beat.

He passed over Saho who was lying on the ground, walked deep into the cave, and patted Natsuki on the shoulder.

"Come back quickly." Kyoji said quickly, "Tsukikka-ji will wake up!"

Natsuki's footsteps did not stop, as if nothing could stop Natsuki.

Kyoji could only bite the bullet and follow Natsuki cautiously.

Until you are very close to Yuehuaji, you can even reach out and touch Yuehuaji's knees if you take a few steps forward!

Natsuki was located directly below Tsukihana-hime, and Kyouji's scalp felt numb. He had never been so close even during the sacrifice.


Kyoji broke out in a cold sweat. If Yuehuaji was awakened by the disturbance, the world might be destroyed.

He thought of all the troubles he had gotten into since he was a child, but none of them seemed as terrible as this one.

Yuehuaji is kneeling on the ground, her hands are hung high, and her knees are wrapped in ancient silver-white satin that seems to have been worn since ancient times.

Natsuki reached out and touched Yuehuaji's knee, touching the texture of the silk fabric.

She radiates her own solar magic to make contact with it, as if penetrating the fabric to touch Yuehuaji's original chaotic magic.

Her power touched deeper and deeper, until she really touched the endless torrent. Xia Xi suddenly felt a black hole-like gravity, like a drop of water falling into the flames and disappearing without a trace, and the mud cow falling into the sea. The two were completely unable to compete.

Yuehuaji opened her eyes.

In the huge eyes, the eyes are almost silver-white, like phantom purple, hollow and deep, seeming to capture the soul.

The most powerful witch in ancient times, Yuehuaji, who has been dethroned nine times, is the witch closest to "god". She is a powerful being that even the current spiritual world is unwilling to provoke and cannot be eliminated.

"Ah!" Kyoji was startled and fell backwards.

Although his body was shaking like chaff, he still crawled forward tremblingly, trying to pull Natsuki back.

"Quick, quick, quick... come back... please forgive me..." Kyoji's legs were weak and his hands were not working.

Natsuki looked up at Yuehua Ji. She felt like a small battery or power bank.

If Yuehuaji wants to, she can grab Natsuki and drain her dry at any time. but none. Natsuki guessed it was because of those devices.

She observed carefully and found that there were two devices piercing Yuehuaji's brain, one was a dark golden sharp spear, and the other was a pale split spiral gun. Both of them were magical to her.

The human limiter completely sealed her away.

Yuehuaji has lost her complete mind and soul and cannot move freely. Even if she has any thoughts, they should be just a series of fragments... Natsuki vaguely captured these impressions.

Natsuki thought of her mother, the radiant witch. Like the sun.

It is said that moonlight is only the reflection of sunlight, so the magic power of the sun and the magic power of the moon should be complementary. In other words, only the magic power of the sun can inspire the magic power of the moon.

Natsuki took her hand back and walked back, passing Kyouji who was lying on the ground scared to pieces, and Hayao who had fainted from the beginning.

Yuehuaji's empty eyes kept looking at Natsuki and didn't close until she left.

Only then did Kyoji dare to stand up, and walked back with lingering fear, his back already covered with cold sweat.

"Huh...huh..." Kyouji asked Natsuki and Enori to drag Saho out, then closed the stone door and closed it, patting his chest.

"Oh? The things inside are nothing more than that." Hayho stood up and opened his eyes, "It's not scary at all!"

"Let's talk after we get out." Kyoji was afraid to lead them back the way they came.

After returning to the ground, Kyoji pressed his forehead, trying to reduce the impact of the terrible memory.

"So I didn't lie to you, it's amazing, you all have seen the truth about Ansuan." Kyoji turned around, trying to make up for his gaffe.

"No..." Yuanzhi was cautious and didn't look at it.

"Yeah!" Saho didn't see it. Yue Huaji's light and shadow slid across her round brain, and her thoughts didn't dare to remember such terrible things.

"..." Xia Xi saw everything, but she had something she wanted to understand.

"Hoo, ho..." Kyoji took a deep breath to calm his heartbeat, "So you have seen the true history of Ansin-yuan, and that is the purpose of building Ansin-yuan. Ansin-yuan is the oldest witch asylum, and it was built by our family a long, long time ago. That’s all from ancient times.”

"It's amazing..." Yuanzhi said thoughtfully, "When I think about the connection between us and the ancients, I feel less lonely. Every plant and tree in Anxin courtyard, as well as those houses, are all the things we have learned from long ago. shared with other people. This soil was inhabited by other people in the past.”

Anxinyuan is not isolated, they did not come to this world suddenly, and they are not just a bunch of children thrown here randomly, but they are imprisoned here together with the oldest and most powerful Yuehuaji, who in ancient times She is the most powerful witch in this land.

This makes Yuanzhi feel that many things have meaning. It is precisely because of such a great and unique inheritance that everyone must work together to protect and build Anxin Home.

"Good guy. What about you? How do you feel?" Kyoji looked at Saho.

"You've done a good job in developing Anxinyuan. Keep up the good work." Hayho commented in a serious tone.

"What about you?" Kyouji learned to ignore Saho's nonsense and looked at Natsuki.

Natsuki shook her head, she still couldn't express her complete thoughts. She just felt so strange. The world is so big and there are so many strange things.

When none of them looked at her, Natsuki turned into a ray of light and left.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu returned from Yan Ping Qi and continued to accompany Hong Yan in the infirmary.

Lian Wu peeled an apple for Hong Yan to eat. Zhang Su heard a soft footsteps and turned around to see Xia Xi walking over.

"Xia Xi?" Zhang Su looked at her. Xia Xi was a very independent child. She seemed to be out of control and roamed freely according to her own wishes.

"What is this?" Natsuki took out a piece of draft paper with a dark golden sharp spear drawn on it.

"...Magic limiter. Used to suppress the witch's magic power." Zhang Su didn't know where Xia Xi saw it.

There are some of the most dangerous witches in Neo-Tokyo No. 1 Prison, who have been nailed from head to toe with such spears.

"What about this one?" Natsuki took out the second one, which was a silver-white divided spiral spear.

"...Reality Anchor." Zhang Su shook his head.

This is even more terrifying. It is a rare strategic prop of the human defense plan. It can avoid and slow down the signs of reality distortion. It is used to protect some key locations and defend against abnormal entities and weird magic. It is also the last trump card of the human side.

He couldn't help but be more vigilant when he thought about the only place in An'an Hospital where these two things might be found.

"Did you go to the underground palace?" Zhang Su came back to his senses, "How did you get in? Only members of the Anxinyuan family can enter the ancestral secret passage of Anxinyuan."

"That showy man took us there." Natsuki said, then put away the scrap paper.

"Kyoji...!" Renwu was unhappy, "Nonsense."

"...I will tell him." Zhang Su felt that there was no need to involve too much. After all, he himself had plans to let the children see Yuehua Ji sooner or later. "Have you seen Yuehua Ji?"

"You see, it's so scary. Aren't you scared?" Xia Xi nodded.

"I'm a little nervous, but unless Anxinyuan falls, there is no chance of a problem." Zhang Su said, "But this reminds me of something about Miss Lianwu."

"?" Lian Wu turned around.

"If Miss Lianwu can inherit Yuehuaji's power, even just a part of it, it will be enough for the spirit world to send out an invitation." Zhang Su said, "Become the tenth witch in the Witch Council."

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