Witch containment diary

Chapter 387 If you fight like this

The sun is rising.

Akazawa Yoshie woke up at five o'clock, and she counted to 6:06 in the morning on June 6, which is the point at which the Vampire King in Digimon appeared.

She fantasized about earthquakes or catastrophes, and as she expected, bursts of roaring came from the northeast of Sapporo, and the storm demon Velwind blew another cold wind.

This was the strongest breath of cold air since the war began. It drives force, sending a cold wave from the Arctic.

Even in the middle of summer, the barracks were still filled with chill, like an ice cellar. By the time autumn and winter come, this place will become unbearable, Akazawa thought to himself.

The demons in New Tokyo did not start the massacre, but the soldiers in Hokkaido had to seize the opportunity to break camp and go north to fight the Gate of Hell again. They could not wait until winter. Last winter was already difficult enough.

Although her room is not as gorgeous as a hotel suite, it is still solemn and solemn. It also has a separate lounge and a command table for planning battles. Unfortunately, everything is too cold, which makes people want to curse.

Akazawa Yoshiyo put on his armor and picked up the obsidian sword.

"Why did the heater stop?" She asked the soldier on duty at the door, "Go and add some fuel."

"Yes, sir." The soldier agreed, but there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"We don't have much fuel," the soldier said.

"Tianren." Akazawa Yoshiyo said, "The same goes for every barracks. I can't let the soldiers freeze to death in their sleep."

Akazawa Yoshiyo walked out.

120,000 people on the front line plus 200,000 newly recruited troops are stationed here. Another 200,000 people are arriving by train after several weeks of training. Akasawa Yoshiyo doubts whether they can distinguish friendly troops from companions on the battlefield.

The ground under your feet was freezing cold, and the wind outside was as sharp as a knife. The Hokkaido battlefield has always been famous for its severe cold.

Akasawa Yoshie's military camp is located at the forefront of the entire position, so it has the widest view. The sight in front of her made her temporarily forget all her discomfort. Under the morning light, the plains, rivers and mountains reflected each other, and the sun shone on the top of the distant mountains, illuminating the giant shadow of the wind demon Windwell.

The banner of the human defense plan covers the front, and the solid mountains and snowflakes make humans and demons look insignificant.

The river that flowed in the middle of summer yesterday was now blown into a 60-meter-wide glacier by a night of north wind. Katie flew in the sky, spreading her silver wings, soaring in the clear sky, bathed in the morning light.

So magnificent. This is the battlefield for the duel with the devil. Akazawa Yoshio thought.

Yoshiyo Akazawa asked his subordinates to get the map and put his hands on the carefully crafted sand table to analyze silently.

She looked out over the battlefield. There were enemy positions 35 kilometers away, and then there were countless man-made battle lines, winding through mountain fortresses and steep mountains, leading straight to the gates of hell.

When Xincheng Meiyu was stationed here, he personally led the army to fight with the demons for every trench, and the demons have not been able to fill it up even now.

The fortifications built by Hell's legions look as small as toys at this distance, and the demons themselves line up like fake plastic soldiers, like a colony of dark ants. If only they were really ants, Yoshio Akazawa thought, he could crush them with one foot.

"Prepare breakfast supplies and ask all armored division commanders to go north. We will set off in three hours. I will use the main gun of the Sky Spear to shoot Windwell out of the sky." Akasawa Yoshiyo ordered.

"Yes, General." The adjutant expressed respect for Akazawa Yoshio.

Akasawa Yoshiyo is just a guilty witch, but she is the holder of the war path. This power makes her a natural commander on the battlefield, nicknamed "General". Once the rhythm of war is driven, all soldiers will be like puppets. Let her control it.

The other three generals in Hokkaido were forced to obey her orders and join her in the great war, treating every battle enthusiastically. Only when reporting to the superiors, they attributed the military merits to themselves and did not reveal the true situation on the front line.

Yoshio Akazawa walks across the training ground.

There were piles of newly delivered military uniforms from the logistics department, but most of them were of strange sizes and styles from 10 years ago, and had not been carefully modified for the strong winds and severe cold of Hokkaido.

Miyu Shinjo saluted Yoshio Akazawa in the corner of the command field.

"Is the expedition about to begin?" Xincheng Meiyu asked.

"Let's form the team and fight after breakfast." Akazawa Yoshiyo said.

"They have courage." Xincheng Meiyu looked at the training ground.

About 1,500 people from two battalions are training, debugging bombers, armored vehicles and long-range artillery. The soldiers running and exercising are sending out powerful slogans, which are full of energy and shake the rumbling of war machines.

This is very different from the situation when Miyu Shinjo arrived. At that time, the Hokkaido front line was devastated by the defeat, and the newly added soldiers could only hold back.

After two months of tests of blood and fire, they were at least willing to fight the devil.

"...But they don't even have a good weapon." Akazawa Yoshiyo felt a chill.

"We must defend this country, even if it treats us unfairly." Xincheng Meiyu reminded.

"General, we have prepared breakfast." The orderly brought the thermal box, which contained fried eggs, sushi, pickled cucumbers, and dried kelp.

"Here you go." Yoshio Akazawa pushed the lunch box to Miyu Shinjo, who looked surprised. "There's going to be a war, and I want to eat samurai stew."

4 hours later.

The storm demon Velwind mobilized his legions to fight.

The human army launched a charge half an hour ago, and the frontline defenses fell one after another.

The demons had no discipline and only focused on killing each other. They were blown to pieces by humans' superior firepower. Humans' ballistic missiles and tactical nuclear weapons could clear large demon fortresses at targeted locations.

It can use the wind to blow away all the weapons projected by humans, but it is not necessary. Wilwind feels the remnant souls of demons floating between heaven and earth. There are too many low-level demons in hell, even if they are consumed like this, it will not be enough. There will be no losses, so it just releases its power slightly and waits for the powerful enemy among humans to come up and challenge.

Katie flew across the sky, seemingly on a cruise.

Wilwind raised his hand to summon negative pressure, and the vortex cloud twisted in from behind, trying to suck off Kati's wings. Kati roared, spread his giant wings, and the heavy body of the Broken Dragon flew downwards, sailing in the turbulence summoned by Velwind, passing over the large number of human soldiers below, and heading towards the gate of hell.

Is it too arrogant or too confident to challenge me on its own? Velwind spread his wings and flew forward, like a lapis lazuli comet projected at high speed in the sky.

Wilwind drove the storm to blow apart the flames spouted by Kati, and then summoned hundreds of wind blades to attack Kati.

After a round of volleys, a large number of scars suddenly appeared on Katie's scales. It retreated in panic, and dragon blood dripped from the sky like rain.

Devouring the dragon's soul was a great temptation for the devil, and Velwind immediately pounced in pursuit.

The huge Kati spiraled down in the air, and was hit by fireballs and lightning thrown by a large number of ground demons while rolling, further expanding its injuries.

Wilwind's eyes were firmly fixed on Katie's huge soul. This kind of soul was a great tonic.

In an instant, a premonition of crisis swept through my mind.

Wilwind flashed a huge red sword light sideways, turned around and saw a short warrior suddenly breaking through on foot from the ground, slashing at him from below.

Yoshiyo Akazawa!

She was the real killer move. Wilwind realized that he had dropped low enough at some point, and Katie was not as weak as he appeared. He immediately shook his tail, regained his balance, and continued to attack.

Velwind triggered the storm to cover his retreat route, but it turned around and suddenly hit a huge, invisible wall.

Wilwind is extremely familiar with the beautiful iron walls of the new city.

Apart from not seeing Xincheng Meiyu for many years, they have always been old rivals. Wilwind quickly flew up along the wall.


Akasawa Yoshie opened the sword, and the huge red war magic condensed into the long sword, sweeping across Wilwind, causing a gap in its body, and countless souls escaped from it.

"Sky Spear!" Akazawa Yoshie activated the communication device and summoned a long-range guided strike. A salvo of main gun fire could severely damage the demon legion commander.

Velwind's senses were shocked and it was shocked. It knew that it had fallen into a trap. It could only try its best to use demonic reflexes to dodge the fatal attack and fly away as quickly as possible.

But until it climbed over the wall made of Xincheng Meiyu, no sophisticated weapons hit it.

With only some conventional artillery and missiles, it can easily be thrown away by strong winds, making itself invincible.

"Sky Spear!" Akazawa Yoshie was sure that the order had been issued.

She looked up at the great demon Velwinder who had climbed high, still unscathed.

The position in the rear was as silent as death.

Why is this happening... Akazawa Yoshio felt disappointed.

Velwind didn't know what happened, but knew that this was an opportunity to counterattack. It had flown to a position where humans could not hurt it, and raised its head to guide the demonic power.

It evokes the fear of typhoons, tornadoes and hurricanes in human primitive memories. At Wilwind's call, the terrifying storm swept down from the steel-gray sky, and the roar was like the prelude to the prelude to the destruction of the world, flooding the open Hokkaido.

The endless cold wind fell mightily, and human breath turned into frost. Many people's body temperature was quickly blown away, and after a few seconds they were frozen into ice. It blew away soldiers, overturned tanks, dispersed missiles, and prevented the air force from entering.

The storm weighed them down so much that they could not lift their heads, destroying most of the living forces of human beings.

Two minutes later, the last three of the four heavenly spears fired, but their accuracy and intensity were extremely poor. They were like fireworks piercing the sky, leaving a colorful and monotonous flame tail.

Katie felt a strong sense of fatigue and lethargy in the severe cold. In addition, she had been injured while luring the enemy deep, so she had to turn around and fly away.

Akazawa Yoshio sighed and looked at the countless demons rushing towards him. The demons were originally retreating under the attack, but now the situation was reversed. They immediately came back and stepped over the remains of their companions and humans, devouring souls even more. strong.

They have no sense of temperature and can fight in the harshest environments, but humans will die more if they stay here for a while, and the machine's battery will be quickly frozen.

"Retreat." She ordered reluctantly.

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