Witch containment diary

Chapter 40 About Promotion

Unexpectedly, the content on the letter paper was actually written in Braille!

Shihua touched the bumps on the letter paper, and everyone watched quietly.

Although they knew nothing about it, they still wanted to guess what was on the letter. Shihua's expression kept changing, sometimes frowning because of sadness, sometimes smiling because of happiness.

Mom can actually...can do it for me... Shi Hua was deeply moved.

Zhang Su left this quiet moment for them to enjoy.

Although they didn't feel anything, Zhang Su felt strange. How could Xincheng Meiyu know how to communicate with Komurohua overnight? He felt that someone in prison helped Xincheng Meiyu write the blind letter.

Who is so kind? He could only think of Edith. She knew all the details and would target An Yin sooner or later.

He asked Mrs. Reina for the envelope, and sure enough, there was a stamp with a blood-red cross on the envelope, which was a emblem that belonged exclusively to Edith.

This stamp seems to be staring at me. Mrs. Reina said timidly.

Although we are resisting the devil, this stamp is more like a summons from the devil. Zhang Su said.

Edith often did this to foretell a correspondence with him, to send her gifts or tortures.

Then will you answer this call? Mrs. Reina asked. Although she didn't understand it, she felt that the enemy was dangerous, and that the enemy came from within, not the world of demons.

Wait until the other party comes to the door. Zhang Su nodded slowly.

Don't worry, I will pray for your safety day and night. With your help, the children here will grow up safely every day, but without you to protect everyone, everything will not be so smooth. Reina slowly said road.

I will take care of myself. Zhang Su said calmly.

the next day.

An's real big day is here.

The children stood on both sides of the gate and paid attention, keeping one hand behind them and raising the other to their foreheads.

Get ready! Haohao yelled.

Coming! Xia Xi also shouted.

Welcome! Welcome! Yuanzhi said hard. She had taken the medicine and felt healthier.

It's finally here. I've been waiting for so long...almost a month. Zhang Su stared at the entrance.

Finally... Reina also breathed a sigh of relief.

Hmm...! Lianwu nodded slowly.

What? Katie was confused.

A truck rumbled up the mountain road and arrived at the prison entrance, with the Poseidon Electric Company's logo emblazoned on its body.

The staff got out of the car, opened the back compartment, and unloaded the equipment wrapped in plastic tarps from the car.

They first loaded the equipment onto the cart one after another, and then pushed the cart to the Witch Asylum of Anxinyuan. Zhang Su and Katie opened the iron gate.

Congratulations on the arrival of the TV! Hayho shouted.


A TV is installed! They had heard rumors about the TV again and again from their senior sister Reio, and now that they finally got to see a TV, they were excited.

The staff were surprised by the children's enthusiasm, but remained focused on the task at hand.

Under Zhang Su's arrangement, they dragged the large satellite TV to the canteen.

The sound of drilling holes could be heard in the walls. Workers in overalls began to install TV brackets. Another worker climbed up to the roof and placed a satellite dish. Others were responsible for setting up pipelines to connect to the shelter's power grid.

Hayao and the others kept looking around, impatient.

Zhang Su was always vigilant, hoping that the installation would be stable and nothing would fall. He had the same expectation as the children in his heart.

The workers drilled holes and pulled wires in an orderly manner. After an hour of work, a worker wiped his grubby hands on his pants and plugged in the power, and the screen flashed.

It works! he told the children.

With a clicking sound, they discovered that the TV came alive with stunning colors.

On the TV screen, a mecha anime is being played. Huge monsters are attacking the earth. Boys and girls driving super giant robots set out to fight with great momentum.

They were stunned, Natsuki and Saho backed away, afraid that the monster on the TV would rush out.

What happened? Murohua said weakly. Pepper the puppy was lying on the table watching.

Let us tell you, let me tell you, it's terrible up there, it's terrible. Natsuki swallowed, You are the lucky one.

The staff of Poseidon Electric Company left their contact information and return phone number and then left, leaving the children pointing at the TV.

When eating, their attention was not on the plates, but on watching the program on TV. Everyone sat on the same side of the dining table.

Their imaginations run wild.

There are so many amazing things in the world...

It's so far away...!

I like this, I also like that. It would be great if I could go to a big city to see it. They found that this window with four black frames could play pictures from all over the world. The life on TV was far beyond the limits of their imagination. Even richer.

Through this luminous screen, they feel that they no longer live in a forgotten corner.

Finally, it's my first TV installation. Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief. This was the appointment made after Lian Wu was kidnapped by the children that day, and now the installation is finally completed.

Television gave him a sense of reconnection with real life.

He knew that in an orbit 30,000 kilometers away, a satellite made of graphite epoxy resin was continuously working, transmitting signals to this TV, and the TV's receiver would interpret the signals and compile the data stream into colors.

Lian Wu also came to watch TV.

! Lianwu nodded to Zhang Su.

Yes, in the outside world, everyone has not watched TV for a long time, but here, everyone still regards TV as a treasure. Zhang Su said.

? Lian Wu said.

If we give everyone a mobile phone, they will definitely become addicted to it. Now it can only stop at the level of TV. Zhang Su thinks that mobile phones are too early.

. Lian Wu was thoughtful.

It's not bad, anyway, there are many more interesting things than electronic products in such mountainous countryside. Zhang Su looked at the distant mountains.

~ Lian Wu smiled slightly.

Yes, now I am in charge of the overall situation. Miss Renwu provides funding, Mrs. Reina teaches everyone, and Katie is responsible for defense. With enough manpower, we are finally on the right track. We have solved the external threat again. Zhang Suye agree.

How did they talk? Zaohui stared at Zhang Su and Lian Wu from a distance, shocked.

At noon, Zhang Su received a communication invitation from Edith.

He returned to the office, turned on the computer, entered the password as described in the text message, established an encrypted line, and received the video from New Tokyo.

Hello, Zhang Su, I'm here to 'chat' with you. Edith's voice was pleasant. She crossed her hands and her long legs wrapped in black stockings were clearly visible.

...I happen to have some trivial matters that I would like to ask your advice on.

Please tell me. Edith stared at Zhang Su, her eyes were enough to change people's hearts.

There is a child named Murohua in Ansin, who is communicating with her mother Miyu Shinjo in the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo. Someone there seems to be helping Mrs. Shinjo to transcribe the letter into Braille for easy reference. If anyone is here If you can help me, I would like to express my special thanks. Zhang Su said.

Edith put one hand on the armrest of the seat, supporting her cheek.

I arranged it, how would you thank me? Her voice was clear and sweet.

I'm afraid I will still owe you a lot in the future. I hope to save up and repay together in the future. Zhang Su said.

Edith chuckled.

Let's discuss promotion. Edith said.

Yes. Zhang Su listened to Edith's arrangement.

The ranks of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau are very clear, divided into three levels: trainee, supervisor, and senior supervisor. Although you have only been employed for one month, you have already made enough achievements to be promoted to supervisor. Your salary has been increased from 150,000 yen per month. To 300,000 yen, annual leave will be increased by 7 days, medical insurance, and travel subsidies will all be improved for you... Edith said slowly.

Thank you. Zhang Su greeted Edith.

It's true that he was promoted very quickly. In his previous life, he worked for a year before being promoted to supervisor. Now he was promoted in just one month, and the salary was really good.

Probably Li Yixin gave all the credit for killing the phase demon to herself. Miss Yixin is indeed kind. Zhang Su secretly said.

I will send you a list of affordable housing for public officials in Echigo City. You can choose a villa, an apartment or a city house to live in. Children's schooling, marriage... forget it, it doesn't look like you will be easy. People who start a family. Edith smiled.

That's... Zhang Su nodded.

He receives documents for housing lists.

There are many buildings in good locations, but Zhang Su is currently based in An'yuan.

Based on his past life experience, he planned to choose a house with convenient transportation near the Niigata Expressway for his friends to stay temporarily and to store goods and transfer supplies.

I have upgraded your registration document, and the scanned file of your ID has been encrypted and sent. You can browse it first and wait for the official document to be mailed. A golden ID is enough to travel smoothly in Dongming Country. We don't want others to use our Witch Countermeasure Bureau's Treat the supervisor as an ordinary person. Edith continued.

Thank you again for your trouble. Zhang Su knew that such a certificate was very effective.

After being promoted to the supervisory level, Zhang Su can directly order witches in other areas. They cannot even contradict him, otherwise they will be legally arrested by him.

Edith twirled a finger through her red hair.

Then, she said, Mr. Supervisor, I will transfer three dangerous witches to Anxin Hospital during the regular transportation on April 2. I hope you will keep them under strict supervision.

...I understand. Zhang Su understood. In addition, it is said that after being promoted to senior supervisor, he can initiate proposals to you and even dispatch witches of the broken level. Is that true?

Of course, but you have to make greater contributions. Edith smiled.

Yes. Zhang Su nodded. He also has an eye for meritorious service.

Completely seal the Gate of Hell in Mount Kagura and drive out all the demons.

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