Witch containment diary

Chapter 451 It’s my precious dragon

It was very deserted here, Zhang Su could see it as soon as he arrived.

From the Sierra Madre to San Francisco, from Monterey to Dallas, the wastelands are populated by resurgent tribesmen.

After being driven back to primitive times by demonic disasters, humans have lived a retro lifestyle of group hunting.

However, the ones being hunted became white people.

Before the natural disaster, the indigenous people were pushed to the mountain areas and made a living by selling casinos and selling liquor in the reservations. They discover that the big city has been destroyed by demons, and they attack.

Aboriginal people drove light pickup trucks and used assault rifles in pursuit, driving white people from their hiding places, chasing them across the wilderness and beating them to death.

They rummaged through the ruins of San Francisco and Los Angeles, packed and shipped the remaining white people further south, sent them to labor workshops and plantations, and made them work hard. No matter doctors, lawyers or financial elites, they are now free of He lost his suit and became a manual worker at the lowest level.

The bison were re-grazed, and the herds became so large that they looked like balls of black fur from a high altitude.

The indigenous people found ways to resume production, simple agriculture began to reappear, and oil and minerals were exploited.

After rail capacity was restored, many trains hauled supplies to provide supplies to towns. As the demonic activities weakened, their power grew larger and larger.

As a result, relying on the momentum of sharing the same enemy, these people established a considerable new alliance on the US-Mexico border, with a quite vast territory.

As soon as Zhang Su arrived, the border guard picked up a skin color measurement chart to compare Zhang Su's skin.

Skin that is too white or too dark will be severely punished.

"Not so white...not so black...well! Brother, you are welcome to join." The border guard sentry warmly welcomed Zhang Su.

"I'm here on behalf of the Earth Federation, but it depends on what you think." Zhang Su handed them the diplomatic agreement drafted by Lian Wu.

Due to the pervasiveness of demons, Lian Wu hopes that they will all move to the west coast of North America and hand over the oil fields and mineral areas to unmanned factories and automatic robots to avoid wasting human lives.

The robot can be rebuilt after being destroyed, and the devil gets nothing.

If humans are killed, their souls are devoured, strengthening the demon's power.

"Yes... I will report it to the priest." The sentry felt that this matter was of great significance.

Due to isolation from the world, they only operate along the US-Mexico border. Unexpectedly, the outside world has rebuilt a large-scale federal system.

Zhang Su and the sentry went to the "Holy Land" deep in the Sierra Madre Mountains. There are military dispatches on the road.

"It looks like the war is going on." Zhang Su looked at the light armored units, including infantry fighting vehicles and personnel carriers.

"The rebellious whites have formed many wandering legions and illegal armed forces, which have never been eradicated. I will educate my children well and let them become brave warriors too!" the sentry said firmly.

"Their army should be stronger. Even after the natural disaster, the remaining defenders of the human defense plan are probably on the side of the white people." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, but sometimes, the oracle will come to tell us the enemy's movements." The sentry said.

"'Oracle'?" Zhang Su asked.

"That is a mysterious woman. She roams the land, knows people's movements, collects intelligence between various forces, and does it with ease. Maybe she is a spy, maybe she is a strange witch, but we know nothing, so we have to She is called the Oracle," the Sentinel explained.

"Even if the oracle tells you the location of the enemy, the battle must still be won by force." Zhang Su said.

"Force? We are protected by 'Guardians'." The sentry said mysteriously.

"Can your guardian breathe fire, fly, and have holy white scales?" Zhang Su asked.

The sentry immediately fell silent.

The indigenous people found ways to repair the dilapidated road up the mountain.

Zhang Su climbed up the hill and looked at the oil fields in the distance. The drillers were tilting and swinging, squeezing out priceless oil from the depths of the earth.

The town is one-tenth of its size in its heyday, and much of the central city has been destroyed, leaving only the remains of buildings, bushes, and broken machinery. Most of the houses, no matter how sturdy, have lost their traces to the ravages of time and hardship. No trace.

"What kind of person is the priest? What is his name?" Zhang Su asked.

"Lord Cacotel." The sentry mentioned the name with awe. "He is our leader and the first to lead us against the white people. He told us many things, including our traditions and our history. Until he With education, we can understand how white people harmed our ancestors in the past.”

"So, what did Priest Kakotel do before the natural disaster?" Zhang Su was curious.

"Live broadcast of Sunset Invasion or 1444 New World." The sentry thought for a moment.

There is some fragrance in the air, as light as dust blown by the wind.

Zhang Su saw carved stones standing on both sides of the mountain road. The art on them was very primitive. He didn't know where they were dug out. They looked like winged snakes flying in the air. At their feet were carefully crafted sandstone bricks etched with unfamiliar runes.

When sniffing the air, Zhang Su could capture the most rudimentary sense of illusion, which would cause weak-willed people to mistakenly believe that their skin has turned into scales, their wings spread out from their backs, and they would want to roar loudly. Get close to fire and hot water.

The camp of Priest Kakotel stands on the mountainside.

He was wearing a thick feather cloak and an Adidas T-shirt underneath. He had rocks, a wallet and a pistol tied to his belt. His face was covered in oil paint and he wore a gold necklace.

"Sir." The sentry explained Zhang Su's purpose to Priest Kakotel.

Kakotel frowned and looked at Zhang Su, then checked the diplomatic agreement and weighed whether to join the Earth Federation.

"How?" Zhang Su asked.

"I am Cacotel, responsible for protecting my people and the ancient faith." Cacotel said, "However, I really don't understand, what is the use of forming an alliance with the heathen?"

"Because the world is very big. It is not a good idea to live in a corner and be isolated from the rest of the world. What's more, I see that your settlement is very scattered and will definitely be robbed by demons." Zhang Su said.

"We have the strength to protect ourselves because we have dragons! Sacred dragons." Kakotel frowned.

"Dragon?" Zhang Su also felt humorous, "Then, will the dragon listen to you?"

"Of course, the dragon is great. It is our leader and the guarantee we use to defeat the enemy. No one dares to disobey the dragon fire." Cacotel said plausibly.

"Take me to see the dragon." Zhang Su said, "The dragon will listen to me."

"You? Who are you?" Cacotel questioned, "I am the priest of the Dragon Cult! I offer food to the dragon and hold the ceremony! The dragon was discovered by us and is not allowed to be observed by outsiders."

"Long will know it as soon as he sees me." Zhang Su said briefly.

"If you disturb our guardian, it will eat you and burn you to pieces with dragon fire." Cacotel said coldly, "Don't blame me for not warning you then."

"I still don't know who should remind whom." Zhang Su said.

Priest Kakotel looked at Zhang Su's terrifying figure with vigilance, thinking to himself that the dragon would be on his side anyway.

"Then, please come to the mountain." Priest Kakotel said, although he never believed Zhang Su from beginning to end.

It took people another 20 minutes to reach the top of the mountain through the winding road and looked at the sleeping dragon in awe.

It is entrenched on a rugged mountain. About 200 meters away from where it lies, there is a giant altar made of bluestone. It is piled with meat and gold and silver jewelry are placed next to the platform as important offerings.

"Dragon! Great dragon!" Priest Kakotel exclaimed, "Our ancestors worshiped such a great creature thousands of years ago, and now, we can survive under the protection of its wings."

"oh oh!"

"You must fear the dragon..."

"Flying Dragon God!"

"Shh, don't wake it up..." People were in awe.

This dragon is extremely dangerous and terrifying. Its scales are so strong that even missiles cannot penetrate it.

When enraged, it will vent its resentment and tear apart everything around it! When fighting, it burns the earth with dragon fire. Dragon fire is a strange flame that burns forever and never goes out until it completely burns the target.

They have always regarded such a terrifying monster as the god and guardian of their own ethnic group, and worked hard to sacrifice it, hoping that it would bring long-term protection so that they would not have to be disciplined by white people like in the past.

Zhang Su walked up.


"Don't go there!"

"Are you crazy?" They lowered their voices and quickly called Zhang Su back.

"Come back quickly——!" Priest Cacotel was particularly surprised, "How dare you provoke the dragon?"

Zhang Su did not look back.

"Master Priest, he will be eaten by the dragon!"

"Let him become dragon food!"

"Sigh, this is not what we should do."

"How can you just watch him die?" Priest Cacotel gritted his teeth, rushed forward in three steps, and stopped in front of Zhang Su, "We can't go any further! You don't even know that Long has How awesome!”

"It's just... a dragon, a young and inexperienced dragon." Zhang Su gently sent him aside, and then walked towards the dragon.

"You - this guy." Priest Cacotel was surprised.

Since meeting the dragon, he has never seen the dragon lose to any enemy, not the army, tanks, rocket launchers or demons.

He could only walk to the people angrily.

"If you insist on going your own way and don't listen to our warnings, disaster will come with the dragon fire." Priest Cacotel said inscrutably.

"Yeah yeah……"

"Dragon...our savior."

"I will kill that guy..."

Zhang Su walked to the towering cliff.

The silver dragon reclines and sleeps, snoring softly, blowing away the needles and dust scattered on the ground with every exhale.

"Leimi." Zhang Su stretched out his hand, "It's time to wake up."


The familiar call penetrated Lemi's thoughts and evoked long-standing memories.

It recalled the memory of following its father's arms and flying around, learning to fly briskly under the sunlight.

Lemi stretched out, roared, opened her eyes again, and immediately saw the person she had been missing so much.

"Ouch——!" Lemi lowered her head excitedly to welcome Zhang Su's touch. She put her head close to Zhang Su's palm and rubbed it over and over again.

It put its dragon horn against Zhang Su's arm and kept getting closer to make up for the long absence, "Ouch——"

"It's okay." Zhang Su hugged Leimi's neck and stretched out his hand to scratch its chin. The feeling of blood connection and reunion of flesh and blood is so wonderful, "Do you remember how to breathe fire?"

Leimi raised her neck and sprayed a ball of hot and shining flames into the sky. She was excited and excited, as if she was performing in front of Zhang Su, and then rushed into his arms. No amount of intimacy was enough!

Down below, Priest Cacotel and his party were shocked.

Their most noble dragon is now as well-behaved as a deer in front of Zhang Su?

And so docile? !

"How can it be!"

"It's obviously a violent and furious dragon..."

"God of Dragons! What is its relationship with that man?" Priest Cacotel was incredulous.

Leimi rubbed Zhang Su excitedly, and her hoarse throat voice pieced together a loud roar:


"???" Priest Kakotel and the others suddenly felt that their brains were melting!

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