Witch containment diary

Chapter 453 In the burning cellar

"Can't you stay awake for even a second? How much Leimi suffered alone and faced the threats of so many demons, have you ever cared?" Zhang Su questioned.

"Ha... what's wrong..." Katie was obsessed with Zhang Su, "We are together... just like before, there is no difference, we are all back."

"I need you to stop drinking, smoking, and any other addictive substances." Zhang Su noticed the shabby underground bunker.

There were stains everywhere in the room, and there were many DVD players and play equipment, and this was the year she completely indulged herself.

It seems that as soon as the door is closed, the natural disaster turns from a doomsday to a blessing. There is electricity, food, drinks, and entertainment. No one or anything can find her fault. Katie must have spent a lot of money to build this place and satisfy her desires. Primitive material desires.

"Don't be so serious... Ouch... it's like the past..." Katie touched Zhang Su's arm with her fingers, but was thrown away.

"It won't be like the past." Zhang Su shook off Katie's hand.

I feel like there is nothing left to say.

Katie was unhappy, turned around, picked up a wine bottle with a broken neck, and took a big sip from it.

Remi stretched her neck through the blast door, looked at Katie with her slender dragon head, blinked, and let out a frustrated roar.

"Ah, Remi, you have grown so big." Katie walked over and touched her child Remi.

Seeing her mother, Remi purred happily.

Immediately afterwards, Katie wanted to give it a drink.

"Ouch?" Lemi smelled alcohol.

"How about it? You should try it too, it's like fruit." Katie brought the wine glass over, but was interrupted by Zhang Su.

"Leimi, let's go." Zhang Su quickly took Leimi outside, "Follow me."

"Remi is, my... child! Mine!" Katie said frantically, "Mine! Why did you take it away!"

Zhang Su said nothing, just opened the door and tried to guide Lemi out.

Katie threw the empty bottle against the blast door, causing it to shatter with an explosive sound.

She blushed, while Remy was so frightened that she had nowhere to place her paws.

"——You abandoned us and went to other places... I sacrificed everything and tried my best to restore my rightful status, but you didn't support me!" Katie roared.

"You should have followed me then! Even if we stayed on the ground, even if we rebuilt our family, the devil would destroy us. At that time, our strength was simply not enough! We could maintain our glory for a day or two at most. But today we are barely able to To regain the lost ground, and this opportunity to counterattack is hard-won, the war is far from over." Zhang Su said.

"The empire for a day or two is also - honor." Katie roared, "Why not?"

"Sober up." Zhang Su said.

"Coward!" Katie grabbed another bottle and cursed.

Remi was so frightened that she let out a series of low growls.

It trembled with fear and kept bumping its body against the wall. It looked at all this with sadness and fear, not wanting to see its mother throw out the bottle.

"Run, little one." Hayho quickly pushed Remi out.

"What are you doing? You also want to take Remi away from me? Hayao?" Katie roared, "You want to stop me?"

Katie burst out with magic power, and her right hand turned into a huge dragon claw, and suddenly smashed towards Saho.


The powerful annihilation magic burst out, igniting the alcohol on the ground with a loud explosion, forming a sea of ​​fire.

The huge shock wave knocked Katie back and flew to the wall before falling. Katie fainted.

"Don't touch her." Bomb threatened and waved his right hand.

"Let's go!" Zaho was startled, but he didn't expect Zhizhuo to help him. Remi stretched her neck to save Katie, but Hayao desperately held Remi on her shoulders and pushed it out, "Let's go! There's a fire here! That's not your mother!"

Remi felt the heat hitting her face and was pushed outside in extreme frustration.

Its long howl lasted for a long time, and Zhang Su had no choice but to escort Lemi to a safe place.

The little witches ran to the corridor outside with surprised expressions.

"We finally found Sister Katie, but it ended up like this! If I had known I would have left her alone in the bunker, we could have just taken Remi away." Hayho was angry.

"Hey..." Mayumi felt regretful, "Temperance is the greatest virtue. You all understand it now."

"Generally speaking, long-term abuse of wealth, addiction to pleasure and consumables in an environment lacking self-discipline will seriously erode a person's will. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Katie to quickly recover. Fortunately, we poor witches have always maintained a frugal and self-disciplined lifestyle and have become more determined and stronger! Now, let us raise a toast to celebrate our ability to endure hard work." Qing Xiao said.

"Put me and 500 bottles of Coke together and I'll be happy," said Hayho.

"There are also strange things there, something like cigarettes. She must have made a lot of preparations." Zhazhu judged.

"It seems that she borrowed a lot of money from Miss Renwu before the natural disaster." Mayumi pondered.

"..." Xia Xi was thoughtful.

Zhang Su came.

"Remi and I are going to find a safer place to rest. Will you follow us?" he asked.

"Da Su, are you giving up on Sister Katie?" Zaho scratched his head.

"I'm not giving up. I won't give up on anyone. I just need time. The witch's lifespan is very long. We can wait a hundred years and come back to the Hidden Valley. Things will be different by then." Zhang Su said.

"Huh??" Hayho was shocked, "Is this a cheap solution?"

"Who knows what will happen in the future?" Zhang Su said, "You all have a long-term view, so you can't rush for success."

"Urgent, urgent, urgent, I'm in a hurry." Saho said, "Sister Katie is my beloved sibling. I want to correct her bad personality."

"Are you really that familiar with her?" Qing Xiao said.

"I'm more mature than you." Zaohui was dissatisfied.

"That's right, it's okay to let Saho stay here. Anyway, Saho can't be of greater use in our operations." Qing Xiao said to the others.

"Hmph. Go ahead and play by yourselves." Saho turned around and walked away from everyone else.

Looking at Saho's back, Mayumi thought about it for a while.

"Hasaho alone can't do it, right?" Mayumi explained, "Can't we have one more person to accompany her?"

"Isn't it already there?" Qing Xiao said.

Seeing that Natsuki was already following Saho, Mayumi staggered up.

Katie woke up from her coma, but was too lazy to move. She lay on the ground and fell asleep, regardless of the spread of the fire. She was strong enough to be immune to the fire.

"Uh, there's smoke everywhere, you'll choke to death." Hayho quickly opened the door and sent Suikage to find a fire extinguisher.

"..." Xia Xi looked around for a while, then walked to the middle of the fire and dragged Katie out to the door.

"Maybe this is an opportunity, we can throw away all the wine and cigarettes and just say they were burned by the fire." Saho was very happy to see Natsuki there, but just smiled.

"Yeah." Natsuki straightened Katie up a little so that she could sit and breathe more fresh air.

Smoke and dust were billowing, and Hayao was busy inside, using the small fire extinguisher Suiying found to control the fire.

The force of the blast left a crater in the ground.

"Burn it, burn it, burn it all." Hayho cut all the alcohol with a knife and poured it into the pit, letting it form a burning hole, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of burned alcohol.

"It can't be burned like this." Natsuki said.

"Then we have to move away." Hayho looked around, "Ninja?"

"Ninja..." Shuili stood in the darkness, crossing her arms.

"Take away all the wine for us. We will thank you." Saho said expectantly.

"Boom..." Shui Li questioned, "You are not my lord."

"Dasu and I are real brothers." Zaho disagreed, "With such status, I can understand everything. Please."

Shui Li thought about it for a while.

"Why do you want to help her..." Shui Li was a little hard to understand.

Hayho thought about it for a while longer.

"This matter originally had nothing to do with me, but if I just leave like this, I always feel like I have missed something. We have always helped each other survive...and Teacher Dasu also taught me to do this. Treat others kindly. It has nothing to do with me, but I have also begun to learn to treat others correctly." Saho looked at the sleepy Katie.

"But he didn't even take action himself." Shui Li said.

"Although Dasu doesn't seem to be helping on the surface, considering his position and emotions, he may not be able to adjust his mentality quickly. I think deep down he must want to help! Look, am I very You are so smart that you can understand his true thoughts," said Saho.

"..." Shui Li couldn't understand, but she still helped, putting all the remaining spirits into big boxes and moving them away.

"Ah - ah -" Katie hesitated in half sleep.

"Wake up, wake up." Hayho quickly ran over and shook Katie.

"It's dawn..." Natsuki said, there must be light. Then the sun shone, instantly making the inside of the bunker as bright as day, surpassing all lights.

Katie shunned the bright light like a mole.

"You...what do you want to do..." Katie muttered, retreating to a dark corner of the room. The impact caused her memory to break, "...you are...you are...children from the safe home."

"It's not a child, it's an adult. We've been here for several days." Hayho said helplessly, "Do you remember? Dasu is also here, Remi is here too, and we have all come to see you."

"But now they are all... gone." Katie grabbed her brown hair with her hands, "Why are you still here?"

"To catch up with my long-lost friend." Hayho said firmly.

"Friend? Who is it?" Katie was confused.

"It's you! That's you! Oh, Katie, Katie!" Hayho shook her, "Look at me, even the useless me has become a person with brains now! Please , you must, you must get better too!”

"Did I screw up again?" Katie said blankly.

Now she violently remembered how Zhang Su and Lei Mi left, and how she treated them badly...

No...shouldn't do that.

You shouldn't do that.

Katie put her hands on her face and cried.

"I...I'm so stupid. Let me...let me die." Katie wailed.

Hayho took a deep breath and watched Katie's tears flow more and more.

"This is the end of crying. Get up and learn from me." Hayho stretched out his hand, "I have much more experience in being a fool than you."

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