Witch containment diary

Chapter 490 The Eternal Witch’s Diary

Across conflicts and disasters, a new era has arrived. The storyteller adds the final word to the story.

Troublesome things came one after another, and now that he had finally finished writing them all, he could take a break.

After flexing his fingers, the storyteller stood up and wanted to go to the window to look at the air outside. A bright future seemed to be waiting.

In the whirlpool of shadows, there are two shadows one behind the other, the one in front is short and the one behind is tall.

Incredible...! Hayho looked around, This is what Witch Soraya said back then, the 'storyteller' who beats the gods of all walks of life!!

Hush. ​​The Shadow Witch held the thicknessless blade, preparing to give the Storyteller a fatal blow. This thing was inspired by the God of Witches. I only have one chance.

The storyteller's vest went cold, and he turned around to see the shadow on the ground about to move. He quickly stepped towards the keyboard where the codes were entered, trying to save himself.

Ah! Hayho would not be scared by ordinary people. She drove the shadow to form tendrils, wrapped around the storyteller's hand, and broke his fingers mercilessly.

Shadow Witch added another blow and cut off the storyteller's head.

Okay, even the storyteller has been killed, and the story can no longer restrain me. The Shadow Witch restored her burning shadow demon body.

What is this? Zaho got up, looked at the keyboard, and went up to take pictures.


This way. Shadow Witch taught her, Use grammar to enter the content you want.

Hayao is the best in the world

Saho is the smartest

The story world is incredible! Hayho felt so great.

Sui'er, within the limited narrative layer of Witch Containment Diary, you are already invincible. And I have also ascended to the realm of the real Shadow Demon. Hell will respectfully welcome my joining, and the whole world will be afraid of themselves. Shadow. Shadow Witch nodded.

Then I'm so awesome. Hayho felt amazing, Is this a tool for telling stories? I want to give everyone a happy ending, let me do it!

You come, you come. Shadow Witch tolerated.

Hayho typed a series of words that would benefit the future of Teacher Dasu and her friends, eliminating the trials and tribulations on their journey:

Zhang Su lived a happy life and became the strongest man in the world, which is incredible! This is our Dasu!

Miss Lianwu has become richer than she is now, has become a cheerful person, and is also smarter.

Murohua! Shinjo Murohua! My good friend! She became more beautiful, with a bright mind and healthy body. She was a beautiful girl that everyone loved.

Baby Natsuki is still the same cute baby! She is carefree every day, what is there to worry about?

Mayumi read too many books, and she finally opened her own university, called Anin University, so that she could teach many witches and humans and make everyone literate.

Senior Sister Lian Yang! Senior sister can live happily without Saho. She travels around the world, sees everything she wants to see, and becomes the person she wants to be. Haha, amazing. No, she should have Hayao in her heart, right?

Yuanzhi Cat has established the largest orphanage to adopt children who have been displaced and homeless due to natural disasters and troubles in recent years. It is really amazing.

Bangbang became a big soldier, a woman of the motherland who defended the world, a superhero! Everyone should be careful about her. (Ah, no, I respect and love her!)

Qingxiao is rooted on the ground, and the fruits on her head are even sweeter. She has always been a smart child, and later she became a protector and botanist of the super forest. It’s awesome!

After Sister Katie got rid of her addiction, she returned to her hometown. She and Dasu continued to create dragon eggs. Since then, the number of dragons in our world has increased and they are no longer endangered animals.

Princess Otohime renovated and reopened the underwater Ryugu Castle, turning it into a bustling underwater tourist amusement park.

After the Red Flame Bodhisattva joined the Nine-Seat Council, he lived the life he had dreamed of: nothing more than eating, drinking, sleeping and playing every day. She no longer has to worry about the demon she fears the most, and she no longer has to dig tunnels, she can be her god.

Sister Li Yixin also lives with Dasu, so don't worry.

Edith was still with Da Su, and many people died happily.

There are many, many witches. Sorry, King Hayao’s memory is limited, so I can only write here.

The world's long-lasting peace has arrived, and it will last at least a thousand years before fighting begins!

After Hayho finished typing on the keyboard, he backed away.

So this is it? She turned around and asked.

Yes, it's time for us to leave. In hell, the Shadow Demon Realm is waiting for us to take over. Haven't you always criticized your background as not being prominent enough? From now on, I will be the Shadow Demon God, and you will be the Princess of Shadows. The real eldest princess will be Zao Sui. . Shadow Witch said.

Hayao hesitated.

Oh, I... I'd better go back to Anshengyuan. Everyone is waiting for me. I'll catch up after a while. You can pick me up then. Hayho said.

If you go back, you have to do something for me. Shadow Witch said.


The Witch Containment Log is a treasure used to manage witches. My shadow demon world has just been created and I need witches to join me. Please get it from Zhang Su. His work is over and mine has just begun. . Shadow Witch said.

No problem, Dasu and I are inseparable. Saho nodded.

Okay. Shadow Witch left.

By killing Edith first and then the Storyteller, she has implemented the morality of shadow. This path has completely transformed into a path of fear for demons. All strong men must be afraid of their own shadow.

Hayao drilled back.

Anyuan, autumn.

It's time to pick oranges and make orange rice cakes! They were busy.

Wow. Carefree. After Saho returned, he sat on the hillside of Ansin.

Looking at the rolling Kagura Mountains and the gurgling Anagawa River, a sense of calm enveloped her, a tranquility she had never experienced during the conflict.

There is no crisis of annihilation hanging above the head, no grudges and hatreds lingering around, and no storyteller interfering unreasonably.

Hayho breathed deeply the fresh and clean air of nature, which was very different from the fragrance of the spirit world and the stench of hell.

Idiot Saho. Natsuki stood behind Saho and fiddled with her hair.

What? I'm a big shot. Without me, you would have encountered something unfortunate and died. Hayho disagreed.

You're back! Enori saw Haohui, rushed over, opened her arms, and hugged her eagerly.

Hey, Yuanori! Saho's youth made her feel unbridled and joyful. She lifted Yuanori and spun her around, her laughter intertwined with the breeze, I won't give up here.

Yeah! I know you will definitely come back. Yuori rubbed Saho's neck.

Are you coming out to eat? Zhang Su stood on the top of the hillside, next to Youfalin and Xiaofeng. They had grown in size and evolved with time and food intake.

Dasu! Ah! Bee! Hayho found that he had forgotten about the insect witches. They were not affected by the storyteller's final power, and without shackles, they would become a force that shakes the universe.

Many little bees were lost in the previous battles. Little bees touched Zhang Su's shoulder, I want to take him back to replenish them.

Yes, very busy. Zhang Su nodded.

Hoho, this is the blessing I've prepared for you. said Saho.

...Haosui, I feel like you have done a lot of incredible things invisibly. Zhang Su nodded.

That's for sure. Didn't I tell you a long time ago that if you don't treat me badly, I won't treat you badly when I grow up. Saho smiled.

I always believe in you. Zhang Su also smiled.

By the way, give me the Witch Containment Diary. It's useless for you to hold it, but it will be of great use to me. Hayho stretched out his hand.

Ah, take it. Zhang Su walked down the hillside and gave him the heavy notebook, You must manage the other witches.

No problem. Saho put it away, I want to build King Saho's own world. This thing will continue to shine in the future.

Zhang Su took You Falin and Xiaofeng to play, while Zaosui continued to roll on the grass when he suddenly saw something bright in the sky.

What is that? Hayho raised his head sharply.

Interstellar train. Mayumi sat next to her, Do you remember that after Chu Boyao's duel with the teacher, Chu Boyao went to space to find the interstellar train? It turns out that it is indeed there. It has already arrived above our heads and is recruiting The good ones are going.

Recruiting? Hayho didn't understand. In an instant, he saw a brown-haired girl wearing black tight-fitting armor and carrying advanced technological equipment suddenly arrived, Ah! Aliens!

I have already met. The girl took out the pass issued by the Earth Federation. I am a witch with special visit. There is no need to panic.

Witch? Are you also a witch? What is your path? asked Hayho.

Path? We are different from you. You are like some kind of...alien witches. We come from another witch civilization. We are also witches, but the methods of using magic are very different. She frowned.

Okay, my name is Hatsumi Saho, and I can get into the shadow. Saho put his feet into the shadow, What about you?

My name is One Zero One. 101 said coldly, Logically speaking, you should all be brought under the jurisdiction of our Lord, the God of Witches.

Where is another witch god? Saho was distressed, but when he came to his senses, he felt that it had something to do with her tampering with the storyteller's keyboard.

Your adventure may have come to an end, but there are still catastrophes affecting more worlds that require your full support. 101 said briefly, If you are willing to join this expedition and see more scenery of other worlds, please join us. Let’s board the train together and ask the conductor named Xu to sign up, we won’t stay here for long.”

After saying that, she activated her magic power and returned to the distant sky.

Teleportation magic! Unheard of. Hayho murmured, Let's go ride the interstellar train together, it might be fun.

Do you want to go? Mayumi asked, I don't know why, but I have been bothered by the idea of ​​starting a university, so I probably won't go.

No, we can't run a university. If you are bound by what I write, wouldn't it mean that I have become an evil storyteller? I have to shut down all of them. Hayho said hurriedly, I will go and get the storyteller's If the computer is broken, it must not affect our happy future.

Haoho is getting more and more crazy. Yuanzhi watched as Saho left in a hurry.

...It doesn't matter. Aren't you happy enough now? All the demons have stopped. If you take a holiday, it will be at least ten years. Reiyo sat on the hillside with a smile on her face.

A lot of things have happened and a lot of hardships have happened, but I feel like I really have a life worth living. Shihua sighed silently.

More than ten years have passed, but I feel like this is the best autumn. Yuanzhi murmured.

Here comes the orange rice cake! Hongyan swaggered over with a big basin.

Orange rice cake! Everyone rushed over to grab it.

Yuan Zhi walked over.

She took three, ate one for herself, left one for Haoho, and put the third one in her pocket.

After the original transfer, Miracle Witch Hazy has been placed in Anxin Hospital.

Yuanzhi entered the holding room and looked at Hajime lying in the coffin.

She placed the rice cake next to Long's side and watched a drop of crystal tears slowly flow from the corner of Long's eyes.

The next wish I make is for you to wake up. Yuanzhi said quietly.

She still remembers what happened ten years ago.

Cold, sick, and hungry, I shivered under the night sky of the dilapidated An hospital, helpless.

Facing the bright meteors streaking across the sky, she tried her best to make a wish:


If there is a miracle, please

No matter where you come from.

Call in someone who can help everyone, bring happiness to everyone, and save everyone!

Even if he is defeated, even if he is killed...

Please also

Give him another chance, give him another chance, okay!

Hazy Star heard the wish.

Hazy Star's wish came true.

——Complete book——

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