Witch containment diary

Chapter 53 A flash in the dark

What do you know? Akazawa Yoshie held the knife tightly, unwilling to let go once he got it, eager to kill again.

Zhang Su recalled carefully and tried to clarify the relationship so that Akazawa Yoshiyo could understand the real situation.

...You left the dojo to establish the Guoguo Society because the magic of war broke out out of control, so you targeted the Dongming Kingdom itself in declaring war, wanting to destroy it and then build a new one. Zhang Sudao.

This is the magic of 'war'. Akasawa Yoshiyo nodded.

For the past two years, you have killed at least once every month. That's because you can't suppress the erosion in your body, so the magic of 'war' keeps getting out of control and deviating from its original direction. In fact, in addition to killing entrepreneurs and local councillors, you also killed Many innocent people, but your men never mentioned these things to you, they thought it was part of your plan. Zhang Su said.

I have no memory of when I lost control. I only know that I killed the damned people. This place is full of Dongming's enemies, and it's normal for them to die. Akazawa Yoshie murmured.

But why weren't you executed? Zhang Su said.

... Akazawa Jiayo shook her head, she didn't understand.

Because the Prime Minister wants you to live and continue to attract public attention. Zhang Su said.

Prime Minister...that guy... Akazawa Yoshio frowned.

Half of the current problems of Dongming State can be attributed to the despicable Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro, who is both shrewd and cunning.

The people you killed were either unimportant, or political enemies of Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro. Moreover, the Youguo Society was openly active, and the public's attention was shifted to you, and they all blamed your activity for causing Dongming's collapse. The country's economy has been in recession all year round. The Prime Minister himself avoided the whirlpool and threw all the bad reputation on you assassins, letting people attack you day and night. Zhang Sudao.

How could it be? Don't we all support the Guoguo Society? Akazawa Yoshio hesitated.

Your life is a three-point line between the Taoist temple, the Guoguo Society, and the prison. You lack social experience and have no idea what others think of you. It's very simple. We will know just by asking others. It is not appropriate to make things big tonight. Give me the knife. Zhang Su stretched out his hand.

... Akazawa Jiayo was full of doubts.

But she also wanted to know what Worry Country Society looked like in the eyes of the world.

Do the people of Dongming thank Yoshio Akazawa?

She sighed, turned the blade over, handed it to Zhang Su, and remained silent after that.

Zhang Su began to clean up the mess.

He first collected the remains of the three beautiful spirit demons and took them to a nearby deserted mountain to throw them away. They also had some human currency on them, which they obtained from unknown sources, totaling 500,000 yen. Zhang Su took it and confiscated it.

He tidied up Xiaolin's house and wiped away traces. Xiao Lin Muchun was put to sleep by the trick of the beautiful spirit demon, and Zhang Su planned to talk about it tomorrow.

After returning to Anxinyuan, Zhang Su took a short rest. At dawn the next day, he asked Reina for help and went down the mountain to visit Mayor Kobayashi.

He didn't explain, but Rena was willing to cooperate.

At Zhang Su's request, Akazawa Yoshio also changed his clothes, covered his face, and followed him as an ordinary prison officer.

At dawn, Reina returned to Kobayashi's house, accompanied by Zhang Su and Akazawa Yoshio.

Eh? Kobayashi, Lord Kobayashi? Reina saw Kobayashi Muharu collapsed in the tea room and hurriedly went up to wake him up.

Xiao Lin Muchun woke up from his sleep and felt a little confused.

Looking around, the three witches were gone. The surroundings were relatively clean. There seemed to be some fighting, but it was not obvious.

He couldn't remember clearly. Could it be that he showed off his power and drove them all away? He felt the weight on his hand turned out to be his own knife, and sure enough! The old man is brave and ambitious, and his ambition is thousands of miles.

When Kobayashi Muchun saw Reina, he immediately thought of his dead son Kobayashi Shigeru, and his heart ached.

Hello, Mayor Xiaolin. Zhang Su stepped forward at the right moment.

Mr. Zhang! When did you come? Xiao Lin Muchun pressed his forehead, I'm really sorry for the poor reception...

We heard some movement in your house, so we came here early in the morning. What happened last night? Zhang Su asked.

It's nothing. It's nothing... Xiaolin Muchun didn't want to explain clearly.

The three of them are a well-known underground girl group nearby. It is said that they have mysterious powers and can provide all kinds of help. He is lonely and in trouble, so he simply invites them to accompany him.

He remembered that he was not interested, so he talked to them about the death of his son Xiaolin Mao, hoping that they could complete the work of a psychic medium.

In the end it failed and no one could help.

To make matters worse, I heard that my son Xiaolin Shigeru did not have a good life in the Elysium after death.

Then I can only find him miserably by myself?

Xiao Lin Muchun sat alone on the ground, staring blankly at the portrait on the wall.

... Reina couldn't help but shed tears at the corners of her eyes when she saw this scene.

Speaking of which, Zhang Su changed the subject, It is said that members of the 'Concerning Society' are wandering around, so please be careful. Do you know them?

Akasawa Yoshiyo hid behind Zhang Su and listened.

Serial murderer. Xiao Lin Muchun was worried.

Serial murderer? Akazawa Yoshiyo frowned.

I don't know much about the 'Concerning Society'. What kind of news did you hear there? Zhang Su asked.

They are all lawless people. People are panicked, newspapers are silent, and enterprises have lost their vitality. Fortunately, Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro has a way to catch their leader. Now our Dongming country finally has some hope of development. With such achievements, , I support the re-election of the Nagai cabinet. Kobayashi Muchu sighed.

His own arrest actually prompted the traitor Nagai Hikoshiro to be re-elected?

This news was even more difficult for Akazawa Yoshie to accept.

No wonder he was suddenly arrested. It turned out that the Prime Minister was trying to win re-election next year! Let her wreak havoc, then press her to death. She felt quite sad.

Yes, we will find ways to arrest these people to prevent them from continuing to cause trouble. Zhang Su said.

Thank you... Xiao Lin Muchun said tiredly, I am not in good health today. I am extremely sorry...

Understood, we will leave immediately. Zhang Su understood, This visit is also abrupt. I will inform you in advance next time.

Reina, you have to behave well on the mountain. Kobayashi Muchun nodded to Reina.

Yes. Reina nodded quickly, I will definitely continue to work hard! I will still stay on the mountain and wait until the day when the demons are defeated...

Xiao Lin Muchun nodded, thinking of the frightening scene last night, he felt more and more that he had gained strength after drinking the potion of mystery, and worked hard to fight off the three female demons.

I am now gradually understanding. I hope that while I am alive, I can destroy a few more demons and avenge Mao. Xiaolin Muchun took a deep breath and said slowly.

I am approaching old age, and I hope that I can accomplish something meaningful in the last few years of my life. In this way, I will have something to say to Kobayashi Shigeru when I see him.

On the way back to the hospital, Akazawa Yoshio was uneasy.

Are you a serial murderer? Akazawa Yoshio grabbed the magic-forbidden chain around his neck.

A monster worse than a pig or a dog, a dishonest and unjust thief, is this the final judgment given to oneself in the world?

He kills all the people who deserve to be killed, but he is always in a low-end position and is fooled by those in high positions.

Before returning to the cell and walking into the darkness, Akasawa Yoshie turned to ask Zhang Su: Am I Dongming's hero or Dongming's traitor?

No. But you can figure out what to do in this place. And when the erosion on your body is about to break out, tell me and I will help you suppress it. Zhang Su said.

Yes. Although Akasawa Yoshie didn't understand what he was going to do, looking at his determination, he should be able to help.

If you behave well, I will move you to a slightly more comfortable cell. I hope you can learn and grow in Anxinyuan, further polish your ideas, and temper your will. Zhang Su sent her back to the cell.

Let me...study here? Akazawa Yoshiyo asked.

The purpose of establishing Anxinyuan is to transform, learn, and grow. Besides, I also have something to learn from you. Zhang Su said.

What can I teach you?

Martial Arts. Zhang Su thought of Akasawa Yoshie's martial arts skills. She could perform superb skills without consuming any magic power.

Huh... Akazawa Yoshio smiled softly.

The relationship between myself and the other party is not like the relationship between prisoners and managers, but like friends.

Zhang Su closed the iron door and left her thinking in the dark.

Akazawa Yoshiyo thought silently.

Some of what Zhang Su said was correct. She would indeed lose her memory during the erosion outbreak, accidentally killing good people, and causing heavy casualties in her path. People also regard her as a murderer rather than a hero.

What's even worse is that the Prime Minister, Hikoshiro Nagai, seems to be able to easily manipulate her behind her back!

Akazawa Yoshie closed her eyes, and for a moment, she no longer felt confused. Suffering and frustration may turn into blue flames, quenching ordinary iron into true steel.

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