Witch containment diary

Chapter 55 The Savior of the Leather Jacket

What did she do before? Katie walked with Zhang Su.

Vtuber, a leather man, is a live broadcaster. Zhang Su explained.

Ouch! Katie didn't understand.

Now there are many factory girls who should have joined the factory, and the entire image of the animated villain has started to be broadcast live. Everyone is watching it and paying them, in order to escape reality and find psychological comfort on the Internet. Although they are very You have money, but after all, your cultural level is stuck there, so very typical things often happen. Zhang Su said.

I don't understand. Katie said.

Let's watch it together when we have time, Zhang Su said.

Why? Katie frowned, Why do you want to see it?

Just think of it as a date. Zhang Su said.

What... do you want to stay together? I'm going... to get ready. Katie reacted greatly and walked away immediately. She needed to change her clothes, a new hat, and maybe wash it.

Zhang Su went back to the office to prepare lessons.

Then I went to the classroom to teach the children text. Today I am talking about the article My Uncle Jules written by Maupassant.

Zhang Su is very familiar with the novels written by Maupassant. They basically revolved around the small citizens and civil servants at that time. The characters in them were hypocritical, snobbish, despicable, and usually colluded with the devil and became filthy and depraved.

Due to the invasion of demons, the resistance war in Europe has become worse and worse. Before the formation of the human defense plan, people saw no hope at all. His writing style is basically a realist approach, and he reproduces the social picture of the French people at that time who were mediocre, empty, and behaved in a nasty way, which made me feel depressed after reading too much of it. Only Two Friends is more passionate about two good brothers fishing together and then determined to fight against the devil's temptation.

Zhang Su thinks he is okay, not really a first-rate master, but he is still famous, and the content is easy to understand, which is suitable for children. Maupassant himself died in a duel provoked by a demon disguised as a demon. He was very depressed before his death, and only half of his works have been handed down to the world.

When he arrived at the classroom, Zhang Su moved the textbooks from the reading room to the classroom and taught everyone.

Everyone, open the book. Today we will talk about My Uncle Yule. Zhang Su nodded, and there was a sound of turning books in the classroom. Saho, Enori, Natsuki, Reio and Shihua were all there, studying hard.

Zhang Su led them to read aloud.

My family is originally from Le Havre and is not a wealthy family. Fortunately, it is far away from the front lines of the devil's war. My father works and comes back from the office very late and does not earn much money. I have two sisters...

Yuanzhi's kitten ears twitched. She liked the teacher telling stories in a serious and strong tone.

Other children are also immersed in the story. Every day during class, they will temporarily forget that Anshen is a witch asylum and regard it as a real school.

They each read it several times, and then Zhang Su explained some key points in it. Since the outbreak of demons, human literary and artistic activities have become increasingly desolate, but more modern works have been preserved.

“When this novel is selected into the text, the first paragraph of the original book is often deleted, which is this paragraph:

'A poor old man with a white beard begged us for alms. My companion Joseph Dafranche gave him a five-franc piece of silver. I felt a little surprised. Then he said to me: This poor man reminds me of A past incident that I have never forgotten. I will tell you about it now.'

Can you understand why the first paragraph of the original text was deleted from the text? Zhang Su asked.

Because it's too long. Hayho felt tired after reading.

Because... it's too boring? Lian Yang was distracted.

It has no effect on the novel? Shihua said keenly.

You have all mentioned something. In fact, this part uses the technique of 'flashback', that is, narrating a certain plot first, and then going back to talk about how the whole story developed. When writing, be careful when using flashbacks, because it It will interrupt the ongoing story and force readers back to the past. Zhang Su explained.

I have watched an old anime Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. The first scene shows the protagonist running in the snow holding the unconscious Nezuko, and then the protagonist goes to the village to sell charcoal or something. Reio said thoughtfully. think.

Yes, that's a classic flashback plot. It first shows the protagonist encountering trouble, and then goes back to the past, allowing the audience to watch and think about when the 'crisis' will happen. When we write, we have to try our best to make it The stories develop one after another, otherwise it will cause confusion. Zhang Su explained.

But there seems to be another technique called 'pre-narration'? Lian Yang asked.

Who asked you? Hayho interrupted.

Don't hinder others from asking questions. Zhang Su lectured Zaosui.

It seems that lazy Reio is finally interested in literature? Zhang Su was very pleased.

Getting back to the subject, 'prenarration' is to foretell the ending in advance. For example, in the Greek legend, when Queen Troy gave birth to Paris, she dreamed that she gave birth to a blazing fire cabinet, which burned the city of Troy to the ground. This is advance prediction. It tells about the destruction of Troy. Zhang Su explained.

Oh... Lian Yang held her chin in her hands, now feeling that the teacher was really knowledgeable.

Is this Paris the one who was haunted by three witches and asked to determine the ownership of the golden apple? Shihua heard this story from Lianwu in the reading room.

Yes, but what we are talking about today is 'My Uncle Jüle'. It tells the story of a family who originally heard that their uncle Jüle was very rich, so they looked forward to it every day, but when they found out that Jüle was poor, they sneered at him. What do you think of this family's behavior? Zhang Su asked.

I want to eat oysters! Natsuki said.

There will be oysters. Zhang Su nodded, But have you finished reading the text?

How to write oyster? Natsuki studied hard.

I don't think their family is sincere. Lian Yang suddenly said, If I have the chance, I would like to try the magic of 'sincerity' on others again.

Opportunities like that are rare. Zhang Su shook his head.

He assigned a classic exercise, the theme is a short composition, starting with Uncle Jules became a rich man again, and hoped that everyone can freely use their imagination to continue writing what happened next.

New Tokyo, Witch Countermeasures Bureau.

A surprise attack on the Gate of Hell on Mount Kagura? Senator Mihashi Yu, you are a bit too extreme. Edith raised her eyebrows.

She picked up the glass on the table. The liquid was as red as blood, just like the color of her lips.

Yes, Mount Kagurura is located in the Echigo area. Once demons emerge from it, it will easily threaten New Tokyo. The straight-line distance is only two hundred kilometers. Yu Mihashi explained calmly at the table.

That would consume too much manpower and material resources, unless a volunteer team can investigate the situation of the Hell Gate of Mount Kagurura in advance and set off from the 'Eastern Continent Wall'. Edith said softly.

The economic crisis in Dongming Country is becoming more and more serious. We must divert the attention of the people. Taking advantage of the devil is a good reason, and it is the kind of reason that can be used again and again. Devils are all over the world, killing people like hemp. People will understand how to fight against the devil. It is a great cause of justice, and announcements about war can stimulate the economy. Mihashi Yu explained.

It will also promote capital outflow. Once the battle fails, who knows how many people will die. Edith said with a smile.

Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro is recruiting plans to revitalize the economy from us. We are also very troubled. This is the only feasible way, otherwise the giant ship of Dongming Kingdom will sink in the ocean. And... I heard that God Near Leshan is the Anyuan Witch Asylum. Mihashi Yu frowned.

So what? Edith looked into Mihashi Yu's eyes and read a trace of anxiety.

I heard that Laroutte was transported there, Mihashi Yu said.

This is not information that can be obtained by 'hearing'. Your information network is really powerful. You are worthy of being the new star of Dongming Kingdom. Edith said softly.

I want to ask for her amnesty. I want her to leave Anxin Home. Mihashi Yu suddenly stood up and lost his usual demeanor. Please, as long as Laroutte is released, we can increase donations and increase the share of funding. I will give my full support to the Witch Countermeasures Agency on this bill.”

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