Witch containment diary

Chapter 58 Black Holes and Cauliflower

After receiving the news, Zhang Su glanced at La Louie, and he felt strange about the changes in her body. In her previous life, LaRoute was also released under the guidance of Yu Mihashi, and then disappeared.

Mihashi Yu is obsessed with La Louie, while La Louie looks at Zhang Su with pity.

Edith has deployed an amnesty order. Zhang Su looked at Mihashi Yu.

All the Dongming Kingdom departments also gave the green light along the way. Mihashi Yu's energy is really great, and he is worthy of being a rising star in Dongming Kingdom's political arena. Zhang Su secretly said.

Mihashi's family has become famous since the representative signed the Human Defense Plan in 1909. It has produced 16 members of parliament and 2 prime ministers. Now Mihashi Yuya will embark on a smooth road to power.

Ha... haha... Princess, your knight is here to save you from this dragon's den. Yu Mihashi turned to Larue, his eyes blazing.

The law has wrongly blamed me. What Larue spreads is happiness and there is no need to be punished. A proud look appeared on Larue's face.

It remains to be seen. Zhang Su said.

You must be sad, LaRouge said.

What are you sad about? Zhang Su frowned.

I'm afraid every nerve in your body is screaming for rejection, but no, an order is an order, and you can't resist the arrangement. Now do you understand who is the powerful person? This small Anxinyuan is not the whole world. . Larue stretched her limbs.

Let's go, the knight is here to rescue you and leave. Yu Mihashi looked at Laloutte lovingly.

Zhang Su escorted Mihashi Yu and Lalujie out of Anxinyuan. Both of them had triumphant expressions on their faces, and the sun was waving to them outside the door.

Zhang Su, parting comes so quickly, I hope you don't miss me too much. Larue said elegantly.

Maybe. Zhang Su shrugged.

I have to say, I like Anxinyuan very much, but the accommodation conditions need to be improved. Larue said exaggeratedly.

She had forgotten the hurt she had suffered in the mirror cell, replaced by undisguised ecstasy and joy.

Your Highness Princess, your knight will definitely let you return to a luxurious life. Mihashi Yu said with admiration.

Lalujie walked towards Zhang Su and stopped beside him. She seemed to have the ability to easily crush Zhang Su's thoughts.

She approached Zhang Su and spoke softly, her hot breath passing by Zhang Su's ears.

Take care of yourself, okay? When Larue is enjoying a relatively successful life in the outside world, Larue will occasionally think of the lonely life you lead in such a small safe home, meow...

With such a taunt behind her, Larue crossed the threshold and left An Yin.

Mihashi Yu and his two bodyguards welcomed LaRoute into the car with great enthusiasm, as if they were welcoming a real princess home.

You can go as far as you want. Zhang Su turned around.

Goodbye. Mihashi Yu smiled, But there will be no time to see you again, the 'King' of Ansin.

Katie stood at the door with a grim look on her face.

We...just let them go back...hum... Katie felt bored.

His car is too ordinary. Zhang Su turned around and said, Did you see the 5 million yen car he drove? The pickup truck we seized only cost 5 million yen. How can someone like him drive the same car as me? A classy car.”

What's going on? Katie didn't understand.

When Edith sent her request for amnesty, I noticed that the death aura on Larouie's body was getting stronger and stronger, and the death line on Larouie's body became scarier and scarier. It turned out that he didn't want Larouie to let her die. His blood stained his luxury car, Zhang Su said.

She's going to die. Katie recognized the smell of destined death, the smell of dying people. It smelled like corpse wax and ashes, Is it related to Yu Mihashi?

Zhang Su nodded and felt a strange cold.

Maybe Edith wants me to take advantage of him. Let's see if Mihashi Yu can get out of this disaster. Zhang Su went to find the stick.

The Toyota Avalon was racing on the winding mountain road and soon drove to another mountainous area, close to the villa in the outskirts.

Is that Larue's new home? Meow? Larue looked at the mansion halfway up the mountain that appeared on the edge of the forest in front of her.

Due to the Devil's Gate appearing in Mount Kaguraku, many local houses had been sold off, and she guessed that people like Mihashi Yu must have bought a lot of them.

Yes, that will be your forever home. Mihashi Yu smiled.

Claruge wants to go to New Tokyo, nya. Can you take little Laruge to Tokyo? Laruge prayed.

While Larue was still thinking about how to play, Mihashi Yu's arm clamped down on her slender arm.

What are you doing? Larue screamed, which made Mihashi Yu even more satisfied.

The bodyguard drove the vehicle forward and came to the garden in front of the villa, where there were several green algae spring pools and a patch of messy shrubs. After seeing the garden of Anxinyuan which was maintained day and night by little bees, Laloudie suddenly realized that this villa had been idle for at least 2 or 3 years, and her heart was racing.

Another bodyguard got out of the car and opened the door, making it easier for Mihashi Yu to drag Laruge out.

Come on, do you think I dragged you out of Anxinyuan out of good intentions? Mihashi Yu spat on the ground.

You... Larue was shocked.

From October 1st to 30th, 2055, you carried all of us to the hotel 31 times! Yu Mihashi scolded, No dog can work so hard as you! Who did you sleep with?

Larue was stunned and wanted to run away, but a bodyguard stepped forward to intercept her and kicked her hard.


One blow knocked her over in the middle of the grass, and her body quickly turned around in the air before falling to the ground like a smashed rag doll.

Her body was covered with mud, and she kept screaming while covering her kicked abdomen.

Mitsuhashi Yu's bodyguard was a martial arts practitioner, and his lucky kick nearly broke Lalouche's internal organs.

She kept vomiting blood and her body was like a trembling shrimp.

You think I won't retaliate? Do you think it's fun for you to take so much reward money from me? Tell me, tell me! Yu Mihashi walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, furious.

Larue raised her head and screamed. She could hardly speak complete sentences, and her body became colder. It was as if there was a hole where he was kicked, and all the strength leaked out from there.

I beg you, please... it's all misunderstandings... rumors... photoshopped pictures... Larue begged.

The arrogance of the past had been shattered by the fierce kick just now, leaving only severe pain and despair.

It was I who dug you out of those bottoms and made you a super star! Forgot! Forgot! Yu Mihashi roared, Without me, you would still be drinking with me! Do you think I am a good person? To deal with it?”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Laloujie burst into tears.

The bigger the black hole, the bigger the cauliflower! Mihashi Yu's anger boiled over. He grabbed Laroutte's hair and pulled her up from the ground. She screamed, but Mihashi Yu's curse was louder.

Who is coming, who is coming to save... Larue kept vomiting blood.

Tell me! Mihashi Yu was furious, Who have you played with?

Two on the list... Larue wailed.

Who else!

Third on the list, four on the list, five on the list... Larue knelt on the ground and coughed up blood.

I can't even be queued up! Yu Mihashi angrily threw Laroutte to the ground like trash. At this time, she was beaten until she was only convulsing.

He glanced at the other bodyguard, who took out a metal baseball bat from the back of the car and gave it to Mihashi Yu.

The baseball bat is also engraved with the name Moore Nana.

This baseball bat was a support item back then. I still treasure it to this day. The original price is 1,000 yen. After you write your name, it is worth 200,000 yen. But who gave you such a big reputation? You don't care at all. In your mind Only you.

He swung the bat, aiming for LaRoute's head.

No...don't...don't kill me... Larue trembled.

Mihashi Yu pressed the subcutaneous chip on his forehead, and the emotional blocking device digested his anger.

You could have become a new member of the Dongming Kingdom. You could have joined my family and from now on you would have no worries about food and clothing, enjoy glory and wealth, and have endless money. Mihashi Yu took a deep breath.

The rage was followed by a wave of sadness.

Mihashi Yu faced the villa and let out a deep sigh in his heart, wishing he could bury all his love and dedication in the past ten years.

The most perfect day I ever thought about was to meet you. You said you were 'Nana Tao Lian' and I said I was 'Prince Dongming'. We would take a walk, hold hands, and be at the beach. Mihashi Yu said bitterly, I accidentally mentioned this to my father, but he scoffed. He said that the most perfect day would be to ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands of families with a piece of paper in the morning, and then use another piece of paper in the afternoon. The clerk saved them and listened to their gratitude. That is the joy of the gods on earth. Now I can understand him to a certain extent.

He threw the bat to another bouncer.

Beat her to death. Mihashi Yu said.

Yes. The bodyguard tightened his grip on the metal bat.

They suddenly heard the sound of an engine coming from far away. Mihashi Yu frowned and saw Ansin's car driving to the door.

If you smash it down, you will be a murderer. Zhang Su came from outside.

...! Mihashi Yu turned his head, his heart shocked. This kind of thing is not something outsiders know, he made a gesture.

Two bodyguards stepped forward.

Zhang Su hit the Guanshi Pagoda in his hand against the ground, causing a loud earthquake.

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