Witch containment diary

Chapter 68 Building the Red Leaf Base

The convoy entered the erosion area, the scenery outside the window was desolate, and the car body vibrated continuously along the bumpy road.

Like a long distance shuttle. Zhang Su thought. But the end of this journey is hell.

The land is fragmented and barren, and demons have polluted the entire wasteland.

Soldiers wear self-priming filter protective masks to avoid inhaling excessive sand, dust and ash in the air.

There were mixed emotions in his eyes, and he couldn't tell whether it was hesitation or determination.

The chief officer sent by the National Defense Force was an officer named Second Lieutenant Moritani. His skin was very tanned and his expression was meticulous.

The planned construction target this time is located on the high ground code-named 'Red Leaf Mountain', which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once we arrive there, we can resist the scattered demon troops. Moritani introduced the current situation in the mobile command vehicle.

After the rebellion on Mount Kaguraku in the previous life, the human defense force pressed forward and raided the demon garden, trying to offset the tragic consequences of the collapse of the East Continent wall with meritorious deeds.

Zhang Su had participated in the counterattack, so he was very familiar with this area.

Hongye Mountain is indeed a good choice.

If they can safely pass through the 10-kilometer dangerous zone, they will soon be able to establish a stable supply line between the mountain and the headquarters, creating a safe passage for humans to enter the erosion zone.

A rugged mound appeared in Zhang Su's field of vision, which was Hongye Mountain. It rose from the wilderness and could control a large area around it.

Once humans can build an outpost on Red Leaf Mountain, they can use firepower to clear out the many demons around them.

Demons like close combat and can only suck human souls by killing humans face to face, otherwise the human souls will escape.

Some demons are accustomed to making cold shots from a distance, but they become weaker after being unable to eat souls for a long time.

Let me plan the route forward. Zhang Su suggested.

Every order involves the life and death of 600 soldiers. He suspects that no matter what he says, their fate will be reversed, which means a heavy burden.

You have no more experience than our scouts. Second Lieutenant Moritani doubted.

The demons are moving around various temporary altars. If we go forward like this, we will hit one soon. Zhang Su said.

We had an action route before departure, which was formulated by Colonel Kiyobei. Second Lieutenant Moritani said.

Serious soldiers do not like to carry out unplanned orders. Everyone has their own style. Zhang Su knew it very well.

In less than half a minute, a message came from the car in front: The enemy ahead found traces of demons. Do you want to change the route?

I really met the devil!

Wandering imps and bladed demons wander aimlessly across the wilderness in convoys of oversized transport trucks, which startle them and then send messages.

For their team, one demon could reveal their whereabouts.

It was best for them to arrive at Red Leaf Mountain in secret first, and then fight the demons. If they were delayed on the road, they would be discovered by the demon army in advance.

Second Lieutenant Moritani looked at Zhang Su in surprise.

...From now on, follow my route. Zhang Su planned a new path on the map.

This route is full of sand and dust storms, which is dangerous for vehicle tires and precision machinery. Second Lieutenant Moritani mused.

The reward outweighs the risk. Please stop the vehicle temporarily, put on the dust cover, wrap the machine in plastic sheeting, tighten your military boots, and prepare to drive into the dusty area. Zhang Su ordered.

Second Lieutenant Moritani made a prompt decision and implemented Zhang Su's arrangement.

The convoy paused to prepare for the dust storm through the erosion zone.

Although Zhang Su's path needs to pass through a lot of sandy areas, it is better than being discovered directly by the devil.

There are many hidden demon altars in the chaotic erosion area. Demons etch elaborate ritual symbols on the ground, and use obsidian, blood, or the limbs of their companions to piece together rituals to communicate with the powerful demons they worship, hoping to gain some favor.

The convoy set off again, bypassing the altar hidden in the hills and driving through the storm zone.

The wind was strong, and the gravel hit the car window again and again, like thousands of ghost hands. Some soldiers were suspicious and aimed their guns at the outer edge.

After passing through heavy sand and dust, the survey troops outside the wall arrived at Hongye Mountain.

Others originally complained a little about Zhang Su's arrangement, but they shut up after discovering that the convoy arrived at Hongye Mountain unscathed.

We really arrived at Hongye Mountain...

It's great, I didn't meet the devil...

The first step of the plan has been realized. They were satisfied, and many people breathed a sigh of relief.

We did avoid the demon settlements and only encountered individual demons. They fled in fright, not daring to confront this team of hundreds of people carrying heavy vehicles.

They will send messages, but by then, humans have already established a stronghold in Hongye Mountain, and the Sky Spear cannon designed by Starlink Technology Company will unleash firepower on the demons.

They climbed up the slope to this 3.9-square-kilometer hill. The loose gravel on the hillside creaked under the weight of heavy tires. Looking around, they had a vast view. The fragmented landform was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Once at the top, they unloaded building materials and began work on this vital outpost, soldiers quickly dismounting their vehicles, boots tapping, the sound of footsteps, sentries, and orders.

Because Zhang Su showed foresight about the erosion zone, Second Lieutenant Moritani also respected his opinions more and referred more to Zhang Su's professional ideas.

Now they are 10 kilometers away from the East Continent Wall, like the first nail driven into the devil's heart.

Let's start working. Second Lieutenant Moritani jumped out of the car. Time is limited. Don't repeat the mistakes of the first three investigations.

The team members are engaged in intense work.

The erosion zone is illuminated by eternal blood-red sunlight, with no distinction between day and night. The demons cannot be unaware and must be planning a large-scale attack, so they must race against time.

Zhang Su inspects the cliffs of Hongye Mountain.

According to the survey results, this is the best place to set up an outpost. Not only is the terrain difficult, but there is even 4,500 tons of water stored inside, which can be mined as long as water purification equipment is installed.

Soldiers unloaded supplies, tools, materials, rations and prefabricated shelters from trucks, armored vehicles and the large shuttle.

Second Lieutenant Moritani personally directed a team of engineering robots to clear the gravel and level the ground.

In addition to the small robots, there is also a large robot codenamed Shenwu put into work. It was designed by Yuwang Manufacturing Company designated by the Human Defense Program. It is 6 meters high and weighs 100 tons. The fleet has a heavy-duty truck specially used to transport it.

It looks like a multi-armed King Kong, with four heavy-duty robotic arms that quickly assemble prefabricated parts into buildings and military fortifications.

The end of each robotic arm is equipped with a deformation drill bit, a welding unit and a smart polymer nozzle for instant material handling.

Like an extra-large mason, he quickly built the Hongye Mountain defense project to resist the demonic army that could arrive at any time.

Zhang Su rolled up his sleeves and personally joined in the hard work, using his broad and muscular shoulders to carry the goods himself.

Stronger than a robot...if I had come, I would have been crushed!

No wonder he can become the person who supervises the witch. The soldiers watched how Zhang Su loaded and unloaded hundreds of kilograms of building materials from the car.

The steel was as light as plastic on his shoulders, and he walked with long strides, making a lot of work easier.

Work, build and labor with all your heart.

The soldiers would rather guard the Dongzhou Wall than go on an expedition, so they criticized Zhang Su who led the investigation outside the wall. But now it seems that his determination to seal the gate of hell is serious.

Zhang Su was lucky and his sweat evaporated quickly.

He looked at the mountain. The rust-colored cliffs seemed to be from another world, casting huge shadows on the ground, which made him feel strange.

What did this land look like before it was assimilated by Hell? They didn't seal the gate to hell in their previous life, so there's no way to know.

Now there are no traces of life here, only lifeless rocks and sand.

The sky was filled with smoke, and the scarlet blood sun hung low.

It has knife marks all over its body, which were all made by Hayao's mother Shadow Witch.

In order to find a secluded place to practice, she killed many demons, expanded and broke into the gate of hell, and went to the Infernal Hell. She left a witch egg in the world and a mess in Kagura Mountain, so that demons roamed wildly. The erosion zone is growing day by day.

How to withstand the next demonic offensive and take back this land? Qualified decision-makers must always ask themselves.

Zhang Su launched the fourth extra-mural investigation work, and he was constantly evaluating the feasibility of the plan.

He believed there was hope for the restoration of Hell's Gate.

Set up the zipline. Roy stood and launched the zipline toward the end of the far camp so they could lift the cargo far away.

The Shenwu engineering robot continued to expand. After building the basic barracks, it took heavy steps and used huge laser beams to cut the surface and excavate the foundation in preparation for subsequent high-speed project construction.

The casting witch Priscilla began her work. The hands of the complete casting witch were like an advanced workbench. Her magic power spread out and formed into an ever-expanding lattice matrix.

The chips from Starring Technology Company were synthesized into a more complex beacon grid in her hands, striving to be able to connect to the signal band of the National Defense Forces.

As long as Priscilla sets up a well-functioning communication facility, humanity's invincible air force will be able to enter the airspace in time, bombard the demons indiscriminately, and ensure the safety of Hongye Mountain.

Akazawa Yoshiyo smelled the breath of war, and before fighting the devil, she immediately set up a marching pot.

She piled stones everywhere into a ring, placed a dozen solid fuels inside, lit it with a lighter, and then blew air into it to start a fire.

Yoshiyo Akazawa took out his favorite food from the logistics supplies and prepared to use his cooking skills to make a stew passed down from his family.

As the scalding fuel burned, she hung an iron pot over the fire and added carefully sliced ​​oregano, lotus roots, carrots and bamboo shoots, as well as large chunks of pastrami and dried shiitake mushrooms.

The mushrooms swelled rapidly in the hot soup, exuding a strong aroma, followed by a can of beer.

She stirred the pot with a long wooden spoon, judging the temperature by observing the foam and bubbles. Soon she added potato cubes, cabbage, tofu, ginger, cod and kombu seaweed, and finally chopped green onion and minced garlic.

She filled a bowl for herself and ate it deliciously. The hot food rolled on her tongue, and sufficient nutrients entered her stomach, causing her magic power and physical energy to rise rapidly.

Every time she eats it, her combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Liquor, stew, and sleep are the three treasures that Yoshio Akazawa uses to perfect her attack, helping her to defeat the demon.

Akazawa Yoshie cherishes the taste of food because she doesn't know if it will be her last meal.

Within an hour, many prefabricated barracks were completed.

The turrets and automatic machine guns were deployed, and the Shenwu engineering robot placed the heavy anti-aircraft guns in a strategic location with a wide field of vision to resist the demons from the air.

Smaller drones dig bomb shelters, underground tunnels and warehouses underground.

Temporary vehicle parking areas, warehouses, barracks, peripheral positions, artillery positions, command headquarters and communication centers, underground facilities, field hospitals...

Countless facilities sprung up in front of Zhang Su! Both the scale and quality are considerable.

The human defense plan shows its highest efficiency here. They are used to such efforts, all in order to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible and resist the devil.

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