Witch containment diary

Chapter 70 The witch enters the battlefield

Ilini smiled and stared at the human stronghold on Red Leaf Mountain in front of her, then stretched out her hand and began to mobilize the large number of demons under her command.

Her slender tongue stretched out into the air, seemingly licking and analyzing every bit of information, and every move seemed to deliberately show off her perfect figure.

Her men were hiding in the black curtain of erosion, and were probably preparing to completely surround Hongye Mountain. Under the cover of the nightmare curtain, and in conjunction with the dust storm landscape in the erosion area, the demon began to build a teleportation platform with the intention of projecting itself directly into the center of the human camp.

Calibrate the direction of the demon's activity. Lieutenant Moritani ordered through the communicator.

Members of the artillery battery fired tracer rounds into the air, slightly illuminating the dim corroded world, making it easier for other soldiers to locate and track the demons.

They are equipped with advanced firepower, the quality of their individual soldiers is very high, and they have the Sky Spear heavy artillery to suppress the formation. Edith alone once led an army to annihilate millions of demons in Dongming Kingdom. These heroic deeds inspired them to continue fighting.

The devil may attack at any time. Zhang Su retreated, Let's be ready for battle.

Second Lieutenant Moritani glanced at Zhang Su. He really hoped that he could be as calm as Zhang Su.

The soldiers still remember the oath they swore when they joined the army: To defend humanity, fight against the demon army, and resolutely resist the enemy.

The oath was short and noble, but the fear was still deep-rooted. The demons were hanging around, like a nightmare come true.

Military weapons from artillery positions were aimed at them, shelling continuously, the launch of energy weapons lit up the sky, and the firing of live ammunition and heavy artillery was deafening.

This was the last remaining opportunity before the war. Some soldiers leaned their heads on the plastic steel fortress of the outpost and sat on the barricades or design platforms of the outpost to save some energy.

Their spiritual reserves had been exhausted during the march and construction, and they were very sluggish. At this time, they were faced with ten times the siege of demons.

Someone requested, so Lieutenant Moritani ordered everyone to rest.

After the news was delivered, many people were relieved and closed their heavy eyelids.

The soldiers lay down amid the sound of gunfire, and some of the soldiers who had been enhanced with human bodies relied on brain chips to make themselves fall asleep.

Aren't you going to rest? Zhang Su asked.

I don't need to rest. Second Lieutenant Moritani's orderly brought the syringe.

...You are so desperate. Zhang Su observed those special mental stimulation potions.

...'Human Defense Plan' and 'Earth Defense Force' are big terms, too big. We little soldiers just don't want demons to crawl into our homes. Second Lieutenant Moritani said.

Zhang Su returned to his barracks to rest.

After listening to Lieutenant Moritani's words, he thought of Ansin Hospital and Miss Renwu.

That seems very far away.

But he has to win this battle and complete the investigation outside the wall, otherwise the East Continent Wall will collapse and the people around him will suffer another round of massacre.

And demons will continue to pour out of this opening.

This is a bulletproof vest for you. After working, Priscilla made a vest with reinforced coating and entered the barracks to give it to Zhang Su.

Thank you, how do you know what size I wear. Zhang Su put on the vest.

I don't know, it was designed based on visual inspection. So just put it on and see if it fits. Priscilla smiled.

She just felt that Zhang Su was so big that it would be difficult for the soldiers to reach this standard even if they trained specially. Being big and prone to bullets, Priscilla didn't want Zhang Su to fall.

Yes... Zhang Su took off his coat and put on the vest, feeling the security of it clinging to his muscles. It's very strong. Now I'm not afraid of demon attacks.

With armor, luck and toughened skin, Zhang Su can indeed withstand bullets and demonic claws.

But still be careful of phase demons, their attacks can directly remove flesh and blood. Priscilla warned.

Don't worry. Zhang Su put his coat over his vest. Li Yixin now volunteered to stay behind the position and be on guard against the infiltration of the phase demon.

You don't look scared at all, Priscilla observed.

After all, I am the chief strategist of the fourth extra-wall investigation. If even I give up hope, what will others do? Zhang Su said.

You must have guessed that big things will happen in the future, so you specially organized this expedition. Me too, I also feel that if we don't take the initiative, the demons will wipe us out sooner or later, and our morale will decrease day by day. The demons The madness is endless. Priscilla said.

This place, this gate to hell is too close to my home, that's all. Zhang Su said.

A safe home? Priscilla pondered.

Yes, if we survive, I very much hope that you can work in Anxin Home. Zhang Su really needs a witch like Priscilla who is good at making equipment.

Let's talk about it later. Priscilla smiled casually and left quickly.

Zhang Su also slept for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up to the noise, surrounded by temporary bunkers and fortifications of different levels. Relying on the power of the portal, demons can approach the battlefield instantly, so human positions must be staggered in depth to avoid being destroyed by penetration.

Some people prayed, and some couldn't help but cry.

Others sat quietly smoking, inspecting weapons, or writing their names and hometowns on small pieces of paper, then folding them and putting them in their pockets, hoping for an ending where the fallen leaves would return to their roots.

Humans regained their physical strength, and demons gathered their troops.

The number of demons has doubled than before.

It's similar to what was described in the intelligence. There are many enemies, but we have few soldiers. I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of demons. Second Lieutenant Moritani stood next to Zhang Su.

Commander Qingbingwei only mobilized 600 people, which is too few. Zhang Su said.

These 600 people, plus me, are the few people on the East Continent Wall who are willing to fight outside the wall. I... thought I would be scared to tears, but no, it's not bad. Second Lieutenant Moritani said.

No one will back down. Zhang Su looked around. They are scared, they are panicking, but they will not surrender, they will fight until death comes.

...Human beings are so weak. They tremble when they see demons. But humans are very strong. They tremble but are still willing to go to the battlefield. Second Lieutenant Moritani checked the railgun in his hand for the last time. It fired very quickly and was very powerful.

Let's encourage each other. Zhang Su nodded.

Bugles sounded continuously. Under the instruction of Lieutenant Moritani, everyone cheered up, deepened the trenches, and deployed more mines. The power armor soldiers put on heavy armor and silently recited the psychic protection course.

The observer at the artillery position continued to adjust the shooting of Zhu Yuan. Heavy armored vehicles are deployed around Hongye Mountain, serving as fire cover with their artillery and solid armor.

The leveling of the airport was completed and the construction of the beacon radar continued.

They were here to buy time. Zhang Su knew that many people would think so.

Stand still and wait for help.

Once contact is restored with the East Continent Wall and the erosion zone's information barrier is penetrated, they can expect support from air forces and long-range missiles.

Come, my darlings. Illini no longer waited, she also knew that delaying it would put humans in an advantageous position.

She began to attack the humans on the mountain.

The first heavy artillery blast!

Located on the top of the Hongye Mountain, the multi-shot rocket launcher fired the first set of rockets, trailing shining flame tails and exploding on the advancing demon army. A series of flat thunder exploded, and the demon's limbs were blown apart and screamed again and again!

Humanity's counterattack to regain its homeland begins here!

And Zhang Su's eyes were always on Yilini!

He knew that Illini was most closely related to victory or defeat. Demons were powerful creatures. As long as Zhang Su found a way to attack her and defeated Illini in front of all the demons, the demons would loosen their grip and defeat themselves without a fight. !

The war has begun.

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