Witch containment diary

Chapter 72 The man who became a hero

There was a burst of fire, and the soldiers fired from a high position.

Without the cover of the large soul-splitting demons, the protective power of those sharp-blade demons was extremely low, and they were quickly annihilated in large numbers!

Harvested by advanced human weapons, the demon's offensive suddenly collapsed.

Driven by the war, Akazawa Yoshio's magic power further exploded.

The infinite bright red magic power gathered on her weapon, enlarging it in size and then enlarging it again, forming a huge blood-red blade.

The demons were shocked.

Yoshiyo Akazawa gathered the anger, hatred, strife and chaos she absorbed in the war and turned them into her own edge.

Ha! She was arrogant because of her bloodthirsty, and rushed towards the demon group wildly, brandishing her long knife!

There is no need to show it off with skill. The war magic power now accumulated on the knife extends the blade to dozens of meters in length, and a huge and dazzling energy bursts out every time it is swung.


The roar of bloody power swept through the demons instantly, and huge shock waves burst out violently, knocking back more demons.

Like a red lotus lighting up on the ground, the red light flashed, and they turned into dust in an instant, and the war zone she was responsible for fell into an eerie calm.

The dust of the demons has disappeared with the wind, but Akazawa Yoshio's anger continues!

War Witch!

As expected of a witch - so cruel!

They were repulsed!

The other soldiers were astonished to see the war, and the direction of the war was on their side!

Because this is the war approach!

There was a faint smile on Elini's face, her claws scratched the part opposite the palm, and she immediately murmured softly, putting the words into the soul of the demon, urging more demons to siege in other directions and open more portals. .

On other fronts, human soldiers are still fighting against the endless tide of demons.

Grappling hook! Roy fired the grappling hook, deftly supporting on different fronts.

It performs super jumps and movement skills back and forth on the highest cliff, and neither the blazing demon's fireball nor the trickery demon's magic can hit it.

It raised its own plasma gun and accurately burned the demon with a six-fold scope.

The large and heavy rifle can create a golden ray after a short delay, causing great damage to the enemy.

Because it was a war, Roy had all the locks and automatic aiming turned on. Its priority algorithm could easily distinguish the leader from the soldiers, and accurately snipe the mutant demons and leader-level demons in the enemy formation.

Roy directly aimed at one of the soul-splitting demons. It was a little smaller than the one Akasawa Yoshio killed, but it charged extremely fast.


With one shot from Roy, a huge hole exploded in the devil's head, and his body staggered and fell down.

Oops, you got knocked over, Roy joked with each shot.

The Blade Demon who originally charged with it quickly climbed up on the fallen Soul Splitter Demon.

The imps frantically dig into its demon shell, clawing out the soul and eating it, just like a swarm of ants devouring an elephant, completely ignoring the Soul Splitter Demon's previous achievements in running to clear the way and taking bullets for the imp.

Devouring the soul of an enemy is eating, and devouring the soul of a wounded demon is also eating.

It makes no difference to the devil.

Roar! A blazing demon raised its head and sprayed a burning and rotating fireball towards Roy.

I'm being targeted! Roy immediately raised his hand and released the grappling hook.

A thin but strong cable flew out from its right arm, with an automatic spike at the end, which was firmly embedded in the rock after hitting it.

The grappling hook made a crunching sound first, and then the cable contracted rapidly, causing its body to shake greatly!

Using the power of the swing, Roy drew a large circle in the air, went up a level, and jumped to the top of a mountain that was even steeper than before.

Well done, friend, it's my turn now! Roy opened fire on the previous Blazing Demon, blasting its torso with one shot!

It saw that a human position below was about to be surrounded, so it quickly jumped down and set up a zipline there from 100 meters away.

The mechanical cables shook violently in the air and were nailed to the position. Then Roy personally took the zipline over and jumped into the soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, it skillfully switched out a submachine gun and fired wildly at the demon who got too close.

Each bullet hits the head accurately, and every time one is killed, it switches to the next target.

It's incredible!

They were repulsed! The soldiers were shocked, and the demons were beaten back again and again.

I like to see my friends survive! Roy gave them a thumbs up, and the golden magazine automatically ejected and was loaded seamlessly.

At this moment, they all suddenly felt a sense of confusion. It was because of the silence at the top of Hongye Mountain. It had been a long time since they had heard the rumble of artillery.

The ceasefire of the artillery battery became a turning point on the battlefield.

Without heavy fire cover, humans can only rely on a small number of positional heavy weapons and armored vehicles to resist the demons, and they continue to advance without fear of death.

Many demons ate a large number of human souls in the chaos, quickly hardened their shells, and evolved to the point where they could completely ignore bullets and energy weapons, jumping directly into the human front to kill and kill humans, quickly causing attrition to humans.

The artillery array must be resumed!

The phase demon has infiltrated our artillery position! A noncommissioned officer detected something was wrong, and many personnel died suddenly at their positions without warning.

Who is responsible for guarding the rear of the position? Second Lieutenant Moritani frowned.

It's Li Yixin! the sergeant reported.

...She needs to kill the phase demon as soon as possible.

The infiltration of phase demons has become one of humanity's most thorny problems on the battlefield.

Li Yixin also knew it very well.

She climbed to the highest point of Hongye Mountain and rushed into the artillery position. The Sky Spear high-tech heavy artillery was set up in the center of the fortress. It no longer roared. Originally, each of its shots could kill thousands of demons. Now, It fell into a strange state of dead silence.

There was only one soldier left at the entrance of the fortress, and he followed Li Yixin fearfully.

The people inside suddenly became silent, and I don't know what happened... The guard was so frightened that he almost cried.

Li Yixin rushed towards the corridor with the flame ray.

The phaser flickered in the distance, leaving behind a corpse that had been removed flat from the waist up.

The phase demon cannot be allowed to keep hunting her comrades like this! Li Yixin felt angry.

It's the phase demon! It's coming! The soldier's face turned pale.

Li Yi felt like he was being watched.

The next second, the phase demon appeared behind the soldier and swung the obsidian knife.

Li Yixin instantly pulled the soldier over to avoid the blow. The phase demon missed a hit and disappeared immediately.

She will never let her companions get hurt by the phase demon again, never!

Hoo, ho, thank you! The soldier was sweating profusely.

Don't worry. Li Yixin and the soldier were back to back. It's just you and me.

Yes! The soldier took aim with his gun.

Li Yixin silently lucked out. With the support of the Five Elements Qi Guide, the Qi in her body circulated rapidly, greatly increasing her strength and speed.

Once again, ripples appeared in the space, and the phase demon emerged from it, stabbing Li Yixin with a knife.


She waved the flame ray, and the two weapons collided, making a crisp sound, regardless of the outcome.

The attack failed, and the phase demon quickly retreated back, while the flash of light on its body faded away.

The phase demon returned to the gap, confused.

No, why can this human woman detect its existence?

Twice, every time it was like receiving an early warning, it was very dangerous.

The phase demon looked carefully through a round hole-shaped gap.

It stares at the human world from the gap, hoping to find the next opportunity to take action.

Are you looking for me?

A faint voice sounded from the Phase Demon's ears.

The phase demon turned around violently, only to see a monster covered in demon flesh and blood!

It has a ferocious face and is completely black, no different from a phase demon!

The next second, a ray of white flame penetrated the phase demon's heart, instantly turning it dark.


The phase magic power was misaligned and he returned to the real world, his body shaking in pain.

Li Yixin returned at the same time. She pulled out the flame ray and stabbed it again, knocking the devil to the ground.

The phase demon let out an inhuman wail!

It trembled and covered the stabbed part, trying to prevent the soul in its body from escaping. It struggled desperately, trying to re-enter the void, but when it thought of the horror just now, it realized that it had nowhere to escape.

Li Yixin stabbed it in the head again to complete the kill.

The black demon's blood violently gushes out from its wounds, evaporates into soul, and condenses into dust.

Phase Demon, defeated!

She will never lose to the phase demon again. Little Li Yixin can now kill the phase demon alone! She waved the flame ray as if celebrating her victory.

Becoming stronger...becoming very strong!

Li Yixin took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

The monster is dead! We can launch the 'Sky Spear' again! The soldier was excited and looked at Li Yixin excitedly.

... Li Yixin turned his back to the soldier, threw the flame ray aside, took out his gloves from his pocket, and picked up the obsidian knife on the phase demon's hand.

She played with the obsidian knife and turned her head to look everywhere.

The war was raging, and fighting was happening everywhere.

After the phase demon crisis in the artillery array is resolved, replacements will come at any time. time is limited.

The phase demon is defeated! You are really... super powerful. You are the hero of this battle! The soldier was extremely excited.

He patted Li Yixin and smiled happily.

Finally, I too...became a hero. Li Yixin turned around.

The soldier saw a ferocious grimace.

The artillery array became silent again.

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