Witch containment diary

Chapter 75 Then take possession of everything

Knock down the weapon? !

Zhang Su hurriedly went to Guanshi Pagoda.

DeMorgan grinned and summoned the demonic power. The Guanshi Pagoda was dragged away by it like a trapped beast.

Then, it suddenly felt a stinging pain!

Because the demon's power touched the righteousness of Guanshi Pagoda, it suddenly felt a strong sense of rejection and uneasiness.

Illini looked gloating.

The stick looks ordinary, and it really doesn't look like it's a righteous weapon.

He was probably consecrated by the Ascended Witch and has a purifying effect, restraining demons.

De Morgan immediately cut off the guidance of the demonic power and threw away the Guanshi Pagoda.

good chance!

For Zhang Su, there was a flaw in De Morgan.

Four years in the previous life, and one month of additional training in this life.

His life is to prepare for this. He may fail, but Zhang Su will fight hard.

Fight with the devil!

Taking advantage of De Morgan's moment of confusion, he simply didn't use the stick and rushed towards De Morgan with his bare hands.

Roar! DeMorgan reacted inhumanly and backed away quickly.

It waved its claws and sliced ​​through the air, causing a burst of evil demonic flames to burn like a flaming sickle.


Zhang Su immediately lowered his head and felt a burst of hot air passing over his head. It was so dangerous!

He continued to rush forward, taking another step to bring De Morgan within his attack range.



The body rotates to the left, like a storm, the muscle strength of the shoulders and back fully explodes, maximizing the impact force, and attacking from the front!

At that moment, Zhang Su subconsciously concentrated all his remaining qi on the end of his fist.

Zhang Su's entire fist...

The strong knuckles, the strength of the whole body, the acceleration caused by the spin, and the mighty qi all exploded out and hit De Morgan's undefended torso!


The moment the fist hit, DeMorgan's demon shell quickly dented!

It exhibits moments of sluggishness, with little ability to react or defend itself.

This is because the qi burst through his body, causing De Morgan to briefly fall into a state of shock and disorientation!

The next moment, DeMorgan had been blasted out. Its body passed through the entire room and hit the wall at the end with a loud noise!

Its body bounced visibly and then fell to the ground.

Huh... DeMorgan regained consciousness.

Before it could roar with pain and anger, it found Zhang Su chasing after it.

Zhang Su's energy had been used up by the blow just now, so all that was left was a pure heavy blow.

De Morgan cannot be given a chance to recover!

Just like kicking a football, Zhang Su volleyed De Morgan's head, forming a standard football kick. This was an extremely powerful killing move against the fallen enemy.


He felt a kick to something strangely solid and caused severe pain in his foot.

There was only a loud noise, and DeMorgan's body was kicked out again, flipped in the air, and changed from lying on the ground to lying on his back!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su rushed over again.

He first grabbed the demon's chest and pressed his body down to ensure that it couldn't get up to resist.

Then, he clenched his right fist and punched DeMorgan on the head one punch after another.

Fight, fight, fight!

Zhang Su allowed his emotions to control him. This demon was really a qualified punching bag.

Use every power in his body to release all his anger and determination!

G-g-g-g-g-uh- De Morgan made an indistinct sound, and the sound echoed in the cave, making it look creepy.

Still alive?

Zhang Su didn't dare to neglect, and used the frontal choke technique to catch De Morgan.

He crossed his arms and strangled De Morgan's neck, and then used his abdominal muscles as strong as a city wall to press De Morgan's head, making his face face down and unable to resist.

Use your strength again and break off its head——

De Morgan's body twitched, trying to resist, but Zhang Su was already putting his life on the line and exerting his strength!


It is a strangulation technique nicknamed Guillotine...

Zhang Su just cut off De Morgan's head!

The soul flew out from the big hole in its neck, and streams of black blood spurted out of its mouth.

After one punch, one kick, several beatings, and then hanging, I finally killed it!

DeMorgan, defeated!

Zhang Su's fists hurt from the beating.

The skin is almost broken, and it turns out that beating with air is the most effective. Airless boxing is inefficient!

DeMorgan is dead. It has been doing evil for a long time and has devoured not only human souls, but also many strange races from other worlds.

Now they are all released and turned into faint light.

Zhang Su threw away De Morgan's head.

His eyes shifted to Irene.

The slender female demon huddled next to the summoning circle, her eyes wide open.

He went over to pick up Guanshi Pagoda and prepared to continue fighting.

Wait, wait— Illini raised her hand.

... Zhang Su stared at her.

Can you speak? Or are you the kind of ascetic who swears lifelong silence? Illini fell to the ground and lowered her voice.

... Zhang Su first adjusted his breathing method to restore the energy in his body.

He didn't speak, and Ilini felt helpless.

Humanity is probably pursuing the victory, but the defenders of the Gate of Hell are more than that... Irene thought.

At least his defeat would make the defenders at Hell Gate more vigilant, and DeMorgan would be finished.

The Legion Commander of Hell Gate might find a way to find the Shadow Witch and ask her to help fight.

As long as the Gate of Hell still stands, there will be a steady stream of demons coming to reinforce it.

...Ugh... Illini fell to the ground, As a human being...you really have a few tricks up your sleeve.

Zhang Su frowned and observed.

Yilini also looked at him up close and found that Zhang Su was more handsome than she thought.

His face was stained with dirt and ashes, as well as the black crystallized blood exploded by DeMorgan, but it did not hinder his appearance.

She tried to regain her composure.

Then she dropped the scraps of armor into the darkness, showing off her lines.

...Not talking? We don't need to be enemies. We can dance together, which is not a bad thing. Irene said.

I killed De Morgan. Zhang Su said.

It doesn't matter, it was originally a demon under my command before, but after devouring hundreds of souls in a battle, it suddenly became stronger than me, and then in turn drove and enslaved me. I would rather give it to you. Get rid of it. Illini walked over and picked up De Morgan's head.

Zhang Su approached.

Irene's paw slowly raised.

But instead of attacking, it moved along the muscles of his arm.

The mission of the Beautiful Spirit Demon is to turn rationality into irrationality, to open up a harmless way of adjustment for those who adhere to morality, and to turn boredom into fun. Look at me, I know you can still see me in your eyes, your two The eyes are not blank, Illini said.

... Zhang Su responded with silence.

I know you have a lot of questions... Ilini smiled.

The demon army is gathering, but how many are there? Zhang Su wanted to know more information.

I'll tell you everything I know, but you might not like it, Illini said.

Tell me. Zhang Su asked.

...There are nearly 200,000 demons at the Gate of Hell in Mount Kagura. Illini said.

What's behind the Gate of Hell? Zhang Su frowned.

Then there are countless. The King of Slaughter is gathering his army. Counting your sunrise and sunset, there are only 1,200 days left.

1,200 days... Zhang Su took a deep breath. 1200 days, 4 years, natural disaster.

What is feared by humans forms demons.

And the King of Carnage is one of the most powerful demons in Hell.

Our hell invades millions of worlds at the same time, and there are creatures transformed into demons on every side of all dimensions. We can collect resources and power from countless dimensions, but you can only be trapped in this small area. Elini smiled.

Yilini's frost-white long hair was hanging down. She pushed her hair behind her ears and slid her nails along Zhang Su's face.

...At that time, the stench of death will flood this land, and as the demon's feast continues, the screams of the dying will echo under the sky. Illini continued to whisper.

Human beings will eventually defeat the demons. Zhang Su believes this.

You may be able to defeat demons, but you can't stop new people from turning into demons, Illini said.

The end has been decided.

A feeling of pure despair came over me. Is this the trend of history?

I saw the look in your eyes. Illini said, Who do you want to save?

People I know well. Zhang Su said.

I know, save those who deserve to die, save everyone, save the world, family and friends, every world targeted by hell thinks this way. But what can you do? Save yourself first. Ilini was slightly annoyed. say.

The momentum is overwhelming.

... Zhang Su pondered. Irene's voice caressed like velvet.

Come on. Yilini took Zhang Su out of this room and entered a smaller side room of Yilini.

There are many mirrors here.

Zhang Su observed for a while and realized that they were screens, some kind of monitoring equipment.

Demons peddle souls at crowded market stalls or trade goods plundered from the invasions of the universe on a grotesque scale.

A dimension with advanced technology, a dimension with advanced magic, a dimension with cultivators...

All have been looted by demons.

There are other monitors that show scenes from many places on Earth, as well as records of people's daily lives.

What are these taking pictures of? Zhang Su frowned.

Devil Invasion is like your... show, reality show, or movie. For the majority of devils and devils, they watch such shows every day, watching fat humans walking around, hoping that they can join in when they grow up. To the expedition. The demon lord recruits imps by advertising the delicacies of different dimensions. Illini said.

There must be a lot of demons in hell. Zhang Su stared at the shadows on the screen, revealing a corner of the demon ecology for him.

Countless, calculated in terms of billions, trillions, Beijing, Gai, Zi, Rang, if you live in hell, you will soon lose sensitivity to numbers. Irene said.

Zhang Su pondered.

...I need something stronger, maybe I can only invade hell and go to hell to rob it. Zhang Su said.

The nature of hell is a strange giant civilization that is infinitely vast and connects all dimensions.

It is broader than all currently known worlds and universes, and it also means infinite possibilities.

Your 'qi' is a kind of soul energy. There are many books in my room that I can show you. They are secret books, manuscripts, and my treasure house, which will bring you benefits. You have already broken into My escape route, this is my safe house, everything is given to you. But you have to help me. Illini said.

What? Zhang Su frowned.

Illini first put DeMorgan's head on the shelf and found a good angle so that it could see everything. DeMorgan's eyes shed tears of blood.

She invited him to sit next to her.

...Good man, I was injured by you. The righteous energy entered my body and was riddled with wounds. I will die at any time and there is no possibility of treatment. I want to beg you, why should you turn a blind eye to me anymore? Bring it to me at the end of my life. Have some fun, I beg you,” Illini murmured.

You won't feel happiness. All you can feel is torture. Zhang Su turned around.


It hurts! Illini exclaimed.

Beautiful spirit demons should not seek the righteous.

She had only heard rumors, but now she could clearly feel the pain!

Gradually, Illini smiled again.

At least Zhang Su said one thing wrong——

After going through the despair and pain, she was indeed happy both physically and mentally. Zhang Su met the requirements perfectly in every aspect.

And, very harmonious.

Time can be said to be long or short.

Even if a demon with a name like me dies, he will be reborn in hell. If you enter hell in the future, we may meet again... Irene promised softly.


The aura exploded like a sea of ​​fire.

When she accepts it, she will completely destroy herself and return to the lowest level of hell, where she will start fighting as a kid.

As a beautiful spirit demon, this ending is really appropriate.

Before turning into ashes, she shed a tear. Why? She couldn't tell.

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