Witch containment diary

Chapter 88 Witch Supervision Meeting

The atmosphere is heavy.

Zhang Su glanced at the other supervisors and saw many familiar faces.

They are all colleagues in the Witch Countermeasures Bureau. They have worked together in the past life, and Zhang Su also knows their general temperaments.

However, they did not know Zhang Su at this time, and they were all curious about this person with the title of Echigo Supervisor.

Some people have heard about Zhang Su's career and are eager for his personal statement.

Zhang Su generally respects them.

Each supervisor is a powerful figure in various parts of Dongming, managing the affairs of the witches within their jurisdiction. Each supervisor has unique skills, and each one can bring unexpected surprises to the witch.

Some are old or young, their eyes are serious or lazy, there are 16 supervisors gathered together, all waiting to report their achievements.

The person Zhang Su hates the most is also there, Senior Supervisor Kazama Yihuai. In his previous life, he often opposed him, and now he has an expressionless face.

I really want to punch him.

At this time, Edith's eyes fell on Zhang Su's image, and she was very concerned about how he carefully styled his hair and changed into new clothes.

In her office, the short senior supervisor Yoshihuai Kazama sat across from her.

Have you seen Zhang Su's new hairstyle and new clothes? Oh, this is your first time meeting Zhang Su. Edith held up one side of her face with one hand and tilted her head slightly to stare at Zhang Su.

I've seen the photos. When I first saw him, I felt some strange hostility. Kazama Yihuai said lightly.

Don't you like him? Zhang Su is the hero of our Dongming Kingdom. Countless people will follow the path he created and live under his protection. And you can find out the shortcomings of the Dongzhou Wall because of Zhang Su He'an Institute Lianwu sent you the evidence. Edith said.

Let's take a look at his work report. Kazama Yihuai took out a notebook from his jacket pocket and started writing.

On time, the meeting officially started.

Edith began to make her opening statement:

In 2057, the overall work of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau of Dongming Kingdom is generally stable. The witches have been properly contained. No new corrupted and rampaging witches have appeared, and there have been no vicious incidents of witches killing humans on a large scale. This is all thanks to your concerted efforts and support. Dongming Country’s work to contain witches.”

New Tokyo Witch Supervisor Daisuke Tsunoda reports: Since November last year, 149 witch criminals have been arrested, 142 of whom have been transferred to the Tomei National Service, and 7 are still in custody.

The public opinion of New Tokyo Witch is in good condition. A total of 1,784 bad comments on the Internet were dealt with, and a total of 55 people who destroyed the harmonious relationship between people and witches were arrested.

23 of them spread false rumors on the Internet, and 10 tried to create witch eggs with witches against their will. Although 5 of the witches agreed in advance, the consent can be revoked. Daisuke Tsunoda's report was dull and neat.

Daisuke Tsunoda is a person with a not very enthusiastic face, probably in his 40s. He is responsible for the preliminary treatment of the witches, and then transfers them to the New Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison directly under the jurisdiction of Edith.

Zhang Su felt that Edith's expression was not good-looking, maybe because she was too bored and too dull.

Edith dealt with people like this every day, so it was no wonder that she always wanted to discover new pleasures.

At this time, other supervisors were also communicating secretly, trying to share news about Zhang Su.

Have you seen the new Echigo supervisor Zhang Su?

She's too strong... We rely on guns and laws to contain the witch. I'm afraid he could slap the witch away.

He also defeated many demons and completed the fourth extra-wall investigation.

true and false?

After Zhang Su transferred to Buan Hospital, former supervisor Ryosuke Matsudaira was transferred to work in New Tokyo.

That guy Matsudaira Ryosuke is not a good person. It is said that he beat the witch. Looking at Zhang Su, if he meets Matsudaira Ryosuke, he might punch him and smash him into the ground.

Is it true that the new generation is energetic? Among all our supervisors, he is the youngest.

He was the one who started the battle at the Gate of Hell on Mount Kagura. Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

It is said that he turned the tide of the war and fought very tenaciously on the front line. He is a practical figure, not a civilian like us.

Yeah, look at that physique...he doesn't have to call for help to suppress the witch. The other supervisors chatted for a while.

Generally speaking, they all have enough affection and respect for Zhang Su.

The number of witch handling cases in Hokkaido has increased by 20% compared to last year, which has exceeded the target. I am very sorry. Hokkaido's witch supervisor Takeji Kono reported.

The Gate of Hell in Hokkaido is also a battle front.

Zhang Su thought about everything about it. The local ordinary people have been cleared out, and the entire island has been transformed into a bizarre and huge military camp fortress, which relies on manpower and witches to maintain constant vigilance.

During the hard work of guarding the border, many witches and soldiers tended to flee.

Muroka's mother, Mrs. Miyu Shinjo, was like this. She couldn't bear the high-intensity confrontation work and missed Komurohana desperately, so she escaped from Hokkaido and was arrested again.

Edith was very dissatisfied after hearing Takeshi Kono's report.

What use do I have for someone like you? Edith said slowly.

I'm very, very sorry. Takeshi Kono said with shame, I will continue to strengthen the containment of witches.

Why? Do you have an analysis report? Edith asked.

It has been submitted. Takeshi Kono said hurriedly.

I ask this because I'm not satisfied, I don't like it, I hate failure, and I hate people who can't manage witches well. You have less than 100 witches under your command, but there are witches fleeing south every year. Your Work is nothing to me, said Edith.

Yes, yes, I'm very sorry. Takeshi Kono stood up and bowed.

His face was a mixture of pain and frustration, like a clown in a public trial, and that face was enough to make anyone sympathize.

Ah...poor Hokkaido Supervisor...

Being scolded like that by Edith will give you nightmares.

It would be great if he had the same courage as Zhang Su to attack the Gate of Hell.

It's a pity that not everyone can be as brave as the Superintendent of Anxinyuan!

Everyone has been talking so much. I was just reminded of the history of being insulted by Edith, and I fainted. I just woke up now.

Other supervisors could not help but communicate privately, but remained calm during the virtual meeting.

Let's take a look at our rising star, Zhang Su from Echigo. Edith suddenly softened her tone.

The eyes of all the supervisors changed slightly.

Zhang Su felt that they were all watching his projection screen now.

It’s so stressful!

So many colleagues are here, and the last one was the Hokkaido Supervisor who was scolded.

Zhang Su picked up the report he had summarized over the past two days.

He felt that being scolded by Edith would be very unpleasant, and the guy Kazama Yihuai was still watching, hoping that he could pass smoothly.

Anyway, time to report.

“I am Zhang Su, the new local supervisor of Echigo.

Since taking office in March, in order to protect the assets of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, I have repelled an attack by more than 100 members of the Fujikawa Group in New Tokyo, captured an international arms dealer, and solved the Dongming country arms smuggling case.

In order to maintain public security and the safety of people's lives, I went deep into the mountains in March and defeated the puppet show demon and the monster bear Oguma. Another phase demon was killed, and investigators Li Yixin, Wei Zhi, soldier An Gang and others were rescued.

In April, the Anshin Institute received three high-risk witches from Neo-Tokyo and other places, Akazawa Yoshio, Yufa Lin, and Larue. They are all now in safe custody and there is no risk of escape.

From the end of April to the present, I organized the fourth extra-wall investigation and achieved a complete victory. I basically defeated the witches in the erosion zone and killed the leader-level beautiful spirit demon Ilini and the demon warlord De Morgan.

Akasawa Yoshio performed well in the first extra-wall investigation of the Hell Gate in Mount Kagurura, and performed well in cooperating with human work, and has now officially joined the extra-wall operations.

Overall, during these 2 months of work, I successfully weakened the threat of the Gate of Hell on Mount Kagurura and hopefully closed it in one fell swoop. Under my control, sisters Khoi and Jiangqu are responsible for commanding the East Continent Wall army in an effort to completely repel the demon. Zhang Su made a brief report.

The achievements are vivid in my mind.

After hearing Zhang Su's report on his achievements, the other supervisors couldn't help but feel respectful.

He has only been in office for more than two months, but he has already done so many earth-shaking things!

Building safe homes, fighting demons, and controlling witches are all the same!

“I really envy young people for having so much energy and having time to run around and do so many things!”

Don't he need to rest?

They knew how dilapidated An Hospital was.

Under Zhang Su's control, it actually restored its function of containing witches.

Not only that, Zhang Su could even have an influence on the surrounding Hell Gate in Kaguraku Mountain and organize the sealing work, which was beyond the expectations of the supervisors!

They looked at Zhang Su with even more respect.

The experienced supervisors feel that the work of containing witches is more promising, and the younger supervisors also regard Zhang Su as a benchmark. They hope that they can work harder and be rewarded during the council meeting this winter.

And Takeji Kono, the Hokkaido Supervisor who had just been scolded, was even more desperate.

If everyone sucks, that's it.

But now there is Zhang Su, who has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, and he immediately makes the situation in Hokkaido even more corrupt!

Everyone had an idea at this time.

If it were not Takeshi Kono who was guarding Hokkaido now, but Zhang Su...

I am afraid that the more than 100 witches in Hokkaido will be managed obediently, and the defense work will be impregnable!

As you all know, Echigo has always been a blind spot in our work to contain witches. Anxinyuan is also a nearly abandoned asylum. For a long time, the witches there have been diverted to other places for control. But now, Zhang Su has transferred Anxinyuan Create a reliable witch asylum and let that place rise from the ashes. Edith had a smile on her face.

Such unabashed praise made Zhang Su feel both helpful and a little embarrassed, because the other supervisors were obviously very jealous.

Edith's words were not finished yet.

Zhang Su, it would be great if your colleagues showed the same initiative. I hope everyone can take real actions instead of just maintaining the status quo. Edith said contemptuously from her red lips The words you say are enough to cut people's hearts.

Zhang Su felt that Edith did this on purpose.

Create gaps between him and other supervisors and prevent him from establishing rapport with others.

Especially Hokkaido Supervisor Takeji Kono, even if he tried his best to cover it up, his eyes still showed frustration and disgust.

How strong Zhang Su is, it brings out how incompetent Kono Takeshi is.

But Zhang Su doesn't care, he doesn't need to ask for help from others, he just needs to take care of himself.

After several rounds of evaluations, Zhang Su's Anxinyuan Witch Asylum won the first-class evaluation and received a large bonus.

Anxin Hospital is now upgraded to an 'abandoned' state. Special construction funds of 120 million yen will be allocated, and a bonus of 37 million yen will be given to Zhang Su to reward his series of outstanding contributions. Edith announced.

So much money! The other supervisors only felt envious after hearing this.

But it makes sense. An'an Hospital is so dilapidated that it's time to rebuild it.

Zhang Su was even more satisfied.

Moving forward, he plans to build a new building in Anxinyuan to meet the needs of everyone's daily activities.

Going down, he plans to dig an underground strategic refuge base to store strategic supplies and deal with natural disasters.

With such an investment, and with some savings, I can probably build the blueprint I have in mind!

With human technology and labor, combined with Hongyan's rapid manufacturing capabilities, Anxin Hospital will be impregnable.

Thank you, Director Edith. Zhang Su said seriously immediately.

This is what you deserve. Reward capable supervisors and refute weak and incompetent supervisors. This is the value of the semi-annual review meeting. You performed very well, far beyond my imagination. Edith said.

From now on, I will continue to work hard and live up to my instructions. Zhang Su nodded.

After everyone had finished their comments, Edith's eyes shifted slightly on the screen.

I have commented on your achievements, and I may be critical in my words, but please note that I am not criticizing you.

The reason why the Nine Witches Council is willing to cooperate with humans is because of the existence of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau. The Nine-seat Council believes that our organization can contain corrupted witches, fight against rampant witches, and give witches the legitimate rights and interests to operate in human society.

I hope that everyone will continue to fulfill their supervisory duties, love and supervise the witches. Otherwise, humans will face the wrath of the Nine-seat Council, and the fragile cooperation between humans and witches will collapse.

By then, hell will be over your heads and your last chance will be gone. Edith crossed her fingers with a faint expression.

Lian Wu was listening not far away from Zhang Su. She was unmoved by the previous praises and conversations. Until now, she suddenly shivered.

After the meeting, Edith stretched.

How is it? You have listened to Zhang Su's report. What a gorgeous resume. Edith asked.

His appeal is too strong. He is the kind of person I would never dare to take back and introduce to my mother and sister. Kazama Yoshihuai said.

You're scared, Edith scoffed.

I'm more worried about you being fascinated by him. Kazama Yihuai said. The tone of his voice had the precision of a clockwork.

I have been fascinated by him for a long time. Edith said softly, A long, long time ago. I found that I need him extra. Maybe from him I can learn how to love humans.

... Kazama Yihuai made no comment.

In this universe, we all need reflection to make ourselves more perfect. Kazama, Zhang Su has something that you don't have. Edith said.

I also have something in me that he doesn't have. Kazama Yihuai said calmly.

What is it? Edith asked.

Kazama Yihuai did not answer. He opened the terminal system and retrieved a list.

Prepare the transfer procedures and transfer 28 inmate witches from nearby prefectural shelters to Ansin Hospital. Kazama Yihuai gave the order.

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