Witch containment diary

Chapter 91 Module Construction Technology

As far as the building itself is concerned, Sugisaki enlarged the model, our professional factory will assemble modules using new polymers to achieve rapid construction. Our construction period here takes 45 days, while airborne construction and system integration require another 15 days. The total construction period is 60 days. In addition, we have to send a construction team to lay the foundation in advance so that we can airlift the room.

This is too fast!

Even with past life experience, Zhang Su lamented the advancement of human technology.

Such a large building can be built in 60 days, and the quality is guaranteed. They only need to pay for the whole process, and they don't have to worry about disturbing everyone's daily life. The construction of this kind of modular building is very quiet.

Then it's hard work. Zhang Su said.

Thank you for your support. We will coordinate the staff to avoid affecting daily life. According to the experience of some previous owners, they did not even notice that we were here. Sugisaki also said politely.

He was also very happy.

The design of Floating Island Construction Company is very avant-garde, and it has also participated in the Dongming National Defense Order. Some of the quick fences and instant tents that Zhang Su saw at the Hongye Mountain Defense Base were actually made by Floating Island Construction Company.

Now they will also be responsible for the expansion of Anxinyuan Witch Asylum, and they will be able to leave a glorious mark on the company's resume in the future.

I plan to read the plan. Zhang Su understood.

Yes, I'll leave it to you. Sugisaki hurriedly sent a document to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su browses the construction plan.

When the new building is completed, Anxin Hospital will have an unprecedentedly complete service center to support everyone's comprehensive needs.

Not only that, the building also has enough empty rooms as redundancy to house scientific research facilities, etc., which makes this small Anxin Hospital look brighter. From then on, everyone's life becomes colorful and it can also attract visitors.

And if the plan goes well, Hongyan will dig tunnels to other worlds. The situation is complicated, and Anxin Institute will need a comprehensive facility to deal with various problems.

Everything is about the power of money. Zhang Su looked at the plan and found that the total cost was 180 million yen, which was about the same as expected.

In my previous life, I had to work for a year and a half to get so much money, but now I have it in just two months, and the development is still very fast.

Sugisaki turned his attention back to his project data screen, continued to browse the construction requirements of each module, and then reached more detailed communication with Zhang Su.

After confirming their intention, they signed the bid, and then Sugisaki placed an order and commissioned the company's construction factory to begin the design.

Most of the structures are 3D printed, combined with AI technology, requiring almost no ordinary manual labor.

He also planned the situation of the solar power station and reported it to Zhang Su.

The Human Defense Plan also attaches great importance to solar energy, and related scientific and technological progress has been rapid.

Since the roof slopes toward the south, the photovoltaic panels can capture maximum energy. Sugisaki reported, Taking into account the building's load-bearing limit, we can install 1,200 square meters and a total of 600 high-performance solar panels, generating approximately 600 degrees per day The electricity can meet the needs of 120 people.”

Very good. Zhang Su hopes to build a self-sufficient Anxin Hospital.

The outside world will be bloody in four years, and the gates to hell will open all over the world at the same time.

Even if the human defense plan can withstand it, Anxin Hospital will still face a period of isolation and siege. Power and water outages are just the most basic.

That's why Zhang Sucai focused on the independence and self-sustainability of Anxin Academy, as well as the possibility of connecting with other worlds, hoping that Anxin Academy could become the hub of counterattack and the spark of victory.

We will integrate an independent power supply system, which will cost a total of an additional 25 million yen. The system can recover the cost within 5 years and has a service life of 50 years. Sugisaki planned.

Thank you very much. This is very important to our unit. Zhang Su nodded.

It's also very important to us... Sugisaki couldn't help but sigh.

Although Floating Island Company works hard and has a good reputation, it always misses out on big projects. For example, Dongzhou Wall was used by Dongzhou Industrial to make money. If Floating Island Company were to build it, it would now be able to replace Dongzhou. Industry and become a first-class famous enterprise.

Now, as if his hard work was being taken care of, such business came all at once, which made him feel even more delighted!

Now is a good time for other latecomers to catch up.

Dongzhou Industrial was banned, its stock price fell sharply, and capital also flowed into companies like Floating Island Company that had dedicated business and strong technology.

With this in mind, Sugisaki paid special attention to the construction plan of Anxin Hospital, striving for perfection in materials and craftsmanship, and not daring to disappoint Zhang Su.

If a scandal breaks out at this juncture, their company will be doomed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su immediately planned to expand the construction of the hospital with him.

Sugisaki was even more excited, there was actually one!

...In this case, we also have a mature plan. Sugisaki worked hard and took out many new and tested blueprints from his reserves for Zhang Su to choose from.

This is good. Zhang Su was experienced and selected the most favorable and cost-effective upgrade plan at once.

Yes, it can quadruple your existing medical cubicle. In addition to the clinic and pharmacy, there is also an inpatient ward. We will also provide all diagnostic equipment. Sugisaki introduced, feeling that Zhang Su had a vision. .

He also likes discerning and sophisticated customers like Zhang Su, who can get the best experience from both sides.

Well, please give me the plan one last time. I plan to make slight modifications. Zhang Su said.

Yes. Sugiqi made the final integration and then handed it over to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su spent some time to remove some particularly expensive facilities and interior decoration.

After all, it can be exchanged for containment fragments, which can reduce costs and increase efficiency to the greatest extent.

After some calculations, I have saved another 20 million yen. I have been very careful with my calculations, and all the money can be used for other things.

When Sugisaki saw this, he didn't have any objections.

After all, Zhang Su is the one who provided the money, and it is his business how to use it. They are only responsible for building the houses from the factory with high quality and quantity, and then transporting them to assemble them.

Strictly speaking, modern modular construction companies are more like building Lego products. The focus is on making them look beautiful and meet customer needs.

As a result, Zhang Su used up all the construction funds allocated by Edith at the meeting and agreed on a construction time.

In this way, after the dozens of witches were sent to Anxinyuan, Zhang Su had enough confidence to take them in properly.

Once the new building is completed, Anxinyuan will no longer be a retro temple, but an upright and modern asylum!

~ Lian Wu was also happy.

She picked up her mobile phone and planned to make a call to her family. After all, Dongzhou Industrial was ruined and her father was probably already frowning. Maybe hearing Lian Wu's voice would make him feel better.

...Yes, Mr. Ansuan Hideyuki, he must also want to hear Lian Wu's voice. Zhang Su said.

Even with the loss of Dongzhou Industry, Anxinyuan Hideyuki is still one of the richest men in Dongming, which reminded Zhang Su of an old saying: The rich make money, and the poor make children.

Zhang Su also doesn't know what role An'in Hideyuki played in the defeat of Dongzhou Wall. Maybe he can get the inside story through this communication.

Lianwu called her home phone.

She held the phone in her left hand and patted her face with her right hand to gather courage for the next conversation.

However, the expected husky, kind voice of my father did not ring out.

This is the Anxinyuan family. An unprecedentedly cold voice responded.

Lian Wu's breath was stagnant. Zhang Su had never heard this voice before.

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