Witch for All 1994

Chapter 26 First Job

After breakfast, Jiang Han did not leave immediately for the Witch Market. Instead, he changed into his nightgown. He happily ran to the Ice Bear Cave and petted the bear. He slept on the ice bear again. Will the tavern be open in the morning? ? Definitely not!

The comfortable catch-up sleep lasted until the afternoon, when she was woken up by her sister, who took her to have lunch and then went to the bear den to pet the bear and read a book.

Until around eight o'clock in the evening, I had a meal of fish noodles with Comrade Jiang Xuan, a veteran cadre who was gardening at home. After dinner, she changed into casual robes, put on a wide-brimmed witch hat, and left the house in a relaxed and happy mood.

The witch's family environment is relatively free. If the family does not agree to play together in advance, they will do separate activities on weekends.

Putting on his shoes at the entrance and riding on the broom, Jiang Han had mastered the flying skills with ease.

Broomsticks are also divided into type G and type A. Type A is a broom with ordinary flying speed. Although in Jiang Han's opinion, type A brooms are already very fast, but in fact, type G is almost faster than type A. Three to five times, a true high-speed broom. In addition to being expensive, Class G brooms require a driver's license to use them.

Since China is a country with many islands and air flight routes are also very complicated, it is more difficult to obtain a G-type driver's license in China than abroad. However, because the G-type driver's license is universal, some people have gone to Southeast Asia to take the G-type driver's license and use it back home. The witch - by the way, Japan is also a country with many islands, and their exams are so rigorous that it’s unbelievable!

After flying for a while, she saw the half-empty Fukongshan Market. Since it was even more popular on weekends, she didn't pay attention when she came last time. There were several small empty islands near the Fukongshan Market. There are restaurants, entertainment facilities and the like built on it.

There are also many ordinary people who take the witch's gryphon car to those empty islands to enjoy the witch's life on weekends.

The familiar person kept the broom in the storage room. After receiving the storage room number plate, Jiang Han followed the road he took the day before to find it.

The market is chaotic but orderly.

There are flower shops selling vegetables and fruits next to them, then there is a trading post for buying and selling alcohol, and not far away there are rows of pub streets.

Next to the bookstore, there must be a magic items point, an antique shop, and an enchantment shop.

Near the herbal merchant there will be an alchemy shop and so on.

Following this rule, she came to the pub street and quickly found the pub called the Witch's House.

It is very easy to identify. There is a kind of bamboo called 'wine bamboo' planted at the door. This bamboo is darker brown in color and exudes the aroma of ale. When you get closer, you can hear the slight sound of wine flowing in the bamboo joints... …

Because there are bamboos planted at the entrance and a small elegant bridge running over the water, the Witch's House looks a bit like a tavern in a bamboo forest, giving it a unique feel.

Jiang Han opened the door and walked in to see the unique interior design of the Witch's House, like a library.

There were not many customers in the tavern at this time, and most of them seemed to be regular customers, drinking small glasses of wine while reading magazines, or gathering together to play cards.

Jiang Han moved closer to see what cards they were playing.

I saw four people surrounding a round table, each holding a pile of cards and taking turns to draw and play cards.

What card game requires drawing and then releasing cards? Hearthstone...Jiang Han came over to take a look.

A witch dressed in red and black was playing a card.

A witch dressed in green and black whispered "touch!" and then picked up the card played by the red and black witch, took out two identical cards from her card pile, laid the three cards flat in front of her, and then Play a card "Three Tubes."

…Isn’t this just mahjong?

...It was also changed into a card game...Jiang Han couldn't utter a word for a long time. She guessed that the witches didn't like making noise much, so they changed the original mahjong into a card game.

She glanced at the round table. The cards played by the witches were neatly arranged in a river of cards in front of her. There was a '60,000' card in the center. There was also a 'treasure card indicator' on the table.

What’s even more special is Rima…

Jiang Han left the round table and came to the bar.

Coincidentally, the witch named Qin Shunying who recruited her the day before yesterday was sitting there, adjusting something.

"Is it you? Please wait a moment." Qin Shunying looked very happy when she saw her and turned around.

In her hands she held a ball-shaped black cat that looked grossly overweight. The witch held a piece of bamboo with strings attached to it. After about ten seconds of debugging, she tied the bamboo to the black cat. Then she held the head of the bamboo with one hand and took a goblet and placed it on the black cat's belly.

"Ahem, will you remember tomorrow~ the diary you wrote yesterday..." Qin Shunying coughed lightly and sang, using a goblet to scratch the cat's belly, making the black cat make musical instruments sounds in a very unscientific way. sound.

Damn shamisen...Jiang Han didn't know what to say for a long time.

After the gorgeously dressed witch finished singing a song, the black cat let out a meow, broke away from the bamboo and jumped to the ground.

Boom! Snapped!

Two sounds sounded at the same time, and the black cat fell to the ground like a five-body throw, seeming to smash the wooden floor with a squeak, and then limped behind the bar...

"Hahaha!" Qin Shunying laughed very unladylikely. She rubbed her tears from laughter, picked up the cigarette placed on the bar, lit it, took a puff, and said with a smile: "Music is our life." an important part of a cat's life, but perhaps a cat's life."

This woman is a bit crazy...Jiang Han cast a wary look.

"We met the day before yesterday." Qin Shunying knocked on her cigarette, made an apologetic gesture to the witches who were quietly studying and drinking over there, then looked at Jiang Han with interest and said, "Do you want this job? ?”

Jiang Han hesitated for a while, then sat in front of the bar and asked, "Can I see what special spells you have first?"

"No problem. Every witch who is interested in working here will ask to see it first, and after seeing it, they will want to stay here." Qin Shunying took out a list from the pocket of her robe. She seemed to be ready at any time. With.

There were many spells on the list, most of which Jiang Han had never heard of in school books. It mainly focuses on the protection system and supplements the plastic energy system, which is completely different from Jiang Han's impression of the witch's house. In her opinion, the school of magic or enchantment should be circulating within a society like the Witch's House. (Translated as Chaos Control School in the 3R version)

The school of protection and evocation is a simple and direct type, which does not match the design of a wine seller... Jiang Han nodded and agreed with the value of these spells. The names of some of the spells were exciting enough when he heard them: 'Sky Fire'

"Well, let's briefly talk about the part that interests you the most."

Qin Shunying took out another document, this time a contract:

"The Witch's House guarantees that it will not increase or decrease the price of the points required to redeem spells. The points exchanged for potion materials will fluctuate by no more than 15%, and the exchange of magic items will fluctuate by no more than 10%. .”

The contract contains what Qin Shunying said before:

Category A jobs are about (5% tax, national insurance), 30 hours of work per week, weekly salary of 1,000 yuan, one meal included, 10% of the drink bill, 50 Witch House points per week... and there are odds and ends It’s similar to a contract to get xx points for selling xx drinks. The more expensive the wine, the more points you get...

There is also a share of the salary for playing cards with guests.

Share of salary for roll call singing.

There is even a line at the bottom of the contract called ‘crosstalk salary sharing’. Not only does this place recruit beautiful witches, but they also recruit people who can speak crosstalk...

Jiang Han read it carefully again, confirmed that there was no "peach service" content on it, nodded and said:

"No problem, are you signing here?"

"Yes, but you have to wait here for a while after signing. Our contract needs to be notarized." Qin Shunying said with a smile: "Although we seem to be a somewhat unserious profession, it is officially recognized. Insurance is an industry with a collective bargaining agreement, labor union supervision, and taxes."

Without these, I wouldn't be doing this job... Jiang Han took off the pen hanging on the contract and signed his name in the corresponding position. The contract is a bit long and requires more than a dozen signatures.

After everything was signed, Qin Shunying took out a badge and a silver box the size of a matchbox. She pressed the badge into the ink pad inside the silver box, took it out and slapped it on the contract.

Then she waved to a witch wearing a black cheongsam, asked the witch to come closer, gave the contract to the witch and warned:

"Take it to the Witch Association for notarization."

After giving the instructions, she stood up, stretched out her hand to Jiang Han and said:

"Welcome to the Witch's House."

Jiang Han then stood up, shook hands with the other party, and said politely:

"It's an honor for me too."

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