Witch for All 1994

Chapter 41 The Sleeping Wine Girl

...Hiccup, I'm not drunk.

...Hiccup, so many people.

After waking up from his sleep, Jiang Han stared blankly at the large number of empty wine bottles in the wine room.

What did I do... She took a deep breath and tried to make her expression look natural and peaceful.

The mechanical man turned his head and looked at the elegant clock in the wine room. It was half past five in the morning.

...Haha, ha, it's almost time to get off work... Ha... Ha... The laughter inside turned into a guilty conscience, maybe because he drank too much, Jiang Han felt like he had a need to pee.

She summarized her current situation:

Roughly speaking, she went to work around 11:50 yesterday.

A particularly wealthy guest, Lin Qiang, caught her eye and ordered a bottle of very expensive and powerful wine as an apology (or as an expression of affection).

Then I and the guest probably shared the bottle of expensive and powerful wine.

After that... well, maybe I was a little drunk and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the guests had disappeared and it was already time to get off work.

...Ah, Miss Jiang Han! No matter how you look at it, you will be fired, right? Save Miss Jiang Han! Ms. Jiang Han didn't want to be kicked out, so she spent the difficult months with 50 yuan of pocket money, and on the way she had to find a relaxed and simple job like now! Don't want to, not at all!

She covered her mouth and made a sound of poverty and oppression.

At this moment, she heard a slightly soft, yet rhythmic voice that was neither fast nor slow:

"Are you up, Miss Jiang Han?"

Jiang Han turned his head, and Qin Shunying appeared at the door of the wine room with a smile on his face.

The owner of the Witch's House walked in and squatted down to take away the two bottles of wine. Then he sat down and stared at Jiang Han with an unstoppable look.

Seeing Jiang Han's face slowly turning red, Qin Shunying chuckled and looked at her from head to toe with amusement.

That look was slightly aggressive, but also filled with unabashed affection.

"You made a big deal in your sleep. That lady named Lin obviously has extraordinary patience with you." She slowly told the story of Jiang Han's drunkenness in a story-telling tone.

After our Miss Jiang Han was drunk, she obviously had difficulty breathing and early signs of skin allergies to clothes.

When she hoped to get oxygen from artificial respiration from the guest, Ms. Lin Qiang refused her very gently.

After she wanted to take off the clothes she was allergic to, Ms. Lin stopped her very gently.

After she said in a very aggrieved voice, "My mouth is so dry and I am so thirsty," Ms. Lin ordered two bottles of expensive wine to quench her thirst. They were both tea wine and medicinal wine, so she fell asleep very peacefully. passed.

After she fell asleep, Miss Du in the store was originally going to wake her up. After all, it was a bad thing for the wine seller to fall asleep on her own in front of the guests who were calling to accompany her.

But luck is sometimes more important than following the rules.

Miss Jiang Han's luck was particularly good. Miss Lin seemed to have triggered some kind of maternal love, preventing others from waking her up, and said to Store Manager Qin who came up to apologize:

"I think the wine seller at Witch House is really special. A few years ago at the Jianye branch, I met a woman who treated me like a middle finger and successfully sold me wine. This time I met a woman who slept directly in front of me. Even though he was drunk, he still managed to sell me drinks.”

Then, she happily ordered an expensive bottle of 'Chester Girl', a drink made from mushroom infusion, deep sea ice mixed with brandy.

The appearance is composed of dozens of extremely beautiful ice colors.

Speaking of this, Qin Shunying glanced at Jiang Han's eyes and smiled playfully.

When Jiang Han's face became redder and redder, until he was about to become angry with embarrassment, Qin Shunying finished telling the story——

"...Miss Lin Qiang has reserved the right to use this wine room for two months and paid your roll call fee in advance."

Although roll call fees may sound strange, they are legitimate income.

Jiang Han also got a receipt and was almost frightened after looking at it.

"Your share of yesterday's drinks and points bonus will be given to you when you get paid next Saturday...but I think you'd better take a look." Qin Shunying smiled cordially.

Jiang Han saw what was going on when she saw the 1,900 yuan for drinks at the beginning of the receipt. She had earned almost two weeks' salary for today's work, and this also meant that the woman named Lin Qiang spent 19,000 on drinks.

The further down he looked, the more frightened Jiang Han felt...

The share of drinks is 1,900, which means that Lin Qiang spent 19,000. In this era, it is equivalent to two days of playing in heaven and earth... Well, maybe one day.

30% of the roll call fee, 500, means that Lin Qiang spent 1,500 when her name was called... A bartender who had only worked for more than a week wanted 1,500 for roll call. Qin Shunying, a black shop, really dared to ask for it, and Lin Qiang really dared to give it. .

The monthly deposit for the wine room is 5%, 200, which means the two-month deposit is 4,000.

Next there are miscellaneous divisions.

Jiang Han received 3,200 yuan, three weeks' salary, and 315 Witch House points, but he won't be able to get his share until Saturday.

And this also means that she created a net profit of at least 30,000 yuan for the Witch's House.

No wonder Miss Qin Shunying looked at her like a good daughter...

Wait, the description of a good daughter... Jiang Han shuddered, not knowing whether he should feel happy or scared.

Oh my god, more than thirty thousand...

More than 30,000 in this era...

Miss Lin Qiang squandered it like she was using banknotes to make paper airplanes...

In future generations, this woman is definitely trying to raise the price. What's even more frightening is that this woman hasn't slept with herself yet. Although Jiang Han was very grateful for this, it did not change the fact that this matter was extremely terrifying.

Today I know why some female anchors organize offline meetings with rich people... Jiang Han looked at this scary document and felt that every word on it was written in gold, no, written in gemstone solution Yes, no! Written in adamantine and mithril!

Qin Shunying was also in a good mood and picked up the wine bottles herself. Every time she picked up a bottle, she would tell Jiang Han about the types of wine.

There are high-priced ones, mid-priced ones, and low-priced ones.

She undoubtedly described it with a smile. Looking at Jiang Han who was still in a daze, she seemed to see the kind of Cinderella who was born in the countryside.

Not in a derogatory sense, but in a complimentary sense.

She praised in her heart:

"She has a very beautiful appearance, a petite body, and ice-colored eyes with green mist... This cute girl is also wearing an ordinary witch robe. I can tell it at a glance, and there is also the luscious beauty that is faintly emanating from her body. Magical power. Miss Jiang Han was born to do this...a 'work' that satisfies me more than Jing Zhitong and Du Ningzhuang. Even in the polishing stage, it is coveted by witches."

The description that could make people numb to death kept reappearing in Qin Shunying's mind, making her look at Jiang Han more and more tenderly.

In fact, when facing a person who can make a lot of money for you, no matter how much you praise him, it is normal.

"Your drinking capacity may need to be improved." She looked at Jiang Han, feeling a little regretful in her heart. It would be perfect if Miss Jiang Han's drinking capacity was better.

But later she felt excited about meeting a challenge. Imperfection was good, and imperfection could be carved and polished by her own hands.

Qin Shunying is an expert in this field. Every year, new franchise store managers from the Witch House headquarters come to learn from it.

"I can drink...I'll try...I'll try my best." Jiang Han nodded obediently, but answered with a guilty conscience and lack of confidence.

She was able to develop a drinking capacity in her previous life, but she doesn't know if she can do it in this life.

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