Witch for All 1994

Chapter 5 Davarisi’s Pet Shop

There is no peculiar smell in Pet Street. It seems that the more the witches are in this kind of place, the more they want to improve the environment.

Jiang Han looked around curiously and followed his sister. As she turned left and right, she came to a quite large square. The square was covered with bread bricks. What kind of bread bricks are there in this world? Jiang Han didn't know, but in her In the original world, this cement bread brick was the type of brick used in the Soviet Red Square. In the 1980s, when it came to building squares or parks in China, designers closed their eyes and built them with reference to the Soviet style.

In this world, it should be called 'the empty islands were built after learning from the Soviet Union'.

Speaking of which, after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, it brought countless high-end scientific and technological talents to New China, as well as urgently needed technical talents in heavy industry. Therefore, the domestic architectural style of this period had a bit of Soviet origin.

Jiang Han sighed and saw his sister choose a shop next to the square and walk in. Jiang Han followed and saw a foreign clerk with long light blond hair and blue eyes standing next to his sister. She was wearing a beige uniform, short skirt, and boots. She didn't look like a waiter or clerk, but like she was rushing to the battlefield. Soldier. Her back was straight and her smile was warm.

"Davalishi!" She asked Jiang Zhenling in Mandarin with a strange accent and severe retroflex, "What type of pet do you want to buy? Our store has imported pets from different regions, including Poland, Ukraine, and the Great Mother's …but not the United States.”

Jiang Han watched his sister walk over and hug the clerk, "Comrade, I'm here to buy a pet for my sister."

"That's it, dear comrade, do you want to see it yourself, or should I introduce it to you?"

"Can you introduce it to me?" After Jiang Han said this, the clerk quickly walked to her side.

Jiang Han noticed that this Soviet witch comrade was very delicate, tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. She almost met all of his sister's needs for a future wife... except that her sister was very attentive to her. Little Comrade Jiang Zhenling gnawed on some unfinished marshmallows and stood at the door of the store looking at the scenery, like a straight woman who refused to come in to join in the fun.

Sister, you can't get a wife like this... Jiang Han cursed.

The delicate Slavic female clerk smiled and asked: "Comrade, do you prefer a bigger pet or a smaller one?"

"Make it smaller." Jiang Han remembered what Jiang Zhenling told him.

Jiang Han was brought to a cage, which was a somewhat retro iron cage. Inside was an animal that was probably an eagle.

She was not sure if it was an eagle, because it had three pairs of wings, an icy blue pattern on its beak, and a faint blue light oozing out of its golden eagle eyes. It had a fierce temperament. When Jiang Han stared at it for a while, it flapped. I flapped my wings against the iron railings, and there were light ice-colored waves around me. The air in the store suddenly became several degrees cooler...


The clerk spit out a classic Russian curse, opened the iron cage, raised her fist and hit the eagle's head hard, with a thud mixed with a rattling sound, as if something was broken.

"Jebachi, Pluta!"

She cursed again, took out her wand, paused for two or three seconds before reciting a spell, then waved the wand and sprinkled a light gray light on the eagle that collapsed in the cage. Eagle stood up again in a daze and became much more honest. The clerk closed the door of the iron cage with satisfaction, looked at the shocked Jiang Han, and introduced with a calm expression:

"The Caucasian falcon is a ferocious bird. It can not only deliver messages but also hunt enemies like a murder expert. The strong ice shield can withstand a . Two magazines. It can even learn simple water flow school spells, and it can learn the protection system of the water flow school of no more than level 3 and other spells of level 2 at most."

Because he didn't know the division of schools and spell levels mentioned by the clerk, Jiang Han kept nodding obediently, smiling while humming, tilting his head from time to time, and getting through. He acted like a good student who didn't understand what the math teacher was talking about, and his eyes revealed his thirst for knowledge and survival.

"The most important thing is that it uses magic power very cautiously and economically. It is suitable for witches who like to control magic power precisely."

Look, this person is very good at talking. Others have little magic power, but she can say that she likes precise control of blue. She is a sales talent.

Jiang Han asked curiously: "Were you using healing magic just now?"

The clerk also responded curiously: "Comrade, this is a technique from the school of change. Most witch students will take the school of change as an elective."

Seeing that Davari was good at talking and was a generous-looking person who could control his curiosity very well, Jiang Han turned around and asked his questions while following the clerk to visit various strange things. animals, while secretly learning. The clerk also answers what he knows and doesn't answer what he doesn't know. The responsible person is like a rich man who has returned from overseas to support a female student. He is gentle and talkative. He occasionally intersperses two Soviet jokes that make Jiang Han cover his mouth and laugh.

Seeing that she was half-informed about common sense, the clerk took her hand and made a suggestion: "Dear comrade, why don't I do a physical test for you to see how much your magic power is? It’s convenient to help you find a suitable pet.”

Because I didn't understand, I asked my sister outside the store, and after she agreed, I did a physical test.

Jiang Han sat on a chair in the inner room of the store. Next to him was a simple machine composed of gears and copper wires that was two people tall.

Jiang Zhenling, who followed, glanced at the store and suddenly said: "You even have an elemental analyzer? It also comes with two liquid magic refining devices. Comrade, this is almost illegal."

"After all, people often forget how much they have, so our store will always have this kind of tool." The clerk showed an enthusiastic smile: "And it is only close to illegal. As long as it is not equipped with a sampler, it is legal."

Jiang Han listened and felt that this machine was a bit like the helicopter trade in the previous life. After removing the weapons, it became a humanitarian rescue helicopter. After selling it, the weapons were put on and it transformed into a Wuzhi.

The clerk entered several parameters into the machine. Jiang Han felt as if he was suddenly placed in a bathtub. The feeling of being surrounded by water was extremely strange.

"This is an instrument I brought from my hometown. The standards are all Soviet standards, and the results must be converted into Chinese..." the clerk said while losing.

"The Soviet Union used Lun to measure magic power, right?" Jiang Zhenling asked.

"Well, below 145 pounds is a weak witch. If you convert it to your calculation, below 300 pounds is a weak witch, below 900 pounds is a witch, and below 1500 pounds is a strong... Oh, I forgot, your country There is no other classification. Those with more than 20,000 liters are the great witches of your country."

Another of countless problems has been solved.

Jiang Han waited patiently. As soon as the results came out, Comrade Jiang Zhenling took it and took a look at it. She frowned and recited a few numbers. After reciting them, she suddenly looked at Jiang Han with the eyes of a philosopher.

That look was as deep as a cross-eyed one.

After reading it, the clerk looked at Comrade Jiang Zhenling with a strange look.

His eyes were full of doubts and questions.

The expressions, movements and eyes of these two women were too scary. Jiang Han asked in a low voice: "Is there any problem?"

It was as if the computer switch had been touched with one sentence, and the sister and the clerk woke up at the same time, looking at each other for half a second. Seeing that Jiang Zhenling had no intention of talking, the clerk took over and said:

"Nothing, just your total magic power... The initial calculation is 18,400 kilometres, which is infinitely close to the minimum standard line for the Great Witch."

Jiang Han understood. This meant that he was talented and close to the great witch. "Then I'm not healthy? Your expressions..."

"No, no, no."

"You are in good health, but your development is a little better..." The Slavic shop assistant also glanced at Jiang Han's chest secretly, repeated 'you are well developed' in a low voice, and then said professionally: "The witch's The development period is divided into three stages. From the age of 0 to 18 years old, it is the end of the first development period. From the age of 26 to 36 years old, it is the beginning and end of the second development period. Only some witches have the last development period. From the age of 46 to 50, magic power will only grow rapidly during the development period, and it will grow very slowly at other times. Therefore, most of the great witches do not become great witches until they are around 30 years old. It is the first time for you to develop. Very few end up close to the standard line.”

What Comrade Jiang Zhenling said was a bit more horrifying:

"I'm wondering whether it was Mother Ye who cheated on her, or Mother Jiang who cheated on her. Otherwise, there's no possibility... 18,000, even the three generations of our grandparents combined may not have that much."

"What the hell are you doing!"

Jiang Han quickly dismissed his sister's disrespectful thoughts.

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