Witch for All 1994

Chapter 55 Family Dinner

I spent a pleasant evening in the hot springs, and after lunch I watched the Witches' football match in the heavy rain - just pure football. After playing until about five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Han was sent home by Cen Jing.

If it weren't for the wrong gender, Jiang Han really wanted to praise Cen Jing:

"She is a true gentleman"

Of course, there is a certain possibility that the praise is correct...

The room I booked also has two single beds, and I am a complete gentleman.

After sending Jiang Han home, the elegant Miss Cen was quietly looked at by Jiang Han's family for a while.

Jiang Zhenling simply expressed appreciation and chatted with the other party.

Ye Keshu scrutinized Cen Jing's information more closely, inquiring about Cen Jing's information.

Jiang Xuan was the most innocent person and even invited her into the room to have a dinner together, but Cen Jing directly declined the invitation. After satisfying their curiosity, the family members retreated home together. Jiang Han's family was not a wealthy family, so they did not have many rules for entertaining guests. They just asked Jiang Han to say goodbye to Cen Jing.

Looking at Cen Jing with a gentle expression, Jiang Han put his hands on his abdomen and smiled sweetly with gratitude:

"Thank you for your hospitality, your hot springs, your barbecue, and the football game this morning. I had a great time."

"I'm glad I didn't disappoint you this time. Thank you for your company yesterday." Cen Jing nodded slightly and smiled.

She took out a small gift box from her pocket and handed it to Jiang Han. And said:

"This is my handmade dried tofu. It is customary over there to add some drunken pepper and Sichuan peppercorns to pickle it. It may be a bit spicy. Although it is only a small gift, please accept it."

Jiang Han took it with both hands and showed a shy smile:

"I will also hand-make a box for you next time. I mean I like it very much. Thank you very much for your gift."

According to etiquette, Jiang Han should have packaged the dried tofu she made as a gift at this time, but because she is still half a fake witch, she has not gotten used to this custom and has not started making tofu, although her sister said she would teach it. She did.

She held the gift box in both hands, thinking about whether to give it a try. According to Ms. Cen, this dried tofu is probably spicy and numbing.

Reading, gathering information, learning spells, working part-time, plus learning to grind tofu by hand... My life suddenly felt so fulfilling... Jiang Han felt a little suffocated as he mentally calculated what he had to do.

"I'm looking forward to it." Cen Jing pressed the big-brimmed hat on Jiang Han's head, rubbed it twice with a smile, and then left.

Looking at the back of this polite, gentle and beautiful witch, Jiang Han sighed secretly. If the owner of this body was still the original Jiang Han, he would probably have considered forming a "pink friendship" with this witch. relationship.

They will get along with each other in a friendly and loving way.

Maybe yesterday I felt that sleeping alone was not warm enough and wanted more warmth.

Maybe I will act coquettishly and ask the other person to buy new clothes for me. I will buy an empty island not far away, and I will complete the union between the witch and the witch in a few years, and give birth to offspring. The witch is roughly like this.

But unfortunately, I am not used to this feeling, and it always feels weird, and I don't want to start a relationship... Jiang Han took the tofu and suddenly smiled.

But it feels good...she thought, then opened the door behind her and walked in.

Dong Dong——

With two muffled sounds, Jiang Zhenling and Ye Keshu fell out from behind the door. It seemed that they had been leaning against the door just now.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan, who showed amazing balance, gasped twice and fell together.

Although they all fell to the ground comically, the eyes of the three women, or two women and a girl, were filled with deep thoughts.

Especially Jiang Zhenling, this little comrade looked at her sister and suddenly made an "I knew it" gesture.

...I hate gossip...Jiang Han covered his face with one hand, half-tempting to use his eternal knot eyes to exterminate his relatives.

"..." She opened her mouth, and it took her a long time to spit out a sentence: "Two big comrades, and this little comrade. My relationship with this Miss Cen Jing is pure and young, a simple friendship."

"I understand the simple, pure and youthful friendship." Comrade Jiang Xuan raised her hand. Before Jiang Han smiled gratefully at her, the old comrade added: "I used to lie to my mother like this. The first batch of eggs are almost hatched, and they thought Big Leaf and I were just good sisters."

You mean NM... No, it's really my mother... Jiang Han took a deep breath and explained:

"She is a complete lady. We share a room with two single beds..."

"You guys share a room? Oh!" Miss Jiang Zhenling covered her chest and growled excitedly: "...and you are afraid of the cold at night?"

...are you looking for the reason for sleeping together from some street stall literature? Jiang Han covered his face with his hands and walked in the door, not wanting to talk to his sister.

Walking into the kitchen, dinner was laid out and kept warm by magic.

White-cut turkey, steamed squid, dragon meat roll, roasted hellfire eggs... She counted the dishes on the dinner table and distracted her attention.

Then I heard the sound of family members coming in from behind and chatting quietly:

Jiang Zhenling persuaded, "I think she is nice, beautiful, and considerate. She brought her sister back last time."

Jiang Xuan agreed: "I think it's okay, this kid is polite..."

Ye Keshu hesitated and said, "But don't you think she is a bit of an animal?"

The two people made confused sounds: "Huh?"

Ye Keshu hesitated again and then said: "If you can attack someone as tall as our Han'er, isn't he a beast?"

The two of them nodded at the same time: "Yes!"

Can we not mention height? Jiang Han felt that this would be his Achilles' heel, a fatal wound that would be poked every time.

The family sat down, looked at the food on the table, and said together: "Let's eat."

Jiang Han lowered his head and looked at the light blue casual skirt he was wearing.


My sister pushed over the napkin, Jiang Han smiled and said, "Thank you."

After disposing of the napkins, she set her sights on the hellfire eggs first, giving priority to uneaten dishes. This is called adventurous spirit.

It is an egg that resembles a pineapple in appearance. The orange egg white inside becomes rich after being roasted, like cheese, and then beef is added to complete it. The taste is a bit spicy, but it brings out the deliciousness of the beef very well. The better the beef is used, the more delicious this dish will be.

Jiang Han ate a lot of beef with satisfaction and chatted with his family at the dining table.

She told her about finding a folding space for Miss Du Ningzhuang. Jiang Xuan knew a lot about this, so she quoted a rough price with a smile:


This is still a cost price. Folding space is currently priced but not available. The real wealth of each witch family lies in their folding space. If you want to obtain a healthy and normal folding space, this price is already the lowest price.

Jiang Han decided to go back and tell the other people in Wings about the offer, and it was up to them to decide whether to accept it or not.

Then Jiang Xuan told her family about the recent development of the giant folding space. When summer is over and autumn arrives, the policy will be announced. Before that, she hopes that her family will also raise money to buy two safe folding spaces. As a future high-priced real estate or ethnic group residence.

Since summer is still long, this matter will be put aside for the time being.

The witches have predictions about rising housing prices, but they are not bold enough... Jiang Han thinks so.

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