Witch for All 1994

Chapter 58 Ammunition Trading

Why does the witch need a gun?

Walking on the street, this question came to Jiang Han's mind, because witches really don't like to use weapons, and they rarely even carry wands. If you want to use a gun to deal with people with evil intentions, you might as well rely on the trigger trap on your own body!

Da da……

A witch in combat uniform passed by her. The sound of her high-top shoes was slightly crisp, and Jiang Han, who was close to her on the street, could hear it. She watched with wide eyes as the witch disappeared through the door of a shop with a simple and crude name:

【Song Family Alchemy Hall】

There is a plaque next to it: 'A century-old brand, responsible for various alchemical needs, processing, and transformation! ’

The wooden wall next to the plaque is covered with small notes: "Collect various rare materials at high prices", "Hunting license, A2 admission ticket customization", "High-speed driving license instructor application, guaranteed", "Applause for love, give money to Lian Yi Cute witches who can’t even afford it, Huadu Club”

Isn't this just like the small advertisement in the previous life... Jiang Han looked at the last one with doubtful eyes:

"How can a witch not even be able to afford clothes?"

She shook her head and ignored these nonsense advertisements. Out of curiosity, she pushed open the wooden door of the store and walked in.

As soon as he opened the door, Jiang Han shivered, and the cold air in the store hit his face. It seemed that alchemist's stores like this were always cold, using various low temperatures to preserve fresh monster materials.

They are placed in a display case made of ice, including the hearts, tentacles, livers, and unique witch eggs of different dragon species.

Walking over, Jiang Han saw the higher price and its origin as expected. There were two photos on it, labeled:

The father’s mother, the mother’s mother.

Among them, the mother of the father's family is very delicate and beautiful, while the mother of the mother's family has a sense of youthfulness and childishness. I think this witch egg will be a very beautiful little witch when it hatches.

Looking away, Jiang Han looked curiously at the bookshelf in the store, where many witches gathered. Next to the bookshelf, there were display racks of magic items, all of which were alchemy products, including several beautiful firearms. She leaned over and came to the bookshelf.

The books above are all kinds of alchemy textbooks, and the prices are also very scary. The price tag of more than 10,000 once again made Jiang Han clearly realize the wise saying:

Knowledge is wealth.

While she was quietly examining these high-priced pieces of knowledge, a witch clerk came over to receive her. She was a petite and cute lady, well-dressed, with a creamy white overskirt, a linen loose shirt, and cute lace cuffs. .

"Hello, I'm Song Huijun, the clerk here. How can I help you?" She glanced at Jiang Han's casual skirt, her waist straightened unconsciously, and she smiled sweetly.

Six centimeters taller than me... Jiang Han raised his head slightly and looked at the petite clerk and said:

"I want to learn about alchemy."

"Alchemy is divided into several different branches, including puppet science, rare object manufacturing, potion smelting, etc., as well as the general creation of magic props. Which one do you want to know about?" Song Huijun introduced.

Jiang Han is very interested in guns, but she doesn't want to be the first to ask about guns and bullets. That would make you look like a war maniac or a violent person, which is not conducive to getting more information.

After going through the lines in her mind, she asked:

"I'm interested in puppetry."

Song Huijun glanced at Jiang Han's clothes again, and her smile became more enthusiastic:

"Puppetology is a truly respectable school. Often a witch who is outstanding, wealthy, and has a noble social status will keep a puppet in her home. Puppetology in alchemy was born for this purpose. It is separated from the construction of golems. , serving more powerful and spiritual dolls..."

Jiang Han listened patiently. Alchemy has to be said to be a profound technology and skill. After listening, she finally confirmed one thing:

I do not understand.

She only heard one sentence from Song Huijun's words:

‘Puppetry is really expensive. ’

Even the original 'Witch Jiang Han' should not be able to understand these words... It is a complete blind spot in knowledge... Jiang Han nodded to Song Huijun sincerely and said:

"I see, your insights into puppetry are eye-opening to me. I also noticed that if your surname is 'Song', this alchemy shop..."

"It's my mother's property." Song Huijun raised her chin slightly and said slightly intoxicated.

"Family origins." Jiang Han said in coordination, making the other person's smile become more and more real.

"If you are very interested in puppetry, we also have introductory tutorials for sale here; if you are interested in other alchemy techniques, I will try my best to recommend a series of books to you."

Yes, I'm very interested... Jiang Han took a peek at the price of bullets on the nearby container. It was 2 cents per round, the witch's special ammunition.

She had an idea in her head, or rather it came to her suddenly after seeing the bullet. It originated from a game she played in her previous life. The ammunition in that game had various properties, such as special effects such as paralysis, sleep, tracking, penetration, etc. If it were to be made in the real world, I'm afraid it's all very troublesome.

But for a witch, making bullets with special effects is very simple, right?

In a brief recollection, the bullets at the stalls on the combat supplies street were all ordinary elemental ammunition, without any special effects...

Of course, it's possible that I saw it wrong.

Jiang Han asked Song Huijun the answer to this question in a circumstantial way.

The witch uses firearms not because she likes them, but because she is forced to use them to make up for her lack of lethality.

Not every witch who goes hunting has 3000, 4000, or higher magic power.

For these witches, firearms with level 1 spell power are a good way to supplement their lethality.

Although Jiang Han didn't hear from Song Huijun's tone that she looked down on those witches with only a thousand or so magical powers, she probably didn't take them seriously either. In other words, witches with outstanding magical power all have this illusion:

The witch is not lacking in lethality at all.

But there is no doubt that this is wrong. Whether low-level witches are traveling or hunting, they lack direct lethality.

The witch who has the ability to make powerful bullets for them has never had such an idea, so this is a business opportunity!

As long as this ammunition transaction can be completed, not to mention much, at least the embarrassment of lack of money will be alleviated a lot. What's even better is that you can learn alchemy on the way to making money. Thinking of this, Jiang Han asked:

"If you want to get started with alchemy, what books would you recommend?"

"For starters, I recommend these four books, 'School of Sharon Curie Volume 1', Album of Fasambis Volume 3', 'Alchemy Volume' and 'Shuken Yu's Book', which are the British School and the Dutch School. , different types of alchemy from the Chinese School, and the Dongying School. To be honest, because these books are relatively popular, I am only sure that the Alchemy and Shukenyu Books are still in stock..."

She detailed:

"My personal recommendation is to learn from Sharon Curie's books. She is a great witch in modern times and the founder of the third revolution of puppetry. Unfortunately, with such achievements, she still has not won the pearl of witch academia. The 'Sindra Award' has to be said to be a pity, maybe she is only one award away from having a great title."

"Then let it be hers." Jiang Han said.

Listening to the professionals will never hurt you.

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