Witch for All 1994

Chapter 66 Hunter Club

Bloodthirsty, inheritance is the most important part of the witch factor.

The desire for blood runs throughout the witch's life.

Loyalty for family locked away bloodlust.

Witches often do a very good job in controlling and liberating bloodthirsty. Various competitions that are essentially 'gladiation' allow them to vent their violent thoughts. It is built on various surfaces, and ordinary witches can also visit it once a month. Their hunting grounds can also satisfy their need for killing.

A higher level of enjoyment can be found in various places where membership fees need to be paid regularly, such as here——

Hunter Club, an overseas sky island group under Dream Garden, the main island 'Hunting Island' covers an area of ​​7,200 square kilometers. If the folded space of the water flow from the source of the island is included, the total is 15,360 square kilometers, which is approximately three times. Nancheng, which is about one-fifteenth of Nandu Province, has more than 2,000 small floating islands floating nearby, built by various witches.

There is a special larger floating island made of volcanoes, and that has also become the hot spring island here. It belongs to the property of the Kraken Witch, one of the great witches.

If you want to visit her, just know that when she is there, bring a box of handmade tofu up.

There are many miniature sculptures of prey placed in the Hunter Club, and in the center of the hall is a huge panoramic view of the hunting island. Both the environment and the small dynamic coordinates of the animals are all made lifelike, and the map of the hunting space is neat. Placed next to it, it also looks like an activated map, very clear at a glance.

Several witches in hunting attire were observing the map.

Jiang Han was watching attentively when a voice suddenly came from behind him:

"If a witch is in danger and asks for help, all she needs to do is launch a flare and we will see her here. We can rush over to rescue her at any time with a high-speed broom."

Eh? Jiang Han turned his head in accordance with the reserved movements of this world's standards, and found Wu Xiao, who had been blasted to the island by Yang Yan, standing next to him.

"Even if you are injured, we have professionals here who study a type of witch called the priest school for treatment. But don't worry, priest witches are the same as Taoist witches, Buddhist witches, and shamanistic witches. They are all witches." She hung up. He spoke with a slight smile.

"...Buddhist witch?" Jiang Han blinked.

Could it be the young monk and nun who uses the ‘I, Buddha, and You Fireball Technique’?

Wu Xiao pressed the three-cornered hat on his head and was about to make an introduction when he was interrupted by Cheng Yu who had already registered:

"Don't make a bad idea, I'm here to watch."

"Vulgar, I can't imagine how your students can tolerate you." Wu Xiao smiled sarcastically, turned to Jiang Han and smiled gently: "If you need it, I'll be in the corridor next to the front desk, in the deepest office , I am happy to discuss knowledge with the studious witch and learn some new mysteries, sweet, sweet, and indescribable mysteries."

Are all witches so eager for knowledge? Jiang Han recalled his first experience of learning new spells and nodded in agreement:

"Okay, knowledge is indeed sweet. If I need it, I will definitely come to you, Miss Wu. I kind of want to know what Buddhist witches are like, as well as shamans, oh, and priests..."

"...You are really a little witch with a thirst for knowledge. I will prepare some juice for you." Wu Xiao was stuck for half a second, shook his head and said, and then walked into the corridor next to the front desk under Cheng Yu's gloating eyes.

"She still has a bottom line." Cheng Yu said.

"The bottom line..." The fox witch nodded.

These two people communicated in a way that I don't understand? He also said that they had reached an agreement with the radio... Jiang Han looked at the two of them doubtfully. Among them, Cheng Yu took out two forms and handed them to her and Li Li respectively.

Cheng Yu said:

"Fill in your physical information and I will get you a set of hunting clothes from Dream Garden. You cannot wear casual skirts or combat clothes like this for fighting witches when hunting."

"Is it free?" Li Li asked quickly.

"It's free, and everything will be paid for by Dream Garden." Cheng Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at Jiang Han, who looked shy, and then at Li Li, who was quickly lying on the table to fill out the form. The expression on her face seemed to be that she didn't dare I believe these are my two apprentices.

"Then I'm going to fill out the form, tutor." Jiang Han said politely and walked to Li Li with the form.

Free stuff is nice.

I heard that the price of hunting clothes is no less than the casual skirt and hat I am wearing... Jiang Han's good mood lasted for more than ten seconds because she accidentally saw Li Li filling in a height column on the form. Number, one hundred and seventy-three centimeters. Moreover, Li Li thought for a while, then picked up her pen and added "not for ears".

With a sigh, Jiang Han buried his head in filling out the form.

Since she had taken measurements before, she remembered all the data, so she wrote them down one by one.

In terms of height, Jiang Han is 145cm. Jiang Han wishes he could add ten centimeters to his height. Unfortunately, even after adding ten centimeters, he is still only 155cm. He is still a short man.

The weight has been measured in the past few days, and the total is 37kg. For a stronger witch, it doesn't even need to be infused with magic power to lift her up. Most of the witches seem to have a well-proportioned body shape, but their average strength is very large. In the world of board games, they would be close to the peak of human beings.

Not to mention anything else, Jiang Han can run around dragging twenty or thirty kilograms of stuff by himself.

Then there are the measurements.

Jiang Han covered his face under the confused gazes of the front desk lady and Li Li next to him, and knocked on the table.

She carefully wrote down her second biggest secret in the world:

85, 53, 80…

Jiang Han blushed like a hairy crab after a steamer and sauna. She suddenly felt that there was an extra creature around her.

"..." Miss Li Li held the form in her hand and looked at the measurements on her watch with wide eyes.

"..." The witch at the front desk straightened her back, stretched forward, and peered into Jiang Han's form.

"..." The two-meter-tall Cheng Yu hamster also poked its head out from behind, focusing its gaze on it.

...Look, take a good look! What’s wrong with my body being so good? So be it! Take a good look! Jiang Han gave up on herself and moved away the hand that was trying to block her measurements. Anyway, during the half month that he had traveled back in time, his sister also took him to buy underwear.

Damn it, do you need to be shy when buying women’s necessities?

No! need! want!

This is how I, Jiang Han, behave openly and openly as a witch... She straightened her chest and found that all six eyes were staring at her chest, and she immediately hugged her chest.

"Your handwriting is so round...so beautiful." Li Li praised sincerely and handed the form to the witch at the front desk.

"You're not young either." Jiang Han glanced at the fox witch's chest, which was indeed very important.

Cheng Yu covered her mouth with a thoughtful look on her face:

"Remember, don't tie the belt of your hunting clothes too tight. If the mountain is not high, then the immortals will be famous. If the mountain is too high, even the immortals will be unable to top it..."

Jiang Han's height is inherited from that of old comrade Jiang Xuan, but his figure is on par with Ms. Ye Keshu's. The combination is shocking.

"The hunting clothes will be sent over soon?" Jiang Han took a deep breath and asked after ignoring the slightly rude look from his instructor.

"Well, for a while." Cheng Yu shook his head and held his forehead with one hand, "The hunting suit is more convenient for hunting. Its weight is generally five to six times that of the witch battle suit, and it can carry more props and equipment. , the defense is also stronger, after all, if we hunt monsters, the monster's direct damage will come faster and stronger than spell damage."

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