Witch for All 1994

Chapter 78 The Witch’s Family Matters

After dinner, Jiang Han stroked his belly and thought with both relief and sadness:

If you eat like this every day, you will feel that your weight will come up soon.

Next to her, her younger sister Jiang Zhenling also closed her eyes and breathed lightly. There was a hint of satisfaction in her silence. She opened one eye and looked at her sister. After thinking for a while, she said:

"Your casual dress is beautiful."

She held back such a short sentence for several days before saying it... Jiang Han raised the corners of his mouth a little, revealing a sweet smile: "Thank you."

"I ordered a barbecue for Monday night. Do you want to eat together?" Zhen Ling made another invitation.

The most important part of a witch's social life is making an appointment. In theory, even if the great witch invites you to have tea with her, she should do so as many days in advance as possible, and she cannot ask you out on a whim... Of course, in reality, if A great witch really wanted to date someone on a whim, and most witches were willing to go.

"I have to go to work on Monday." Jiang Han said regretfully.

Zhenling's eyes stopped on her face, and she was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Tuesday?"

The persevering sister... Jiang Han recalled the appearance of his sister in the previous life. In the previous life, she was a persevering and subtle woman, so Jiang Han nodded and replied with a smile:

"It's Tuesday, do I need to bring something? Wine, or a gift?"

"...Bring you here." Zhenling covered half of her face with one hand, sighed and said, "Haven't you counted your drinking capacity? Last time I drank beer at home, you started to fall asleep after one gulp."

...Strictly speaking, those are the deeds left by the previous 'Jiang Han' and have nothing to do with me... Jiang Han smiled and said:

"Then I would like to thank Comrade Zhenling in advance for the barbecue."

"You're welcome, Comrade Hanmei." Zhenling stood up, moved her hands and feet, and looked at Jiang Han: "Go and take down the account books from the rooms of two old comrades, Ye Keshu and Jiang Xuan. We want to take advantage of this opportunity." Calculate this week’s expenses on Saturday and Sunday.”

The day of calculating expenses was very common in the previous life, but in the world of witches, this kind of day has been 'solidified', almost equivalent to a fixed weekly program... Jiang Han nodded and walked up to the second floor.

The household ledgers, inherited spell transformation manuals, and the witch's experiment notes are all kept in the master room.

Translated into a family, it is the room of two mothers.

Jiang Han stood at the door of the two mothers' room, pushed the wooden door gently, and walked in. This was the first time she had entered the room of her two mothers since time travel, and it was not much different from her previous life.

Simple and elegant design, bookcases and bookshelves take up most of the space, and wedding photos of the two hang on the wall.

——They all wear wedding dresses.

The smiles of Ye Keshu and Jiang Xuan were extremely sweet and happy. If Shang hadn't held a wedding with his beloved, it would be difficult for him to show such smiles.

Of course, you still have to quarrel after getting married, but the old comrade Jiang Xuan in this world is much weaker... After Jiang Han thought about the changes in his parents, he sighed - to be honest, it was still a bit difficult for him. Accept the situation where you occasionally get up and go down to eat, only to see a beautiful girl posting.

The account book placed in the bookcase didn't look thick but it was large, close to the size of an A3 paper. Jiang Han took it out on his tiptoes, holding his hands in his arms, taking small steps that looked like he was jumping, but in fact he was trotting. Leaving the wife's room...

After a while, she walked back in small steps, stretched her feet back, hooked her toes on the door frame, gently pulled it forward and kicked it open.


After the door closed, she nodded with satisfaction and walked downstairs holding the account book.

In the hall, Zhenling had turned off the TV, cleared the coffee table, and sat on her knees on the clean carpet.

"The account book is here." Jiang Han said as she sat down. She saw some water drops hanging on her sister's black hair.

It seemed that she had just washed her face... She opened the ledger.

"This was supposed to be done by Jiang Xuan's mother. She gave it back to Ye Keshu's mother, and finally it was passed to me." Jiang Zhenling complained, took out a pen and paper and started taking notes and records in the account book.

"Meal expenses, 374.5 yuan. Help me record it here. Last week we ate 410.5 yuan, last week it was 403.4 yuan, and the first week of last month was 394.2 yuan. Did we save money again?" Jiang Zhenling frowned Eyebrow, I drew a circle on the ledger.

It seems not... Jiang Han recalled that when she was at work, she heard her customer Miss Lin Qiang mention the price reduction of food ingredients, so she repeated it to Zhen Ling:

"It seems that because of the second folding development zone law, there will be partial tax reductions for food sold from other places, and the cloud trail from Nancheng to the ancient Zhao capital has been built. There are more than a dozen folding spaces that can produce food. , before it was because transportation was not convenient..."

"...In short, the price of food will continue to drop, probably returning to about 60% of the original level?"

Jiang Han saw his sister looking over with doubt in her eyes, so she waved her hand and said, "I heard from others that price reduction of food ingredients is always a good thing?"

"...Well, it's a good thing." Jiang Zhenling lowered her head and made a note, then casually mentioned: "But this is unstable. Flat grain prices were announced in the first half of the year, and now they suddenly cut prices due to policies. This is a good thing for us, but for Nancheng It’s not a good thing for the overall environment.”

...It's over, with my extra decades of experience, I can't understand what my sister said... Jiang Han nodded blankly.

"The pet fee was 230 yuan last week, 265.4 yuan last week, and... 522.5 yuan this week, tsk." Zhenling glanced at Jiang Han, making her lower her head with guilt.

Can a bear eat me? That was a bear... Jiang Han felt a little aggrieved. The bear was still gnawing at her magic power every day. Although the magic power was only a small part of her, it was still a bit uncomfortable, especially The ice bear only gave him a relatively strong body and cold and heat resistance, but his magical abilities had not yet been developed.

Jiang Zhenling also sighed and scratched:

"I'll find a way to reduce the expenditure. Regarding the expenditure on inferior vodka, we can buy a piece of vodka tartar. In ancient times, ice bears often appeared in tartar mines to lick wine, and although the wine made from vodka tartar cannot be If you sell it, the shelf life is only a few hours, but it is also a base material needed for many alchemies. If you pay a high fee, you can save a lot in the future."

The habit of younger sister Zhenling is to spend a lot of money. Although she spends a lot of money, she can usually use it wisely. And in unnecessary places, she can also think of ways to maintain the original level, but the relative reduction will be certain. expenditures.

Jiang Han and her sister spent several hours on the ledger. She was surprised to find that Zhenling could save hundreds of extra yuan for improving her family every week, while some areas required major changes and required a certain amount of expenditure. Property can be transformed.

And she is also very goal-oriented, or much more planned than the two mothers, Jiang Xuan and Ye Keshu.

For example, Ye Keshu's family goal is to add some household items, and Jiang Xuan's is to buy some snacks, but Jiang Zhenling can set a goal for a 'simple alchemy studio', and there is a weekly plan under the goal, with specific details. policy, rather than those practices that just talk about a goal without implementing a plan.

It's no wonder that Comrade Jiang Zhenling was nicknamed a tinker in her previous life. It is true that tinkerers can deduct money from many places to supplement their family income.

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