"I think should not be."

Chen Qi shook his head and asked himself.

After all, it was the finger of a legendary hunter.

He has just entered the first level and has not yet been able to display his true abilities as a chef. He is just a newbie.

But for him, the deep sea monster guarding the treasure is not the difficulty. The real difficulty is how to reach the treasure location.

After Chen Qi decided on the target, he put down the scroll.

He stood up and looked at the broken small refrigerator in the houseboat.

A one-meter-tall small refrigerator with a bunch of tattered patches on the outside.

But here, there is a very rare extraordinary food!

He hasn't eaten the gold-scaled fish he got from the cute offshore overlord yet.

"Have a late night snack."

Chen Qi excitedly took out the golden fish from the refrigerator and prepared to make pan-fried golden fish.

Golden fish is a natural food, the meat is as creamy and delicious, and does not require too much processing.

Under deep frying, the skin of the golden scale fish quickly becomes slightly burnt and shines like gold.

Sprinkle in soul seasoning again.

After a while, a fragrant golden fish with golden scales came out of the pot.

"Try how extraordinary ingredients taste."

Chen Qi bit it gently.

The gravy explodes in your mouth, and the mellow taste spreads instantly!

There is no sugar, but it has a little sweetness.

The texture is more like melted cheese than meat.

At the same time, a hot power slowly penetrated the body.

A prompt pops up on the panel.

[Your constitution +1. 】

[You gain self-healing constitution (weak). 】

[Self-healing constitution (weak):

Your body's ability to recover increases.

Note: I feel it, I feel the breath of life flowing through my body! 】

Self-healing physique is the prerequisite for many high-level physical skills.

However, Chen Qi is not sure about the specific effect yet.

"have a test."

Chen Qi hesitated for a moment, then picked up the kitchen knife nearby and lightly slashed the back of his hand.

At this moment, with the blessing of the self-healing physique, I can clearly feel that the minor injuries on the back of my hands are constantly healing.

It only takes just over an hour for this minor injury to be completely healed.

Many serious injuries that require months of recovery can be cured in just two or three days.

"Not bad."

Chen Qi clapped his hands and checked his panel.

[Physique: 17, Strength: 15, Inspiration: 38, Agility: 19]

Compared to his weak appearance at the beginning, his nutrition has caught up and he has made huge improvements.

All attributes are not low, and the panel is quite balanced.

In the setting of Xinri, as the physical fitness becomes higher and higher, the improvement of many props will become smaller and smaller.

As a rare prop, the golden-scaled fish can improve the physique of ordinary people by 2 to 3 points under normal circumstances.

However, because his physique was already on the high side, it only increased by 1 point.

Chen Qi stretched his muscles, and his body still had huge potential.

Just like exercise on earth, after food is digested, exercise is still needed to fully activate his potential.

As long as he trains properly, it's only a matter of time before his physique and strength both break through twenty points.


Chen Qi did some warm-up exercises.

After eating the golden fish, he didn’t feel tired after a busy day!

On the contrary, I feel that my body has endless power!

Chen Qi decided to exercise for a while before going to bed until he was exhausted, then went to bed.

The second day.

Huge dark clouds shrouded the sky over the sea, as if foreshadowing the coming disaster, and they did not dissipate for a long time.

Wave after wave hits the boats at the dock.

Today, because of the many shocking incidents yesterday, many fishermen who were planning to go out to sea also decided to take a few days off.

Fortunately, the cracks in the mine in Maro Town have recovered, and a large amount of new ore has been produced, providing people with a new job opportunity.

Chen Qi got up early to prepare to move the small house boat to the dry dock where the ship is repaired and renovated.

The ship has a good foundation, but both the ship's lights and the various furniture and equipment inside are too old.

But before he arrived at the dry dock, someone from the Moonstone Islands Bounty Department came over and carefully handed him a package containing 200,000 shell coins.

It’s the bounty for killing Iron Hand!

"In one night, the bounty arrived. It's so efficient..."

Under normal circumstances, the efficiency of these departments would not be so fast. An should have urged him.

"Quickly, thank you, Teacher An?"

Chen Qi thanked him in his heart, took the bounty, and counted it.

The largest denomination of money in the Kingdom of Shells is 10,000 shells. The weight of 200,000 shells is not very heavy.

But when I put it in my hand, it has an indescribable heaviness!

As it happens, the money can be used to strengthen his ships.

The dry dock is not far from the marina in the town of Marrow.

Chen Qi drove the small house boat into the dock and said to the ship repairwoman with dreadlocks:

"Bring me the best boat light, a new propeller, and see if the engine can be repaired.

If there are any good new products, please recommend them. "

If you have money, you can be a little bolder!

"no problem!"

The old ship repairman agreed boldly.

She came to the cabin excitedly, but when she saw the engine for the first time, she frowned:

"I'm only a first-level mechanic apprentice, so I can't repair the cracks, but I can help you remove the dust and add some lubricant."

The hammer sign symbolizes machinery, creation, craftsmanship, steel and other elements.

In addition to being in charge of [Bei], Beiguo also controls [Hammer]. There are many large companies and a large number of man-made wonders in Beiguo.

There are even many steam cities.

However, in remote coastal areas such as Moonstone City, the presence of these large companies is not very strong.

Sure enough, the high-end goods of the Steam Hand cannot be repaired here. Chen Qi thought about it:

"Okay, please help me take a look to see if there are any other minor problems with this ship."

In Chen Qi's impression, the only ship repairman in Maro Town has good craftsmanship and is not expensive.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

The ship repairman started working.

Soon, his ship had two brand new ship lights, one in the boathouse and one outside the ship.

The night after the crack tide is the time when many monsters in the shadows come out to look for food.

If you want to sail at night, a good ship light is definitely a lifesaver.

You absolutely can't save money on this!

Chen Qi directly asked for the latest high-end products.

Waterproof, impact-resistant, and can keep bright in an emergency.

The boat lights inside the houseboat are not expensive, but the boat lights outside the boat cost him 50,000 shells!

He replaced two new propellers, which slightly increased the speed of the boat, costing 30,000 shells.

In addition to other small repairs.

This cost 100,000 shells!

But overall, the money is worth it.

Chen Qi crossed his arms and looked at his small houseboat again.

Under the repair of the boat repairman, this garbage man's small houseboat has been completely renewed.

He now has more than 100,000 in cash.

Chen Qi went to the furniture store and sailing equipment store in Maro Town.

He needed to replace the furniture of the small houseboat.

He purchased a small bed, a small sofa, two new chairs, a fire-making device using special energy, as well as telescopes, music boxes, kerosene lamps, carpets, incense and other small things.

Chen Qi selected all the furniture with the best price-performance ratio, and spent a total of 10,000 shells.


When Chen Qi moved all the furniture to the small houseboat and arranged it, it was almost noon.


In the houseboat, Chen Qi wiped the sweat off his head and looked at his warm new home.

A leather sofa, a good desk, a brand new and bright kitchen, and a dining table.

And a super comfortable and soft new bed.

With the light incense, the whole room looks particularly warm.

Finally, it looks like it can be lived in.

After this effort, it feels good to have a new nest.

Chen Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Bang bang!

“Is anyone there?”

Someone knocked on the boat door.


Chen Qi looked out.

At this moment, An was holding a bag of new things and blinked his blue eyes at him.

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