The Flower Witch paced back and forth on the boat, struggling for a long time:

"A piece of fertile land, I remember my teacher told me that its name is black soil, it is a good place to cultivate medicinal herbs and grow vegetables."

"Black soil?"

Chen Qi was slightly shocked.

The black soil is the masterpiece of the legendary Flower Witch.

He remembered that in the legend, the Flower Witch buried the bodies of 100,000 soldiers here, and it was also a wasteland destroyed by a whale.

Chen Qi spread his hands and said:

"Can we really go to this place? Nothing will happen, right?"

A few thoughtful little flowers appeared on the head of the Flower Witch:

"It should be fine, I lived there in my childhood.

The only danger should be that there are some strange sea beasts in that place."

"Some sea beasts..."

Chen Qi suddenly became energetic and looked at the large area of ​​black on the sea map again.

After all, he is a person who wants to roam this sea.

It's just a dark forbidden place near the sea.

Besides, this is also the home of the Flower Witch.

Let's go!

With curiosity, Chen Qi walked to the control panel and started the boat's engine.


The boat sailed towards the forbidden land.

And just as the boat was sailing away, seven deep-sea elves suddenly ran wildly in the sea.

Damn... Chen Qi touched his forehead, which was a little hot, and almost forgot about the deep-sea elves in the water.

Bang bang bang!

Seven deep-sea elves jumped onto the boat like a man chasing his girlfriend who had left.

"Wow, cry, cry!"

The deep-sea elves made a terrified sound, and they almost thought they were abandoned by their owner.

I do have a fever... Chen Qi picked up a water elf and pinched it.

"What is this?"

A few small yellow flowers appeared on the head of the Flower Witch, and her eyes under the flowers faintly revealed a hint of envy.

Chen Qi touched the deep sea water elf, softly:

"Water elf, my little pet, quite comfortable."

Golden Flower Bird is a kingdom of beasts, and pets should not be rare for the Flower Witch.

Many wealthy families raise cats and dogs in groups.

And the Flower Witch is one of the most nobles in the Kingdom of Golden Flower Bird.

But to Chen Qi's surprise, a sad little blue flower appeared on the head of the Flower Witch, and suddenly she felt that her journey was very sad.

Why do you not only have a boat, but also a little pet?

Many of people's pain comes from comparison.

The Flower Witch swallowed a mouthful of water, tangled for a long time, and coughed twice:

"Can I touch it? I have a unique technique."


The Flower Witch opened her hands. She had the fragrance of flowers on her body, so she always felt that she was quite popular with pets.

But unfortunately, the deep sea water elf trembled a little, was a little scared, and shrank in the corner of the room.

This little guy is quite shy... Chen Qi walked to the control panel:

"If you think the chair is uncomfortable, you can use a water elf as a cushion."


The deep sea water elf was startled.

After Chen Qi finished speaking, he drank another sip of water and concentrated on driving the small houseboat.



The moon set, and the small houseboat floated alone on the sea, and the whole sea seemed particularly quiet.

Under the light of the ship's lamp, the Flower Witch sat on the chair, holding a pestle, and performed the simplest processing of her medicinal materials on the Flower Island.

The deep sea water elf on the side ran away from the Flower Witch's arms and bumped into each other on the bed.

"White mist, whispers in the night."

Chen Qi vigilantly observed the scene outside the ship.

Unlike the previous voyage, the place they were heading to this time was a truly forbidden sea area. If they were a little careless, they might sink into the sea and become a sacrifice to the goddess of the sea.

Now, they were approaching the forbidden black land.

Chen Qi focused his attention.

Unfortunately, the small houseboat only had one crowded room, a simple control panel, and no instruments to observe the surroundings in real time.

Some dark and twisted shadows passed under the boat.

At this time, the Flower Witch stood up and prepared to calm Chen Qi's panic:

"Don't worry, the creature under the boat is Blackbeard, a sea beast that fears light. They dare not approach places with light."

Chen Qi slowed down the boat:

"I will be careful. Should we go to that mouth?"

In front of them was a huge dark island, and a lot of black air spread out from the island, as if it was alive.

On the island, a lot of cracks could be seen, as if a god had chopped it with a bloody axe and broke it into many pieces.

To enter the interior of this dark island, you must go along these narrow cracks and drive in.

The Flower Witch leaned against the boat window and pointed:

"The widest entrance is here, go here.

By the way, Mr. Chef, the next scene is a little scary, but don't be afraid, they won't hurt you."

"What are they?"

Chen Qi suddenly felt a little excited!

Although the sea beasts are scary.

Fortunately, he is also a person who has seen wind and rain, and now even if Godzilla comes, he can remain calm.

The bright small houseboat passed through the narrow crack and moved towards the inside.

And at this moment, Chen Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Above these dark lands, a lot of black gas was rising, and some looming black tentacles were hanging in the water.

Some broken knives can be seen on these black tentacles.

These knives have no signs of decay.

Has anyone been to this place recently? Chen Qi thought to himself.

"Shh, don't worry, black beards are afraid of light. As long as you don't get close to them, they won't move..."

The Flower Witch made a soft sound.

However, to her surprise, she saw the black beard slowly raised and twisted in their direction, trying to get close!

If these black beards were not too short and afraid of light, this small houseboat would have encountered an accident.

"Why? With my strength, it shouldn't be."

The Flower Witch hugged her chest, lowered her head, and fell into deep thought.

She understood something and said in a voice with a bit of motherhood:

"Mr. Chef, black beards will attack weak creatures and use them as food. Your spiritual field is too weak, so they are targeting you.

But don't worry, even if they come together, as long as I am here, they can't hurt a hair."

Weak people will become the hunting targets of black beards like fish.

The Flower Witch patted her chest, like a big sister taking care of her younger brother.

This is the sense of security brought by a powerful extraordinary person!


Chen Qi hesitated.

No, they just came over, probably just wanted to say hello and give him a hug.

Of course, although Blackbeard is very friendly.

But Chen Qi has no interest in the ugly 'Blackbeard'.

Chen Qi has seen many sea beasts now, and has strict requirements for sea beasts.

What he wants to encounter most is the kind of sea beast that can easily and repeatedly fleece.

For example, the ghost fire fish.

If it doesn't work, it must be like the black ship sea dragon, with a higher appearance.

Chen Qi observed for a while, and under the protection of Blackbeard, he could vaguely see some broken weapons.

Not only that, there seemed to be some small sea beasts.

But unfortunately, the Flower Witch is on the boat now, so it's not easy for him to do it.

Under the illumination of the ship's lights, the small houseboat passed through this black beard land and slowly went deep into the island.

Chen Qi stopped the boat.

The entrance of a wormhole appeared in front of him.

It was very similar to the entrance of the E-level rift.

The Flower Witch looked at the door and seemed to see her weak self more than ten years ago.

She had arrived at her home.

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