Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 103: Full version of Amber Mystery

After several rounds of verbal confrontation, the battle between the sorceresses ended in a loss for both sides, at least that's what Victor thought.

The elegance and calmness that Keira and Triss had established in the game collapsed, and each of them added a very secular, or down-to-earth image.

In the game, they were all "good friends" of Geralt, the White Wolf, and good partners who fought against the "Wild Hunt" side by side. They were characters that could form an alliance, so Victor didn't want to make the relationship with any of them awkward, and didn't want to hear some secrets that shouldn't be heard.

Unfortunately, it is well known that when two strong men confront each other, when they find that they can't do anything to each other and have no intention of directly using force, they will move the battlefield to a third party to wrestle.

Feeling four sharp eyes poking at him, Victor closed his eyes with his hands down, folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen, and silently chanted "If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not fall, and he will treat himself as a statue.

Seemingly neutral, but if they really want to decide the winner, then of course they must stand on Triss's side. After all, the two sides have different styles. Keira is a bad woman who spoils the show, while Merigold is completely a kind big sister.

Fortunately, the Rose Knight appeared in time, so he didn't have to make a choice.

"Ahem!" Siegfried's light cough interrupted the suffocating feeling of the coming storm. The boy was a little surprised that he was here too. He had never seen him before.

"Dear ladies, there is information from Nilfgaard. Captain Jaques asked me to invite you two to participate in the meeting. Don't keep the king waiting for a long time." After the knight briefly reported the situation.

Triss and Keira were like pressing a switch button. The sorceress picked up the noble demeanor that a royal advisor should have again. Keira raised her chin and left first, while Triss smiled at Victor and walked out of the garden calmly.

Siegfried, who was at the back of the hall, blinked at Victor and raised a thumbs up. The boy didn't know whether he was referring to the poetry performance or the two sorceresses who were jealous of him in the garden.

Although he knew that the latter was completely fictitious, the gossiping nobles in the distance, such as Shang Pai Li and his two friends, would definitely share this anecdote in this direction.

Late at night, after drinking a tube of Snake Pie Energy Soup and walking through the streets of the trade zone, Victor calmed his thoughts and reflected on everything that happened today, from choosing clothes in the morning to leaving early at night.

The other parts were handled very well, except for the contact with the sorceress, which was not up to standard. Facing Keira Metz's sabotage, he was impulsive. Her behavior was not too malicious, and there was no need to offend her with words.

And Victor thought about it afterwards, and felt that Keira might come to the garden to talk to him, and her attitude was inclined to reconcile. But he found that Triss seemed to have taken the lead, so she would speak with excessive sarcasm.

And how could "Fearless Merigold" tolerate losing face in front of her newly recognized brother, and decisively launched a strong counterattack.

Perhaps this is the truth in the garden tonight.

In short, Victor made no comment on the grievances and hatreds accumulated between the sorceresses. He even reserved his opinion on the fact that they called each other sluts.

After all, he had experienced the propaganda of feminism, and the concept of body autonomy was not strange to him. The sorceresses were just relying on powerful forces to take the lead in the times, and they were still a long way from what the "radical feminists" said and did.

Besides, he was not a pure little white flower, so there was no need to demand too much from others. This kind of tolerance was something that the young man could easily do.

After moving his hands and feet, he continued to walk in the temple area at night.

Suddenly, the familiar path suddenly reminded him of Shani, and then Victor clearly realized that she had really left the city.

If he hadn't invented the stethoscope, would the young lady still be here?

What is she doing now?


The next morning, the front page of the Vizima Morning Post.

"The Voice of the King: Temeria Welcomes the "Return of the Dragonborn""

"Last night at the Autumn Harvest Banquet hosted by Princess Adda, the poet Victor from the far east..."

Smiled with satisfaction, the title on the front page was good, and the content was pertinent. After reading it, I turned to the second page of the morning paper.

"The Man Most Admired by the Sorceress? The Battle for the Dragonborn!"

"According to an unnamed noble, yesterday, during the free time of the banquet, two royal advisors quarreled in the garden over the Dragonborn poet..."

Touching my nose, the title and content were all made up...Continue reading the third page of the morning paper.

《The Dark Knight may be late, but he will definitely come》

"Last night, 'Batman' fought three times in the streets, beating up nineteen hooligans who harassed women at night. It is particularly worth mentioning that he roared 'Ah Da Da Da Da' when he beat the hooligans this time. The author must say that this roar is not as friendly as the last 'Ola Ola Ola'...but..."

Victor, a young boy who was buying vegetables in the market, was somewhat surprised to find that the newspaper Batman had just received was squeezed to the third page. The popularity dropped so quickly! He couldn't even win the second page.

But even so, the first page to the third page were still all about his news. Only the fourth page was left to complete the "full page domination". Dandelion can be said to have done a lot of harm to others.

Then he looked at the title of the fourth page and was speechless.

《Polite! Gentle! All the Dragonborn Poets you want to know are here, a true confession of a woman who scrubs the back in the bathhouse. 》

"I am an ordinary woman working in the downtown 'Desire Thighs'..."

I \u0026 ︿%" ~ "$! What the hell is he doing! Really achieved the "full version domination" achievement! ?

You can vaguely hear the aunt selling vegetables not far away, explaining to the customers how the dragon poet fought with the two sorceresses in a physical and intestinal battle. She described the details vividly, as if she was there, cheering and cheering.

The boy folded the newspaper speechlessly. If it weren't for the fact that there were no true pictures printed in the Middle Ages, this city would really be uninhabitable.

After buying vegetables, he walked back to the street where he lived. Suddenly, not far ahead, he saw the Lily Knight leading a team of people from the opposite direction.

A noble next to him cursed with a green face, and he listened politely but didn't care much. Although the boy felt a little strange, Roderick glanced at him and shook his hand slightly to indicate that he shouldn't say hello to him.

Sensing that something was wrong, Victor, who had passed by, hurried back to his home. Fortunately, Angouleme was fine. He was sitting on the sofa with his eyes squinting and eating an apple. However, the messy arrangement of tables and chairs showed that outsiders had been entertained before.

"Did the Lily Knight just bring people here?"

Seeing Victor coming back, Angouleme jumped up decisively and grabbed the boy to complain as if he had seen a relative: "Captain, that bastard Dandelion ran away! He also stole my 'Amber'!"

Victor was stunned and asked dumbfoundedly: "Huh! He ran away? What happened, why?"

Why would a bard with a bright future run away when he was popular?

"He slept with a count's wife last night. Today, the count personally brought people to kill him. When he ran home to pack up, he asked me if I had a good horse. I didn't want to lend him 'Amber' and said I would give him money to buy it, but I didn't pay attention. He left a note saying that he needed it urgently, so he stole my Amber!"

After listening to Angouleme's angry complaints, Victor stretched out his left hand to cover his face. He felt a sense of absurdity and unreality. He was about to settle accounts with the sober poet today, but he just ran away.

The person who passed by and cursed along the way was probably the "Earl of Environmental Protection". Fortunately, Roderick did not forget the old friendship last night and was willing to give Victor some face. He checked the third floor to confirm that the poet had left and his things were not there. He turned around and took the victim away without saying a word.

"The nobleman was middle-aged, short and fat, with gray hair and beard, and gorgeous clothes. He must be rich. I guess his wife is also young and beautiful. He is the best potential customer of my "Vickers Aphrodisiac."

"Well... that's true... bastard!"

Victor kicked Angouleme with a flying kick, and she turned over and retreated with one hand.

"Don't talk nonsense while I'm thinking about things!"

Apart from the jokes of the girl, there is no "Vickers Aphrodisiac".

Dandelion, this bastard, is simply hard to say. This troublemaker, drunkard, pervert, and fool, although there are still some cute places, but in general, he is a bastard.

It's hard to say what to do with such a friend, and I sighed.

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