Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 116 We have an appointment at the cemetery tonight (Part 2)

Late at night, the bonfire burning in the cemetery can still be seen from a distance in the village.

Wearing iron armor, Victor was sitting in front of the fire meditating, while Angouleme, also wearing armor, was sleeping against the wall in the altar.

Both horses were led away first, but "Teddy" stayed behind, forming a sky-sighting and earth-hearing team with Katherine, so that the girl could relax and not have to be alert all the time.

The new silver sword has not been finished yet. The one Victor is using now is the steel sword that Yuna made before. Although there is no special sword, it is at least much better than the one brought by Vizima. The corpse-eating creature oil is evenly coated on it. On the blade, flat in front of your knees.

It's autumn and the temperature is getting cooler.

"Wick, have you ever encountered the Tomb Witch before?"


"……I do not have either."

"Relax, handle it the right way and it will be over soon."

"You said the same thing last time..."


Suddenly, Kathleen let out a hawk's cry, and Teddy barked wildly, his lungs-piercing scream, and it was inhumane.

Victor opened his eyes and welcomed the arrival of this "beautiful girl" - the Tomb Witch.

The bonfire clearly illuminated her appearance. Considering the misleading introduction of an unscrupulous witcher, the young man was not surprised.

The "long-haired shawl" is actually dirty hemp rope crawling with maggots. "The eyes are big and lively" describes the two golden bulges like frogs.

"Smooth skin" refers to lead-grey hard slippery skin. "Slender fingers" refers to the length of the claws that can easily disembowel a person.

As for "full breasts and half-clothed clothes", if you don't mention it sincerely, you won't be able to eat.

Plague, thank you Mr. Lambert for setting a new model for "beautiful girls". After anyone has seen her, there will be no existence in the world that is not a beautiful girl. Victor dares to say that compared with her, Eskar They can all be called beautiful girls.

"The thief, he stole the skull...my skull! If you want, dig it up yourself..." Her voice was hoarse and her words were a bit unclear.

Standing up with the sword in hand, Victor covered his visor, assumed a stable plow position, and concentrated on the monster in front of him.

A gust of wind blew by, making a rustling sound in the forest.

The Tomb Witch looked at the apprentice witcher. The two sides faced off for a while. She opened her mouth, and with a sudden "bang", Victor leaned back, and his faceplate had been hit by her tongue.

If it weren't for the protection of the iron armor, I would probably have punched a hole in the face with this blow. The monster was faster than expected. Maybe it was the first time I hadn't drank "Blizzard" to hunt demons, and I wasn't used to it yet.

The fire flickered, and her tongue stretched out and retracted, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

The young man wanted to get closer. He took a step forward and his shoulder was shocked. He was poked again. He turned his head and saw that the place where he was hit was slightly dented and blackened. This armor was not easy to sell.

It stretches and retracts very quickly. It is estimated that only a witcher or a blizzard with the kind of extraordinary reflexes that can shoot crossbow arrows can cut off her tongue.

After several rounds of fighting with claws and swords, Victor roughly knew where his strength was. Victor slowly backed up and sighed leisurely: "I didn't want to use this move in the first place!"

Finally waiting for these words, Angoulin, who had been hiding behind the altar, rolled his eyes and prepared to launch the trap.

She couldn't understand why the leader would set this sentence as a codeword. The two of them had been busy here all afternoon just to use this trick, but the activation code was set as "I didn't want to use this trick", which was completely unclear!

So the first thing is the crossbow mechanism. Look at the target, adjust the position, and press the handle with "click!" Angouleme!

A shrill scream rang out, and the crossbow arrow accurately hit the Tomb Witch, penetrating from the chest to the back, bringing out a cloud of blood mist.

After being hit hard, she suddenly exerted her strength in her legs and feet and quickly rushed towards Victor, but the boy who was on guard turned sideways in time to let him pass.

"Bang!" jumped into the pit trap, and the Tomb Witch fell directly from the hay. The bottom of the pit was densely packed with spikes and bear traps, and the sound of the machine's clicking was continuous. The experience made the listener sad and the listener fell. tears.

Taking out a Dancing Heart from the herbal bag, Victor dropped the bomb at the bottom of the trap. Fire was always very effective against corpse-eating creatures.

There was a loud bang, and the flames exploded with howls on the verge of death. As expected of a beautiful girl, she was able to jump out of the hole at this stage, but she was burned and danced wildly in the cemetery.

Holding the weapon high, Victor slashed her sword "frontally" from her shoulder to her waist, then went around her back and aimed at the knee socket, cutting off the tendons horizontally.

Angouleme walked out of the altar just in time to catch up with Victor stepping on the tomb witch's back and trying to make stabbing gestures. Just when he thought that the boy needed his help again, Victor had already stabbed him with his sword, and the back of his head was opened. The forehead crucified the monster.

As Angouleme approached, he heard Victor muttering to himself: "So it's okay for humanoid monsters to be able to talk, but not for humans."

He glanced at the Tomb Witch bleeding all over the ground and asked, "Do you need to collect blood?" The group members knew that the group leader often needed various alchemy materials.

"No! It's not necessary. Her blood is not worth much." The young man drew out his short blade and cut off the monster's ears. The "Crypt Witch's Ears" were pretty good.

"Let's see how our luck is this time." He turned the monster over and opened its chest. Victor used the blade of his knife to draw around and pick it up carefully.

After a while, he picked up a small lump of something indescribable, "Good luck, Tomb Witch's mutation-inducing substance."

Angouleme's face suddenly turned gloomy, "Isn't that right? The witcher wants to inject this thing into his body?"

"Of course it is not eaten raw or injected directly. It must be processed through various scientific methods first."

Angoulin shook his head and didn't want to speak.

Making a face and giving up on explaining, Victor kicked the witch's remains into the grave she dug, and the Phantom Troupe began to clean up the mess in the cemetery.

The sky was twilight, and Victor and Angoulin were holding Teddy. They walked leisurely back to the village with their dog. They saw the village entrance in the distance. The village chief, the gravedigger, and a few bold villagers were already watching there. .

Although the village is far away from the cemetery, the roars and screams from the distance last night could be vaguely heard in the village, so they expected to know the results as soon as possible.

After being stuck in the armor for half a night, Victor no longer looked as glamorous as before. He walked straight in front of them, raised the blood-stained cloth bag in his hand, and opened the wrapping cloth on it.

"Here! It's this monster, doesn't it look good?" When the villagers who seemed bold at first saw the Tomb Witch, they all turned pale and staggered back. The timid ones even rolled and crawled back to the village.

Only the village chief and the gravedigger managed to remain calm. One was well-informed and the other had seen them from afar before, so they did not panic.

Language became pale in front of the "beautiful girl". The village chief weakly took out a pack of Oren, and Angoulaine reached out to take it from the side.

After wrapping the monster's head again and placing it on the ground, Victor didn't think anyone here would dare to take her over.

"Thank you... thank you! Sir." The gravedigger and the village chief said in unison, and their voices sounded somewhat sincere.

"Phantom Troupe, we are not adults, we are the Phantom Troupe, remember that!" Angoulan corrected him carelessly. He had not made any money, so he could not lose his reputation.

The commission is over.

The world temporarily regained peace.

Shaking his head, Victor took steps towards the village.

"Please...please wait a moment," the gravedigger asked in a trembling voice, "Then...where is the kidnapped child?"

Turning his head and scanning the expectant eyes around him, "I found him, but he was in a pot. Do you need a more detailed description?"

Everyone's face turned pale immediately, and the village chief waved his hands in front of his chest, "No... no need, you have said too much."

Victor could feel that compared to before, the village chief, gravedigger or villagers looked at him with a little more flavor now.

It was the smell of fear, fear of witchers, or of the Phantom Troupe.

But after last night's exciting life-and-death fight, these hostile looks were like Lambert once said, "I, Damard, don't care!"

In the blink of an eye, the ten days expired and Fergus's blacksmith shop closed. The Phantom Troupe took Yuna and Fergus with them, a two-horse four-wheel caravan filled with tools and goods, and Victor and Angouleme each rode a horse. , the four people set off to the north.

The route plan is to pass through the ferry bridge, pass through the village of "Moblidale" and go to the border checkpoint.

It is worth mentioning that a few days after they left, a group of ten knights came to Lindenville to look for the blacksmith. It was Baron Wesselard, the ruler of "Crow's Nest" Castle. He heard that Fergus. Due to the reputation of Master Gram, he sent people to invite him, but unfortunately, no one was there.

Happy Labor Day. Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for your monthly and recommended votes. Thanks to book friends Tao Chenggong and Nanxiang Limeng for their rewards and encouragement.

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