Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 124: Angouleme's life in Novi

The temperature in autumn was cool and pleasant. Her long hair slightly covered her eyes. Angouleme combed her bangs back slightly, fixed them with a small hat, and tied them into a ponytail at the back of her head. She was going to go to the barber shop one more time today.

The new leather armor she was wearing was the first order of business after the opening of Fergus's blacksmith shop. As expected, the business was bleak in the first ten days of opening, and only a few of the goods that had been stockpiled in the past had been sold so far.

She put the steel sword on her waist. She and Victor were now using the "Skellig Steel Sword" newly made by Yuna, which weighed about three pounds.

She opened the window of the room and let Catherine rest on her shoulders. The girl leisurely went downstairs and took out some raw meat from the kitchen to feed her partner.

She opened the door and walked to the "second entrance". Unexpectedly, Victor was not working here, but the flame under the cauldron was not extinguished.

She looked out and saw dozens of "Ducats" sinking to the bottom of the pot. It seemed that the leader had only left temporarily. He was probably going to the blacksmith shop in front to communicate with Yuna and would be back soon.

The decoration of the house requires money, the alchemy tools require money, the materials require money, the previous savings have been consumed, and there are two more mouths to feed.

So after the opening of the business, the boy almost cooked money and slept at home every day, and only went out to participate in a salon poetry meeting.

Pulling out the pressed note from the table, this is the item that the leader wrote to the members to go out to purchase, and next to it is a large bag of crowns and a shopping basket. There is a box of potions in the basket, half of which is hangover medicine and half of which is erectile decoction. It must be taken to the consignment alchemist first, and yesterday's payment can be collected by the way.

It was Angouleme who took the initiative to return to the old business, because the profit ratio was too tempting. If it was a potion made by a wizard or other alchemist, the middle class could not afford it at all. Victor's characteristics of cheapness, large quantity, and decent effect accurately grasp the needs of customers.

And after many activities of enforcing justice and slaying demons, the girl now has a sense of accomplishment. As her personality gradually matures, she will no longer sell aphrodisiacs under the banner of the Phantom Troupe.

Opening the door and walking to the blacksmith shop at the first entrance, Victor was there, and he could hear him and Yuna discussing the application of Dimagin.

Angoulême was not an expert in this area. She only knew that the mainstream of high-level weapons was divided into two types: "enchanted weapons" and "anti-magic weapons". Enchanted weapons were spells attached to weapons, producing special effects and additional damage, while anti-magic weapons were made by adding Dimagin, which could interfere with spellcasting and offset the additional effects of enchanted weapons.

I didn't bother them talking, patted Fergus's shoulder and said hello, and walked out of the door with a basket and eagle, and bright clothes and swords.

"Glorious Alley" is a ring-shaped street, divided into an outer circle and an inner circle. The inner circle is the core of the "Rotten Forest". To enter, you must be a subject of the Beggar King or a person who has won recognition. Ordinary residents only live in the outer circle.

The girl didn't really want to care about those complicated things, but the boy never gave up his nagging career. Fortunately, Fergus and Yuna now share the leader's lectures every night.

Such as "The secret to protect yourself in No City.", "How to deal with the temple guards!", "The art of bribery", "Open the window and jump out!" and other combat rules full of victim consciousness.

Accustomed to walking to the "Hatoli Dumpling Shop" and sitting down, Angoulan shouted loudly: "Ebuhar, first give me 20 dumplings, ten chicken, ten potato spinach, no onions!"

This dumpling shop was discovered on the third day after she moved in. The owner is an elf who is good at making "Redanian Dumplings". There are many flavors, and they are all delicious.

"Welcome, Angoulan, your taste is really great." Ebuhar Hatoli, who was busy at the stove, replied sideways.

The girl yawned, "Of course, the customer is always right."

Go to the seasoning area and dig a piece of sour cream, she is going to eat it with dip.

After eating and drinking, Angulan walked around the "Altar of the Eternal Fire". There were stone pavilions everywhere in the city, with flames burning in the center day and night, making Novigrad a city that never sleeps.

Although the girl felt that she was wasting fuel, she would not say it out loud. The leader had warned her in the course that those who accused her of this were not surprisingly "burned".

After handing the small box of potions to the vendor and taking the full bag of crowns, she went to the "His Holiness Square" to buy the items on the small note.

In the most famous market in the world, from exotic spices imported from faraway Zerecania to the simplest nails, almost everything can be bought here. She quickly filled the basket with the items she wanted to buy.

《Beware! There's a liar! 》

"Dear residents of Novigrad! I warn you here that Klaus Fettlin is a liar and a fraud!

The "miracle hair growth formula" he sells is simply the well water from the "Biz District" dyed with clove extract.

The only effect of the potion he sells is to make you run to the toilet to defecate day and night. The above is my tragic personal experience.

If this shameless liar comes to your house, never buy anything from him, tell him to swallow the medicine himself."

-Walker Olinger

Stopping in front of the notice board, looking at this advertisement, Angouleme was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. Then she thought this was a business opportunity, and she should let Victor know that there are many people in this city who need "hair growth potion".

Tearing off the notice, folding it and putting it in her arms, the girl continued to wander around and shop with enough time.

As she walked, Angouleme's eyes suddenly lit up, and she walked briskly into the alchemy shop, because she saw a note posted on the door: "New Arrival: Spinal Fluid of the Fork-tailed Dragon", and that was what Victor had specially designated. Acquisitions.

After paying for the "Fork-tailed Dragon Spinal Fluid" and putting it in the basket, plus the "Flying Lion Monster Venom Gland" that the boy had obtained by delivering a message to Yaiwen earlier, the girl knew that all she needed now was the "tongue of an albino vampire succubus" and he could prepare it. The first version of the Wolf School's "Green Herbal Potion".

Then when he remembered what Victor had said about the "Trial of Green Grass" with a mortality rate of up to 70%, Angoulein suddenly stopped.

Norigaray-Vivaldi Bank, in the splendid hall.

Vimy. Vivaldi, a bald, gray-bearded dwarf who wears tailored and gorgeous clothes, runs his family's Vivaldi Bank into the largest presence in Novigrad.

Noticing Angoulin entering the door, he immediately came forward with a smile on his face: "Oh! My dearest and beautiful Ms. Angoulin, I am very happy to serve you again." He looked behind him and said, "Today Mr. Victor Still not here? I really hope to see him soon."

The girl smiled and replied: "If he hears you say that, he will definitely be very happy. He said that he admires your business skills."

When the gray-bearded dwarf bowed to express his gratitude, his shining bald head made Angoulein even more sure that the hair-growing potion definitely had a future.

"Is it still the same service as before?"

"Yes! All these 'crowns' have been replaced with 'ducats'."

The last stop of the girl's daily schedule is to go to the bank to exchange all the "Crown Silver Eagles" in her shopping balance for triple the number of "Unicorns".

Thank you for your recommendation vote support, collection and message encouragement. Thanks to book friend Tao Chenggong, book friend 20170204191526987, and Nanxiang Limeng for their rewards and encouragement.

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