Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 153 The Hardworking Farmer's Daughter with a Shield

On the Yadkorfu Mountain, there was a faint smell of blood in the cave. Duwakin Victor Corleone was like a diligent old farmer, steadily harvesting materials. After all, a sufficient amount of Dragon's Roar Potion would be a prop for a long time in the future.

Even with Viggy's help, the boy spent most of the day to process all the materials and clear the remaining parts out of the cave.

Then he asked Viggy to run again and lure another group of female sea monsters. As the saying goes, "Since we are here, we should collect more!"

So Svanregi and Archdruid Mia, who came from the mountain after hearing the news, became the second group of lucky listeners and felt the soul-shaking roar coming from the mountain.

Archdruid Mia, who can also be called Mossak, is King Bran's friend and advisor, loyal to the country rather than to himself.

When Victor arrived the day before yesterday, he was not on Little Skellig Island, but on Great Skellig Island, so he did not meet him.

The latest news he got after returning was that the Dragonborn came to the island and tamed the Black King with just his eyes, and Duwak took the initiative to participate in the trial to prove his bravery.

He knew the Black King, that irritable little guy, even he needed to communicate with it before he could control it. It was amazing that someone could convince it with his eyes. Could it be that the Dragonborn was a branch of the Druids?

But now that he heard the roar in person, he stroked his long and beautiful beard with gray and white staggered, and his expression was much more solemn, "Incredible, there is no magical induction, but the effect of shaking the soul is real.

Could it be that the Dragonborn really exist in the world and have the power of dragon roar? It seems that this matter deserves more attention."

Svanregi remained silent, just looking at the direction where the sound came from.

Ermia continued, "Very interesting. I think it is very likely that the Warrior's Road cannot stop this visitor from the far east. I have to go back and talk to your father. Do you want to go with me?"

The King's son shook his head, "No, I'll stay here for a while."

Without saying anything else, the Archdruid patted him on the shoulder, turned around and got on his horse and left.

The druids in the archipelago are different from the stereotypes of druids on the mainland. They not only pay attention to environmental protection and ecological balance, but also act as magic consultants for family patriarchs with their own abilities.

Here, they have political power similar to the "warlocks" on the mainland, and the islanders hate warlocks as much as the mainlanders, but they respect druids very much.

For a long time, druids have been constantly wandering between the families on the island, playing a buffering role in the endless disputes.


After hearing the loud noise in the morning, Angulan put her worries aside. The "Dragon Roar Plan" that Wick mentioned the night before seemed to be going smoothly, so she took Dandelion to stroll around the "Yuliala" port in the afternoon.

Although Dandelion had come to the island earlier and was also sold to King Bran by Sukrus, Victor and Angouleme were warriors and their followers, and they were treated as guests when they landed.

Bards were closer to contract workers. Although they were not slaves, they needed to serve the king for a period of time to show enough respect.

Of course, after the "Return of the Dragonborn", Duwak's friends were promoted and he was now as free as air.

So he was not so familiar with this port either. He enjoyed reading many interesting scenes, including the notice board.

"Ha! Look at this notice, it's really interesting. Will anyone really apply to try this?"

"Seeking a Man"

I hope to have a handsome unmarried man to keep me warm at night. Must be blond, well-proportioned, thick beard, fresh breath, and energetic.


Angoulême glanced at Dandelion coldly, "Tsk, I don't know if anyone will apply, but at least I know you don't meet the qualifications."

Then she poked at the other two notices, "Can you read something useful? These are the ones that are meaningful."

"Old Warriors Are Willing to Go to War"

Young Man:

I am already eighty years old, my hands are weak and my legs are shaking. I am very worried that I will taste the shame of dying in bed. Please let me join your expedition and let me die with dignity. I can still row when the waves are not high, and I have money to cover my part of the expenses at sea.


"Druid's Request"

Children of the Skellige Islands:

When you catch a shark, you cannot just cut off the shark's fins and throw the fish back into the sea. Such waste insults nature and the gods. Any animal killed, whether it is a weasel or a whale, must be used to its full potential, bones and muscles are the same.

—— Ermia

Dandelion felt confused after reading it, "What's the point of these two recruitment papers? I think they are extremely boring. There is no fun in recruiting men, unless you and Victor are going to change your career to fishermen?"

Angoulême shook his head, too lazy to explain the revelation of values ​​and druid beliefs on the notice, not to mention that Ermia is a great druid. What the high-ranking people are concerned about recently is the key points to be tested, although she also has these concepts after Victor's education.

"I am collecting intelligence, I can't be lazy, wait for the leader to come back from the trial, he will ask questions."

When the boy was mentioned, the poet's smile immediately faded a lot, "Are you really so relieved that you never thought he would fail?"

"Relax, he can't fail," Angoulême waved his hand, looking relaxed, "I have walked all the way with him from Vergen, and there is no word failure in his dictionary. He always has a plan.

Even if he encounters a setback or suffers a blow, he has a backup plan, so if you follow him, there will be no hesitation or hesitation. "

Confirming that the girl's smile was genuine, the poet patted his cheek and said, "...That's great. When Geralt fell, I was worried about you, but now it seems that you get along well with him."

"Of course, I am the chief thug of the Phantom Troupe. When it comes to fighting, I am indispensable. The leader of the group respects me very much. Let me tell you..."

"Well done Virgie! What would I do without you? I almost think I can't live without you again."

The rogue in the cave took off his fur hat and scratched his short hair in embarrassment. He rarely heard others praise him so straightforwardly.

Victor's praise is not entirely a joke. His fighting ability is indeed very stable and very good. At least in terms of strength, it far exceeds Angouleme. As for swordsmanship? The young man himself is not yet a master, and many times it still depends on his performance on the spot.

In the second round of sweeping just now, there was a relatively ferocious female siren. After being shocked by the dragon's roar, she didn't faint on the spot, and she still had the energy to pounce on Victor. Fortunately, Weggie stopped her in time, and the two of them worked together to quickly defeat him. She tore into pieces.

The young man is becoming more and more satisfied with this reckless and straightforward Skellige. He is a very qualified follower, loyal and brave. The most important thing is that he is not like the old fritter in Angouleme, who has learned to complain with a smile on his face.

He is still very simple and stays at the level of being a great, bright and correct leader, following him sincerely, and being moved full of emotions. If there is any shortcoming, it is that no matter how broad-minded he is, he is still a man.

And no matter how much she looks like a man, she is still a woman!

After spending a fulfilling afternoon collecting information and shopping in the market, Angouleme did not expect that something unexpected would happen.

"You're a scumbag, a liar, a *dog bastard! How dare you show up here with a little prostitute by your side!"

When the "Daughter of the Shield" waved the hilt of her sword, broke through the crowd at the speed of a buffalo charge, and rushed towards them, Angouleme instantly realized what had happened.

But he was still not as good as Dandelion. The moment he heard the sound, he had already run away without even looking, quickly jumped over baskets of fresh fish and a large clump of kelp, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

So the shield-bearing girl turned to look at the girl, snorting angrily, and Angouleme's back was pressed against the hard wall of a shop.

The Shield Daughter, judging by her clothing, belongs to the Tulsiqu family. In a martial environment like the archipelago, it is not surprising that brave and capable female warriors are born. They are also called Shield Daughters, or Shield Daughters.

Of course, martial arts ladies like this usually have broad shoulders, strong voices, and are not inferior to women. For example, the arms of the one in front of me are probably not thinner than Dandelion’s thighs, so your noble son Arrian had also previously He made a joke about Victor by saying "a shield daughter seeks a son-in-law".

She saw the long sword on her waist and the attire similar to that of the Quite family. She took a deep breath and stepped back to make room, but she did not look away for a moment.

The girl holding the shield pulled out the steel sword, "Pingxiong Xiaochang's wife of the Kuite family, I am Heli. My sword is four feet and two inches long. It is made of meteorite iron. It is called 'Broken Star' ”

Angoulin knew that she had misunderstood, and that she was probably one of Dandelion's girlfriends, but the other party started to curse her with "little changfu", and it made her very unhappy when certain memories were touched upon, and if she was unhappy, she would let him go. The other party is even more unhappy.

So the girl lazily drew her weapon and said, "Tulsiqu's big-legged bitch, I am Angouleme. My sword is four feet long. It is made of black steel and mixed magic gold. It is no worse than yours. Its name is... its name is... …”

The girl was stuck because she didn't have the habit of naming weapons. She suddenly found that "the sword to prevent fleas" was hard to say. She said it as if she was mocking the other person for being a flea. "The sword to fight against Catriona's plague" was even stupider. She also I lacked the quick wit to come up with a name and couldn't think of it at the moment.

The woman opposite suddenly became furious: "Are you looking down on me? You don't even want to say the name of the sword!"

Suddenly, there was an eagle's cry in the air. It was Catherine circling. Angoulin, who felt something in his heart, said loudly, "Golden Eagle!"

After counting the harvest, Victor was satisfied. After three consecutive waves of harvest, the nearby sea area was expected to be peaceful for a long time.

Seeing that it was getting late, "We'll rest here tonight." The young man said.

It was a normal three-day journey. On the first day, they walked very hard because of the first snowfall. They finally arrived at the campsite before dark. Then the next day, they started hunting the Siren again from dawn until now.

It is estimated that even if we walk further up, we will not be able to reach the next campsite, which will only increase our fatigue. It is better to rest early today and recharge our batteries. It is also important to combine work and rest during seven days of activities.

I don’t know what Angoulan is busy with now. He is probably collecting information. Although he inherits the identity of Dragonborn, a lot of information will be useless, but the correct concept must be cultivated, otherwise he will be separated from her in the future, and the girl will not be able to survive independently. Ability is not enough.

After setting up the alchemy workshop again, the surrounding environment was relatively safe tonight, and he knew more about Veggie. The boy decided to live a more comfortable life, continuing the warm cave, delicious pancake soup, and adding an extra bottle of liquor. The beds and quilts were replaced with good bearskins.

... They rushed towards each other again, steel swords collided with each other and sparked sparks. Due to the situation, Angouleme suppressed Heli. Although the shield-bearing girl was a combat professional, the girl's talent was better and she never slacked off.

Although it was suppressed, it was not so easy to win. Both sides still fought fiercely with the clanging of swords.

Not long after, Dandelion's voice rang out, "Stop! Stop! Stop fighting!"

It turned out that he had not run far and found that Heli did not catch up. Thinking that Angouleme might be in danger, he immediately rushed back to save the situation.

But no one on either side paid attention to him. From the beginning of the battle, the bard was no longer important to Heli. She won honor with victory and glory with failure. Only giving up halfway was unacceptable.

"Stop fighting! Stop! Don't fight for me, okay? It's all my fault!"

For Angouleme, there was only one ending. The girl would kick this big ass bitch to the ground with a kick, and then tell her that Dandelion had nothing to do with her.

In the past, Dandelion was accompanied by men. When faced with such a situation, they would just run away separately, and the women rarely made things difficult for the men's gang. But she didn't expect that Angouleme was beside her today. The girl was also wild and started fighting with the other party without explanation, which was exactly in line with the Skellige style.

The poet felt embarrassed and embarrassed. He didn't have enough force to persuade him, and no one paid attention to him with words. In fact, he and Heli had no relationship. They just wrote love letters, which was very pure.

More and more people watched this battle, and there were elders pointing fingers at the children, using the two people in the battle to tell which moves were used well and which moves were not very useful.

This kind of fight rarely resulted in death, and usually the winner was decided by minor injuries, so it was considered an entertainment for "all ages" in the archipelago.

After fighting for a while, Angouleme finally got the chance to block Heli's sword on the periphery, leaving her wide open. After this period of fighting, the girl also felt a little sympathy for her.

So I didn't go too far and didn't force to kick her in the buttocks. I just clenched my right hand into a fist and hit her on the left cheek, knocking her out.

Seeing her defeated posture with her right hand on the ground, Angouleme smiled with satisfaction, and was about to tell her that he had nothing to do with the bard, and it was her misunderstanding.

He Li had already taken the initiative to roar, and her voice was heard far and near: "I lost, you won Angouleme, but I want to remind you that Dandelion is a bastard. He not only wrote love letters to me, but also to several of my sisters. Such a person is not worthy of being liked by a brave lady like you. I rushed out to teach him a lesson. I hope you will pay more attention in the future. That's all I have to say."

After the words were finished, the shield guard He Li picked up the sword and rushed into the crowd without looking back, leaving Angouleme standing there.

Blinking her eyes, she felt that she had won, but she had lost something very important...

Although the ending was very shocking to the girl, in the eyes of the people around her, this was a complete good show. There should be thunderous applause and cheers here, which is what the winner deserves.

So Angouleme, bathed in the applause, suddenly understood why Victor always said that he wanted to beat Dandelion. This guy really deserved a beating. He didn't mean to hurt people, but he pitted you without knowing it.

Finally, the poet still had some loyalty and knew to rush back to dissuade him. The girl sighed and was about to meet him. At this moment, she felt two people approaching from behind. They were not malicious, but their presence was very strong.

Turning around, the first person who came into view was a girl with brown eyes and red hair. She was strong and wore the clothes of the Quit family. Compared with Angouleme's imitations, the other party wore orthodox clothes. The way the shawl was sewn symbolized the direct lineage. This can be seen thanks to Victor's education on the ship.

"I am Caris An Quit, Quit of Great Skellig Island. Hello, brave lady." After introducing herself, she made room for her companion.

Her companion was stronger than her. She wore a broken horn helmet, silver-blue armor and a bear hair cape. That was the shield maiden costume of the Sea Rose family. The gold diamond necklace represented that she was also a priestess of Freya. "Swani An Sinda, from the island of Indalsfair."

Caris continued: "We watched the whole thing from the side and found it very interesting. We didn't expect to meet such an interesting person when we went out together. We all want to meet you. Can we go to the tavern for a drink together?"

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