Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 156 Pre-war field survey and weapon upgrade

Victor was not very interested in the story that happened in Cintra seven years ago. It was all in the past anyway. The country was destroyed, the people were all dead, and he had never seen them.

But for the living, it is unforgettable and will never be forgotten, just like the great druid Irmia, who always remembered her friendship with Queen Calanthe, and it was his unshirkable responsibility to take good care of Ciri.

Or like Crachi of the Quet family, he could not forgive himself for not taking good care of the guests, causing Ciri's mother Princess Pavetta to die at sea, so he made a promise in the name of the family to do his best to help Ciri in this life.

And now, whether Victor is willing or not, as more people know about his relationship with Ciri, these interpersonal legacies will fall on him.

And there is almost no harm. He has neither Ciri's "elder blood" nor her string of "inheritance claims" that can cover more than half of the continent. He is just a "little brother", and no one will plot against him, only people will love him and his dog.

After leaving the tent, Victor greeted Dandelion and Angouleme, and his eyes stayed on Caris and Swani for a moment, nodded, and then walked straight to Old Gunnar.

As the boy walked forward, the noise gradually subsided, and everyone wanted to hear the conversation between Victor and Gunnar.

"The trial doesn't seem as difficult as you said!" This was the Dragonborn's speech.

"You are the first foreigner to complete the trial, but you are stronger than I thought. You are indeed worthy of respect. I will spread your reputation throughout the archipelago." This was Old Gunnar's response.

As the voice fell, cheers rang out around, "Duwak'in! Duwak'in! Duwak'in!"

Raising his hands, the boy responded to the cheers.

After a while, he returned to his friend, "Angoulême, who are these two ladies?"

"Caris. An. Quite, are you the Dragonborn? Nice to meet you!" Without waiting for others to introduce, the little sparrowhawk couldn't wait to stretch out his right hand.

Her little action was exactly the same as the bard's at that time, and the other three people saw it tacitly.

When the two hands intersected, Caris squeezed them tightly and knew that she had met an opponent. No... she was no match for him in terms of strength and was suppressed in an instant.

However, Victor did not go too far and did not hear Dandelion's telepathy - crushing her. Instead, he felt that the other party was holding back and he politely let go.

This level of probing was nothing. After all, she had the capacity of a queen's candidate. It would be strange if she bowed down.

Moreover, the people of the Quet family were all natural allies of hers. Not only was it the oath of her father, Crachi, but Hjalmar and Caris were also Ciri's childhood playmates.

Of course, Victor did not need to say these relationships himself. It would be more natural and credible to wait for the archdruid to tell him.

Then the tall lady next to him also chose to introduce herself, "Duwak'in, I am Swani. An. Sinda."

Facing the daughter of the Sinda family, the boy immediately took a breath of cold air. He did not notice it at first glance, but now he found out that this was a real big muscled girl...

It's too much to say that the female Arnold has that kind of muscle, but the female Stallone is okay. Fortunately, she didn't ask for a handshake, otherwise this level would not be so easy to pass.

After patting her chest to greet her.

"Then, ladies, let me take my leave first and take a rest."


The next day, at the Fist of Fury Arena, Victor in sunglasses and leather armor and his guide Foren, the sharpshooter of the Tuerxiqu family, stood high on the stands to observe the venue.

There were only two of them because their companions had their own places to go. Angouleme and the two princesses went to explore the "Gulf of Wind", Dandelion went to inspect the artillery positions, and as for Viji, he was in the hotel to promote the reputation of the Dragonborn - drinking and bragging until dawn.

The snow was blowing gently on the face, and the wind was noisy.

The boy had a blank expression on his face, and pointed forward, "Follen, don't tell me that's your champion 'Olaf'!"

Looking at the guy showing off his power in the field, the sharpshooter answered as a matter of course: "Yes, he is the champion Olaf of the Fist of Fury!"

Raising his hand and slowly taking off his sunglasses, Victor let out a long breath, "I say... doesn't anyone find that it looks like a bear?

A bear that stands about ten feet tall, weighs more than 1,900 pounds, has sharp teeth and claws, and has full and shiny fur..."

Scratching his cheek, Forlen remained calm, "Of course it looks like a bear, because it is a bear, the largest brown bear with sharp claws in the archipelago, and it has been waiting for a worthy opponent for a long time."

God damn it waited for a long time!

The boy pinched his nose, "Can you tell me which genius put it into the arena and made it the champion?"

"The former champion."

"... Made the staff!"

"Well, what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Without answering the other party's question, the boy continued to ask: "Where is the former champion now?"

"He is in heaven sharing the glory with the ancestors." Foren answered seriously.

Victor rolled his eyes, "Ah... As expected."

"Hand-to-hand combat is a tradition of Skellige, and it is even more of a belief on the island of Little Skellige. Our great ancestor Tyr defeated the giant bear Ingvar naked and obtained this island..."

At night, in the side hall of the Skellige Palace, Victor and his friends lived here, thanking the generous King Bran for providing accommodation.

The dormitory is usually arranged as an alchemy workshop. Victor is sitting in front of the cauldron trying to "inspire" because the Fist of Fury is too tricky. He must come up with a suitable prop to defeat Olaf.

You know, in the world of hand-to-hand combat, weight occupies a very high proportion, if not all.

Take boxing as an example. A minimum of three pounds and a maximum of twenty-five pounds must be divided into a weight class. You can imagine how much advantage you can have in a fight if you are heavier than the opponent.

Victor weighs less than 180 pounds. Facing a giant bear of more than 1,900 pounds, the weight difference of nearly ten times can be said to be irreparable, and the blowing power must penetrate at least eight inches of thickness. Only fat can hurt the other party.

Therefore, even if the second-generation thunder and the second-generation blizzard were used to hit Olaf, it would be nothing more than a small punch on the chest, but with a slap from it, the boy's brain would definitely burst.

Although I really wanted to win in an upright manner, I thought it would be better to cheat anyway. It is incredible that alchemy can produce the strongest power under such forced circumstances.

When he was thinking hard, "I'm back!" The door was pushed open, and Angoulan staggered in, obviously having drunk a lot of wine.

However, she had already told Victor that she no longer wanted to sleep with the two princesses because of the extremely painful experience. From this, it seemed that although she was drunk, she was still conscious.

She dragged a big bag, walked to Victor with a smile, and suddenly opened the bag, "Dang Bang! I brought you a gift!"

"Boom!" The rich sour smell of blood and decay erupted, and the boy was almost knocked down by the stench on the spot. Fortunately, he was well trained and the smell was quite familiar.

He played a prank on the group leader, and the group members laughed happily.

He picked it up casually, "Water Ghost Tongue, Water Ghost Brain, hey, there are even mutagenic substances. Didn't you say we were going to the Bay of Winds today? Where did you get the Water Ghost Set Meal? It's so fresh, it must be freshly cut!"

The girl said proudly, "The Bay of Winds has been in decline for a long time. When we went there, there were about ten black-backed water ghosts there. They were very ferocious, but they didn't bother me. I have corpse-eating creature oil."

Victor nodded. Basically, all the important alchemy products of the boy were backed up to Angouleme. The girl had been looking at them for a long time, and she knew how to use some formulas. The low-grade "corpse-eating bio-oil" only needed dog fat and Dandelion is one of the best sword oils to make.

"Karis and I, as well as Swanee, smeared the sword oil and rushed forward to start fighting, vomit... hiccup... I tell you, the brigade cannot accept Swannie in!"

Suddenly the preface didn't match the postscript, and it seemed that his level of sobriety was limited. Victor smiled and said, "Why? Why can't the brigade accept her?"

"Because she is so powerful, really..., so powerful, yes, if she joins me, she won't be the number one thug. Do you know how powerful she is with that flail?"

Victor shook his head.

"As soon as she waved her weapon, all the monsters were really knocked away. They would die if they hit or touch them. Caris and I each killed more than ten water ghosts, two of them, and the others were all killed by Swaani. , I just rushed over, and just after killing two of them, I looked back and saw that they all fell down. "

The young man raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the princess of the "Sinda" family was really strong, so strong that the girl felt ashamed and felt insecure.

"It's okay, don't think too much. She is a priest of Freya Temple and there is no way she can join us."

After speaking, Victor squatted down and began to do preliminary processing of the alchemy materials before putting them into the herbal bag.

Speaking of which, the last time I made a purchase was in Vizima. After I met Siegfried, I never had the chance to clean up the water ghosts after that.

In the past two days, a lot of water ghost tongue was consumed in order to prepare the killer whale potion through the underground path. It can be said that Angouleme's additions are just the right time. It is difficult for a girl to spend time collecting materials for herself after defeating monsters.

Thinking of this, the boy said: "Thank you for bringing these back for me. Is there anything you want or need me to do for you? How about an extra month's pocket money?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl obviously had a plan and stared at Victor with bright eyes, "I want to change the enchantment!"

She declared loudly, "I want to change the magic on the weapon. Are you kidding me about the 'anti-flea' you attached to me before?

I was too embarrassed to even sign up for a fight two days ago. I am serious about it. The name of this sword is now called "Golden Eagle". I hope to be able to wield it as fast and powerful as Catherine! "

She was a little shaken when she said this, but Victor ignored her and continued to organize the materials.

"If not, at least... help make it look like the Sword of Dawn. Do you know how sad I was when I saw Veggie taking out that sword?

Why are other people's swords so beautiful? My sword can only protect against fleas. I was the one who came first. Why? "

Hearing the complaint in his voice, he looked up at his drunken head and rubbed his chin, "I understand, just keep the sword! I will help you update the enchantment tonight, and I will ensure that your wish is fulfilled."

After sobering up the next day, Angoulin was a little annoyed and felt that he was being arrogant and wanted to go to the group leader to apologize.

But when I came to the door, I found that the boy was hiding in the room without leaving the house. Under the wooden sign of "Victor's Alchemy Workshop" hung "Alchemy in progress!" do not disturb! "There is another wooden sign below "Open the door and it will explode! 》.

In desperation, she had no choice but to move a chair and sit at the door, blocking out Dandelion, who didn't know the seriousness of the matter, the two princesses who wanted to visit, and the king's son Svanrej.

What surprised her was that Victor's alchemy lasted a whole day this time. Not only did it take longer than usual, but in the evening, even the ground around the room had glowing lines. Unknown to Angouleme, What is it, but it feels very powerful.

The watch lasted until the morning of the third day. When she was dozing off, something heavy falling to the ground and a painful wail suddenly came from the room.

Shocked, the girl ignored the ban and hurriedly opened the door and entered the house. She saw the young man throwing himself on the ground, holding his stomach, sweating in pain.

She stepped forward and was about to speak, but Victor spoke first, "I'm fine, it's just that the experiment was too successful."

He rolled over and sat up. After opening a bottle of potion and drinking it, his complexion quickly improved.

Stunned by the sudden surprise, Angoulin didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only find something to say casually: "Foren has arrived and is waiting for you outside."

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, knowing what she was thinking. Victor stood up proudly, grabbed the steel sword and stuffed it into her arms, giving a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, it fully meets your requirements. Your sword is the best now. Veggie's Sword of Dawn can only shine for two hours at most. Prometheus continues to burn and cannot last for one hour. Only your effect is close to permanent. , I don’t even know how long it can last.”

Hearing what the group leader said, the group members had smiles on their faces, but after waving it a few times, she felt there was no difference, "Didn't it make me move faster and as fast as an eagle?"

The young man shook his head violently, "No, no, no, it's not. Your latest request is beyond my capabilities. What I fulfilled was your last request!"

Last request! ? What did I ask for last time?

"Now that you wear this steel sword, you can drive away fleas and rats at the same time and avoid being bitten by them. I named it 'The Sword to Fight the Plague of Catriona. Requiem'."

It can be said that with it, it will be difficult for the plague to get close to you, and the effect lasts for a very long time, almost permanently. "


Angoulin could feel that Victor was not joking, he was serious, but it was doubly hateful because of this.

Why is it that one glows, the other breathes fire, and the one she holds has no special effects!

Unfortunately, before the girl had time to complain, the boy had already walked away and met the waiting Folan, who came to see Victor off to the arena.

The weather was sunny, the "Fist of Fury" had a good view, the audience was packed and the atmosphere was fiery.

It was news three days ago that the Dragonborn passed the "Path of the Brave", so today's battle attracted more attention.

The most distinguished spectators in the audience were naturally King Bran, Queen Bilna, Archdru Ermia, and the head of the Kuite family, Krachi, who were in the center. He came at the invitation of Ermia to prepare. Stop the battle if necessary and save Ciri's brother.

In the second-generation circle next to it, a new heavyweight has been added today, Halma. install. Quit, son of Cratchit and brother of Keris.

Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for your monthly and recommended votes. Thanks to book friend Jiang Yunxian for the reward and encouragement. Thank you for your message of encouragement.

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