Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 161: The Stranger in Alimbion

"When I first came ashore, I thought I was dead this time, but suddenly the mist rose, and then those ghosts suddenly appeared. I squatted on the shore and was scared to death. Fortunately, they all killed the pirates first.

But soon after the pirates died, they started chasing me, so of course I ran! To be honest, I am not bragging. There are few people in Yuliala Port who can outrun me. When there is no place to run, I jumped into the water and dived. Fortunately, they can't swim.

I was one of the first few to pass the underground trail of the Warrior's Road. Of course, I can hold on, but they are not willing to give up. They just float on the water waiting for me...

I didn't dare to stick my head out when I saw the green light above. I held the stone and kept holding it. I held it until I finally couldn't hold it any longer and floated to the surface. I found that they had disappeared since I didn't know when.

This story tells us that we should never give up hope. When you feel desperate, think more and try harder. Maybe you can break free from the desperate situation!"

Excerpt from Zoro's "Give Up Now! The game is over》

The second place in the annual motivational speech of the Tuershiqu family

The last surviving sailor of the Golden Merry, and the four members of the Phantom Troupe, arrived at "Alinbion" in the afternoon of the second day after a day and a half of walking.

According to Viji, this is a quiet little village. He had stayed here for a while before. The most violent conflicts that occurred occasionally were just village women slapping each other or men smashing each other with bottles.

Giving two full bags of crowns to Zoro, Victor asked him to take the money back to Yuriyala Port and distribute it to the families of the dead partners. He was moved to tears and swore on his honor that he would bring back every crown of the money.

Victor now has a little understanding of the oath of the Skellige people, which means to guarantee it with life.

Patting the sailor on the shoulder, the boy asked Viji to take him to the fishing port and arrange a boat to return to the small Skellige Island. Although it is a small port, there are still ships passing through. Then he and Angulan went along the road to the local tavern.

As it is close to the sea, the buildings in Skellige must be strong and durable under the erosion of the sea breeze, so most of them are made of stone. There are dried rabbits and nitrated leather hanging in the courtyards of every household, and bacon hanging on the porch.

When passing by the bulletin board, Victor paused for a moment, and he and Angouleme divided the work to look at half of it, and then asked for directions to find the hotel because there was no sign.

It was afternoon, and I pushed the door into the tavern. The quality of the air inside was okay, not turbid.

Victor was talking to Angouleme about taking time to buy whale meat later. Judging from the advertisement on the notice, the price sold by the whale hunter Klovgard would not be too expensive, so it would be good to buy some to try. In addition, whale oil and whale bones can also be used as alchemical materials.

Suddenly two people blocked the way of the Phantom Troupe.

At a glance, you can tell that they are two people who are here to "make trouble".

The fat, big-eared man on the left, wearing a fur hat, said, "Look who has been washed ashore by the waves? You! Which family are you from?"

This way of asking for details right at the beginning is really rude, without any aesthetic appeal. He turned his head to look at the other person, "I don't have a family, I'm from the mainland."

The man on the right with triangular white eyes, a hooked nose, and a charm hanging around his neck said, "Ha! Then you're dressed like the Quitts! I tell you, only Skellige warriors can come here to drink!"

Tsk! I didn't notice the style of the leather armor. No wonder the eyes along the way were so subtle, because of the territorial dispute on the Great Skellige Island, the Quitts in the north and the Drummonds in the south can be said to be feuds.

In other words, being picked on was partly due to the boy's own negligence.

Thinking of this, Victor exhaled, "Listen, I'm not here to cause trouble──"

White Eyes and Hooked Nose interrupted him: "──Look at this guy, he just spoke louder, just like a stray dog ​​hearing the howl of a wolf, and got scared!"

Fat Head and Big Ears opened his mouth and spit saliva: "Do you want to eat? Get out of the yard and wait for us to throw out the leftovers!"

The young man smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, "Only warriors from Skellige can come to drink, so what are you doing here? You look like a pig farmer, and you are a shepherd!"

White Eyes and Hooked Nose: "Even if you are a shepherd, as long as you are from Skellige, you are a natural warrior!"

Fat Head and Big Ears: "But you definitely don't understand this principle. All people in the mainland kingdom are slaves, born as bastards, who can only flatter in front of their masters and stare with wide eyes waiting for their masters to give you things."

Although they are just two bastards, their faces really make people unhappy from the bottom of their hearts. Victor touched his chin and considered how to teach them a lesson.

"Tiger!" Suddenly, a man stepped forward from behind the young man and punched the hook-nosed man in the nose, knocking him flying and knocking over the table.

Then he blocked the attack of the fat-headed man, punched him in the stomach first, and then punched him in the face, making him bleed from the nose.

The person who did it was Viji, who had sent Sauron to the tavern to meet him.

"You two blind dogs are so arrogant. Do you know who you are talking to? It's the great man you look up to until your neck is broken, two pieces of trash!" He scolded and spit at the fat-headed man mercilessly, and kicked the hook-nosed man with his foot. This evil behavior is worthy of being a rogue.

The sudden riot immediately alarmed other people in the tavern. Although there were few people in the afternoon, there were still a few drinkers who stood up and wanted to go closer to check.

The rogue roared, "Waste! Come here, you cowards, I, Viji Todaroqu, am not afraid of you!"

The drinkers immediately sat back down. The scoundrel Weggie was a well-known lunatic who had gambled his life for honor countless times. If he was provoked, he would really draw his sword and kill someone.

After shouting at the bystanders and kicking him twice, the scoundrel recognized the hooked nose and fat head and big ears, and taunted loudly: "Ha! It turns out it's you two losers, Corey and Cloki, you two bastard brothers. Don’t you recognize me, Weggie?”

Judging from the timid appearance of the two brothers, it was obvious that they had been severely punished before. At this time, there was no trace of the arrogance of before. Victor shook his head. Sometimes, it can only be said that evil people will be punished by evil people.

"Boom! Boom!" There was a sound of footsteps, and someone approached from the side, "Weiji, is it you again, here again looking for trouble?"

He thought he was the same as the two guys on the ground, but to the boy's surprise, he turned around and found that the speaker was about thirty years old, wearing a bear-hair coat, with a dignified and solemn appearance, and his face showed that he was a positive person. The only funny thing was his Hairstyle──Sky Cannon.

"Bah! Geronde, don't talk nonsense. They blocked the road first and caused trouble. I was just defending myself." What's even more subtle is that when facing this person, Weiji did not punch him, but was willing to explain.

"Okay, but beating up herdsmen in the countryside is not considered the behavior of a warrior, and you," Jerlonde said earnestly to the two people on the ground: "Refuse to take in the travelers will only reveal your own despicability, and will also make the family Shame on you, didn’t your dad teach you these principles?”

The hooked nose and the fat man stood up with their noses covered, and yelled at the cannon, "Shit, Gerond, if you dare to mention my dad one more time, I will stuff you into a bucket!"

Then they glanced at Victor, perhaps wanting to say something harsh, but after seeing Weggie's "still unfinished" look in his eyes, they stumbled out of the tavern.

"Jeronde, the only decent guy in Alinbion." Weggie introduced the sky cannon to the young man.

Then he continued: "The hero I am following now is Duwakin of the Phantom Troupe, Lord Victor Corleone."

Hearing the title, Soaring Cannon showed a surprised look on his face and bowed, "It's actually the Dragonborn. Victor has come to Alinbion. Gerond, son of Sigford, greets you."

The young man stroked his chest and returned the greeting, "Hello, Geronde, I would like to know if you are a member of the village elders' meeting?"

"Yes, youngest, what's the matter?"

"Please buy me a drink. We can't just stand here with thirsty mouths. I have something to tell you about the Edberg Lighthouse."

"…My pleasure."

After informing him about the lighthouse and showing him the evidence, Sky Cannon thanked him readily and expressed that he would soon select someone to guard the lighthouse again.

Geronde is indeed a good guy. When Weegee was causing trouble here, we had a fist-to-heart fight with him.

Moreover, he is generous, sincere and kind-hearted, making him a good conversation partner. From his mouth, the boy learned many secrets and interesting stories about the islands.

After drinking until the evening, only Victor, Geronde, and the owner of the tavern were left in the tavern. Angoulan went back to his room to rest first, while Weggie went to the toilet.

While laughing loudly, Soaring Cannon raised the wine glass to his lips, and suddenly asked in confusion, "Weiji seems to have been away for a long time?"

After being reminded by Geronde, Victor immediately sensed something was wrong. The scoundrel had left several times before, but he had never left the table for so long.

At the same time as the young man put down his glass, there were shouts of exclamation from outside, "It's killing people! It's killing people! The scoundrel Weiji is killing people!"

Victor and Geronde looked at each other, and both saw something fishy in each other's eyes. They threw away their drinks and rushed out of the door, running towards the place where the shout came from.

Starting from Alymbion and going south, it all belongs to the territory of the Drummond family. Unlike the Turchiqu or Quite families, they did not directly name the largest port "Heimstein" as their capital.

Instead, "Kelmule" was rebuilt on the high mountain beside Heimstein Port. Although this winding castle is not as magnificent as Keldrö, it is equally difficult to attack.

Two days after the murder of Weegee, in the luxurious guest house in Kelmuray, Victor, Angouleme and Geronde were discussing how to rescue him from the cell.

On that bloody night, the only certain truth is that Weegee hacked "Corey and Cloki" to death in the alley, and was soon discovered, and then the village guards surrounded and arrested him.

Corey has a fat head and big ears, and Cloki has a white-eyed hawk with a hooked nose.

However, the cause of what happened became Rashomon. There are currently two theories. According to Weggie, when he went to the toilet, Corey and Cloki provoked him, lured him into the alley, and jumped out instantly. Four or five people wanted to surround him and kill him, but after he killed the two brothers, the others fled in fear and shouted that he was the murderer.

The other statement is simpler, that is, Weggie met Corey and Cloki in an alley, and when they disagreed, he drew his sword and killed them. This is also a statement recognized by most residents of Alimbion.

Although there should theoretically be many witnesses, most of them said they were "drunk" or "couldn't see clearly in the dark," so no one could prove Weegee's innocence.

The scoundrel is now imprisoned in Kelmuray's cell, and it will be up to the Lord of the Drummond family, "Mad Lugo", to decide whether he is guilty or not.

Jeronde shook his head, "Sorry, I tried my best, but the father of the brothers, "Leif", is also a member of the Council of Elders, even more senior than me, so no villager is willing to stand up and testify for Weiji."

Angoulême bit her lower lip, "What Viji said must be true. It was obviously those two bastards who came to provoke him and wanted to plot against him."

"But we have no evidence." Gerrond looked helpless.

Angoulême said dissatisfiedly: "We have lived here for so long, and Madman Lugo still refused to see us. Now that Liv is complaining to him again. Are you sure your lord can make a fair judgment?"

Gerrond smiled bitterly at Angouleme's questioning. The recognized nickname "Madman Lugo" has already explained a lot of things. The lord's duty is to convince the people, but it does not necessarily require justice.

Victor next to him did not participate in the conversation, but sat in a comfortable chair to reflect. Since following the arrested Viji here, Lugo has not seen them on the grounds of being busy with affairs. Even if he took out the Dragonborn certificate given by King Bran, it was useless. They were treated with good food and drink, but no one paid attention.

The boy was wondering what was going on? What was this lord called Madman Lugo thinking? Until a certain idea suddenly crossed his mind.

Maybe Lugo was waiting for a price? Is there something that he needs the help of the Dragonborn, but he doesn't want to be at a disadvantage, so he wants to use this incident to do favors for himself.

From this perspective, the delay of these few days is easy to understand. Only by making Duwakin feel urgent, his favor will be more valuable.

The boy felt that this possibility was very high, so he asked: "Jerrond, you said that the lord is talking to Liv now?"

"Uh... yes, I just saw him walk in."

Victor nodded, "Okay, I'll inform the madman Lugo, I also want to join the conversation, it's time to end this temptation and face each other directly."

Jerrond was puzzled: "How do you want to inform the lord?... You don't want to break in, do you? This is the core of the Drummond family, you can't get yourself trapped."

The boy waved his hand, "Of course not! I am Duwakin. The last Dragonborn, how can I do such a reckless act of forcing in? Of course, I have to use my unique skills to inform him."

Then Gerrond watched Victor walk to the window and face the direction of the lord's fortress, which was a magnificent building with gray exterior walls.

Taking out the Dragon Roar Potion from the herbal bag, the boy drank it gulply.

He took a deep breath.

Angulan decisively covered his ears.


Thank you for subscribing, and thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you to the book friends Hall Lord, Tao Chenggong, Hua Huo Yi Mie, Sam Jun Pangpang, who is still sleeping late, and the son who was cheated by his father for the rewards and encouragement. Thank you for the encouragement in the message.

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