Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 174 The King is Dead, but His Virtue Lives On (Part 2)

After passing the city gate guards, the first person I saw was King Bran's widow Bilna. She and her son Svanrej. install. Tulsiqu was communicating with visiting guests at the door.

After sending the person she was talking to away, Bilna saw the Phantom Troupe and her group and nodded slightly to Victor.

The young man stepped forward and bowed in return, "Princess, please give me my condolences," and then greeted the silent Svanridge.

Gently wiping the corners of her eyes with a silk scarf, Bierna replied softly: "I am not the princess, I am the empress dowager now. I am very happy to see you Victor again. Unfortunately, on today's occasion, I can't interact with the slow people like I usually do." Sorry for the slow chat.”

Victor raised his eyebrows, "As far as I know, the Queen Mother means that her son is the king. Svenridge has not succeeded yet? So please allow me to continue to call you Princess, or King Bran's Widow."

A cold wind blew across the Keldrok Bridge.

She looked at the young man with deep eyes, and he smiled politely. Then she made a gesture with a calm face, "Please come in!"

Bowing again, Victor walked into the castle.

He didn't care about Bilna's subtle hostility, because she was focused on promoting Svenrej to become the king, and she would definitely have no time to talk to him before she succeeded.

Here’s a spoiler for “Prophet Corleone”’s past life.

The greatest fear of all things is comparison. The Castle of Keldra is more magnificent and magnificent than the palace of the Tulsi Qu family, and even compared to Vizima. Thinking about the lords of "Dimen" and "Haimei", they are both Still living in the longhouse.

Overseas trade is harmful... In this corridor alone, there are no less than thirty symmetrical and decorative full-body armors. The Kuite family is really luxurious and corrupt, not at all hard and simple.

Entering the spacious banquet hall, the candle-lit space can accommodate hundreds of people for social activities. The delicacies are served at discounted prices, which proves the prosperity and glory of this generation of the Quite family.

A man in his fifties with exquisite clothing and neat beard came forward and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Victor, Ms. Angouleme, and Virgie. I am Arnwald, the butler of the Quint family. I have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time, and it is an honor to meet young Duwaqin.”

"Nice to meet you too, Arnwald. Look around, there are so many people here."

"Everyone is here to say goodbye to the king and see who is vying for the throne."

"...You know I have a date with Cratchit."

"The lord will be here soon. He has reserved a seat for you at the main table, right next to his daughter Caris. Please follow me." Ya'anhuade leaned forward and answered.

The young man waved his hand sideways, indicating that Weggie could move freely. He nodded happily and went to find friends he knew to have a drink with him.

Soon Victor was led to a table full of second-generation people. Except for Svenridge and Hjalmar, the other two were Siwani and Otrig from Haimei, Harbjorn from Dimen, and Drummond. Alan of , and Keris of Kuite are both here.

Seeing the little Sparrowhawk and Swannie, Angoulin happily sat down next to the two good sisters, hugging each other and enjoying the blessings of being together.

Victor didn't care that his position was taken away, and patted Alan's shoulder casually. Lugo looked up, and immediately happily pushed Habjorn aside, welcoming the Dragonborn to sit on the bench.

Although after asking about the situation after the funeral, she already knew that everyone at the table knew Victor, but Caris still frowned slightly when she noticed that the young man was familiar with others and interacted with others.

She took the initiative to guide the conversation, "Welcome, Wick, we were talking about ideals before you came. Do you know what the dreams of everyone at this table are?"

Seeing Victor shaking his head, she continued: "Just sit in Bran's seat! Look at them, they all look the same, full of glory and achievements."

Habjorn raised the wine glass and toasted the dragonborn, "Karis is jealous because the one with the best performance among us will succeed to the throne."

"Who doesn't know that those achievements are just for good looks? Our father will decide who will inherit the throne. Otherwise, what do you think they were talking to Cratchit just now?" Little Sparrowhawk retorted dissatisfied.

Alan Lugo yawned: "You say that because your physical strength and skills are inferior to others. Remember that time Halma challenged everyone to see who could rush up the mountain the fastest? You didn't participate either. When he said When the ax was driven into the tree stump on the top of the mountain to declare victory, you were still roasting your skin and bones by the fire. "

Caris, who was ridiculed, suddenly turned red, and the veins on her forehead popped out, and she argued, "I was not feeling well at the time...woman!... Can being unwell be considered a loss? Why don't we compete again?" Once! I am willing to challenge each of you, including Duwakein. If I reach the top of the mountain before him, it will definitely be considered a feat. How about a competition?"

Alan Lugo shrugged his shoulders, "I know you are not willing to give in. Yes, if the Dragonborn participates, I will participate."

Glancing at the puffed-up Caris, and adhering to the confidence of a Vizima Road Runner, Victor rubbed his nose and said, "It's better not to, I don't feel very well today, and there's no point in competing with me in mountain climbing and rock climbing. "

When she was declined, she glared at the boy fiercely.

Knocking her fist on the table, Swaney spoke up to smooth things over: "Little Sparrowhawk, don't be like this. I'm letting you. He is the one who crosses the path of the warrior. It will be difficult for any of us to win. Enough chatting, let's continue drinking. ”

Victor smiled, picked up his wine glass and served him for a while.

Otrig was particularly happy. He had long wanted to have a good chat with the Dragonborn, but he had never had the chance in the past.

After a short and pleasant time, Victor decided to talk to Ermia first, leaving Angouleme to continue socializing. He had a feeling that if King Bran's death was not caused by a heart attack, the archdruid must know the truth.

However, after passing through the crowd, he first met two lords, Dona Sindha and Madman Lugo, who seemed to be arguing.

Noticing that Lugo was drunk and his eyes were bloodshot, and the other bystanders around him seemed to be not of high status enough to intervene, and both sides were lords who had dealt with each other, the young man thought about it and stepped forward to dissuade him.

"Hey! Lord Sindha, don't be so excited. There is no point in arguing with a madman."

"Ha, calling Lugo a madman is simply an insult to a real madman. He is just an ordinary bastard."

"Listen to you fart! If you dare to call me a bastard again, I will chop off your head, stick it on a pole, and then urinate on the hole in your neck."

"Very good, let's solve this matter now!" Although Lord Sindha is old, he has rolled up his sleeves and rubbed his hands.

Lugo sarcastically replied, "Hahaha, I'm so scared that I'm shitting. It's better not to force yourself. I'm afraid you'll fall and break your bones."

"Forget it, both of you. At a time like today, why don't you stay calm? Besides, you're all under the roof of the Quete family, so you should respect the host."

"Of course I understand these sacred traditions, but Lugo should know that I can't let him threaten me - plunder my Indarsfair Island."

"Dona, you can't scare anyone. I'll soon have sex with your priestess, drink up your wine, and then shit on your table. Remember to light a candle for me!"

Victor patted his forehead. This madman is really crazy and dares to say anything. "I believe that the Emperor of Nilfgaard will be very happy to hear that you two are not getting along."

The effect was immediate. The two people who were arguing just now turned their spearheads and looked at the young man when they mentioned the man in black.

"I am waiting for His Majesty the Emperor to come at any time." Lugo cursed.

Dona also raised his chin: "Let him come over! We are not afraid of the black-clad men."

"Plundering the coastal provinces is one thing, and going to war with the empire is another. In any case, I am glad that both of you have not forgotten what is really important."

He signaled the people around him with his eyes and quickly pulled the two lords apart. Victor bowed and left. He noticed that the great druid Ermia was not far away. It was obvious that if he had not persuaded them just now, he would intervene to mediate.

Raising his left hand, the boy made an invitation gesture.


Following Ermia's footsteps, turning around a few corridors and stepping into his room, Victor looked at the furnishings curiously. The wonderful spells of the druids can be seen from the crow guarding in front of the door.

There are reindeer specimens, mysterious statues, ouroboros masks of unknown purpose, and druid rings in the room... The boy has seen this magic circle pattern in a book.

A cup of hot milk was handed over, and Victor took it with a smile.

"So, kid, what do you want to talk to me about?" Ermia was calm and friendly.

Having organized his words, the young man said with a serious expression: "...Excuse me for being blunt, King Bran should not have a heart disease." Observing that the smile on the druid's face had faded a little, "Based on my observations when we parted last time, I can guarantee as an alchemist that he does not have a heart disease, and he should even be active for many years."

After saying this, he did not continue, because with the close relationship between the archdruid and him, and the Dragonborn's actions in Skellige, as long as it was not top secret, Ermia had no reason to hide it from Victor.

Sure enough, after staring at Duvak'in for a moment, the druid sighed, stood up and walked to the cupboard, cast a spell to unlock the seal, and waved for the young man to come over.

Victor walked closer and saw the item that Ermia took out from the maze, but he couldn't believe his eyes.

That thing shocked his mind and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

I seemed to hear the thunder and lightning outside the window when I handed it to Aunt Nenneke that day. It turned into the deep and rich voice of the druid: "Judging from your reaction, you really know this. That's right, the secret of Meliteli, the strongest erectile agent in the continent for a hundred years!" The young man spoke hoarsely, word by word: "Megatron..."

After walking out of the room, Victor looked a little dazed. He didn't expect that the answer he was looking for was always in front of him. The person who messed up the plot and undermined the prophet was actually himself.

Indeed, Ermia had mentioned the answer indirectly in the last conversation. A druid went to the Meliteli Temple to request medicine. What other potion could compare to "Megatron"?

The matter was extremely simple. King Bran was about to have a stroke. Megatron had tested it and it was naturally fine, but it was not nice to say that to the outside world, so he said it was a heart attack. Fortunately, it happened when he was doing things with Birna, otherwise the young lover would have to take the blame.

But then again, who would have thought that the formula that was originally made just to deal with Thales would eventually lead to such an impact, so it is wrong to abuse drugs.

His mind was full of imagination, and his feet were walking at will, and then the boy saw the little sparrowhawk, standing not far away with his hands behind his back.

Their eyes met, and she walked step by step to him. There was no one around, and she was very close, so close that Victor could see himself in her pupils.

"Tell me, is the story you told that day true?"

"Uh... story, hot springs... you said Queen Victoria? It's true."

"... Very good, I won't lose, I won't admit defeat!"

After saying that, the little sparrowhawk turned and ran away, leaving the boy stunned in place, thinking.


When Victor returned to the hall, the banquet was eerily quiet. It turned out to be someone he knew. Freya's priestess Joesta was leading everyone in the final prayer, which had obviously been going on for some time. "...Listen carefully to my words. The most heroic act in the world is to fight the beasts cursed by the gods. There is no better way to serve the goddess than this."

After saying this, she bowed slightly and walked away.

Then Crachie. Quite came to the center of the hall and said: "In accordance with the will of the goddess, we sincerely thank you and keep it in mind. Let's get started! We have seen Bran off, and now we must choose his successor!

The king must be wise, respected, and courageous. We have no shortage of such men. Those who think they are qualified to inherit the throne of the Skellige Islands, come to me!"

It seemed familiar, and his heartbeat accelerated. The boy took a deep breath and suddenly realized that he was witnessing history. The scene before his eyes was the real six heroes competing for the throne - the king's gamble.

Svanregi was the first to come out and walk to the long table in front of Krach, and put down his steel sword with a bang. Victor noticed that when he went back, Birna reached out to comfort Svanregi.

Then came Otrig of Heime, Alan Lugo of Drummond, and Habjorn of Dimen, who put down their long swords one after another. Then, Halma, who had not met at the dinner, also came out and put down his axe.

Victor's eyes were clear, and he remembered Caris's question just now, so he knew what would happen next. He easily found her in the crowd. Swani and Angulan stood beside her, holding the daggers in both hands, and seemed a little hesitant.

Looking at each other from a distance, he looked at her, she looked at him, and he clenched his fist to encourage her,

"Fly! Little sparrow hawk, go and meet your destiny!"

In the field, seeing that everyone who should appear had appeared, Krach coughed lightly and prepared to speak, but at this moment, in the eyes of everyone who was puzzled or puzzled, Caris strode out of the line and walked to the long table and put down her dagger.

As we all know, in the long history of Skellige, there has never been a precedent of a queen, but then again, it has never been said that women cannot participate in the king election. Originally, Hjalmar was the most powerful candidate for the king, but after the little sparrowhawk came out to compete, it was like a fight between the brothers and sisters of the Quet family.

The above facts made Krach a little embarrassed, but after all, he had experienced the storm, and after observing that no one else was coming out, he still announced loudly and majestically: "The candidate for the king has appeared! May the strongest man,... or woman win!"

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