Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 178: Flame Strike Honeycomb Mighty

[Name: Flame Strike]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Attack power: strong]

[Feature: Attack bonus]

[Enchanting: Flame Paint]

[Note: Ah! Brother, it feels so hot! 】

[Name: Sword of Dawn]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Attack power: strong]

[Feature: Increase sharpness]

[Enchanting: Lighting Paint]

[Note: May the Force be with you]

"Don't be afraid, sir. If you cooperate, I won't do anything to you again. I have a lot to say to you, but not now."

Wolfgang, a well-known murderer, robber, and rapist who was born on the island of Spiker, is currently lying on the ground suffering from severe pain, because his right leg below the knee has said goodbye to his body.

Tears and snot gushed out, soaking his beard. He begged for help on the ground, but Victor ignored him at all. After speaking, he just picked up his sword and chased away to ensure that no one could escape.

Tonight, the branch of the Giant Crusade headed by Wolfgang stayed at the workers' longhouse on the coast of North Cape. The shipyard of Udvik Island is located here, and there is plenty of wood to keep out the cold and keep warm.

On a dark and windy murderous night, after a sudden attack and easily killing the subordinates who were not his own, he led twenty of his subordinates to deal with the two travelers behind him. He felt that he had a great advantage and carried out a sneak attack.

But to his surprise, the Phantom Troupe seemed to be well prepared. They wore masks on their faces and threw two balls at them, and then a terrifying stench erupted.

The "Devil's Dust" that was once so powerful in Tothheim once again proved its extremely powerful ability to control the field. Twenty-one pirates instantly lost their will to fight, and then there was a one-sided massacre.

So at this moment, he felt extremely regretful. His strong desire to survive forced him to bandage the wound painfully to stop the bleeding.

Then he saw not far away, his men were dragged back one by one by the teenager, ignoring their wails and screams, and wiped bright red streaks on the white snow covering the ground.

Wolfgang was shocked by this cold-bloodedness and could not understand why the young man did this. Rather than being dragged and tortured like this, he would rather die.

Then he saw two of the travelers' followers stabbing and hacking to death the injured men who had been dragged back with sword after sword.

His body was cold and he still wanted to live...

When he was finally the only one left, the entourage came over with swords in hand. The leader of the travelers smiled, "Thank you for your hard work, Veggie. As the victors, we now have room to be angry and empathic!"

Then he squatted down and patted Wolfgang's face through his gloves, "Now, sir, can you tell me why you attacked us?

If you insist on not talking, there are many ways in the world that can make your death slow, long and painful.

Of course that would be time-consuming and cruel, so Mr. Wolfgang, would you like to save us time and come clean? "

"...Wait a minute, I said...I'll tell you everything, but you have to promise to let me live!" The pirate stammered his conditions.

There were four shallow knife marks, and a smile appeared on the young traveler's face, "Don't worry, I promise, I won't kill you."

Whoever sheds human blood, his blood will be shed by others.

──"Holy Book·Genesis·9:6"

While the blood was flowing on the coast of North Cape, walking south from the shipyard, about two days away in the mountains, there was an oval red gem abandoned in the grass. If you look closely at the pattern, you can find that it is actually a "magic mark" .

The so-called "spell mark" is when the caster engraves his own mana fluctuations on the gemstone. Its uniqueness can not only be used as a token, but the warlock can also hand it over to others to take it to a distance, and then use the mark as a location to open it. Remote portal.

Although the use of this kind of mark is very convenient, it is actually very limited, because as a spell mark item, there is no way to cover up the magic fluctuations it dissipates, so there are almost ways to detect it in slightly heavily guarded places. It greatly limits the scope of use of the mark, but naturally no one will notice it in this barren mountain.

So there was a loud sound at this moment, using it as a positioning mark, the light golden portal opened, and a man and a woman walked out of it.

The red scarf wrapped her golden hair. The beautiful woman closed the portal with her palms clasped together and raised her skirt slightly to prevent grass clippings from getting on her gorgeous evening dress.

The other man with a high forehead, a neatly trimmed goatee, and a noble hunting suit seemed not used to the portal. He was slightly dizzy and his steps were unsteady.

"You actually don't have to force it, I can solve it myself."

"Oh no, I have to come here in person, because I want to make sure that everything is under the control of His Majesty the Emperor."

Viscount of the Nilfgaardian Empire. Vatier de Lidoux waved his hand to thank the sorceress Ashley V. Anahim for her concern, walked to the edge of the cliff, and observed the giant subjugation group at the foot of the mountain from a high position.

At a glance, the camp is divided into two parts. One is backed by the mountain wall and is adjacent to the water intake area. Two long boats serve as the shelter foundation, and the earth, stone and wood collected around it solidify the defense. Halma's leadership is indeed very good.

The construction of the other camp was quite different. Not only was it far away from the water intake area, but there were no protective facilities in place. It only had a long boat against the mountain wall to block the wind, and a few thick tents were randomly put up to live in.

After pondering for a moment, Vatir said: "Respectable lady, please cast a spell to attract the surrounding wild monsters to attack them, especially the female sea monster, and then wait for Halma to blow the horn of the horn wall beast, and then we will trigger an avalanche."

Aishile raised the corner of her mouth: "Viscount Lidox, don't you have your men down there? Are you so cruel to kill them all together?"

Vatir turned his head, his eyes were cold, and his neat goatee was meticulous.

"They are not my men. Nilfgaard's hand cannot be exposed, otherwise the Skellige people who are still fighting among themselves will immediately turn against each other and unite to face the outside world.

I forged letters in the name of their respective families to make them do such a betrayal. Hjalmar must die at the hands of monsters or fall in family infighting. There must not be any connection with the empire.

Once Nilfgaard's assassination of the royal family is exposed, Skellige's harassment will immediately turn into a full-scale war, and we are unwilling to accept this consequence.

Since the demise of Cintra seven years ago and the death of Bran's brother East on the battlefield, the archipelago has continued to harass the coastal provinces for seven years. This kind of undying enemy is used to divide the enemy. The most efficient way is to let them kill each other. "

Taking out the spell materials from the roll at her waist, the sorceress began to arrange them, her lace skirt swaying in the wind, "Okay, as you wish, wise viscount, what's next?"

"After we finish these, we will leave, creating a trend of Hjalmar's failure, and leave the rest to the internal fighting of the Skellige people. Excessive involvement may leave traces, which will only be counterproductive.

Don't worry about the follow-up. I instructed the Maki brothers to deliberately quarrel with Hjalmar and set up camp separately for this moment. What we want to weaken now is the main force in his hands, the more solid camp. "


There is no problem that cannot be solved by a carefully planned assassination.

-Vatiel de Lidoux


The next morning, Victor woke up from a deep sleep, the air was cold and fresh, Victor took out the roasted potato cubes from the embers of the fire, took the snake pie energy soup as a breakfast drink, kicked Viggie awake, and threw a bottle to him, then the two quickly finished eating, packed their bags and started to move forward.

When leaving the shipyard, you can see that the strong fortress door that was several people tall was smashed open, and half of the huge door panel fell to the ground. It can be seen that the force of breaking the door was so great that the ice giant was estimated to be at least sixteen feet tall.

After drinking the tawny owl to ensure endurance, the two of them, led by the rogue, walked southward up the mountain.

This road is longer, but also relatively flat, wide and easy to walk. Looking down from the sky, the entire snowfield extends forward, and the occasional two lines of footprints are quickly submerged by the newly fallen snow.

While walking, Victor suddenly remembered that the original purpose of coming to Skellige, the main purpose of punishing pirates and saving girls has been achieved, and the secondary purpose of collecting forging tools is just on this island.

"Viji, do you know where the Toda Luoqu family foundry is? I heard it was in a cave or dug out from the rock wall?"

"Of course I know, the captain is right, from Uskar to the southeast up the mountain, set off early in the morning, and those who walk fast can arrive at night.

I didn't expect you to have heard of our family foundry, you really have a good eye, the armor we cast is the best in the archipelago, and of course our sword forging skills are not bad, all of them are fine products comparable to dwarf craftsmanship!"

The boy said casually: "The sword core is soft, using a multi-layer casting method, with a hard steel outer layer?"

"Captain, how do you know? That's the secret of the Toda Luoqu family!?" The rogue was shocked.

"Not only do I have a few dwarf friends in Vergen, I also hired a forging master in Novigrad. She is also from Skellige. I don't know if you know her. Her name is Yuna."

"Yuna!? I haven't heard of this name. But to be honest, even if the casting method is the same, the quality of the ore produced in Udvik Island is still the best."

"Thank you for your reminder. I will remember to stock up more ore."

Just as he finished speaking, there was a rustling sound in the snow. Victor caught a glimpse of a flashing afterimage and immediately stopped to take out the potion from the herbal bag. Obviously, Vicky also saw it and drew his sword directly.

"Even if the giant can be solved this time, the troubles in Udvik Island may have just begun. Even the scum like "evil ghosts" dare to approach the road. Ton ton ton," uncorked the bottle, Victor drank half of the golden oriole, and handed the other half to Vicky, "Golden Oriole potion, which can increase toxin resistance."

He took the potion and drank it without hesitation. The rogue saw shadows in front of him, and the evil ghosts kept coming out of the ground. He knew that what the boy said was right. This situation was very abnormal.

The evil ghosts were originally small deformed creatures in remote areas. They should live in dark woods, wet gullies or dark valleys. They appeared near the road, which meant that the original order was destroyed.

Then his pupils dilated, because there were not only more than 20 evil ghosts on the opposite side, but also a particularly strong and huge "evil ghost chief".

The evil ghost chief - a high-level existence with more wisdom among the evil ghosts. He would use red soil to mark his face and could give orders to turn a group of scattered soldiers into a force. Therefore, when fighting against evil ghosts, the chief must be eliminated first.

And Victor would certainly not ignore such a cool existence as him. He took out the treasure from the herbal bag without hesitation and threw it to the far side without hesitation.

The ball about the size of a fist flew in front of the evil ghost chief in a flash, and then there was a thunderclap.

[Name: Honeycomb. grenade]

[Type: attack props]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Function: Damage all creatures within range]

[Characteristics: Heavy hit, increased destructive power +]

[Note: There is no problem that I cannot solve. If there is, it must be that the equivalent is not enough! 】

With a loud bang, the chief fell down without a doubt. The evil ghosts and insects were leaderless and were quickly killed by the Phantom Troupe. When the two of them were on the road again, Victor's steps were brisk and his expression was cheerful and smiling. It was obvious that he had just been dissected. The evil ghost chief has a rich harvest.

Taking advantage of the young man's good mood, Wei Ji asked: "Captain, this 'honeycomb' is really powerful. All the flesh and blood in the range are blurred. Why hasn't this kind of killer weapon appeared in the past? Can I use it?"

Victor shook his head in denial, "No, I won't use it because it's too powerful and easy to cause accidental injuries. I won't divide it between you and Angoulan for now because the detonation relies on traditional ignition. It is too dangerous without the herbal package. If it is not thrown out or If it explodes in your hand, the whole group will be destroyed instantly.”

After listening to the explanation, the rogue nodded seriously. Since the leader said it would not be open for the time being, it meant that there would be an opportunity in the future. Thinking back to the power of the honeycomb that had just destroyed the monster, Weiji was full of expectations.

Feeling the excitement of the group members, the group leader also felt very satisfied. Having verified the power of the honeycomb, his confidence in defeating the giant has improved a lot. Thanks to Krachi's previous full support from Keldro, the young man was very confident in his own equivalent reserves.

Thanks to the potion, they moved very fast, far exceeding the normal marching speed.

At noon, when he reached a high place and was about to descend, suddenly, the wolf sect badge on the boy's chest trembled slightly, which meant that there was a magic reaction or a monster approaching around him.

Stopping, Victor cautiously explored the grass on the roadside, and then he picked up an oval red gem.

Noticing the light the size of a quail egg in the young man's hand, Weiji was happy and congratulated: "Captain, you are so lucky to be able to pick up such a big gem while walking on the mountain."

Victor remained silent, holding the gem high and inspecting the lines inside through the sunlight, and then his expression turned extremely bad.

Putting the evidence into the herbal bag, the young man knew very well that it was not only a gem, but also a magic mark. Usually its appearance represented the appearance of a warlock, and the appearance of a warlock...

An ominous premonition flashed through his heart. The boy took a few steps forward and looked down from the cliff. Sure enough, there were obvious traces of an avalanche. In the snow, he could vaguely see broken longships and tents, the remains of Skellige warriors, and the female siren. body remains.

Following the young man's footsteps to the edge of the cliff, the scoundrel couldn't help but grit his teeth when he saw the tragic situation below, "Damn it! They are so unlucky. They were besieged by the female siren and encountered an avalanche..."

He hurriedly ran down the mountain to see if he could rescue some compatriots. Victor also took steps to follow, but his mind was thinking about what Weggie had just said.

"Are they so unlucky...?" If he hadn't picked up this gem, he might have thought the same way.

Summer is here, summer vacation is here, please be safe while playing in the water, ~Thank you to Blackstone Mountain Flame for your reward and encouragement.

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